
521 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2016 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils as json
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import copy
from oslo_config import cfg
import six
import time
if six.PY2:
import Queue as queue_package
import queue as queue_package
class DataServiceInfo(object):
"""Metadata for DataService on the DSE.
service_id: The ID of the service.
node_id: The ID of the node the service is running on.
published_tables: List of table IDs published by this service.
subscribed_tables: List of table IDs this service subscribes to.
rpc_endpoints_info: List of RPC endpoints exposed by this service.
MARSHALL_ATTRS = set(['service_id', 'node_id', 'published_tables',
'subscribed_tables', 'rpc_endpoints_info'])
def __init__(self, service_id=None, node_id=None, published_tables=None,
subscribed_tables=None, rpc_endpoints_info=None):
self.service_id = service_id
self.node_id = node_id
self.published_tables = published_tables or []
self.subscribed_tables = subscribed_tables or []
self.rpc_endpoints_info = rpc_endpoints_info or []
def __str__(self):
return self.__class__.__name__ + "<%s>" % self.service_id
def __repr__(self):
return self.__class__.__name__ + "(%s)" % dict.__repr__(vars(self))
def from_json(cls, json_string):
return json.loads(json_string, object_hook=cls.from_dict)
def from_dict(cls, raw_dict):
provided_keys = set(raw_dict.keys())
if provided_keys != cls.MARSHALL_ATTRS:
missing = cls.MARSHALL_ATTRS - provided_keys
malformed = provided_keys - cls.MARSHALL_ATTRS
msg = "Cannot construct %s from input:" % cls.__name__
if missing:
msg += " Missing keys: %s" % list(missing)
if malformed:
msg += " Malformed keys: %s" % list(malformed)
raise KeyError(msg)
ret = DataServiceInfo()
for n in cls.MARSHALL_ATTRS:
setattr(ret, n, raw_dict[n])
return ret
def to_dict(self):
return dict([(k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self.MARSHALL_ATTRS])
def to_json(self):
return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
class DataService(object):
"""A unit of data and business logic that interfaces with the DSE.
A DataService may publish tables, subscribe to tables, and/or expose
RPCs on the DSE. DataService instances are bound to a DseNode which is
used for all inter-service communication.
service_id: A unique ID of the service.
_published_tables_with_subscriber: A set of tables published by self
that has subscribers
# TODO(pballand): make default methods for pub/subscribed tables
def __init__(self, service_id):
# Note(ekcs): temporary setting to disable use of diffs and sequencing
# to avoid muddying the process of a first dse2 system test.
# TODO(ekcs,dse2): remove when differential update is standard
self.always_snapshot = True
self.service_id = service_id
self.node = None
self._rpc_server = None
self._target = None
self._rpc_endpoints = [DataServiceEndPoints(self)]
self._running = False
self._published_tables_with_subscriber = set()
# data structures for sequenced data updates for reliable pub-sub
# msg queues for msgs to be processed
# each queue is a priority queue prioritizing lowest seqnum
self.msg_queues = {} # {publisher -> {table -> msg queue}}
# oldest queued msg receipt time
self.oldest_queue_times = {} # {publisher -> {table -> receipt time}}
# last received & processed seqnum
self.receiver_seqnums = {} # {publisher -> {table -> seqnum}}
# last sent seqnum
self.sender_seqnums = {} # {table -> seqnum}
# last published data
self._last_published_data = {} # {table -> data}
# custom functions to execute on each heartbeat
# must be 0-ary function
# {id -> function}
self.heartbeat_callbacks = {}
def add_rpc_endpoint(self, endpt):
def rpc_endpoints(self):
"""Return list of RPC endpoint objects to be exposed for this service.
A DataService may include zero or more RPC endpoints to be exposed
by the DseNode. Each endpoint object must be compatible with the
oslo.messaging RPC Server.
return self._rpc_endpoints
def status(self):
return "OK"
def info(self):
# TODO(pballand): populate rpc_endpoints_info from rpc_endpoints
return DataServiceInfo(
node_id=self.node.node_id if self.node else None,
def start(self):
"""Start the DataService.
This method is called by a DseNode before any RPCs are invoked.
assert self.node is not None
if not self._running:
self._running = True
def stop(self):
"""Stop the DataService.
This method is called by a DseNode when the DataService instance is
no longer needed. No RPCs will invoked on stopped DataServices.
assert self.node is not None
self._running = False
# Note(thread-safety): blocking function
def wait(self):
"""Wait for processing to complete.
After a call to stop(), the DataService may have some outstanding work
that has not yet completed. The wait() method blocks until all
DataService processing is complete.
assert self.node is not None
# Note(thread-safety): blocking function
def rpc(self, service, action, kwargs=None, timeout=None, local=False,
return self.node.invoke_service_rpc(
service, action, kwargs, timeout=timeout, local=local, retry=retry)
# Will be removed once the reference of node exists in api
# Note(thread-safety): blocking function
def get_datasources(self, filter_secret=False):
return self.node.get_datasources(filter_secret)
def is_valid_service(self, service_id):
return self.node.is_valid_service(service_id)
# Will be removed once the reference of node exists in api
# Note(thread-safety): blocking function
def get_datasource(self, datasource_id):
return self.node.get_datasource(datasource_id)
# Will be removed once the reference of node exists in api
# Note(thread-safety): blocking function
def add_datasource(self, **kwargs):
return self.node.add_datasource(**kwargs)
# Will be removed once the reference of node exists in api
# Note(thread-safety): blocking function
def delete_datasource(self, datasource):
return self.node.delete_datasource(datasource)
# Will be removed once the reference of node exists in api
# Note(thread-safety): blocking function
def get_drivers_info(self, *args):
return self.node.get_drivers_info(*args)
# Will be removed once the reference of node exists in api
# Note(thread-safety): blocking function
def get_driver_info(self, *args):
return self.node.get_driver_info(*args)
# Will be removed once the reference of node exists in api
# Note(thread-safety): blocking function
def get_driver_schema(self, *args):
return self.node.get_driver_schema(*args)
# Will be removed once the reference of node exists in api
# Note(thread-safety): blocking function
def make_datasource_dict(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.node.make_datasource_dict(*args, **kwargs)
# Note(thread-safety): blocking function
def publish(self, table, data, use_snapshot=True):
if self.always_snapshot:
self.node.publish_table(self.service_id, table, data)
def get_differential_and_set_last_published_data():
if table in self._last_published_data:
to_add = list(
set(data) - set(self._last_published_data[table]))
to_del = list(
set(self._last_published_data[table]) - set(data))
self._last_published_data[table] = data
self._last_published_data[table] = data
to_add = data
to_del = []
return [to_add, to_del]
def increment_get_seqnum():
if table not in self.sender_seqnums:
self.sender_seqnums[table] = 0
self.sender_seqnums[table] = self.sender_seqnums[table] + 1
return self.sender_seqnums[table]
if not use_snapshot:
data = get_differential_and_set_last_published_data()
if len(data[0]) == 0 and len(data[1]) == 0:
seqnum = increment_get_seqnum()
self.service_id, table, data, use_snapshot, seqnum)
# Note(thread-safety): blocking function
def subscribe(self, service, table):
if self.always_snapshot:
# Note(thread-safety): blocking call
data = self.node.subscribe_table(self.service_id, service, table)
self.receive_data(service, table, data, is_snapshot=True)
# Note(thread-safety): blocking call
(seqnum, data) = self.node.subscribe_table(
self.service_id, service, table)
service, table, data, seqnum, is_snapshot=True)
def unsubscribe(self, service, table):
# Note(thread-safety): it is important to make sure there are no
# blocking calls in modifying the msg_queues and related
# data structures.
# Otherwise, concurrency bugs will likely occur when the
# periodic task _check_resub_all interrupts and modifies
# the same data structures.
self.node.unsubscribe_table(self.service_id, service, table)
self._clear_msg_queue(service, table)
self._clear_receiver_seqnum(service, table)
def _clear_msg_queue(self, publisher, table):
# Note(thread-safety): it is important to make sure there are no
# blocking calls in modifying the msg_queues and related
# data structures.
# Otherwise, concurrency bugs will likely occur when the
# periodic task _check_resub_all interrupts and modifies
# the same data structures.
if publisher in self.msg_queues:
if table in self.msg_queues[publisher]:
del self.msg_queues[publisher][table]
del self.oldest_queue_times[publisher][table]
def _clear_receiver_seqnum(self, publisher, table):
# Note(thread-safety): it is important to make sure there are no
# blocking calls in modifying the msg_queues and related
# data structures.
# Otherwise, concurrency bugs will likely occur when the
# periodic task _check_resub_all interrupts and modifies
# the same data structures.
if publisher in self.receiver_seqnums:
if table in self.receiver_seqnums[publisher]:
del self.receiver_seqnums[publisher][table]
def receive_data_sequenced(
self, publisher, table, data, seqnum, is_snapshot=False,
"""Method called when sequenced publication data arrives."""
# Note(thread-safety): it is important to make sure there are no
# blocking calls in modifying the msg_queues and related
# data structures.
# Otherwise, concurrency bugs will likely occur when the
# periodic task _check_resub_all interrupts and modifies
# the same data structures.
# TODO(ekcs): allow opting out of sequenced processing (per table)
def set_seqnum():
if publisher not in self.receiver_seqnums:
self.receiver_seqnums[publisher] = {}
self.receiver_seqnums[publisher][table] = seqnum
def clear_msg_queue():
self._clear_msg_queue(publisher, table)
def add_to_msg_queue():
if publisher not in self.msg_queues:
self.msg_queues[publisher] = {}
self.oldest_queue_times[publisher] = {}
if table not in self.msg_queues[publisher]:
self.msg_queues[publisher][table] = \
# set oldest queue time on first msg only, others are newer
self.oldest_queue_times[publisher][table] = receipt_time
(seqnum, is_snapshot, data, receipt_time))
assert self.msg_queues[publisher][table].qsize() > 0
def process_queued_msg():
def update_oldest_time():
'''Set oldest time to the receipt time of oldest item in queue.
Called after removing the previous oldest item from a queue.
If queue is empty, corresponding oldest time is set to None.
# remove and then add back to priority queue to get the
# receipt time of the next oldest message
# (peek not available in python standard library queues)
s, i, d, t = self.msg_queues[publisher][table].get_nowait()
self.msg_queues[publisher][table].put_nowait((s, i, d, t))
self.oldest_queue_times[publisher][table] = t
except queue_package.Empty:
# set oldest time to None if queue empty
self.oldest_queue_times[publisher][table] = None
s, i, d, t = self.msg_queues[publisher][table].get_nowait()
self.receive_data_sequenced(publisher, table, d, s, i, t)
except queue_package.Empty:
except KeyError:
if receipt_time is None:
receipt_time = time.time()
# if no seqnum process immediately
if seqnum is None:
self.receive_data(publisher, table, data, is_snapshot)
# if first data update received on this table
elif (publisher not in self.receiver_seqnums or
table not in self.receiver_seqnums[publisher]):
if is_snapshot:
# set sequence number and process data
self.receive_data(publisher, table, data, is_snapshot)
# queue
# if re-initialization
elif seqnum == 0: # initial snapshot or reset
# set sequence number and process data
self.receive_data(publisher, table, data, is_snapshot)
# if seqnum is old, ignore
if seqnum <= self.receiver_seqnums[publisher][table]:
# if seqnum next, process all in sequence
elif seqnum == self.receiver_seqnums[publisher][table] + 1:
self.receive_data(publisher, table, data, is_snapshot)
# if seqnum future, queue for future
elif seqnum > self.receiver_seqnums[publisher][table] + 1:
def receive_data(self, publisher, table, data, is_snapshot=True):
"""Method called when publication data arrives.
Instances will override this method.
if is_snapshot:
data = self.node.to_set_of_tuples(data)
data = (self.node.to_set_of_tuples(data[0]),
self.last_msg = {}
self.last_msg['data'] = data
self.last_msg['publisher'] = publisher
self.last_msg['table'] = table
if not hasattr(self, 'receive_data_history'):
self.receive_data_history = []
def subscription_list(self):
"""Method that returns subscription list.
It returns list of tuple that represents the service's subscription.
The tuple forms following format:
(service_id, table_name).
result = []
subscription = self.node.get_subscription(self.service_id)
for target, tables in subscription.items():
result.extend([(target, t) for t in tables])
return result
def subscriber_list(self):
"""Method that returns subscribers list.
This feature is duplicated in the distributed architecture. So the
method is defined only for backward compatibility.
"""'subscriber_list is duplicated in the new architecture.')
return []
def get_last_published_data_with_seqnum(self, table):
"""Method that returns the current seqnum & data for given table."""
if table not in self.sender_seqnums:
self.sender_seqnums[table] = 0
self._last_published_data[table] = self.get_snapshot(table)
return (self.sender_seqnums[table], self._last_published_data[table])
def get_snapshot(self, table):
"""Method that returns the current data for the given table.
Should be overridden.
raise NotImplementedError(
"get_snapshot is not implemented in the '%s' class." %
def check_resub_all(self):
'''Check all subscriptions for long missing update and resubscribe.'''
def check_resub(publisher, table):
if (publisher in self.oldest_queue_times and
table in self.oldest_queue_times[publisher] and
self.oldest_queue_times[publisher][table] is not None and
(time.time() - self.oldest_queue_times[publisher][table]
> cfg.CONF.dse.time_to_resub)):
self.unsubscribe(publisher, table)
self.subscribe(publisher, table)
return True
return False
copy_oldest_queue_times = copy.copy(self.oldest_queue_times)
for publisher in copy_oldest_queue_times:
copy_oldest_queue_times_publisher = copy.copy(
for table in copy_oldest_queue_times_publisher:
check_resub(publisher, table)
class DataServiceEndPoints (object):
def __init__(self, service):
self.service = service
def get_snapshot(self, context, table):
"""Function called on a node when an RPC request is sent."""
return self.service.get_snapshot(table)
except AttributeError:
def get_last_published_data_with_seqnum(self, context, table):
"""Function called on a node when an RPC request is sent."""
return self.service.get_last_published_data_with_seqnum(table)
except AttributeError:
def ping(self, client_ctxt, **args):
"""Echo args"""
return args