Béla Vancsics 05b54c4a23 Use more specific asserts in tests
Instead of assertTrue and assertFalse use more specific asserts.
They are compatible with Python 2.7[1] and 3.4[2]


Change-Id: I21a00c97ca2ed8c62438d47a80dfa95b09e456ca
2017-02-28 03:14:25 +00:00

1563 lines
54 KiB

#! /usr/bin/python
# Copyright (c) 2014 IBM, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
from oslo_log import log as logging
from congress.datalog import base as datalog_base
from congress.datalog import builtin
from congress.datalog import compile
from congress import exception
from congress.policy_engines import agnostic
from congress.tests import base
from congress.tests import helper
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
addmap = {
'comparison': [
{'func': 'f(x,y)', 'num_inputs': 2,
'code': lambda x, y: x if x > y else y}],
'newcategory': [
{'func': 'g(x,y)', 'num_inputs': 2, 'code': lambda x, y: x + y}]}
append_builtin = {'arithmetic': [{'func': 'div(x,y)',
'num_inputs': 2,
'code': 'lambda x,y: x / y'}]}
class TestBuiltins(base.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(TestBuiltins, self).setUp()
self.cbcmap = builtin.CongressBuiltinCategoryMap(
self.predl = self.cbcmap.builtin('lt')
def test_add_and_delete_map(self):
cbcmap_before = self.cbcmap
def test_add_map_only(self):
predl = self.cbcmap.builtin('div')
predl = self.cbcmap.builtin('max')
def test_add_and_delete_builtin(self):
cbcmap_before = self.cbcmap
self.cbcmap.delete_builtin('arithmetic', 'div', 2)
def test_string_pred_string(self):
predstring = str(self.predl)
self.assertNotEqual(predstring, 'ltc(x,y')
def test_add_and_delete_to_category(self):
cbcmap_before = self.cbcmap
arglist = ['x', 'y', 'z']
pred = builtin.CongressBuiltinPred('testfunc', arglist, 1,
lambda x: not x)
self.cbcmap.insert_to_category('arithmetic', pred)
self.cbcmap.delete_from_category('arithmetic', pred)
def test_all_checks(self):
predtotest = self.cbcmap.builtin('lt')
def test_eval_builtin(self):
predl = self.cbcmap.builtin('plus')
result = predl.code(1, 2)
self.assertEqual(result, 3)
predl = self.cbcmap.builtin('gt')
result = predl.code(1, 2)
# NOTE(thinrichs): this test will be removed once we remove bare builtins
class TestReorder(base.TestCase):
def check(self, input_string, correct_string, msg):
rule = compile.parse1(input_string)
actual = compile.reorder_for_safety(rule)
correct = compile.parse1(correct_string)
if correct != actual:
emsg = "Correct: " + str(correct)
emsg += "; Actual: " + str(actual) + " :: " + emsg)
def check_err(self, input_string, unsafe_lit_strings, msg):
rule = compile.parse1(input_string)
compile.reorder_for_safety(rule)"Failed to raise exception for " + input_string)
except exception.PolicyException as e:
errmsg = str(e)
# parse then print to string so string rep same in err msg
unsafe_lits = [str(compile.parse1(x)) for x in unsafe_lit_strings]
missing_lits = [m for m in unsafe_lits
if m + " (vars" not in errmsg]
if len(missing_lits) > 0:
"Unsafe literals {} not reported in error: {}".format(
";".join(missing_lits), errmsg))
def test_reorder_builtins(self):
self.check("p(x, z) :- q(x, y), plus(x, y, z)",
"p(x, z) :- q(x, y), plus(x, y, z)",
"No reorder")
self.check("p(x, z) :- plus(x, y, z), q(x, y)",
"p(x, z) :- q(x, y), plus(x, y, z)",
"Basic reorder")
self.check("p(x, z) :- q(x, y), r(w), plus(x, y, z), plus(z, w, y)",
"p(x, z) :- q(x, y), r(w), plus(x, y, z), plus(z, w, y)",
"Chaining: no reorder")
self.check("p(x, z) :- q(x, y), plus(x, y, z), plus(z, w, y), r(w)",
"p(x, z) :- q(x, y), plus(x, y, z), r(w), plus(z, w, y)",
"Chaining: reorder")
self.check("p(x) :- lt(t, v), plus(z, w, t), plus(z, u, v), "
" plus(x, y, z), q(y), r(x), s(u), t(w) ",
"p(x) :- q(y), r(x), plus(x, y, z), s(u), plus(z, u, v), "
" t(w), plus(z, w, t), lt(t, v)",
"Partial-order chaining")
def test_unsafe_builtins(self):
# an output
self.check_err("p(x) :- q(x), plus(x, y, z)",
"Basic Unsafe input")
self.check_err("p(x) :- q(x), r(z), plus(x, y, z)",
"Basic Unsafe input 2")
self.check_err("p(x, z) :- plus(x, y, z), plus(z, y, x), "
" plus(x, z, y)",
["plus(x, y, z)", "plus(z, y, x)", "plus(x, z, y)"],
"Unsafe with cycle")
# no outputs
self.check_err("p(x) :- q(x), lt(x, y)",
"Basic Unsafe input, no outputs")
self.check_err("p(x) :- q(y), lt(x, y)",
"Basic Unsafe input, no outputs 2")
self.check_err("p(x, z) :- lt(x, y), lt(y, x)",
["lt(x,y)", "lt(y, x)"],
"Unsafe with cycle, no outputs")
# chaining
self.check_err("p(x) :- q(x, y), plus(x, y, z), plus(z, 3, w), "
" plus(w, t, u)",
["plus(w, t, u)"],
"Unsafe chaining")
self.check_err("p(x) :- q(x, y), plus(x, y, z), plus(z, 3, w), "
" lt(w, t)",
["lt(w, t)"],
"Unsafe chaining 2")
def test_reorder_negation(self):
self.check("p(x) :- q(x), not u(x), r(y), not s(x, y)",
"p(x) :- q(x), not u(x), r(y), not s(x, y)",
"No reordering")
self.check("p(x) :- not q(x), r(x)",
"p(x) :- r(x), not q(x)",
self.check("p(x) :- r(x), not q(x, y), s(y)",
"p(x) :- r(x), s(y), not q(x,y)",
"Partially safe")
self.check("p(x) :- not q(x, y), not r(x), not r(x, z), "
" t(x, y), u(x), s(z)",
"p(x) :- t(x,y), not q(x,y), not r(x), u(x), s(z), "
" not r(x, z)",
def test_unsafe_negation(self):
self.check_err("p(x) :- not q(x)",
self.check_err("p(x) :- not q(x), not r(x)",
["q(x)", "r(x)"],
self.check_err("p(x) :- not q(x, y), r(y)",
["q(x, y)"],
"Partially safe")
def test_reorder_builtins_negation(self):
self.check("p(x) :- not q(z), plus(x, y, z), s(x), s(y)",
"p(x) :- s(x), s(y), plus(x, y, z), not q(z)",
self.check("p(x) :- not q(z, w), plus(x, y, z), lt(z, w), "
" plus(x, 3, w), s(x, y)",
"p(x) :- s(x,y), plus(x, y, z), plus(x, 3, w), "
" not q(z, w), lt(z, w)",
"Partial order")
def test_unsafe_builtins_negation(self):
self.check_err("p(x) :- plus(x, y, z), not q(x, y)",
['plus(x,y,z)', 'q(x,y)'],
'Unsafe cycle')
self.check_err("p(x) :- plus(x, y, z), plus(z, w, t), not q(z, t),"
" s(x), t(y)",
['plus(z, w, t)', 'q(z, t)'],
'Unsafety propagates')
NREC_THEORY = 'non-recursive theory test'
MAT_THEORY = 'materialized view theory test'
# NOTE(thinrichs): this test will be removed once we remove bare builtins
class TestTheories(base.TestCase):
def prep_runtime(self, code=None, msg=None, target=None):
# compile source
if msg is not None:
if code is None:
code = ""
if target is None:
target = NREC_THEORY
run = agnostic.Runtime()
run.create_policy(NREC_THEORY, abbr="NRT",
run.create_policy(MAT_THEORY, abbr="MAT",
run.insert(code, target=target)
return run
def check_equal(self, actual_string, correct_string, msg):
actual_string, correct_string, msg))
def test_materialized_builtins(self):
def test_builtins(self, th=NREC_THEORY):
"""Test the mechanism that implements builtins."""
run = self.prep_runtime()
run.insert('p(x) :- q(x,y), plus(x,y,z), r(z)'
'r(5)', target=th)
self.check_equal('p(x)', target=th), "p(1) p(2)", "Plus")
run.delete('r(5)', target=th)
self.check_equal('p(x)', target=th), "p(1)", "Plus")
run = self.prep_runtime()
run.insert('p(x) :- q(x,y), minus(x,y,z), r(z)'
'r(4)', target=th)
self.check_equal('p(x)', target=th), "p(2)", "Minus")
run.delete('r(4)', target=th)
run.insert('r(2)', target=th)
self.check_equal('p(x)', target=th), "p(2) p(3)", "Minus")
run = self.prep_runtime()
run.insert('p(x, z) :- q(x,y), plus(x,y,z)'
'q(2,3)', target=th)
self.check_equal('p(x, y)', target=th),
"p(1, 3) p(2, 5)", "Plus")
run = self.prep_runtime()
run.insert('m(x) :- j(x,y), lt(x,y)'
'j(3,2)', target=th)
self.check_equal('m(x)', target=th), 'm(1)', "LT")
run = self.prep_runtime()
run.insert('m(x) :- j(x,y), lt(x,y), r(y)'
'r(2)', target=th)
self.check_equal('m(x)', target=th), 'm(1)', "LT 2")
run = self.prep_runtime()
run.insert('p(x,z) :- q(x), plus(x,1,z)'
'q(5)', target=th)
self.check_equal('p(x,z)', target=th),
'p(3, 4) p(5,6)', "Bound input")
run = self.prep_runtime()
run.insert('p(x) :- q(x), plus(x,1,5)'
'q(5)', target=th)
self.check_equal('p(x)', target=th),
'p(4)', "Bound output")
run = self.prep_runtime()
run.insert('p(x, z) :- plus(x,y,z), q(x), r(y)'
'r(5)', target=th)
self.check_equal('p(x, y)', target=th),
'p(4, 9)',
run = self.prep_runtime()
run.insert('p(x, z) :- plus(x,y,z), q(x), q(y)'
'q(5)', target=th)
self.check_equal('p(x, y)', target=th),
'p(4, 9) p(4, 8) p(5, 9) p(5, 10)',
"Reordering with self joins")
def test_materialized_builtins_content(self):
def test_builtins_content(self, th=NREC_THEORY):
"""Test the content of the builtins, not the mechanism."""
def check_true(code, msg):
run = self.prep_runtime('')
run.insert(code, target=th)
self.check_equal('p(x)', target=th),
def check_false(code, msg):
run = self.prep_runtime('')
run.insert(code, target=th)
self.check_equal('p(x)', target=th),
# Numbers
# int
code = 'p(1) :- int(2,2)'
check_true(code, "int")
code = 'p(1) :- int(2.3, 2)'
check_true(code, "int")
code = 'p(1) :- int(2, 3.3)'
check_false(code, "int")
# float
code = 'p(1) :- float(2,2.0)'
check_true(code, "float")
code = 'p(1) :- float(2.3,2.3)'
check_true(code, "float")
code = 'p(1) :- float(2,3.3)'
check_false(code, "int")
# plus
code = 'p(1) :- plus(2,3,5)'
check_true(code, "plus")
code = 'p(1) :- plus(2,3,1)'
check_false(code, "plus")
# minus
code = 'p(1) :- minus(5, 3, 2)'
check_true(code, "minus")
code = 'p(1) :- minus(5, 3, 6)'
check_false(code, "minus")
# minus negative: negative numbers should not be supported
# code = 'p(1) :- minus(3, 5, x)'
# check_false(code, "minus")
# times
code = 'p(1) :- mul(3, 5, 15)'
check_true(code, "multiply")
code = 'p(1) :- mul(2, 5, 1)'
check_false(code, "multiply")
# divides
code = 'p(1) :- div(10, 2, 5)'
check_true(code, "divides")
code = 'p(1) :- div(10, 4, 2)'
check_true(code, "integer divides")
code = 'p(1) :- div(10, 4.0, 2.5)'
check_true(code, "float divides")
code = 'p(1) :- div(10.0, 3, 3.3)'
check_false(code, "divides")
# Comparison
# less than
code = 'p(1) :- lt(1, 3)'
check_true(code, "lessthan")
code = 'p(1) :- lt(5, 2)'
check_false(code, "lessthan")
# less than equal
code = 'p(1) :- lteq(1, 3)'
check_true(code, "lessthaneq")
code = 'p(1) :- lteq(3, 3)'
check_true(code, "lessthaneq")
code = 'p(1) :- lteq(4, 3)'
check_false(code, "lessthaneq")
# greater than
code = 'p(1) :- gt(9, 5)'
check_true(code, "greaterthan")
code = 'p(1) :- gt(5, 9)'
check_false(code, "greaterthan")
# greater than equal
code = 'p(1) :- gteq(10, 5)'
check_true(code, "greaterthaneq")
code = 'p(1) :- gteq(10, 10)'
check_true(code, "greaterthaneq")
code = 'p(1) :- gteq(5, 20)'
check_false(code, "greaterthaneq")
# equal
code = 'p(1) :- equal(5, 5)'
check_true(code, "equal")
code = 'p(1) :- equal(5, 7)'
check_false(code, "equal")
# max
code = 'p(1) :- max(3, 4, 4)'
check_true(code, "max")
code = 'p(1) :- max(3, 7, 3)'
check_false(code, "max")
# Strings
# len
code = 'p(1) :- len("abcde", 5)'
check_true(code, "Len")
code = 'p(1) :- len("abcde", 7)'
check_false(code, "Len")
# concat
code = 'p(1) :- concat("abc", "def", "abcdef")'
check_true(code, "concat")
code = 'p(1) :- concat("abc", "def", "zxy")'
check_false(code, "concat")
# Datetime
# We should make some of these more robust but can't do
# that with the safety restrictions in place at the time
# of writing.
# lessthan
code = ('p(1) :- datetime_lt('
'"Jan 1, 2014 10:00:00", "2014-01-02 10:00:00")')
check_true(code, "True datetime_lt")
code = ('p(1) :- datetime_lt('
'"2014-01-03 10:00:00", "Jan 2, 2014 10:00:00")')
check_false(code, "False datetime_lt")
# lessthanequal
code = ('p(1) :- datetime_lteq('
'"Jan 1, 2014 10:00:00", "2014-01-02 10:00:00")')
check_true(code, "True datetime_lteq")
code = ('p(1) :- datetime_lteq('
'"Jan 1, 2014 10:00:00", "2014-01-01 10:00:00")')
check_true(code, "True datetime_lteq")
code = ('p(1) :- datetime_lteq('
'"2014-01-02 10:00:00", "Jan 1, 2014 10:00:00")')
check_false(code, "False datetime_lteq")
# greaterthan
code = ('p(1) :- datetime_gt('
'"Jan 5, 2014 10:00:00", "2014-01-02 10:00:00")')
check_true(code, "True datetime_gt")
code = ('p(1) :- datetime_gt('
'"2014-01-03 10:00:00", "Feb 2, 2014 10:00:00")')
check_false(code, "False datetime_gt")
# greaterthanequal
code = ('p(1) :- datetime_gteq('
'"Jan 5, 2014 10:00:00", "2014-01-02 10:00:00")')
check_true(code, "True datetime_gteq")
code = ('p(1) :- datetime_gteq('
'"Jan 5, 2014 10:00:00", "2014-01-05 10:00:00")')
check_true(code, "True datetime_gteq")
code = ('p(1) :- datetime_gteq('
'"2014-01-02 10:00:00", "Mar 1, 2014 10:00:00")')
check_false(code, "False datetime_gteq")
# equal
code = ('p(1) :- datetime_equal('
'"Jan 5, 2014 10:00:00", "2014-01-05 10:00:00")')
check_true(code, "True datetime_equal")
code = ('p(1) :- datetime_equal('
'"Jan 5, 2014 10:00:00", "2014-01-02 10:00:00")')
check_false(code, "False datetime_equal")
# plus
code = ('p(1) :- datetime_plus('
'"Jan 5, 2014 10:00:00", 3600, "2014-01-05 11:00:00")')
check_true(code, "True datetime_plus")
code = ('p(1) :- datetime_plus('
'"Jan 5, 2014 10:00:00", "1:00:00", "2014-01-05 11:00:00")')
check_true(code, "True datetime_plus")
code = ('p(1) :- datetime_plus('
'"Jan 5, 2014 10:00:00", 3600, "2014-01-05 12:00:00")')
check_false(code, "False datetime_plus")
# minus
code = ('p(1) :- datetime_minus('
'"Jan 5, 2014 10:00:00", "25:00:00", "2014-01-04 09:00:00")')
check_true(code, "True datetime_minus")
code = ('p(1) :- datetime_minus('
'"Jan 5, 2014 10:00:00", 3600, "2014-01-05 09:00:00")')
check_true(code, "True datetime_minus")
code = ('p(1) :- datetime_minus('
'"Jan 5, 2014 10:00:00", "9:00:00", "Jan 4, 2014 10:00:00")')
check_false(code, "False datetime_minus")
# to_seconds
code = ('p(1) :- datetime_to_seconds('
'"Jan 1, 1900 1:00:00", 3600)')
check_true(code, "True datetime_to_seconds")
code = ('p(1) :- datetime_to_seconds('
'"Jan 1, 1900 1:00:00", 3601)')
check_false(code, "False datetime_to_seconds")
# extract_time
code = ('p(1) :- extract_time('
'"Jan 1, 1900 1:00:00", "01:00:00")')
check_true(code, "True extract_time")
code = ('p(1) :- extract_time('
'"Jan 1, 1900 1:00:00", "02:00:00")')
check_false(code, "False extract_time")
# extract_date
code = ('p(1) :- extract_date('
'"Jan 1, 1900 1:00:00", "1900-01-01")')
check_true(code, "True extract_date")
code = ('p(1) :- extract_date('
'"Jan 1, 1900 1:00:00", "2000-01-01")')
check_false(code, "False extract_date")
# pack_datetime
code = ('p(1) :- pack_datetime(2000, 1, 1, 10, 5, 6, '
'"2000-1-1 10:5:6")')
check_true(code, "True pack_datetime")
code = ('p(1) :- pack_datetime(2000, 1, 1, 10, 5, 6, '
'"2000-1-1 10:5:20")')
check_false(code, "False pack_datetime")
# pack_date
code = ('p(1) :- pack_date(2000, 1, 1, '
check_true(code, "True pack_date")
code = ('p(1) :- pack_date(2000, 1, 1, '
check_false(code, "False pack_date")
# pack_time
code = ('p(1) :- pack_time(5, 6, 7, '
check_true(code, "True pack_time")
code = ('p(1) :- pack_time(5, 6, 7, '
check_false(code, "False pack_time")
# unpack_datetime
code = ('p(1) :- unpack_datetime("2000-1-1 10:5:6", '
'2000, 1, 1, 10, 5, 6)')
check_true(code, "True unpack_datetime")
code = ('p(1) :- unpack_datetime("2000-1-1 10:5:6", '
'2000, 1, 1, 12, 5, 6)')
check_false(code, "False unpack_datetime")
# unpack_date
code = ('p(1) :- unpack_date("2000-1-1 10:5:6", '
'2000, 1, 1)')
check_true(code, "True unpack_date")
code = ('p(1) :- unpack_date("2000-1-1 10:5:6", '
'2000, 1, 5)')
check_false(code, "False unpack_date")
# unpack_time
code = ('p(1) :- unpack_time("2000-1-1 10:5:6", '
'10, 5, 6)')
check_true(code, "True unpack_time")
code = ('p(1) :- unpack_time("2000-1-1 10:5:6", '
'12, 5, 6)')
check_false(code, "False unpack_time")
# unpack_time
code = 'p(1) :- now(x)'
check_true(code, "True unpack_time")
# Network Address IPv4
# ip equal
code = ('p(1) :- ips_equal("", "")')
check_true(code, "True ip_equal")
code = ('p(1) :- ips_equal("", "")')
check_false(code, "False ip_equal")
# ip less than
code = ('p(1) :- ips_lt("", "")')
check_true(code, "True ip_lt")
code = ('p(1) :- ips_lt("", "")')
check_false(code, "False ip_lt")
code = ('p(1) :- ips_lt("", "")')
check_false(code, "False ip_lt")
# ip less than equal
code = ('p(1) :- ips_lteq("", "")')
check_true(code, "True ip_lteq")
code = ('p(1) :- ips_lteq("", "")')
check_true(code, "True ip_lteq")
code = ('p(1) :- ips_lteq("", "")')
check_false(code, "False ip_lteq")
# ip greater than
code = ('p(1) :- ips_gt("", "")')
check_true(code, "True ip_gt")
code = ('p(1) :- ips_gt("", "")')
check_false(code, "False ip_gt")
code = ('p(1) :- ips_gt("", "")')
check_false(code, "False ip_gt")
# ip greater than equal
code = ('p(1) :- ips_gteq("", "")')
check_true(code, "True ip_gteq")
code = ('p(1) :- ips_gteq("", "")')
check_true(code, "True ip_gteq")
code = ('p(1) :- ips_gteq("", "")')
check_false(code, "False ip_gteq")
# networks equal
code = ('p(1) :- networks_equal("", "")')
check_true(code, "True networks_equal")
code = ('p(1) :- networks_equal("", "")')
check_false(code, "False networks_equal")
# networks overlap
code = ('p(1) :- networks_overlap("", "")')
check_true(code, "True networks_overlap")
code = ('p(1) :- networks_overlap("", "")')
check_false(code, "False networks_overlap")
# ip in network
code = ('p(1) :- ip_in_network("", "")')
check_true(code, "True ip_in_network")
code = ('p(1) :- ip_in_network("", "")')
check_false(code, "False ip_in_network")
# Network Address IPv6
# ip equal
code = ('p(1) :- ips_equal("::ffff:", "::ffff:")')
check_true(code, "True ip_equal v6")
code = ('p(1) :- ips_equal("::ffff:", "::ffff:")')
check_false(code, "False ip_equal v6")
# ip less than
code = ('p(1) :- ips_lt("::ffff:", "::ffff:")')
check_true(code, "True ip_lt v6")
code = ('p(1) :- ips_lt("::ffff:", "::ffff:")')
check_false(code, "False ip_lt v6")
code = ('p(1) :- ips_lt("::ffff:", "::ffff:")')
check_false(code, "False ip_lt v6")
# ip less than equal
code = ('p(1) :- ips_lteq("::ffff:", "::ffff:")')
check_true(code, "True ip_lteq v6")
code = ('p(1) :- ips_lteq("::ffff:", "::ffff:")')
check_true(code, "True ip_lteq v6")
code = ('p(1) :- ips_lteq("::ffff:", "::ffff:")')
check_false(code, "False ip_lteq v6")
# ip greater than
code = ('p(1) :- ips_gt("::ffff:", "::ffff:")')
check_true(code, "True ip_gt v6")
code = ('p(1) :- ips_gt("::ffff:", "::ffff:")')
check_false(code, "False ip_gt v6")
code = ('p(1) :- ips_gt("::ffff:", "::ffff:")')
check_false(code, "False ip_gt v6")
# ip greater than equal
code = ('p(1) :- ips_gteq("::ffff:", "::ffff:")')
check_true(code, "True ip_gteq v6")
code = ('p(1) :- ips_gteq("::ffff:", "::ffff:")')
check_true(code, "True ip_gteq v6")
code = ('p(1) :- ips_gteq("::ffff:", "::ffff:")')
check_false(code, "False ip_gteq v6")
# networks equal
code = ('p(1) :- networks_equal("fe80::ffff:",'
' "fe80::ffff:")')
check_true(code, "True networks_equal v6")
code = ('p(1) :- networks_equal("fe80::ffff:",'
' "ae80::ffff:")')
check_false(code, "False networks_equal v6")
# networks overlap
code = ('p(1) :- networks_overlap("fe80::ffff:",'
' "fe80::ffff:")')
check_true(code, "True networks_overlap v6")
code = ('p(1) :- networks_overlap("fe80::ffff:",'
' "ae80::ffff:")')
check_false(code, "False networks_overlap v6")
# ip in network
code = ('p(1) :- ip_in_network("fe80::ffff:",'
' "fe80::ffff:")')
check_true(code, "True ip_in_network v6")
code = ('p(1) :- ip_in_network("fe80::ffff:",'
' "ae80::ffff:")')
check_false(code, "False ip_in_network v6")
class TestNamedspacedReorder(base.TestCase):
def check(self, input_string, correct_string, msg):
rule = compile.parse1(input_string)
actual = compile.reorder_for_safety(rule)
correct = compile.parse1(correct_string)
if correct != actual:
emsg = "Correct: " + str(correct)
emsg += "; Actual: " + str(actual) + " :: " + emsg)
def check_err(self, input_string, unsafe_lit_strings, msg):
rule = compile.parse1(input_string)
compile.reorder_for_safety(rule)"Failed to raise exception for " + input_string)
except exception.PolicyException as e:
errmsg = str(e)
# parse then print to string so string rep same in err msg
unsafe_lits = [str(compile.parse1(x)) for x in unsafe_lit_strings]
missing_lits = [m for m in unsafe_lits
if m + " (vars" not in errmsg]
if len(missing_lits) > 0:
"Unsafe literals {} not reported in error: {}".format(
";".join(missing_lits), errmsg))
def test_reorder_builtins(self):
self.check("p(x, z) :- q(x, y), builtin:plus(x, y, z)",
"p(x, z) :- q(x, y), builtin:plus(x, y, z)",
"No reorder")
self.check("p(x, z) :- builtin:plus(x, y, z), q(x, y)",
"p(x, z) :- q(x, y), builtin:plus(x, y, z)",
"Basic reorder")
self.check("p(x, z) :- q(x, y), r(w), builtin:plus(x, y, z), "
" builtin:plus(z, w, y)",
"p(x, z) :- q(x, y), r(w), builtin:plus(x, y, z), "
" builtin:plus(z, w, y)",
"Chaining: no reorder")
self.check("p(x, z) :- q(x, y), builtin:plus(x, y, z), "
" builtin:plus(z, w, y), r(w)",
"p(x, z) :- q(x, y), builtin:plus(x, y, z), r(w), "
" builtin:plus(z, w, y)",
"Chaining: reorder")
self.check("p(x) :- builtin:lt(t, v), builtin:plus(z, w, t), "
" builtin:plus(z, u, v), "
" builtin:plus(x, y, z), q(y), r(x), s(u), t(w) ",
"p(x) :- q(y), r(x), builtin:plus(x, y, z), s(u), "
" builtin:plus(z, u, v), "
" t(w), builtin:plus(z, w, t), builtin:lt(t, v)",
"Partial-order chaining")
def test_unsafe_builtins(self):
# an output
self.check_err("p(x) :- q(x), builtin:plus(x, y, z)",
"Basic Unsafe input")
self.check_err("p(x) :- q(x), r(z), builtin:plus(x, y, z)",
"Basic Unsafe input 2")
self.check_err("p(x, z) :- builtin:plus(x, y, z), "
" builtin:plus(z, y, x), builtin:plus(x, z, y)",
["builtin:plus(x, y, z)", "builtin:plus(z, y, x)",
"builtin:plus(x, z, y)"],
"Unsafe with cycle")
# no outputs
self.check_err("p(x) :- q(x), builtin:lt(x, y)",
"Basic Unsafe input, no outputs")
self.check_err("p(x) :- q(y), builtin:lt(x, y)",
"Basic Unsafe input, no outputs 2")
self.check_err("p(x, z) :- builtin:lt(x, y), builtin:lt(y, x)",
["builtin:lt(x,y)", "builtin:lt(y, x)"],
"Unsafe with cycle, no outputs")
# chaining
self.check_err("p(x) :- q(x, y), builtin:plus(x, y, z), "
" builtin:plus(z, 3, w), builtin:plus(w, t, u)",
["builtin:plus(w, t, u)"],
"Unsafe chaining")
self.check_err("p(x) :- q(x, y), builtin:plus(x, y, z), "
" builtin:plus(z, 3, w), builtin:lt(w, t)",
["builtin:lt(w, t)"],
"Unsafe chaining 2")
def test_reorder_negation(self):
self.check("p(x) :- q(x), not u(x), r(y), not s(x, y)",
"p(x) :- q(x), not u(x), r(y), not s(x, y)",
"No reordering")
self.check("p(x) :- not q(x), r(x)",
"p(x) :- r(x), not q(x)",
self.check("p(x) :- r(x), not q(x, y), s(y)",
"p(x) :- r(x), s(y), not q(x,y)",
"Partially safe")
self.check("p(x) :- not q(x, y), not r(x), not r(x, z), "
" t(x, y), u(x), s(z)",
"p(x) :- t(x,y), not q(x,y), not r(x), u(x), s(z), "
" not r(x, z)",
def test_unsafe_negation(self):
self.check_err("p(x) :- not q(x)",
self.check_err("p(x) :- not q(x), not r(x)",
["q(x)", "r(x)"],
self.check_err("p(x) :- not q(x, y), r(y)",
["q(x, y)"],
"Partially safe")
def test_reorder_builtins_negation(self):
self.check("p(x) :- not q(z), builtin:plus(x, y, z), s(x), s(y)",
"p(x) :- s(x), s(y), builtin:plus(x, y, z), not q(z)",
self.check("p(x) :- not q(z, w), builtin:plus(x, y, z), "
" builtin:lt(z, w), builtin:plus(x, 3, w), s(x, y)",
"p(x) :- s(x,y), builtin:plus(x, y, z), "
" builtin:plus(x, 3, w), not q(z, w), builtin:lt(z, w)",
"Partial order")
def test_unsafe_builtins_negation(self):
self.check_err("p(x) :- builtin:plus(x, y, z), not q(x, y)",
['builtin:plus(x,y,z)', 'q(x,y)'],
'Unsafe cycle')
self.check_err("p(x) :- builtin:plus(x, y, z), builtin:plus(z, w, t),"
" not q(z, t), s(x), t(y)",
['builtin:plus(z, w, t)', 'q(z, t)'],
'Unsafety propagates')
class TestNamespacedTheories(base.TestCase):
def prep_runtime(self, code=None, msg=None, target=None):
# compile source
if msg is not None:
if code is None:
code = ""
if target is None:
target = NREC_THEORY
run = agnostic.Runtime()
run.create_policy(NREC_THEORY, abbr="NRT",
run.create_policy(MAT_THEORY, abbr="MAT",
run.insert(code, target=target)
return run
def check_equal(self, actual_string, correct_string, msg):
actual_string, correct_string, msg))
def test_materialized_builtins(self):
def test_builtins(self, th=NREC_THEORY):
"""Test the mechanism that implements builtins."""
run = self.prep_runtime()
run.insert('p(x) :- q(x,y), builtin:plus(x,y,z), r(z)'
'r(5)', target=th)
self.check_equal('p(x)', target=th), "p(1) p(2)", "Plus")
run.delete('r(5)', target=th)
self.check_equal('p(x)', target=th), "p(1)", "Plus")
run = self.prep_runtime()
run.insert('p(x) :- q(x,y), builtin:minus(x,y,z), r(z)'
'r(4)', target=th)
self.check_equal('p(x)', target=th), "p(2)", "Minus")
run.delete('r(4)', target=th)
run.insert('r(2)', target=th)
self.check_equal('p(x)', target=th), "p(2) p(3)", "Minus")
run = self.prep_runtime()
run.insert('p(x, z) :- q(x,y), builtin:plus(x,y,z)'
'q(2,3)', target=th)
self.check_equal('p(x, y)', target=th),
"p(1, 3) p(2, 5)", "Plus")
run = self.prep_runtime()
run.insert('m(x) :- j(x,y), builtin:lt(x,y)'
'j(3,2)', target=th)
self.check_equal('m(x)', target=th), 'm(1)', "LT")
run = self.prep_runtime()
run.insert('m(x) :- j(x,y), builtin:lt(x,y), r(y)'
'r(2)', target=th)
self.check_equal('m(x)', target=th), 'm(1)', "LT 2")
run = self.prep_runtime()
run.insert('p(x,z) :- q(x), builtin:plus(x,1,z)'
'q(5)', target=th)
self.check_equal('p(x,z)', target=th),
'p(3, 4) p(5,6)', "Bound input")
run = self.prep_runtime()
run.insert('p(x) :- q(x), builtin:plus(x,1,5)'
'q(5)', target=th)
self.check_equal('p(x)', target=th),
'p(4)', "Bound output")
run = self.prep_runtime()
run.insert('p(x, z) :- builtin:plus(x,y,z), q(x), r(y)'
'r(5)', target=th)
self.check_equal('p(x, y)', target=th),
'p(4, 9)',
run = self.prep_runtime()
run.insert('p(x, z) :- builtin:plus(x,y,z), q(x), q(y)'
'q(5)', target=th)
self.check_equal('p(x, y)', target=th),
'p(4, 9) p(4, 8) p(5, 9) p(5, 10)',
"Reordering with self joins")
def test_materialized_builtins_content(self):
def test_builtins_content(self, th=NREC_THEORY):
"""Test the content of the builtins, not the mechanism."""
def check_true(code, msg):
run = self.prep_runtime('')
run.insert(code, target=th)
self.check_equal('p(x)', target=th),
def check_false(code, msg):
run = self.prep_runtime('')
run.insert(code, target=th)
self.check_equal('p(x)', target=th),
# Numbers
# int
code = 'p(1) :- builtin:int(2,2)'
check_true(code, "int")
code = 'p(1) :- builtin:int(2.3, 2)'
check_true(code, "int")
code = 'p(1) :- builtin:int(2, 3.3)'
check_false(code, "int")
# float
code = 'p(1) :- builtin:float(2,2.0)'
check_true(code, "float")
code = 'p(1) :- builtin:float(2.3,2.3)'
check_true(code, "float")
code = 'p(1) :- builtin:float(2,3.3)'
check_false(code, "int")
# plus
code = 'p(1) :- builtin:plus(2,3,5)'
check_true(code, "plus")
code = 'p(1) :- builtin:plus(2,3,1)'
check_false(code, "plus")
# minus
code = 'p(1) :- builtin:minus(5, 3, 2)'
check_true(code, "minus")
code = 'p(1) :- builtin:minus(5, 3, 6)'
check_false(code, "minus")
# minus negative: negative numbers should not be supported
# code = 'p(1) :- minus(3, 5, x)'
# check_false(code, "minus")
# times
code = 'p(1) :- builtin:mul(3, 5, 15)'
check_true(code, "multiply")
code = 'p(1) :- builtin:mul(2, 5, 1)'
check_false(code, "multiply")
# divides
code = 'p(1) :- builtin:div(10, 2, 5)'
check_true(code, "divides")
code = 'p(1) :- builtin:div(10, 4, 2)'
check_true(code, "integer divides")
code = 'p(1) :- builtin:div(10, 4.0, 2.5)'
check_true(code, "float divides")
code = 'p(1) :- builtin:div(10.0, 3, 3.3)'
check_false(code, "divides")
# Comparison
# less than
code = 'p(1) :- builtin:lt(1, 3)'
check_true(code, "lessthan")
code = 'p(1) :- builtin:lt(5, 2)'
check_false(code, "lessthan")
# less than equal
code = 'p(1) :- builtin:lteq(1, 3)'
check_true(code, "lessthaneq")
code = 'p(1) :- builtin:lteq(3, 3)'
check_true(code, "lessthaneq")
code = 'p(1) :- builtin:lteq(4, 3)'
check_false(code, "lessthaneq")
# greater than
code = 'p(1) :- builtin:gt(9, 5)'
check_true(code, "greaterthan")
code = 'p(1) :- builtin:gt(5, 9)'
check_false(code, "greaterthan")
# greater than equal
code = 'p(1) :- builtin:gteq(10, 5)'
check_true(code, "greaterthaneq")
code = 'p(1) :- builtin:gteq(10, 10)'
check_true(code, "greaterthaneq")
code = 'p(1) :- builtin:gteq(5, 20)'
check_false(code, "greaterthaneq")
# equal
code = 'p(1) :- builtin:equal(5, 5)'
check_true(code, "equal")
code = 'p(1) :- builtin:equal(5, 7)'
check_false(code, "equal")
# max
code = 'p(1) :- builtin:max(3, 4, 4)'
check_true(code, "max")
code = 'p(1) :- builtin:max(3, 7, 3)'
check_false(code, "max")
# Strings
# len
code = 'p(1) :- builtin:len("abcde", 5)'
check_true(code, "Len")
code = 'p(1) :- builtin:len("abcde", 7)'
check_false(code, "Len")
# concat
code = 'p(1) :- builtin:concat("abc", "def", "abcdef")'
check_true(code, "concat")
code = 'p(1) :- builtin:concat("abc", "def", "zxy")'
check_false(code, "concat")
# Datetime
# We should make some of these more robust but can't do
# that with the safety restrictions in place at the time
# of writing.
# lessthan
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:datetime_lt('
'"Jan 1, 2014 10:00:00", "2014-01-02 10:00:00")')
check_true(code, "True datetime_lt")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:datetime_lt('
'"2014-01-03 10:00:00", "Jan 2, 2014 10:00:00")')
check_false(code, "False datetime_lt")
# lessthanequal
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:datetime_lteq('
'"Jan 1, 2014 10:00:00", "2014-01-02 10:00:00")')
check_true(code, "True datetime_lteq")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:datetime_lteq('
'"Jan 1, 2014 10:00:00", "2014-01-01 10:00:00")')
check_true(code, "True datetime_lteq")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:datetime_lteq('
'"2014-01-02 10:00:00", "Jan 1, 2014 10:00:00")')
check_false(code, "False datetime_lteq")
# greaterthan
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:datetime_gt('
'"Jan 5, 2014 10:00:00", "2014-01-02 10:00:00")')
check_true(code, "True datetime_gt")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:datetime_gt('
'"2014-01-03 10:00:00", "Feb 2, 2014 10:00:00")')
check_false(code, "False datetime_gt")
# greaterthanequal
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:datetime_gteq('
'"Jan 5, 2014 10:00:00", "2014-01-02 10:00:00")')
check_true(code, "True datetime_gteq")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:datetime_gteq('
'"Jan 5, 2014 10:00:00", "2014-01-05 10:00:00")')
check_true(code, "True datetime_gteq")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:datetime_gteq('
'"2014-01-02 10:00:00", "Mar 1, 2014 10:00:00")')
check_false(code, "False datetime_gteq")
# equal
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:datetime_equal('
'"Jan 5, 2014 10:00:00", "2014-01-05 10:00:00")')
check_true(code, "True datetime_equal")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:datetime_equal('
'"Jan 5, 2014 10:00:00", "2014-01-02 10:00:00")')
check_false(code, "False datetime_equal")
# plus
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:datetime_plus('
'"Jan 5, 2014 10:00:00", 3600, "2014-01-05 11:00:00")')
check_true(code, "True datetime_plus")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:datetime_plus('
'"Jan 5, 2014 10:00:00", "1:00:00", "2014-01-05 11:00:00")')
check_true(code, "True datetime_plus")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:datetime_plus('
'"Jan 5, 2014 10:00:00", 3600, "2014-01-05 12:00:00")')
check_false(code, "False datetime_plus")
# minus
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:datetime_minus('
'"Jan 5, 2014 10:00:00", "25:00:00", "2014-01-04 09:00:00")')
check_true(code, "True datetime_minus")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:datetime_minus('
'"Jan 5, 2014 10:00:00", 3600, "2014-01-05 09:00:00")')
check_true(code, "True datetime_minus")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:datetime_minus('
'"Jan 5, 2014 10:00:00", "9:00:00", "Jan 4, 2014 10:00:00")')
check_false(code, "False datetime_minus")
# to_seconds
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:datetime_to_seconds('
'"Jan 1, 1900 1:00:00", 3600)')
check_true(code, "True datetime_to_seconds")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:datetime_to_seconds('
'"Jan 1, 1900 1:00:00", 3601)')
check_false(code, "False datetime_to_seconds")
# extract_time
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:extract_time('
'"Jan 1, 1900 1:00:00", "01:00:00")')
check_true(code, "True extract_time")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:extract_time('
'"Jan 1, 1900 1:00:00", "02:00:00")')
check_false(code, "False extract_time")
# extract_date
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:extract_date('
'"Jan 1, 1900 1:00:00", "1900-01-01")')
check_true(code, "True extract_date")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:extract_date('
'"Jan 1, 1900 1:00:00", "2000-01-01")')
check_false(code, "False extract_date")
# pack_datetime
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:pack_datetime(2000, 1, 1, 10, 5, 6, '
'"2000-1-1 10:5:6")')
check_true(code, "True pack_datetime")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:pack_datetime(2000, 1, 1, 10, 5, 6, '
'"2000-1-1 10:5:20")')
check_false(code, "False pack_datetime")
# pack_date
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:pack_date(2000, 1, 1, '
check_true(code, "True pack_date")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:pack_date(2000, 1, 1, '
check_false(code, "False pack_date")
# pack_time
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:pack_time(5, 6, 7, '
check_true(code, "True pack_time")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:pack_time(5, 6, 7, '
check_false(code, "False pack_time")
# unpack_datetime
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:unpack_datetime("2000-1-1 10:5:6", '
'2000, 1, 1, 10, 5, 6)')
check_true(code, "True unpack_datetime")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:unpack_datetime("2000-1-1 10:5:6", '
'2000, 1, 1, 12, 5, 6)')
check_false(code, "False unpack_datetime")
# unpack_date
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:unpack_date("2000-1-1 10:5:6", '
'2000, 1, 1)')
check_true(code, "True unpack_date")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:unpack_date("2000-1-1 10:5:6", '
'2000, 1, 5)')
check_false(code, "False unpack_date")
# unpack_time
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:unpack_time("2000-1-1 10:5:6", '
'10, 5, 6)')
check_true(code, "True unpack_time")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:unpack_time("2000-1-1 10:5:6", '
'12, 5, 6)')
check_false(code, "False unpack_time")
# unpack_time
code = 'p(1) :- builtin:now(x)'
check_true(code, "True unpack_time")
# Network Address IPv4
# ip equal
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:ips_equal("", "")')
check_true(code, "True ip_equal")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:ips_equal("", "")')
check_false(code, "False ip_equal")
# ip less than
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:ips_lt("", "")')
check_true(code, "True ip_lt")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:ips_lt("", "")')
check_false(code, "False ip_lt")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:ips_lt("", "")')
check_false(code, "False ip_lt")
# ip less than equal
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:ips_lteq("", "")')
check_true(code, "True ip_lteq")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:ips_lteq("", "")')
check_true(code, "True ip_lteq")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:ips_lteq("", "")')
check_false(code, "False ip_lteq")
# ip greater than
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:ips_gt("", "")')
check_true(code, "True ip_gt")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:ips_gt("", "")')
check_false(code, "False ip_gt")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:ips_gt("", "")')
check_false(code, "False ip_gt")
# ip greater than equal
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:ips_gteq("", "")')
check_true(code, "True ip_gteq")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:ips_gteq("", "")')
check_true(code, "True ip_gteq")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:ips_gteq("", "")')
check_false(code, "False ip_gteq")
# networks equal
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:networks_equal("", '
check_true(code, "True networks_equal")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:networks_equal("", '
check_false(code, "False networks_equal")
# networks overlap
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:networks_overlap("", '
check_true(code, "True networks_overlap")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:networks_overlap("", '
check_false(code, "False networks_overlap")
# ip in network
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:ip_in_network("", '
check_true(code, "True ip_in_network")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:ip_in_network("", '
check_false(code, "False ip_in_network")
# Network Address IPv6
# ip equal
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:ips_equal("::ffff:", '
' "::ffff:")')
check_true(code, "True ip_equal v6")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:ips_equal("::ffff:", '
' "::ffff:")')
check_false(code, "False ip_equal v6")
# ip less than
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:ips_lt("::ffff:", '
' "::ffff:")')
check_true(code, "True ip_lt v6")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:ips_lt("::ffff:", '
' "::ffff:")')
check_false(code, "False ip_lt v6")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:ips_lt("::ffff:", '
' "::ffff:")')
check_false(code, "False ip_lt v6")
# ip less than equal
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:ips_lteq("::ffff:", '
' "::ffff:")')
check_true(code, "True ip_lteq v6")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:ips_lteq("::ffff:", '
' "::ffff:")')
check_true(code, "True ip_lteq v6")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:ips_lteq("::ffff:", '
' "::ffff:")')
check_false(code, "False ip_lteq v6")
# ip greater than
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:ips_gt("::ffff:", '
' "::ffff:")')
check_true(code, "True ip_gt v6")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:ips_gt("::ffff:", '
' "::ffff:")')
check_false(code, "False ip_gt v6")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:ips_gt("::ffff:", '
' "::ffff:")')
check_false(code, "False ip_gt v6")
# ip greater than equal
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:ips_gteq("::ffff:", '
' "::ffff:")')
check_true(code, "True ip_gteq v6")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:ips_gteq("::ffff:", '
' "::ffff:")')
check_true(code, "True ip_gteq v6")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:ips_gteq("::ffff:", '
' "::ffff:")')
check_false(code, "False ip_gteq v6")
# networks equal
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:networks_equal("fe80::ffff:",'
' "fe80::ffff:")')
check_true(code, "True networks_equal v6")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:networks_equal("fe80::ffff:",'
' "ae80::ffff:")')
check_false(code, "False networks_equal v6")
# networks overlap
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:networks_overlap("fe80::ffff:",'
' "fe80::ffff:")')
check_true(code, "True networks_overlap v6")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:networks_overlap("fe80::ffff:",'
' "ae80::ffff:")')
check_false(code, "False networks_overlap v6")
# ip in network
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:ip_in_network("fe80::ffff:",'
' "fe80::ffff:")')
check_true(code, "True ip_in_network v6")
code = ('p(1) :- builtin:ip_in_network("fe80::ffff:",'
' "ae80::ffff:")')
check_false(code, "False ip_in_network v6")