# suhartono , 2018. #zanata # suhartono , 2019. #zanata msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: contributor-guide\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-01-15 09:23+0000\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-01-16 02:57+0000\n" "Last-Translator: suhartono \n" "Language-Team: Indonesian\n" "Language: id\n" "X-Generator: Zanata 4.3.3\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n" msgid "#openstack-mentoring" msgstr "#openstack-mentoring" msgid "" "**Both mentors and mentees should subscribe to stay up to date with " "conversations.**" msgstr "" "**Both mentors and mentees should subscribe to stay up to date with " "conversations.**" msgid "" "**Bug Status** All bugs have a status lifecycle. They start as 'New' and " "move to other statuses from there depending on what all is included in the " "description and if others can duplicate the issue. Resolved statuses, " "meaning there is no more work to be done on the bug are: 'Fix Released', " "'Invalid', or 'Won't Fix'." msgstr "" "**Bug Status** Semua bug memiliki siklus status. Mereka mulai sebagai 'New' " "dan pindah ke status lain dari sana tergantung pada apa yang termasuk dalam " "deskripsi dan jika orang lain dapat menduplikasi masalah. Status yang " "diselesaikan, berarti tidak ada lagi pekerjaan yang harus dilakukan pada bug " "adalah: 'Fix Released', 'Invalid', atau 'Won't Fix'." msgid "**Private key** - Only known to you and it should be safely guarded." msgstr "" "**Private key** - Hanya diketahui oleh Anda dan itu harus dijaga dengan aman." msgid "" "**Public key** - Can be shared freely with any SSH server you wish to " "connect to." msgstr "" "**Public key** - Dapat dibagikan secara bebas dengan server SSH yang ingin " "Anda sambungkan." msgid "A Task Tracker account allows you to:" msgstr "Akun Task Tracker memungkinkan Anda untuk:" msgid "" "A good channel to join right away is the #openstack-dev channel. A lot of " "people hang around in that channel so come on in and say hello! If there is " "a specific project you are also interested in working on, feel free to join " "that one as well and introduce yourself there. Interested in joining more " "channels or need to look up what one is called? Check out :ref:`irc-" "channels` for more information." msgstr "" "Saluran yang baik untuk bergabung segera adalah saluran #openstack-dev. " "Banyak orang berkeliaran di saluran itu jadi datang dan menyapa! Jika ada " "proyek khusus yang juga ingin Anda kerjakan, silakan bergabung dengan proyek " "itu juga dan perkenalkan diri Anda di sana. Tertarik untuk bergabung dengan " "lebih banyak saluran atau perlu mencari tahu apa sebutannya? Lihat :ref:`irc-" "channels` untuk informasi lebih lanjut." msgid "" "A message dialog window will come up. Type the following to register your " "nick name with nickserv replacing **mysecretpassword** and **test@domain." "com** with your own password and email address::" msgstr "" "Jendela dialog pesan akan muncul. Ketikkan yang berikut untuk mendaftarkan " "nama samaran Anda dengan nickserv yang menggantikan **mysecretpassword** dan " "**test@domain.com** dengan kata sandi dan alamat email Anda sendiri ::" msgid "" "A story is a desired change. Whether it is a bug or a new feature, both are " "essentially a code change. Tasks are sub items of the story; they are tied " "to specific projects. As an example, a story could be to invent some new " "feature A, and tasks would be change in project X, change in project Y, and " "change in project Z. Those changes need to merge in order to complete " "feature A." msgstr "" "Cerita A adalah perubahan yang diinginkan. Apakah itu bug atau fitur baru, " "keduanya pada dasarnya adalah perubahan kode. Tugas adalah sub item dari " "cerita; mereka terikat pada proyek tertentu. Sebagai contoh, sebuah cerita " "dapat menciptakan beberapa fitur baru A, dan tugas akan berubah dalam proyek " "X, perubahan dalam proyek Y, dan perubahan dalam proyek Z. Perubahan-" "perubahan itu perlu digabung untuk melengkapi fitur A." msgid "Account Setup" msgstr "Account Setup (pengaturan akun)" msgid "Active Project Contributor (APC)" msgstr "Active Project Contributor (APC)" msgid "Active Technical Contributor (ATC)" msgstr "Active Technical Contributor (ATC)" msgid "Active User Contributor (AUC)" msgstr "Active User Contributor (AUC)" msgid "Add A New Connection" msgstr "Tambahkan Koneksi Baru" msgid "" "Add your affiliation information and statement of interest. This will be " "visible only to foundation members." msgstr "" "Tambahkan informasi afiliasi dan pernyataan minat Anda. Ini hanya akan " "terlihat oleh anggota yayasan." msgid "" "After clicking that button, the further information field will appear along " "with the 'This bug is a security vulnerability' radio box. You can edit the " "summary line to differentiate it from the other bugs Launchpad thought it " "was similar to, add details like the setup you were using, what you were " "doing when you hit the unexpected behavior, the error codes you encountered, " "etc." msgstr "" "Setelah mengklik tombol itu, bidang informasi lebih lanjut akan muncul " "bersama dengan radio box 'This bug is a security vulnerability' . Anda dapat " "mengedit baris ringkasan untuk membedakannya dari bug lain yang menurut " "Launchpad mirip dengan itu, menambahkan detail seperti pengaturan yang Anda " "gunakan, apa yang Anda lakukan ketika Anda menekan perilaku yang tidak " "terduga, kode kesalahan yang Anda temui, dll." msgid "" "After the first milestone, some projects focus more on the development and " "bug fixing activities, while other projects might still accept new ideas to " "implement in that cycle." msgstr "" "Setelah tonggak pertama, beberapa proyek lebih fokus pada pengembangan dan " "kegiatan perbaikan bug, sementara proyek lain mungkin masih menerima ide-ide " "baru untuk diimplementasikan dalam siklus itu." msgid "" "After the third milestone the community is focusing on stabilizing the " "release by putting more emphasis on testing and fixing bugs. The projects " "following the release cycle have their release candidates tagged after the " "third milestone. There are no limits to release candidates, but the goal is " "to keep the number low and fix all the critical issues that got identified " "by milestone-3." msgstr "" "Setelah tonggak ketiga, komunitas fokus pada menstabilkan rilis dengan lebih " "menekankan pengujian dan memperbaiki bug. Proyek-proyek setelah siklus rilis " "memiliki calon rilis mereka ditandai setelah tonggak ketiga. Tidak ada " "batasan untuk melepaskan kandidat, tetapi tujuannya adalah untuk menjaga " "jumlah yang rendah dan memperbaiki semua masalah kritis yang diidentifikasi " "oleh tonggak-3." msgid "All common tools like bash, git, and SSH will work out of the box." msgstr "" "Semua alat umum seperti bash, git, dan SSH akan berfungsi di out of the box." msgid "" "Although Git `download page `_ provides " "Windows installation binary, most OpenStack development tools (e.g., git-" "review) unfortunately will not work well on Windows environment." msgstr "" "Meskipun Git `download page `_ menyediakan " "biner instalasi Windows, sebagian besar alat pengembangan OpenStack (misal, " "git-review) sayangnya tidak akan berfungsi dengan baik di lingkungan Windows." msgid "An OpenStack Foundation account allows you to:" msgstr "Akun OpenStack Foundation memungkinkan Anda untuk:" msgid "" "An agreement to clarify intellectual property rights granted with " "contributions from a person or entity. `Preview the full agreement `_." msgstr "" "Perjanjian untuk memperjelas hak kekayaan intelektual yang diberikan dengan " "kontribusi dari seseorang atau entitas. `Preview the full agreement `_." msgid "" "An employer with the appropriate signing rights of the company or " "organization needs to sign the `Corporate Contributor License Agreement " "`_." msgstr "" "Majikan dengan hak penandatanganan yang sesuai dari perusahaan atau " "organisasi perlu menandatangani `Corporate Contributor License Agreement " "`_." msgid "" "As a software, OpenStack is built from a set of microservices which can be " "combined into different setups based on the actual need. The services " "provide REST APIs for their users. These can be the cloud operators or other " "services. To make the usage of the APIs easier it is possible to use " "Software Development Kits (SDKs) which are also developed as projects inside " "the OpenStack community." msgstr "" "Sebagai perangkat lunak, OpenStack dibangun dari seperangkat layanan " "microservice yang dapat digabungkan ke dalam berbagai pengaturan berdasarkan " "kebutuhan aktual. Layanan menyediakan REST API untuk penggunanya. Ini dapat " "berupa operator cloud atau layanan lainnya. Untuk mempermudah penggunaan " "API, dimungkinkan untuk menggunakan Software Development Kits (SDK) yang " "juga dikembangkan sebagai proyek di dalam komunitas OpenStack." msgid "As it stands right now, there are 4 mentoring cohorts:" msgstr "Seperti yang ada sekarang, ada 4 kelompok pendampingan:" msgid "Ask questions and get prompt responses from the community" msgstr "Ajukan pertanyaan dan dapatkan tanggapan segera dari komunitas" msgid "" "At the prompt, type a secure passphrase, you may enter one or press Enter to " "have no passphrase::" msgstr "" "Saat diminta, ketik frasa sandi yang aman, Anda dapat memasukkan satu atau " "tekan Enter untuk tidak memiliki frasa sandi ::" msgid "Auto-Login On Connecting To Freenode" msgstr "Login Otomatis Saat Menghubungkan Ke Freenode" msgid "" "Based on the summary line, Launchpad will do a quick query to see if there " "has been anything reported already that might be the same issue you are " "trying to report. It is important to look through these to avoid filing " "duplicate bugs and creating redundancies in the bug index. If you do not see " "a bug that sounds like the issue you are reporting, you can click the 'No, I " "need to report a new bug' button." msgstr "" "Berdasarkan garis ringkasan, Launchpad akan melakukan kueri cepat untuk " "melihat apakah ada sesuatu yang sudah dilaporkan yang mungkin merupakan " "masalah yang sama dengan yang Anda coba laporkan. Penting untuk memeriksa " "ini untuk menghindari pengarsipan bug duplikat dan membuat redundansi dalam " "indeks bug. Jika Anda tidak melihat bug yang terdengar seperti masalah yang " "Anda laporkan, Anda dapat mengklik tombol 'No, I need to report a new bug'." msgid "" "Become COA certified or study for COA: Mentors will provide support and " "guidance to mentees as they prepare for the COA exam." msgstr "" "Menjadi tersertifikasi COA atau belajar untuk COA: Mentor akan memberikan " "dukungan dan bimbingan kepada orang yang didampingi saat mereka " "mempersiapkan ujian COA." msgid "" "Before doing **git commit** on your patch it is important to initialize git " "review. Use the following command to do the initial git review configuration " "in your repository::" msgstr "" "Sebelum melakukan **git commit ** pada patch Anda, penting untuk " "menginisialisasi review git. Gunakan perintah berikut untuk melakukan " "konfigurasi git review awal di repositori Anda ::" msgid "" "Before raising a bug, story or feature request it's important to note that " "not all projects do the same thing. It's best to go check with the project " "to see how they handle these requests. For details on how to contact a " "project check the `project list`_." msgstr "" "Sebelum mengajukan bug, permintaan cerita atau fitur, penting untuk dicatat " "bahwa tidak semua proyek melakukan hal yang sama. Yang terbaik adalah " "memeriksa proyek untuk melihat bagaimana mereka menangani permintaan ini. " "Untuk perincian tentang cara menghubungi proyek, periksa `project list`_." msgid "Benefits for official OpenStack projects:" msgstr "Manfaat untuk proyek OpenStack resmi:" msgid "Blueprints" msgstr "Blueprint (cetak biru)" msgid "Boards & Worklists" msgstr "Boards & Worklists" msgid "Body" msgstr "Body" msgid "Bugs" msgstr "Bug" msgid "" "Bugs are pretty self explanitory- some unexpected or unintended behavior of " "the software. To report a bug you have found in Launchpad, click the 'Report " "a bug' button from the project's overview page." msgstr "" "Bug cukup jelas - beberapa perilaku perangkat lunak yang tidak terduga atau " "tidak diinginkan. Untuk melaporkan bug yang Anda temukan di Launchpad, klik " "tombol 'Report a bug' dari halaman tinjauan proyek." msgid "Build up your persona in the community as a contributing member" msgstr "" "Bangun kepribadian Anda di komunitas sebagai anggota yang berkontribusi" msgid "CI" msgstr "CI" msgid "" "Can participate in common programs, like `mentoring `_ and `internship `_ to help with on boarding" msgstr "" "Dapat berpartisipasi dalam program umum, seperti `mentoring `_ dan `internship `_ untuk membantu on boarding" msgid "" "Can publish to `docs.openstack.org `_ and " "`developer.openstack.org `_" msgstr "" "Dapat mempublikasikan ke `docs.openstack.org `_ " "dan `developer.openstack.org `_" msgid "Check For Existing Keys" msgstr "Periksa Untuk Kunci Yang Ada" msgid "Checking Status in Zuul" msgstr "Memeriksa Status di Zuul" msgid "" "Choose a project where you want to contribute with translating. Usually " "there is a translation plan with priorities on the start page." msgstr "" "Pilih proyek di mana Anda ingin berkontribusi dengan menerjemahkan. Biasanya " "ada rencana terjemahan dengan prioritas di halaman awal." msgid "" "Choose and type your username carefully. Once it is set, you cannot change " "the username." msgstr "" "Pilih dan ketikkan nama pengguna Anda dengan cermat. Setelah diatur, Anda " "tidak dapat mengubah nama pengguna." msgid "" "Click **Hexchat** from the menu and then click **Network List**. You will " "see a familiar first screen of servers listed. Make sure Freenode is " "highlighted and click **edit**." msgstr "" "Klik ** Hexchat ** dari menu dan kemudian klik ** Network List **. Anda akan " "melihat layar pertama dari server yang dikenal. Pastikan Freenode disorot " "dan klik ** edit **." msgid "Click **cancel**." msgstr "Klik **cancel**." msgid "" "Click **disconnect** and click **connect** to retry connecting with the new " "nick name." msgstr "" "Klik **disconnect** dan klik **connect** untuk mencoba lagi menghubungkan " "dengan nama panggilan baru." msgid "Click the 'Add Key' button." msgstr "Klik tombol 'Add Key'." msgid "Click the **edit** button and" msgstr "Klik tombol ** edit ** dan" msgid "Click the **info** icon." msgstr "Klik ikon ** info **." msgid "Click the **message user** icon and type::" msgstr "Klik ikon **message user** dan ketik ::" msgid "Code review" msgstr "Code review (ulasan kode)" msgid "Commit Messages" msgstr "Pesan Komit" msgid "Commit code to OpenStack via Gerrit." msgstr "Komit kode ke OpenStack melalui Gerrit." msgid "" "Commit messsages are the first things a reviewer sees and are used as " "descriptions in the git log. They provide a description of the history of " "changes in a repository. Commit messages cannot be modified once the patch " "is merged." msgstr "" "Pesan komit adalah hal pertama yang dilihat oleh pengulas dan digunakan " "sebagai deskripsi di git log. Mereka memberikan deskripsi tentang sejarah " "perubahan dalam repositori. Pesan komit tidak dapat diubah setelah patch " "digabungkan." msgid "Committees" msgstr "Komite" msgid "" "Communicate with project teams, technical committee, SIGs, and other Working " "Groups." msgstr "" "Berkomunikasi dengan tim proyek, komite teknis, SIG, dan Kelompok Kerja " "lainnya." msgid "Communication" msgstr "Komunikasi" msgid "Community" msgstr "Masyarakat" msgid "" "Community members who have engaged in community functions listed in the " "`related section of the User Committee Charter `_ are considered " "to be Active User Contributors." msgstr "" "Anggota masyarakat yang telah terlibat dalam fungsi masyarakat yang " "tercantum dalam `related section of the User Committee Charter `_ dianggap sebagai Kontributor Pengguna Aktif." msgid "Community-organized Events" msgstr "Acara yang diselenggarakan masyarakat" msgid "Conference" msgstr "Konferensi" msgid "Configuration" msgstr "Konfigurasi" msgid "Configure Git" msgstr "Konfigurasikan Git" msgid "" "Congratulations you're now ready to communicate with the OpenStack community " "and have a registered nick name on Freenode! From here on out when you " "connect to Freenode with Colloquy you will be identified with your nickname." msgstr "" "Selamat Anda sekarang siap untuk berkomunikasi dengan komunitas OpenStack " "dan memiliki nama panggilan terdaftar di Freenode! Mulai saat ini ketika " "Anda terhubung ke Freenode dengan Colloquy, Anda akan diidentifikasi dengan " "nama panggilan Anda." msgid "" "Congratulations you're now ready to communicate with the OpenStack community " "and have a registered nick name on Freenode! From here on out when you " "connect to Freenode with Hexchat you will be identified with your nickname." msgstr "" "Selamat Anda sekarang siap untuk berkomunikasi dengan komunitas OpenStack " "dan memiliki nama panggilan terdaftar di Freenode! Mulai saat ini hingga " "keluar saat Anda terhubung ke Freenode dengan Hexchat Anda akan " "diidentifikasi dengan nama panggilan Anda." msgid "Contribute as a Translator" msgstr "Berkontribusi sebagai Penerjemah" msgid "Contributors From a Company or Organization" msgstr "Kontributor Dari Perusahaan atau Organisasi" msgid "Contributors From the U.S. Government" msgstr "Kontributor Dari Pemerintah A.S." msgid "Contributors get to vote in the Technical Committee election" msgstr "Kontributor dapat memilih dalam pemilihan Komite Teknis" msgid "Copy Public Key" msgstr "Salin Kunci Publik" msgid "Core Reviewer" msgstr "Core Reviewer (peninjau inti)" msgid "Core reviewers are responsible for:" msgstr "Peninjau inti bertanggung jawab untuk:" msgid "" "Core reviewers have '+/-2' and 'W+1' rights in Gerrit that is required for " "blocking or approving a patch." msgstr "" "Core reviewers memiliki hak '+/-2' and 'W+1' di Gerrit yang diperlukan untuk " "memblokir atau menyetujui patch." msgid "Create stories for new features (Process varies per project)" msgstr "Buat cerita untuk fitur baru (Proses bervariasi per proyek)" msgid "Defining and maintaining the project mission" msgstr "Menentukan dan memelihara misi proyek" msgid "" "Deploy your first Cloud: Mentors will provide assistance to mentees " "deploying OpenStack for the first time. This could involve analysis of " "available deployment tools, configuration, or troubleshooting." msgstr "" "Sebarkan Cloud pertama Anda: Mentor akan memberikan bantuan kepada mentees " "yang menyebarkan OpenStack untuk pertama kalinya. Ini bisa melibatkan " "analisis alat penyebaran yang tersedia, konfigurasi, atau pemecahan masalah." msgid "Documentation" msgstr "Dokumentasi" msgid "" "Documentation is very important for the community so you can find guidelines " "about how to install and use the services developed by the project teams on " "the `documentation website for OpenStack `_." msgstr "" "Dokumentasi sangat penting bagi masyarakat sehingga Anda dapat menemukan " "pedoman tentang cara menginstal dan menggunakan layanan yang dikembangkan " "oleh tim proyek di `documentation website for OpenStack `_." msgid "Done" msgstr "Done" msgid "" "Each project and working group has its own IRC channel. The common syntax " "for naming the IRC channels is: #openstack-. See the `list " "of OpenStack-related IRC channels `__." msgstr "" "Setiap proyek dan kelompok kerja memiliki saluran IRC sendiri. Sintaks umum " "untuk menamai saluran IRC adalah: #openstack-. Lihat `list " "of OpenStack-related IRC channels `__." msgid "" "Each project and working group has its own `wiki page `__. Wiki pages are a secondary source of " "information. They hold information that is subject to more change than the " "info provided in the project's documentation i.e. meeting agendas, team " "members, etc." msgstr "" "Setiap proyek dan kelompok kerja memiliki sendiri `wiki page `__. Halaman wiki adalah sumber informasi " "sekunder. Mereka menyimpan informasi yang dapat berubah lebih banyak " "daripada info yang disediakan dalam dokumentasi proyek, misal. agenda rapat, " "anggota tim, dll." msgid "" "Each project is different in the process of reporting bugs and planning new " "features. There are however two main tools that projects use: Launchpad and " "Storyboard." msgstr "" "Setiap proyek berbeda dalam proses pelaporan bug dan perencanaan fitur baru. " "Namun ada dua alat utama yang digunakan proyek: Launchpad dan Storyboard." msgid "Edit Nick Name Settings" msgstr "Edit Pengaturan Nama Nick" msgid "Edit Server Settings" msgstr "Edit Pengaturan Server" msgid "" "Employers can update the list of authorized employees by filling out and " "signing an `Updated Schedule A Form `_." msgstr "" "Pengusaha dapat memperbarui daftar karyawan resmi dengan mengisi dan " "menandatangani `Updated Schedule A Form `_." msgid "Empty line" msgstr "Empty line" msgid "" "Ethercalc is a simple collaborative spreadsheet. It works in a similar way " "as Etherpad, but it is more useful to facilitate distributed booking or " "scheduling of resources. The starting page of OpenStack Ethercalc is `here " "`_." msgstr "" "Ethercalc adalah spreadsheet kolaboratif sederhana. Ini bekerja dengan cara " "yang mirip dengan Etherpad, tetapi lebih berguna untuk memfasilitasi " "pemesanan atau penjadwalan sumber daya yang didistribusikan. Halaman awal " "OpenStack Ethercalc adalah `here `_." msgid "" "Etherpad is a simple collaborative text editor. It is used as a common place " "to have people in a project collaborate on larger projects and planning of " "events. There is no master list of etherpads - it is harder to find what you " "are looking for without having looked at it before or without asking for the " "URL. It is recommended to bookmark the important etherpads for later " "reference. The starting page of the OpenStack Etherpad is `this `_." msgstr "" "Etherpad adalah editor teks kolaboratif sederhana. Ini digunakan sebagai " "tempat umum untuk mengajak orang-orang dalam suatu proyek berkolaborasi pada " "proyek yang lebih besar dan perencanaan acara. Tidak ada daftar induk " "etherpads - lebih sulit untuk menemukan apa yang Anda cari tanpa melihatnya " "sebelum atau tanpa meminta URL. Disarankan untuk menandai etherpads penting " "untuk referensi nanti. Halaman awal OpenStack Etherpad is `this `_." msgid "Etherpads and Ethercalcs" msgstr "Etherpads dan Ethercalcs" msgid "Events" msgstr "Acara" msgid "" "Fill in your email address, name, password, and accepting the terms of " "services." msgstr "" "Isi alamat email Anda, nama, kata sandi, dan terima persyaratan layanan." msgid "" "Fill in your home address. This will be only visible to foundation members." msgstr "" "Isi alamat rumah Anda. Ini hanya akan terlihat oleh anggota foundation." msgid "" "Fill in your name, e-mail address, and gender. Use the same e-mail address " "at every step of the registration procedure. This address will also be used " "as your login. Your gender information is available via public API." msgstr "" "Isi nama Anda, alamat e-mail, dan jenis kelamin. Gunakan alamat e-mail yang " "sama di setiap langkah prosedur pendaftaran. Alamat ini juga akan digunakan " "sebagai login Anda. Informasi jenis kelamin Anda tersedia melalui API publik." msgid "Fill in your password and check the box next to 'I'm not a robot'." msgstr "Isi kata sandi Anda dan centang kotak di sebelah 'I'm not a robot'." msgid "" "Finally you need to tell ssh what host(s) to associate SSH keys with. To do " "this open \"~/.ssh/config\" in an editor, create the file if it doesn't " "exist and add something like::" msgstr "" "Terakhir, Anda perlu memberi tahu ssh host apa yang mengaitkan kunci SSH. " "Untuk melakukan ini buka \"~/.ssh/config\" di editor, buat file jika tidak " "ada dan tambahkan sesuatu seperti ::" msgid "" "First CFP submission or Give your first talk: Mentors will assist mentees " "with submitting a CFP and preparing to give a talk. This could be for " "OpenStack Summit, OpenStack Days, a local meetup, or another conference or " "event." msgstr "" "Pengajuan CFP pertama atau Berikan ceramah pertama Anda: Mentor akan " "membantu mentees dengan mengirimkan CFP dan bersiap untuk menyampaikan " "ceramah. Ini bisa untuk OpenStack Summit, OpenStack Days, pertemuan lokal, " "atau konferensi atau acara lain." msgid "" "First fill out the **Nickname** and **User name** field with your choice of " "a nickname." msgstr "" "Pertama, isi bidang **Nickname** dan **User name** dengan nama panggilan " "Anda." msgid "For Fedora 22 or later open a terminal and type::" msgstr "Untuk Fedora 22 atau lebih baru buka terminal dan ketik ::" msgid "For SUSE distributions open a terminal and type::" msgstr "Untuk distribusi SUSE, buka terminal dan ketik ::" msgid "" "For Windows environment, download latest Hexchat installation binary from " "`Hexchat download `__ and install " "it. You will probably also need extra components shown just under Hexchat." msgstr "" "Untuk lingkungan Windows, unduh biner instalasi Hexchat terbaru dari " "`Hexchat download `__ dan pasang. " "Anda mungkin juga perlu komponen tambahan yang ditampilkan tepat di bawah " "Hexchat." msgid "" "For a Linux distributions like Debian, Ubuntu, or Mint open a terminal and " "type::" msgstr "" "Untuk distribusi Linux seperti Debian, Ubuntu, atau Mint, buka terminal dan " "ketik ::" msgid "" "For a Linux distributions like Redhat, Fedora 21 or earlier, or CentOS open " "a terminal and type::" msgstr "" "Untuk distribusi Linux seperti Redhat, Fedora 21 atau sebelumnya, atau " "CentOS, buka terminal dan ketik ::" msgid "" "For distributions like Debian, Ubuntu, or Mint open a terminal and type::" msgstr "" "Untuk distribusi seperti Debian, Ubuntu, atau Mint buka terminal dan ketik ::" msgid "" "For distributions like RedHat, Fedora 21 or earlier, or CentOS open a " "terminal and type::" msgstr "" "Untuk distribusi seperti RedHat, Fedora 21 atau sebelumnya, atau CentOS buka " "terminal dan ketik ::" msgid "" "For information on how to use storyboard, please see `the user interface " "manual `_." msgstr "" "Untuk informasi tentang cara menggunakan storyboard, silakan lihat `the user " "interface manual `_." msgid "" "For more information please visit the `OpenStack I18n Guide `_. This guide is also translatable." msgstr "" "Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silakan kunjungi `OpenStack I18n Guide `_. Panduan ini juga dapat " "diterjemahkan." msgid "" "For other information about the project itself, please check out `their " "documentation `_." msgstr "" "Untuk informasi lain tentang proyek itu sendiri, silakan periksa `their " "documentation `_." msgid "" "For reference, use the `Git Reference and Cheat Sheet `_." msgstr "" "Untuk referensi, gunakan `Git Reference and Cheat Sheet `_." msgid "" "For registration and login you need an :doc:`OpenStack Foundation Account " "` Click on *LogIn* on `translate.openstack.org `_ and follow the process for applying your Zanata profile." msgstr "" "Untuk pendaftaran dan login, Anda memerlukan :doc:`OpenStack Foundation " "Account ` Klick di *LogIn* pada `translate.openstack.org `_ dan ikuti proses untuk menerapkan profil Zanata " "Anda." msgid "" "For the **Chat Server Port** type in **6697** and check the **SSL " "Connection** box." msgstr "" "Untuk **Chat Server Port** ketikkan **6697** dan centang kotak **SSL " "Connection**." msgid "For the **Chat server** type in **irc.freenode.net**." msgstr "Untuk **Chat server**, ketikkan **irc.freenode.net**." msgid "Format:" msgstr "Format:" msgid "Forum" msgstr "Forum" msgid "Foundation Board of Directors" msgstr "Dewan Direksi Foundation" msgid "" "From here on out when you sign into Gerrit, you'll be prompted to enter your " "Launchpad login info. This is because Gerrit uses it as an OpenID single " "sign on." msgstr "" "Mulai saat ini ketika Anda masuk ke Gerrit, Anda akan diminta untuk " "memasukkan info login Launchpad Anda. Ini karena Gerrit menggunakannya " "sebagai sistem masuk tunggal OpenID." msgid "" "From the list of **Networks** you should see Freenode. Select that and click " "'edit'." msgstr "" "Dari daftar ** Networks ** Anda akan melihat Freenode. Pilih itu dan klik " "'edit'." msgid "" "From your downloads folder, drag the Colloquy application icon to your " "applications folder to install." msgstr "" "Dari folder unduhan Anda, seret ikon aplikasi Colloquy ke folder aplikasi " "Anda untuk menginstal." msgid "From your terminal type::" msgstr "Dari jenis terminal Anda ::" msgid "GIT" msgstr "GIT" msgid "General Information" msgstr "Informasi Umum" msgid "Generate SSH Key Pairs" msgstr "Hasilkan (generate) Pasangan Kunci SSH" msgid "Generating A Separate Key Pair For OpenStack Gerrit (optional)" msgstr "Membuat Pasangan Kunci Terpisah Untuk OpenStack Gerrit (opsional)" msgid "Generating The Default Or Initial SSH Key Pair" msgstr "" "Generating The Default Or Initial SSH Key Pair (Pasangan Kunci SSH Atau Awal " "atau Default)" msgid "Gerrit allows you to review:" msgstr "Gerrit memungkinkan Anda meninjau:" msgid "Get guidance from community members and leaders" msgstr "Dapatkan panduan dari anggota dan pemimpin komunitas" msgid "Get marketing from the OpenStack Foundation" msgstr "Dapatkan pemasaran dari OpenStack Foundation" msgid "" "Get your first patch merged: Mentors will assist mentees with crafting a " "change, understanding and adhering to the Developers Guide, submitting to " "Gerrit, responding to reviews, and ultimately having their change accepted." msgstr "" "Dapatkan patch pertama Anda digabungkan: Mentor akan membantu mentees dengan " "menyusun perubahan, memahami dan mematuhi Developers Guide, mengirimkan ke " "Gerrit, menanggapi ulasan, dan pada akhirnya perubahan mereka diterima." msgid "Git Review" msgstr "Ulasan Git" msgid "Git allows you to:" msgstr "Git memungkinkan Anda untuk:" msgid "" "Git is a free and open source distributed version control system that the " "OpenStack community uses to manage changes to source code and documentation." msgstr "" "Git adalah sistem kontrol versi terdistribusi gratis dan open source yang " "digunakan komunitas OpenStack untuk mengelola perubahan kode sumber dan " "dokumentasi." msgid "" "Git review assumes the user you're running it as is the same as your Gerrit " "username. If it's not, you can tell it by setting this git config setting::" msgstr "" "Ulasan Git mengasumsikan pengguna yang Anda jalankan sama dengan nama " "pengguna Gerrit Anda. Jika tidak, Anda dapat mengetahuinya dengan mengatur " "pengaturan konfigurasi git ini ::" msgid "" "Git review is a tool maintained by the OpenStack community. It adds an " "additional sub-command to 'git' like so::" msgstr "" "Ulasan Git adalah alat yang dikelola oleh komunitas OpenStack. Ia " "menambahkan sub-command tambahan ke 'git' seperti:" msgid "Git reviews only needs to be initialized once in a repository." msgstr "Ulasan Git hanya perlu diinisialisasi satu kali dalam repositori." msgid "" "Go to `Gerrit's SSH Public Keys settings `_." msgstr "" "Pergi ke `Gerrit's SSH Public Keys settings `_." msgid "Go to http://colloquy.info and follow the download link." msgstr "Buka http://colloquy.info dan ikuti tautan unduhan." msgid "" "Go to the Git `download page `_ and click " "**Mac OS X**." msgstr "" "Lihat ke Git `download page `_ dan klik **Mac " "OS X**." msgid "" "Go to the `OpenStack Foundation sign up page `_." msgstr "" "Kunjungi `OpenStack Foundation sign up page `_." msgid "" "Go to the `storyboard.openstack.org `_." msgstr "" "Lihat ke `storyboard.openstack.org `_." msgid "" "Going back to your connection window, highlight your Freenode connection and " "click the **info** icon." msgstr "" "Kembali ke jendela koneksi Anda, sorot koneksi Freenode Anda dan klik ikon " "**info**." msgid "Groups" msgstr "Grup" msgid "" "Having the main projects following the release cycle ensures that all these " "projects release at the same time so these can be picked up by downstream " "teams to package and further distribute." msgstr "" "Memiliki proyek utama setelah siklus rilis memastikan bahwa semua proyek ini " "dirilis pada waktu yang sama sehingga ini dapat diambil oleh tim hilir untuk " "dipaket dan didistribusikan lebih lanjut." msgid "Help translate OpenStack, making it more available for users worldwide" msgstr "" "Bantu menerjemahkan OpenStack, menjadikannya lebih tersedia untuk pengguna " "di seluruh dunia" msgid "Highlight and copy the output." msgstr "Sorot dan salin hasilnya." msgid "IRC" msgstr "IRC" msgid "IRC Archives" msgstr "Arsip IRC" msgid "IRC Channels" msgstr "Saluran IRC" msgid "IRC Meetings" msgstr "Pertemuan IRC" msgid "" "IRC allows different programs to listen to the IRC channels and do some " "actions. These programs are called IRC bots. There are several bots used in " "the OpenStack IRC channels, this section contains the ones which are useful " "from the first days of OpenStack development. A more comprehensive list can " "be found in the `Infrastructure team IRC page `__." msgstr "" "IRC memungkinkan berbagai program mendengarkan saluran IRC dan melakukan " "beberapa tindakan. Program-program ini disebut IRC bot. Ada beberapa bot " "yang digunakan dalam saluran IRC OpenStack, bagian ini berisi yang berguna " "dari hari-hari pertama pengembangan OpenStack. Daftar yang lebih " "komprehensif dapat ditemukan di `Infrastructure team IRC page `__." msgid "IRC allows you to:" msgstr "IRC memungkinkan Anda untuk:" msgid "IRC bots" msgstr "Bot IRC" msgid "" "If English is not your native language, you may wish to contribute as a " "translator. All services and documents that are visible to the user are " "translated by the I18n team. It does not matter which language you speak. We " "already have a lot of language teams who are very active. Our claim is more " "diversity, to support us in our work at I18n." msgstr "" "Jika bahasa Inggris bukan bahasa ibu Anda, Anda mungkin ingin berkontribusi " "sebagai penerjemah. Semua layanan dan dokumen yang dapat dilihat oleh " "pengguna diterjemahkan oleh tim I18n. Tidak masalah bahasa apa yang Anda " "gunakan. Kami sudah memiliki banyak tim bahasa yang sangat aktif. Klaim kami " "lebih beragam, untuk mendukung kami dalam pekerjaan kami di I18n." msgid "" "If all goes well in the second window you will see your new connection and " "your client connected." msgstr "" "Jika semuanya berjalan dengan baik di jendela kedua Anda akan melihat " "koneksi baru Anda dan klien Anda terhubung." msgid "" "If all goes well you should be connected and not get any pop ups as " "indicated in the previous step's Troubleshooting section." msgstr "" "Jika semuanya berjalan dengan baik, Anda harus terhubung dan tidak " "mendapatkan sembulan (pop up) seperti yang ditunjukkan pada bagian " "Troubleshooting langkah sebelumnya." msgid "" "If all goes well you should receive a message back instantly that the nick " "name is registered by you and an activation email will be sent to the email " "address you provided." msgstr "" "Jika semuanya berjalan dengan baik, Anda harus menerima pesan kembali secara " "instan bahwa nama panggilan terdaftar oleh Anda dan email aktivasi akan " "dikirim ke alamat email yang Anda berikan." msgid "" "If all goes well you will get a dialog window indicating the connection to " "Freenode has completed, and what to do next. For now, select \"Nothing, I'll " "join a channel later.\"" msgstr "" "Jika semuanya berjalan dengan baik, Anda akan mendapatkan jendela dialog " "yang menunjukkan koneksi ke Freenode telah selesai, dan apa yang harus " "dilakukan selanjutnya. Untuk saat ini, pilih \"Nothing, I'll join a channel " "later.\"" msgid "" "If the CCLA only needs to be extended follow `this `_ procedure." msgstr "" "Jika CCLA hanya perlu diperpanjang, ikuti `this `_ prosedur." msgid "" "If the bug is related to a security vulnerability it is important to click " "the box to alert the Vulnerability Management Team to the issue. When you " "feel you have added all of the information needed, go ahead and submit the " "bug report. For more information about the full process for reporting " "security vulnerabilties, please continue reading `this page `_." msgstr "" "Jika bug terkait dengan kerentanan keamanan, penting untuk mengklik kotak " "untuk memberi tahu Vulnerability Management Team terhadap masalah tersebut. " "Ketika Anda merasa telah menambahkan semua informasi yang diperlukan, " "silakan dan kirim laporan bug. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang proses " "lengkap untuk melaporkan kerentanan keamanan, silakan lanjutkan membaca " "`this page `_." msgid "" "If there is a topic you are interested in mentoring someone in, or being " "mentored in, the organizers are always looking for new ideas! Please fill " "out the form below that corresponds to your roll and let them know!" msgstr "" "Jika ada topik yang Anda minati dalam membimbing seseorang, atau dibimbing, " "penyelenggara selalu mencari ide baru! Silakan isi formulir di bawah ini " "yang sesuai dengan gulungan Anda dan beri tahu mereka!" msgid "If you already have an Ubuntu One Account, you can just login." msgstr "Jika Anda sudah memiliki Akun Ubuntu One, Anda bisa masuk." msgid "If you are contributing on behalf of a company or organization." msgstr "Jika Anda berkontribusi atas nama perusahaan atau organisasi." msgid "" "If you don't have a Ubuntu One Account, click the **I am a new Ubuntu One " "user**." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak memiliki Akun Ubuntu One, klik **I am a new Ubuntu One " "user**." msgid "" "If you don't have pip installed already, follow the `installation " "documentation `_ for pip." msgstr "" "Jika Anda belum menginstal pip, ikuti `installation documentation `_ untuk pip." msgid "" "If you don't know what your Gerrit username is, you can check the `Gerrit " "settings `_." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak tahu apa nama pengguna Gerrit Anda, Anda dapat memeriksa " "`Gerrit settings `_." msgid "" "If you don't see .pub extension file or want to generate a specific set for " "OpenStack Gerrit, you need to generate keys." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak melihat file ekstensi .pub atau ingin membuat kumpulan " "spesifik untuk OpenStack Gerrit, Anda perlu membuat kunci." msgid "" "If you get a notice that the nick name is already taken, quit and go back to " "the first set of steps to pick a different nickname." msgstr "" "Jika Anda mendapat pemberitahuan bahwa nama samaran sudah diambil, keluar " "dan kembali ke langkah pertama untuk memilih nama panggilan yang berbeda." msgid "If you get a notice that the nick name is already taken:" msgstr "Jika Anda mendapat pemberitahuan bahwa nama samaran sudah diambil:" msgid "" "If you have the ATC status, in the official OpenStack project where you " "contributed over the last two 6-month release cycles you are considered to " "be an Active Project Contributor." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memiliki status ATC, dalam proyek OpenStack resmi tempat Anda " "berkontribusi selama dua siklus rilis 6 bulan terakhir, Anda dianggap " "sebagai Kontributor Proyek Aktif." msgid "" "If you use the package manager `Homebrew `_, open a terminal " "and type::" msgstr "" "Jika Anda menggunakan manajer paket `Homebrew ` _, buka " "terminal dan ketik ::" msgid "Import Public Key Into Gerrit" msgstr "Impor Kunci Publik Ke Gerrit" msgid "" "In Gerrit's `settings `_ " "click the **New Contributor Agreement** link and sign the agreement." msgstr "" "Di Gerrit's `settings `_ klik tautan **New Contributor Agreement** dan menandatangani " "perjanjian." msgid "" "In Gerrit's `settings `_ " "click the **New Contributor Agreement** link and sign the agreement. You " "need this to contribute code & documentation. You will not be able to push " "patches to Gerrit without this." msgstr "" "In Gerrit's `settings `_ klik tautan **New Contributor Agreement** dan tandatangani " "perjanjian. Anda memerlukan ini untuk berkontribusi kode & dokumentasi. Anda " "tidak akan bisa mendorong patch ke Gerrit tanpa ini." msgid "" "In Launchpad, a new feature is called a blueprint. To file a new blueprint, " "click the 'Register a blueprint' button on the right." msgstr "" "Di Launchpad, fitur baru disebut cetak biru. Untuk mengajukan cetak biru " "baru, klik tombol 'Register a blueprint' di sebelah kanan." msgid "" "In OpenStack all the meetings are happening either on generic meeting " "channels channels like #openstack-meeting, or on specific project channels. " "Check the `list of meetings `__ " "for meetings times, IRC channels, and archives of meetings." msgstr "" "Di OpenStack semua pertemuan terjadi baik pada saluran saluran rapat umum " "seperti #openstack-meeting, atau pada saluran proyek tertentu. Periksalah " "`list of meetings `__ untuk waktu " "rapat, saluran IRC, dan arsip rapat." msgid "In a terminal type::" msgstr "Di terminal ketik::" msgid "" "In open source projects a contribution can be anything which helps the " "project to accomplish its mission. In addition to code contribution it can " "be testing, documentation, requirements gathering, bug reporting and so " "forth." msgstr "" "Dalam proyek open source, kontribusi dapat berupa apa saja yang membantu " "proyek untuk mencapai misinya. Selain kontribusi kode dapat berupa " "pengujian, dokumentasi, pengumpulan persyaratan, pelaporan bug, dan " "sebagainya." msgid "" "In order to identify yourselves that you own the nick name upon logging in, " "you need to tell Colloquy to communicate your password upon connecting." msgstr "" "Untuk mengidentifikasi diri Anda bahwa Anda memiliki nama panggilan saat " "masuk, Anda harus memberi tahu Colloquy untuk mengomunikasikan kata sandi " "Anda saat menyambungkan." msgid "" "In order to identify yourselves that you own the nick name upon logging in, " "you need to tell Hexchat to communicate your password upon connecting." msgstr "" "Untuk mengidentifikasi diri Anda bahwa Anda memiliki nama panggilan saat " "masuk, Anda perlu memberi tahu Hexchat untuk mengomunikasikan kata sandi " "Anda saat menyambungkan." msgid "" "In order to push things to `Gerrit `_ we need " "to have a way to identify ourselves. We will do this using SSH keys which " "allows us to have our machine we're pushing a change from to perform a " "`challenge-response authentication `_ with the Gerrit server." msgstr "" "Untuk mendorong sesuatu `Gerrit `_ kita perlu " "memiliki cara untuk mengidentifikasi diri kita sendiri. Kami akan melakukan " "ini menggunakan kunci SSH yang memungkinkan kami untuk memiliki mesin kami " "mendorong perubahan dari untuk melakukan `challenge-response authentication " "`_ dengan " "server Gerrit." msgid "" "In order to register you need to send a message to nickserv on Freenode, " "which is a bot that allows you to register and identify yourselves as the " "owner of a nick name." msgstr "" "Untuk mendaftar, Anda perlu mengirim pesan ke nickserv di Freenode, yang " "merupakan bot yang memungkinkan Anda untuk mendaftar dan mengidentifikasi " "diri Anda sebagai pemilik nama panggilan." msgid "" "In some cases there are training sessions and workshops as well and you may " "see the `OpenStack Upstream Institute `_ training on the agenda as well." msgstr "" "Dalam beberapa kasus ada sesi pelatihan dan lokakarya juga dan Anda mungkin " "melihat `OpenStack Upstream Institute `_ pelatihan agenda juga." msgid "" "In specific cases you can apply for an exception to become an ATC, for " "further information please see the `relevant section of the Technical " "Committee Charter `_." msgstr "" "Dalam kasus tertentu, Anda dapat mengajukan pengecualian untuk menjadi ATC, " "untuk informasi lebih lanjut silakan lihat `relevant section of the " "Technical Committee Charter `_." msgid "" "In summary, you will be generating a SSH key pair, and providing the Gerrit " "server with your public key. With your system holding the private key, it " "will have no problem replying to Gerrit during the challenge-response " "authentication." msgstr "" "Singkatnya, Anda akan membuat pasangan kunci SSH, dan memberikan server " "kunci Gerrit kepada Anda. Dengan sistem Anda yang memegang kunci privat, " "tidak akan ada masalah untuk membalas Gerrit selama otentikasi challenge-" "response." msgid "In the **Password** field type your password." msgstr "Di bidang **Password** ketikkan kata sandi Anda." msgid "" "In the **Password** put in the password you picked in the previous step and " "click close." msgstr "" "Dalam **Password** masukkan kata sandi yang Anda pilih pada langkah " "sebelumnya dan klik tutup." msgid "Individual Contributor License Agreement" msgstr "" "Individual Contributor License Agreement (perjanjian lisensi kontributor " "individu)" msgid "Individual Contributors" msgstr "Kontributor Perorangan" msgid "" "Individual Members of the Foundation who have contributed to any of the " "official OpenStack project repositories over the last two 6-month release " "cycles are automatically considered as ATCs." msgstr "" "Individual Members of the Foundation yang telah berkontribusi pada salah " "satu repositori proyek OpenStack resmi selama dua siklus rilis 6 bulan " "terakhir secara otomatis dianggap sebagai ATC." msgid "" "Individual members of the foundation vote once a year (usually near the " "start of the calendar year) for the individual directors. Individuals who " "wish to join the Foundation can learn more at :ref:`foundation account`." msgstr "" "Anggota individu dari foundation memberikan suara setahun sekali (biasanya " "menjelang awal tahun kalender) untuk masing-masing direktur. Individu yang " "ingin bergabung dengan Foundation dapat belajar lebih banyak di :ref:" "`foundation account`." msgid "Install an IRC Program" msgstr "Instal Program IRC" msgid "Installation" msgstr "Instalasi" msgid "Internet Relay Chat (IRC)" msgstr "Internet Relay Chat (IRC)" msgid "Introduction" msgstr "Pengantar" msgid "" "It is a good idea to check back on the bug routinely if you aren't actively " "working on solving it to make sure people haven't asked for more information " "about the issue. If someone has commented on the bug, try to respond with " "the details they need." msgstr "" "Merupakan ide bagus untuk memeriksa kembali bug secara rutin jika Anda tidak " "secara aktif bekerja menyelesaikannya untuk memastikan orang tidak meminta " "informasi lebih lanjut tentang masalah ini. Jika seseorang mengomentari bug, " "cobalah untuk menanggapi dengan detail yang mereka butuhkan." msgid "" "It is possible to update all of this information except the name and title " "after the blueprint is registered. When you have finished filling out all of " "the information you care to include, it is good to communicate with the " "project team lead that you have filed a blueprint." msgstr "" "Dimungkinkan untuk memperbarui semua informasi ini kecuali nama dan judul " "setelah cetak biru terdaftar. Ketika Anda telah selesai mengisi semua " "informasi yang ingin Anda sertakan, ada baiknya berkomunikasi dengan " "pimpinan tim proyek bahwa Anda telah mengajukan cetak biru." msgid "" "It's also important to note that given that the majority of contributors " "reside in the United States, channels will likely be quieter outside of " "United States work hours and it might be a while before they respond." msgstr "" "Penting juga untuk dicatat bahwa mengingat sebagian besar kontributor berada " "di Amerika Serikat, saluran kemungkinan akan lebih tenang di luar jam kerja " "Amerika Serikat dan mungkin perlu beberapa saat sebelum mereka merespons." msgid "Its activities are under the oversight of the Technical Committee" msgstr "Kegiatannya berada di bawah pengawasan Komite Teknis" msgid "Join the Mailing List & IRC Channel" msgstr "Bergabunglah dengan Mailing List & IRC Channel" msgid "" "Know how to participate in groups that interest you and influence the future " "of OpenStack" msgstr "" "Ketahui cara berpartisipasi dalam grup yang menarik minat Anda dan " "memengaruhi masa depan OpenStack" msgid "Know how to report bugs and propose features" msgstr "Ketahui cara melaporkan bug dan mengusulkan fitur" msgid "" "Know the structure of the different release models and how to work " "effectively in those to influence the future of OpenStack" msgstr "" "Ketahui struktur dari model rilis yang berbeda dan cara bekerja secara " "efektif pada mereka untuk mempengaruhi masa depan OpenStack" msgid "Know which events are valuable to you" msgstr "Ketahui acara mana yang berharga bagi Anda" msgid "Launchpad" msgstr "Launchpad" msgid "" "Launchpad is the original task tracker used by OpenStack projects to " "organize and target work to milestones and releases. It uses UbuntuOne for " "authentication as it is managed by Canonical. Items tracked are either bugs " "or blueprints." msgstr "" "Launchpad adalah pelacak tugas asli yang digunakan oleh proyek OpenStack " "untuk mengatur dan menargetkan pekerjaan hingga tonggak dan rilis. Ia " "menggunakan UbuntuOne untuk otentikasi karena dikelola oleh Canonical. Item " "yang dilacak adalah bug atau cetak biru." msgid "Learning Git" msgstr "Belajar Git" msgid "" "Lets first fill out the **Nick name** and **User name** field with our " "choice of a nickname:" msgstr "" "Pertama-tama mari kita mengisi bidang **Nick name** dan **User name** " "dengan nama panggilan kami:" msgid "Linux" msgstr "Linux" msgid "" "Look for meet-ups in your area and if you cannot find one you can go ahead " "and organize!" msgstr "" "Carilah pertemuan di daerah Anda dan jika Anda tidak dapat menemukannya, " "Anda dapat melanjutkan dan menyelenggarakan!" msgid "Mac OS" msgstr "Mac OS" msgid "Mac OS & Linux" msgstr "Mac OS & Linux" msgid "" "Mac OS X El Capitan and Mac OS Sierra users might see an error message like " "\"Operation not permitted\" when installing with the command. In this case, " "there are two options to successfully install git-review." msgstr "" "Pengguna Mac OS X El Capitan dan Mac OS Sierra mungkin melihat pesan " "kesalahan seperti \"Operation not permitted\" saat menginstal dengan " "perintah. Dalam hal ini, ada dua opsi untuk berhasil menginstal git-review." msgid "Mailing Lists (ML)" msgstr "Mailing Lists (ML)" msgid "" "Make sure that **Use SSL for all the servers on this network** is checked." msgstr "Pastikan **Use SSL for all the servers on this network** dicentang." msgid "" "Make sure to use the same email address you'll want to use for code " "contributions since it's important later that these match up." msgstr "" "Pastikan untuk menggunakan alamat email yang sama Anda akan ingin " "menggunakan untuk kontribusi kode karena itu penting kemudian bahwa ini ada " "kecocokan." msgid "Map of OpenStack projects" msgstr "Peta proyek OpenStack" msgid "Meet-ups" msgstr "Pertemuan" msgid "" "Meet-ups are organized by local user groups with different cadences. They " "are a few hours long with a few presentations, discussion topics and some " "snacks." msgstr "" "Pertemuan diselenggarakan oleh kelompok pengguna lokal dengan irama " "(cadence) yang berbeda. Mereka berdurasi beberapa jam dengan beberapa " "presentasi, topik diskusi dan beberapa makanan ringan." msgid "Mentoring" msgstr "Mentoring (pendampingan)" msgid "Mentoring Mailing List" msgstr "Mentoring Mailing List" msgid "Monitor your patches as they get tested by Zuul" msgstr "Pantau patch Anda saat diuji oleh Zuul" msgid "" "Most IRC channels are archived, you can read the logs on `eavesdrop `__." msgstr "" "Sebagian besar saluran IRC diarsipkan, Anda dapat membaca log on `eavesdrop " "`__." msgid "" "New core reviewers are nominated by someone from the existing team on the " "Discuss Mailing List and/or in Gerrit and elected by voting from the members " "of the core team of the project." msgstr "" "Core reviewer baru dicalonkan oleh seseorang dari tim yang ada di Diskusi " "Mailing List dan / atau di Gerrit dan dipilih dengan memilih dari anggota " "tim inti proyek." msgid "" "Not all projects use the blueprints feature of Launchpad, you should contact " "the project to see how they handle feature requests. For details on how to " "contact a project check the `project list`_." msgstr "" "Tidak semua proyek menggunakan fitur cetak biru Launchpad, Anda harus " "menghubungi proyek untuk melihat bagaimana mereka menangani permintaan " "fitur. Untuk perincian tentang cara menghubungi proyek, periksa `project " "list`_." msgid "Not used" msgstr "Tidak digunakan" msgid "Now open the hexchat program just like you would for any Linux program." msgstr "" "Sekarang buka program hexchat seperti yang Anda lakukan untuk program Linux " "apa pun." msgid "Official OpenStack projects" msgstr "Proyek OpenStack resmi" msgid "" "Official OpenStack projects are the projects under the governance of the " "Technical Commitee. Official OpenStack projects are listed in the `OpenStack " "Project Teams page `_. Most well-known official OpenStack projects are listed in the " "`project navigator `_. " "It is not mandatory for a project to become an official OpenStack project." msgstr "" "Proyek OpenStack resmi adalah proyek di bawah tata kelola Komite Teknis. " "Proyek OpenStack resmi terdaftar di `OpenStack Project Teams page `_. Sebagian besar " "proyek OpenStack resmi terkenal terdaftar di `project navigator `_. Tidak wajib bagi proyek untuk " "menjadi proyek OpenStack resmi." msgid "" "Official OpenStack projects have a project team consisting of core reviewers " "and contributors." msgstr "" "Proyek OpenStack resmi memiliki tim proyek yang terdiri dari pengulas inti " "dan kontributor." msgid "" "Official project teams within OpenStack have a `Project Team Lead `_. " "These individuals coordinate the day to day operation of the project, " "resolve technical disputes within the project, and operate as the " "spokesperson and ambassador for the project." msgstr "" "Tim proyek resmi dalam OpenStack memiliki `Project Team Lead `_. " "Orang-orang ini mengoordinasikan operasi proyek sehari-hari, menyelesaikan " "perselisihan teknis di dalam proyek, dan beroperasi sebagai juru bicara dan " "duta besar untuk proyek tersebut." msgid "" "On IRC, we also have a dedicated channel for the topics our cohorts focus " "on. Please join #openstack-mentoring whenever you are online to stay in the " "loop and meet other people that have overlapping timezones- both mentors and " "mentees." msgstr "" "Di IRC, kami juga memiliki saluran khusus untuk topik yang menjadi fokus " "kelompok kami. Silakan bergabung #openstack-mentoring setiap kali Anda " "online untuk tetap di loop dan bertemu orang lain yang memiliki zona waktu " "yang tumpang tindih - baik mentor dan mentees." msgid "" "On the next screen you are prompted to add details including its name and " "title." msgstr "" "Pada layar berikutnya Anda diminta untuk menambahkan detail termasuk nama " "dan judulnya." msgid "On the top right corner, click the **login** button." msgstr "Di sudut kanan atas, klik tombol ** login **." msgid "Once registered, you can join a language team." msgstr "Setelah terdaftar, Anda dapat bergabung dengan tim bahasa." msgid "" "Once you have Git installed you need to configure it. Open your terminal " "application and issue the following commands putting in your first/last name " "and email address. This is how your contributions will be identified::" msgstr "" "Setelah Anda menginstal Git, Anda perlu mengkonfigurasinya. Buka aplikasi " "terminal Anda dan keluarkan perintah berikut dengan memasukkan nama depan / " "belakang dan alamat email Anda. Beginilah kontribusi Anda akan " "diidentifikasi ::" msgid "" "Only APCs can participate in the election process to vote for the next PTL " "of the team." msgstr "" "Hanya APC yang dapat berpartisipasi dalam proses pemilihan untuk memilih PTL " "tim berikutnya." msgid "Open your terminal program and type::" msgstr "Buka program terminal Anda dan ketik ::" msgid "OpenDev" msgstr "OpenDev" msgid "OpenStack Events" msgstr "Acara OpenStack" msgid "OpenStack Governance" msgstr "Tata Kelola OpenStack" msgid "" "OpenStack `Special Interest Groups `_ are working groups that operate within the entire OpenStack community to " "address interests and concerns of all participants with a shared interest." msgstr "" "OpenStack `Special Interest Groups `_ adalah kelompok kerja yang beroperasi dalam seluruh komunitas OpenStack " "untuk mengatasi minat dan keprihatinan semua peserta dengan kepentingan " "bersama." msgid "" "OpenStack consists of a large number of projects that form the main " "components of an OpenStack cloud, from client libraries to lifecycle " "management services. The different projects are different in nature which " "implies different `release models `_ to follow." msgstr "" "OpenStack terdiri dari sejumlah besar proyek yang membentuk komponen utama " "dari cloud OpenStack, dari pustaka klien hingga layanan manajemen siklus " "hidup. Berbagai proyek berbeda di alam yang menyiratkan berbeda `release " "models `_ " "mengikuti." msgid "" "OpenStack has a 6-month long release cadence with different release models " "that projects can choose to follow." msgstr "" "OpenStack memiliki irama (cadence0 rilis selama 6 bulan dengan model rilis " "berbeda yang dapat dipilih proyek untuk diikuti." msgid "OpenStack is a community working towards one mission:" msgstr "OpenStack adalah komunitas yang bekerja menuju satu misi:" msgid "" "OpenStack is a software package that provides a cloud platform for Public " "and Private cloud covering various use cases including Enterprise and " "Telecom. The main focus is on Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud and " "additional services built upon IaaS." msgstr "" "OpenStack adalah paket perangkat lunak yang menyediakan platform cloud untuk " "cloud Publik dan Pribadi yang mencakup berbagai kasus penggunaan termasuk " "Enterprise dan Telecom. Fokus utamanya adalah cloud Infrastruktur sebagai " "Layanan (IaaS) dan layanan tambahan yang dibangun di atas IaaS." msgid "" "OpenStack provides an ecosystem for collaboration. It has infrastructure for" msgstr "" "OpenStack menyediakan ekosistem untuk kolaborasi. Ini memiliki infrastruktur " "untuk" msgid "OpenStack/Open Infrastructure Summit" msgstr "OpenStack / Open Infrastructure Summit" msgid "OpenStack/OpenInfra Days" msgstr "OpenStack/OpenInfra Days" msgid "Option 1: install using pip with more options::" msgstr "Opsi 1: instal menggunakan pip dengan lebih banyak opsi ::" msgid "" "Option 2: Use the package manager `Homebrew `_, and type in " "a terminal::" msgstr "" "Opsi 2: Gunakan manajer paket `Homebrew ` _, dan ketikkan " "di terminal ::" msgid "" "Or if you created a separate key pair, assuming the example name above::" msgstr "" "Atau jika Anda membuat pasangan kunci terpisah, dengan asumsi nama contoh di " "atas ::" msgid "" "PTGs are scheduled at the beginning of each release cycle which makes it " "possible to do more thorough release planning and ensure that the more " "complicated proposals are discussed with all the affected teams." msgstr "" "PTG dijadwalkan pada awal setiap siklus rilis yang memungkinkan untuk " "melakukan perencanaan rilis yang lebih menyeluruh dan memastikan bahwa " "proposal yang lebih rumit dibahas dengan semua tim yang terkena dampak." msgid "Participate in regular meetings with the above groups." msgstr "" "Berpartisipasilah dalam pertemuan rutin dengan kelompok-kelompok di atas." msgid "Participating as a Mentee" msgstr "Berpartisipasi sebagai Mentee" msgid "Participating as a Mentor" msgstr "Berpartisipasi sebagai Mentor" msgid "" "Paste the public key into the **Add SSH Public Key** text box and click " "**Add**." msgstr "" "Rekatkan (paste) kunci publik ke dalam kotak teks **Add SSH Public Key** " "dan klik **Add**." msgid "Preparing to Send a Review" msgstr "Bersiap untuk Mengirim Ulasan" msgid "Project Team Lead (PTL)" msgstr "Project Team Lead (PTL)" msgid "" "Project Team Leads are `elected `_ for each release cycle by " "Active Project Contributors: individuals who have contributed to the project " "in the last two release cycles." msgstr "" "Pimpinan Tim Proyek adalah `elected `_ untuk setiap siklus rilis " "oleh Active Project Contributors: individu yang telah berkontribusi pada " "proyek dalam dua siklus rilis terakhir." msgid "Project Teams Gathering (PTG)" msgstr "Project Teams Gathering (PTG)" msgid "Push `Specifications `_" msgstr "Dorong `Specifications `_" msgid "" "Push `Use cases for features `_" msgstr "" "Dorong `Use cases for features `_" msgid "" "Push and test `code, docs, infrastructure changes, and CI configurations " "`_" msgstr "" "Dorong dan uji `code, docs, infrastructure changes, and CI configurations " "`_" msgid "" "Read through the presented individual member terms of service and our " "`Community Code of Conduct `_." msgstr "" "Baca melalui persyaratan layanan anggota individual yang disajikan dan kami " "`Community Code of Conduct `_." msgid "Reference" msgstr "Referensi" msgid "Register Your Nick Name" msgstr "Daftarkan Nama Panggilan Anda" msgid "Release Models" msgstr "Model Rilis" msgid "Release Schedule and Planning" msgstr "Jadwal dan Perencanaan Rilis" msgid "Releases" msgstr "Rilis" msgid "Report bugs" msgstr "Laporkan bug" msgid "" "Requirements for the official OpenStack projects are listed `in the wiki of " "the Technical Commitee `_." msgstr "" "Persyaratan untuk proyek OpenStack resmi terdaftar `in the wiki of the " "Technical Commitee `_." msgid "Reviewing bug reports and deciding about their priority" msgstr "Meninjau laporan bug dan memutuskan tentang prioritasnya" msgid "" "Reviewing changes and approving them when it meets the design and coding or " "documentation standards of the project" msgstr "" "Meninjau perubahan dan menyetujuinya ketika memenuhi desain dan standar " "pengkodean atau dokumentasi proyek" msgid "Roles" msgstr "Peran (Roles)" msgid "Run for elected positions in the OpenStack project." msgstr "Jalankan untuk posisi terpilih dalam proyek OpenStack." msgid "SSH keys are always generated in pairs:" msgstr "Kunci SSH selalu dibuat berpasangan:" msgid "Set up IRC on Linux & Windows" msgstr "Atur IRC di Linux & Windows" msgid "Set up IRC on Mac OS" msgstr "Atur IRC pada Mac OS" msgid "Setting Up Your Gerrit Account" msgstr "Menyiapkan Akun Gerrit Anda" msgid "Setup IRC" msgstr "Pengaturan IRC" msgid "Setup SSH Keys" msgstr "Atur Kunci SSH" msgid "Setup Your OpenStack Foundation Account" msgstr "Siapkan Akun OpenStack Foundation Anda" msgid "Setup Your Task Tracker Account" msgstr "Siapkan akun Task Tracker Anda" msgid "Setup and Learn GIT" msgstr "Siapkan dan Pelajari GIT" msgid "Sign Up" msgstr "Sign Up (mendaftar)" msgid "Signing it" msgstr "Menandatanganinya" msgid "" "Similar to being a mentor, the first thing you'll want to do is sign up " "using this `mentee form `_. This will help us know who is participating " "and what their goals are." msgstr "" "Mirip dengan menjadi seorang mentor, hal pertama yang ingin Anda lakukan " "adalah mendaftar menggunakan ini `mentee form `_. Ini akan membantu kami " "mengetahui siapa yang berpartisipasi dan apa tujuan mereka." msgid "Software" msgstr "Software (perangkat lunak)" msgid "" "Some people choose to use one SSH key pair to access many systems while " "others prefer to use separate key pairs. Both options are covered in the " "following sections." msgstr "" "Beberapa orang memilih untuk menggunakan satu pasangan kunci SSH untuk " "mengakses banyak sistem sementara yang lain lebih suka menggunakan pasangan " "kunci yang terpisah. Kedua opsi dibahas di bagian berikut." msgid "" "Some projects also have different dates through a release cycles as " "internal, project-specific deadlines, like spec-freeze or code-freeze. You " "need to make sure you are aware of the freeze dates which you can find on " "the `release schedule page `_." msgstr "" "Beberapa proyek juga memiliki tanggal yang berbeda melalui siklus rilis " "sebagai tenggat waktu internal dan spesifik proyek, seperti pembekuan " "spesifikasi atau pembekuan kode. Anda harus memastikan bahwa Anda mengetahui " "tanggal pembekuan yang dapat Anda temukan di halaman jadwal rilis `_." msgid "" "Someone of authority needs to sign the `U.S. Government Contributor License " "Agreement `_. Contact the " "`OpenStack Foundation `_ to initiate " "this process." msgstr "" "Seseorang yang berwenang harus menandatangani `U.S. Government Contributor " "License Agreement `_. Hubungi " "`OpenStack Foundation `_ untuk memulai " "proses ini." msgid "Special Interest Groups" msgstr "Kelompok Minat Khusus (Special Interest Groups)" msgid "Statusbot" msgstr "Statusbot" msgid "" "Statusbot is used to distribute urgent information from the Infrastructure " "team to OpenStack channels." msgstr "" "Statusbot digunakan untuk mendistribusikan informasi mendesak dari tim " "Infrastruktur ke saluran OpenStack." msgid "Stay up to date on the active discussions in the community" msgstr "Ikuti perkembangan diskusi aktif di komunitas" msgid "Stories & Tasks" msgstr "Kisah & Tugas" msgid "StoryBoard" msgstr "StoryBoard" msgid "Storyboard" msgstr "Storyboard" msgid "" "Storyboard is a kanban style task tracking system created and maintained by " "the community. It was designed API-first and was engineered to support the " "coordination of cross project work. Items tracked are stories and tasks. A " "story can be a bug or a new feature, while tasks are the smaller todo's " "required to complete the story." msgstr "" "Storyboard adalah sistem pelacakan tugas gaya kanban yang dibuat dan " "dikelola oleh komunitas. Itu dirancang API-first dan direkayasa untuk " "mendukung koordinasi pekerjaan lintas proyek. Item yang dilacak adalah " "cerita dan tugas. Sebuah cerita bisa menjadi bug atau fitur baru, sementara " "tugas adalah tugas yang lebih kecil yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan " "cerita." msgid "Submit presentations to OpenStack conferences." msgstr "Kirim presentasi ke OpenStack konferensi." msgid "Submit your application." msgstr "Kirim aplikasi Anda." msgid "" "Succesbot is an IRC bot to express small successes in OpenStack development. " "To celebrate in the OpenStack IRC channel way just type:" msgstr "" "Succesbot adalah bot IRC untuk mengekspresikan keberhasilan kecil dalam " "pengembangan OpenStack. Untuk merayakan dengan cara saluran OpenStack IRC " "cukup ketik:" msgid "Successbot" msgstr "Successbot" msgid "Summary Line" msgstr "Summary Line" msgid "Tags" msgstr "Tags" msgid "Tags are references used to link the change to other tools." msgstr "" "Tag adalah referensi yang digunakan untuk menautkan perubahan ke alat lain." msgid "Tags should be entered one per line." msgstr "Tag harus dimasukkan satu per baris." msgid "Task Tracking" msgstr "Pelacakan Tugas" msgid "Technical Committee" msgstr "Komite Teknis" msgid "Testing" msgstr "Testing (pengujian)" msgid "Thanksbot" msgstr "Thanksbot" msgid "" "The 13 Members of the TC are elected for one year terms, six at one " "election, seven at another election six months later. They are elected by :" "ref:`Active Technical Contributors `." msgstr "" "13 Anggota TC dipilih untuk masa jabatan satu tahun, enam pada satu " "pemilihan, tujuh pada pemilihan lainnya enam bulan kemudian. Mereka dipilih " "oleh :ref:`Active Technical Contributors `." msgid "" "The 5 members of the UC are elected to one year terms, three at one " "election, two at another election six months later. They are elected by :ref:" "`Active User Contributors `." msgstr "" "5 anggota UC dipilih untuk masa jabatan satu tahun, tiga pada satu " "pemilihan, dua pada pemilihan lainnya enam bulan kemudian. Mereka dipilih " "oleh :ref:`Active User Contributors `." msgid "" "The 6-month cycle is divided into three milestones and a usually one-month " "long stabilization period with release candidates." msgstr "" "Siklus 6 bulan dibagi menjadi tiga tonggak dan periode stabilisasi yang " "biasanya satu bulan dengan kandidat pelepas." msgid "The Cohorts" msgstr "The Cohorts" msgid "" "The Forum sessions are also 40 minutes long, but the sessions are intended " "to be working sessions as opposed to presentations." msgstr "" "Sesi Forum juga berdurasi 40 menit, tetapi sesi dimaksudkan sebagai sesi " "kerja yang bertentangan dengan presentasi." msgid "" "The Forum sessions are proposed by the community through a proposal period " "and the final sessions are selected by a committee." msgstr "" "Sesi Forum diusulkan oleh masyarakat melalui periode proposal dan sesi " "terakhir dipilih oleh komite." msgid "" "The OpenStack Foundation is a non-profit \"whose purpose is to develop, " "support, protect, and promote\" OpenStack. It has a set of `bylaws `_ and a board " "of directors. The Foundation has three types of members, defined by the " "bylaws. Each of the types—Platinum, Gold and Individual—are represented on a " "Board of Directors. Currently there are 24 directors, eight of each type." msgstr "" "OpenStack Foundation adalah organisasi nirlaba \"yang bertujuan untuk " "mengembangkan, mendukung, melindungi, dan mempromosikan\" OpenStack. Ini " "memiliki seperangkat `bylaws ` _ dan dewan direksi. Foundation ini memiliki tiga " "jenis anggota, yang ditentukan oleh anggaran rumah tangga. Masing-masing " "jenis — Platinum, Emas, dan Individu — diwakili di Dewan Direksi. Saat ini " "ada 24 direktur, delapan dari setiap jenis." msgid "" "The OpenStack Foundation organizes multiple events per year to bring " "together the community as well as companies and individuals interested in " "the technology and to embrace and encourage open collaboration." msgstr "" "OpenStack Foundation menyelenggarakan beberapa acara per tahun untuk " "menyatukan komunitas serta perusahaan dan individu yang tertarik pada " "teknologi dan untuk merangkul dan mendorong kolaborasi terbuka." msgid "" "The OpenStack community has a few different groups and roles for `governance " "`_, leadership, and community " "participation. Each operates in a different sector of the community but " "being aware of each of them is useful." msgstr "" "Komunitas OpenStack memiliki beberapa grup dan peran yang berbeda " "`governance `_, leadership, dan community " "participation. Masing-masing beroperasi di sektor komunitas yang berbeda " "tetapi menyadari masing-masing dari mereka berguna." msgid "" "The OpenStack community is currently in the process of moving from the bug " "tracking software Launchpad to StoryBoard. Further in the project specific " "on-boarding documentation, give special attention to if the project is using " "Launchpad or StoryBoard. If your project is still using Launchpad you will " "want to take notice of the Launchpad section later in this document." msgstr "" "Komunitas OpenStack saat ini sedang dalam proses pindah dari Launchpad ke " "perangkat lunak pelacakan bug ke StoryBoard. Lebih jauh dalam dokumentasi on-" "boarding khusus proyek, beri perhatian khusus jika proyek menggunakan " "Launchpad atau StoryBoard. Jika proyek Anda masih menggunakan Launchpad, " "Anda harus memperhatikan bagian Launchpad nanti di dokumen ini." msgid "" "The OpenStack community uses Internet Relay Chat (IRC) as its primary chat " "service." msgstr "" "Komunitas OpenStack menggunakan Internet Relay Chat (IRC) sebagai layanan " "obrolan utamanya." msgid "The User Committee chairs are elected from and by the group of AUCs." msgstr "Ketua User Committee dipilih dari dan oleh kelompok AUC." msgid "" "The `OpenStack Technical Committee `_ " "(TC) provides governance and technical oversight of the open development of " "OpenStack. They validate projects applying to be part of the official " "OpenStack project and provide an ultimate appeals board for technical " "decisions. The `Technical Committee Charter `_ describes the TC in more detail." msgstr "" "The `OpenStack Technical Committee `_ " "(TC) memberikan tata kelola dan pengawasan teknis atas pengembangan " "OpenStack yang terbuka. Mereka memvalidasi proyek yang mendaftar untuk " "menjadi bagian dari proyek OpenStack resmi dan menyediakan dewan banding " "utama (ultimate appeals board) untuk keputusan teknis. The `Technical " "Committee Charter `_ menjelaskan TC lebih terinci." msgid "" "The `OpenStack User Committee `_ (UC) " "serves the users of OpenStack, representing them to the rest of the " "OpenStack community. The `User Committee Charter `_ describes the UC in more detail." msgstr "" "The `OpenStack User Committee `_ (UC) " "melayani pengguna OpenStack, yang mewakili mereka ke seluruh komunitas " "OpenStack. The `User Committee Charter `_ menjelaskan UC secara lebih rinci." msgid "" "The `PTG `_ is one week long with working " "sessions organized in parallel tracks. The week is devided between Working " "Group, SIG, cross-project and project team sessions and further sessions " "dedicated to operations related discussions." msgstr "" "The `PTG `_ berdurasi satu minggu dengan " "sesi kerja yang diselenggarakan secara paralel. Satu minggu ini dibagi " "antara sesi Working Group, SIG, cross-project dan project team dan sesi " "lebih lanjut yang didedikasikan untuk diskusi terkait operasi." msgid "" "The `Summits `_ are bi-" "annual events with thousands of attendees from all around the globe. The " "event in Spring is located in North America and the Fall occasions are " "alternating somewhere between Europe and Asia." msgstr "" "The `Summits `_ adalah " "acara dua tahunan dengan ribuan peserta dari seluruh dunia. Acara di Spring " "terletak di Amerika Utara dan musim gugur berganti-ganti di suatu tempat " "antara Eropa dan Asia." msgid "" "The ``APIImpact`` tag contains a comment about why the change impacts a " "public HTTP API. Put APIImpact on a line by itself. Use this tag to indicate " "that the patch impacts a public HTTP API. When this tag is included in a " "commit message, the API_Working_Group can use it to help find relevant " "reviews." msgstr "" "Tag ``APIImpact`` berisi komentar tentang mengapa perubahan berdampak pada " "HTTP API publik. Letakkan APIImpact di baris dengan sendirinya. Gunakan tag " "ini untuk menunjukkan bahwa patch berdampak pada API HTTP publik. Saat tag " "ini disertakan dalam pesan komit, API_Working_Group dapat menggunakannya " "untuk membantu menemukan ulasan yang relevan." msgid "" "The ``Change-id`` line is a unique hash describing the change, which is " "generated automatically by a Git commit hook. This should not be changed " "when rebasing a commit following review feedback, since it is used by " "Gerrit, to track versions of a patch." msgstr "" "Baris ``Change-id`` adalah hash unik yang menggambarkan perubahan, yang " "dihasilkan secara otomatis oleh kait komit Git. Ini tidak boleh diubah " "ketika memunculkan kembali komit setelah umpan balik ulasan, karena " "digunakan oleh Gerrit, untuk melacak versi patch." msgid "" "The ``Depends-On``: tag is used to refer to a change the " "current one depends on. Use the permalink of the change." msgstr "" "Tag ``Depends-On``: digunakan untuk merujuk pada " "perubahan yang bergantung pada saat ini. Gunakan tautan permanen perubahan." msgid "" "The ``DocImpact`` tag contains a comment about why the change impacts " "documentation. Put DocImpact on a line by itself. Use this tag to indicate " "that documentation is either contained in the patch or has documentation " "impact. When this tag is included in a commit message, Gerrit creates a bug " "for the project affected by the change for task tracking, or move to the " "openstack-api-site as needed." msgstr "" "Tag ``DocImpact`` berisi komentar tentang mengapa perubahan berdampak pada " "dokumentasi. Letakkan DocImpact di baris dengan sendirinya. Gunakan tag ini " "untuk menunjukkan bahwa dokumentasi terkandung dalam patch atau memiliki " "dampak dokumentasi. Ketika tag ini disertakan dalam pesan komit, Gerrit " "membuat bug untuk proyek yang dipengaruhi oleh perubahan untuk pelacakan " "tugas, atau pindah ke openstack-api-site sesuai kebutuhan." msgid "" "The ``SecurityImpact`` tag is used to indicate that a change has security " "implications and should be reviewed by the OpenStack Security Group." msgstr "" "Tag ``SecurityImpact`` digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa perubahan memiliki " "implikasi keamanan dan harus ditinjau oleh OpenStack Security Group." msgid "" "The ``UpgradeImpact`` tag contains a comment about why the change impacts " "upgrades. It is used to indicate that a change has upgrade implications for " "those doing continuous deployment or N to N+1 upgrades. Also consider " "updating the 'Upgrade Notes' section in the release notes for the affected " "project." msgstr "" "Tag ``UpgradeImpact`` berisi komentar tentang mengapa perubahan ini " "berdampak pada peningkatan. Ini digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa perubahan " "memiliki implikasi peningkatan bagi mereka yang melakukan penyebaran " "berkelanjutan atau peningkatan N ke N+1. Juga pertimbangkan untuk " "memperbarui bagian 'Upgrade Notes' di catatan rilis untuk proyek yang " "terpengaruh." msgid "The basic princinples of the OpenStack community are the four opens." msgstr "Prinsip dasar komunitas OpenStack adalah empat terbuka." msgid "" "The body contains the explanation of the issue being solved and why it " "should be fixed, the description of the solution, and additional optional " "information on how it improves the code structure, or references to other " "relevant patches, for example. The lines are limited to 72 characters. The " "body should contain all the important information related to the problem, " "without assuming that the reader understands the source of the problem or " "has access to external sites." msgstr "" "Body berisi penjelasan tentang masalah yang sedang dipecahkan dan mengapa " "hal itu harus diperbaiki, deskripsi solusi, dan informasi tambahan opsional " "tentang bagaimana hal itu meningkatkan struktur kode, atau referensi ke " "patch lain yang relevan, misalnya. Garis dibatasi hingga 72 karakter. Body " "harus memuat semua informasi penting yang terkait dengan masalah, tanpa " "berasumsi bahwa pembaca memahami sumber masalah atau memiliki akses ke situs " "eksternal." msgid "" "The bug comments contain a full analysis on how to properly fix the issue" msgstr "" "Komentar bug berisi analisis lengkap tentang cara memperbaiki masalah dengan " "benar" msgid "The bug is waiting on input from the reporter" msgstr "Bug menunggu masukan dari reporter" msgid "The bug was just created" msgstr "Bug baru saja dibuat" msgid "The bug was reproduced or confirmed as a genuine bug" msgstr "Bug tersebut direproduksi atau dikonfirmasi sebagai bug asli" msgid "" "The cohort program is hosted under the `Diversity and Inclusion Working " "Group `_. For more information " "about the cohort program, you can check out their `wiki `_." msgstr "" "Program kohort di-hosting di bawah `Diversity and Inclusion Working Group " "`_. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut " "tentang program kohort, Anda dapat melihatnya `wiki `_." msgid "" "The command sets up the necessary remote hosts and commit hooks to enable " "pushing changes to Gerrit." msgstr "" "Perintah mengatur host jarak jauh yang diperlukan dan melakukan kait untuk " "memungkinkan mendorong perubahan ke Gerrit." msgid "" "The conference sessions consist of 40-minute-long presentations and panel " "discussions organized into tracks, like 'Public Clouds', 'Containers', or " "'Telecom/NFV'." msgstr "" "Sesi konferensi terdiri dari presentasi berdurasi 40 menit dan diskusi panel " "yang diatur dalam trek, seperti 'Public Clouds', 'Containers', atau 'Telecom/" "NFV'." msgid "The currently available options are the following:" msgstr "Opsi yang saat ini tersedia adalah sebagai berikut:" msgid "" "The downloaded file should be a dmg in your downloads folder. Open that dmg " "file and follow the instructions on screen." msgstr "" "File yang diunduh harus berupa dmg di folder unduhan Anda. Buka file dmg itu " "dan ikuti instruksi di layar." msgid "" "The event is designed to bring together users, operators and developers to " "discuss feedback and future plans and you will also find a lot of options to " "collaborate with representatives from adjacent communities." msgstr "" "Acara ini dirancang untuk menyatukan pengguna, operator, dan pengembang " "untuk membahas umpan balik dan rencana masa depan dan Anda juga akan " "menemukan banyak opsi untuk berkolaborasi dengan perwakilan dari komunitas " "yang berdekatan." msgid "" "The event is occasionally co-located with the OpenStack Summit, in which " "case it is accessible to Summit attendees as well as a standalone event." msgstr "" "Acara ini kadang-kadang ditempatkan bersama dengan OpenStack Summit, dalam " "hal ini dapat diakses oleh peserta KTT serta acara mandiri." msgid "" "The events are one or two days long and filled with mainly presentations and " "panel discussions about the latest hot topics in the community's life. It " "gives you a great opportunity to meet the local community and find people " "who are interested in the same challenges and technology as you are. " "Connecting with people in the same region where you are gives you the " "advantage to be able to reach out easier to them later as they are in the " "same time zone, maybe even in the same city." msgstr "" "Acara ini berlangsung satu atau dua hari dan diisi dengan presentasi dan " "diskusi panel tentang topik hangat terbaru dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Ini " "memberi Anda peluang besar untuk bertemu komunitas lokal dan menemukan orang-" "orang yang tertarik pada tantangan dan teknologi yang sama seperti Anda. " "Berhubungan dengan orang-orang di wilayah yang sama tempat Anda berada " "memberi Anda keuntungan untuk dapat menjangkau mereka dengan lebih mudah " "nanti karena mereka berada di zona waktu yang sama, bahkan mungkin di kota " "yang sama." msgid "" "The first period of a cycle includes more focus on planning, which is why " "the PTGs are scheduled right after the releases. This is the phase when you " "should upload your specs for review and use the mailing list, project " "channels and meetings on IRC to discuss any parts of your design that might " "be in question." msgstr "" "Periode pertama siklus mencakup lebih banyak fokus pada perencanaan, itulah " "sebabnya PTG dijadwalkan tepat setelah rilis. Ini adalah fase ketika Anda " "harus mengunggah spesifikasi Anda untuk ditinjau dan menggunakan milis, " "saluran proyek, dan pertemuan di IRC untuk membahas bagian mana pun dari " "desain Anda yang mungkin dipertanyakan." msgid "" "The first thing you'll want to do is sign up using this `mentor form " "`_. This will get you into our spreadsheet of " "mentors so that we can keep track of who is working with which group so when " "we need to help bolster certain cohorts with calls for mentors, we can see " "who is already involved." msgstr "" "Hal pertama yang ingin Anda lakukan adalah mendaftar menggunakan ini `mentor " "form `_. Ini akan membawa Anda ke spreadsheet mentor " "kami sehingga kami dapat melacak siapa yang bekerja dengan kelompok mana " "sehingga ketika kami perlu membantu meningkatkan kohort tertentu dengan " "panggilan untuk mentor, kami dapat melihat siapa yang sudah terlibat." msgid "The fix has been merged into an official branch" msgstr "Perbaikan telah digabung menjadi cabang resmi" msgid "" "The following tags are optional; however, their use is recommended if they " "are applicable to the patch:" msgstr "" "Tag berikut adalah opsional; Namun, penggunaannya disarankan jika berlaku " "untuk patch:" msgid "The following tags are required:" msgstr "Tag berikut diperlukan:" msgid "The four opens" msgstr "The four opens (empat terbuka)" msgid "" "The irc_nick is the IRC nick of the person who is receiving the thanks. The " "message is a short text to explain the reason for the thanks. The bot " "collects all thanks to a `wiki page `__." msgstr "" "Irc_nick adalah IRC nick dari orang yang menerima ucapan terima kasih. " "Pesannya adalah teks pendek untuk menjelaskan alasan terima kasih. Bot " "mengumpulkan semua berkat `wiki page ` __." msgid "" "The mailing list is where most day to day asynchronous interactions happen. " "Here is where you can get `subscribed and view ML archives `_." msgstr "" "Milis adalah tempat sebagian besar interaksi asinkron terjadi sehari-hari. " "Di sinilah Anda bisa mendapatkan `subscribed and view ML archives `_." msgid "" "The majority of the official OpenStack projects follow the release schedule " "set by the Release Management Team." msgstr "" "Sebagian besar proyek OpenStack resmi mengikuti jadwal rilis yang ditetapkan " "oleh Release Management Team." msgid "" "The purpose of the Forum is to provide space for the developer and user " "community to get together and discuss feedback and find solutions to " "problems and new challenges and requirements." msgstr "" "Tujuan Forum adalah untuk menyediakan ruang bagi pengembang dan komunitas " "pengguna untuk berkumpul dan mendiskusikan umpan balik dan menemukan solusi " "untuk masalah dan tantangan dan persyaratan baru." msgid "" "The services developed by the community are available as tarballs to install " "them from source and are also picked up and packaged to make it available " "for different Linux distributions or as part of OpenStack distributions." msgstr "" "Layanan yang dikembangkan oleh komunitas tersedia sebagai tarball untuk " "menginstalnya dari sumber dan juga diambil dan dikemas untuk membuatnya " "tersedia untuk distribusi Linux yang berbeda atau sebagai bagian dari " "distribusi OpenStack." msgid "" "The sessions are grouped into two major parts, the conference and the Forum." msgstr "Sesi dikelompokkan menjadi dua bagian utama, konferensi dan Forum." msgid "" "The summary line briefly describes the patch content. The character limit is " "50 characters. The summary line should not end with a period. If the change " "is not finished at the time of the commit, start the commit message with WIP." msgstr "" "Baris ringkasan menjelaskan secara singkat konten patch. Batas karakter " "adalah 50 karakter. Baris ringkasan tidak boleh diakhiri dengan titik. Jika " "perubahan belum selesai pada saat komit, mulai pesan komit dengan WIP." msgid "" "The teams get space at `OpenStack Summits `_ and `Project Team Gatherings (PTG) `_" msgstr "" "Tim mendapat ruang di `OpenStack Summits `_ dan `Project Team Gatherings (PTG) `_" msgid "" "The third period of a release is focusing on finishing the implementation " "and testing of new functionality added during the release. You need to " "ensure to add new tests in Tempest and have documentation covered as well " "before the third milestone. During this phase the core review team can " "choose to focus on higher priority features only. They make their decision " "about priorities either at the PTG or soon after, some time before the first " "milestone of a release." msgstr "" "Periode ketiga rilis berfokus pada penyelesaian implementasi dan pengujian " "fungsionalitas baru yang ditambahkan selama rilis. Anda perlu memastikan " "untuk menambahkan tes baru di Tempest dan memiliki dokumentasi yang tercakup " "juga sebelum tonggak ketiga. Selama fase ini tim peninjau inti dapat memilih " "untuk fokus hanya pada fitur-fitur prioritas tinggi. Mereka membuat " "keputusan tentang prioritas baik di PTG atau segera setelah itu, beberapa " "saat sebelum tonggak pertama rilis." msgid "" "The user community is crucial for OpenStack and their participation is " "highly encouraged." msgstr "" "Komunitas pengguna sangat penting untuk OpenStack dan partisipasi mereka " "sangat dianjurkan." msgid "" "There are community organized events all year all around the globe. Be sure " "you `check `_ when the next one " "is in your area!" msgstr "" "Ada acara yang diselenggarakan komunitas sepanjang tahun di seluruh dunia. " "Pastikan kamu `check `_ ketika " "yang berikutnya ada di daerah Anda!" msgid "" "There are lots of people working on OpenStack organized into different " "groups. These are described in the :ref:`special-interest-groups` section of " "the Governance chapter." msgstr "" "Ada banyak orang yang bekerja pada OpenStack yang diorganisasikan ke dalam " "berbagai kelompok. Ini dijelaskan di bagian :ref:`special-interest-groups` " "pada bab Tata Kelola." msgid "" "There are more than 40 different ML's. These are listed in the `mailman page " "`__. Mailing lists are " "a way for people to communicate to a larger group than those that are on " "IRC. All emails on these lists are archived and available on the `Mailing " "Lists `_ wiki. The same page " "describes how to subscribe to a list and describes some popular lists." msgstr "" "Ada lebih dari 40 ML yang berbeda. Ini tercantum dalam `mailman page `__. Milis adalah cara orang " "berkomunikasi dengan grup yang lebih besar daripada yang ada di IRC. Semua " "email pada daftar ini diarsipkan dan tersedia di wiki `Mailing Lists " "`_. Halaman yang sama " "menjelaskan cara berlangganan ke daftar dan menjelaskan beberapa daftar " "populer." msgid "" "There is a Call For Papers (CFP) process before each Summit where anyone can " "propose sessions for the upcoming event. After the CFP deadline the " "proposals go through a community vote after which a group of track chairs " "decide about the final content for each track." msgstr "" "Ada proses Call For Papers (CFP) sebelum setiap KTT di mana setiap orang " "dapat mengusulkan sesi untuk acara mendatang. Setelah batas waktu CFP, " "proposal melewati pemungutan suara komunitas dan setelah itu sekelompok " "kursi trek memutuskan tentang konten akhir untuk setiap trek." msgid "" "These are different in that the name is what is used in the generated url " "and the title is what displays when blueprints are listed out (name: " "new_ibm_driver title: New IBM ISCSI Driver). The next most important part is " "the summary- a description of the code change, where most of the details " "about the implementation are. After that, there are several optional fields " "you may wish to fill in- a specification url, assignee, drafter, and " "approver. The last two fields before registering have default values- status " "and propose for a sprint. For most teams, it is typical to leave the default " "values." msgstr "" "Ini berbeda karena namanya adalah apa yang digunakan dalam url yang " "dihasilkan dan judulnya adalah apa yang ditampilkan ketika cetak biru " "dicantumkan (name: new_ibm_driver title: New IBM ISCSI Driver). Bagian " "terpenting berikutnya adalah ringkasan - deskripsi perubahan kode, di mana " "sebagian besar detail tentang implementasi berada. Setelah itu, ada beberapa " "bidang opsional yang mungkin ingin Anda isi dengan url spesifikasi, " "assignee, drafter, dan approver. Dua bidang terakhir sebelum mendaftar " "memiliki values- status default dan mengusulkan untuk sprint. Untuk sebagian " "besar tim, biasanya meninggalkan nilai default." msgid "" "This bot allows people to recognize each other and be thankful. Anyone can " "post a message in the OpenStack IRC channels to say thanks. The way to say " "thanks is:" msgstr "" "Bot ini memungkinkan orang untuk saling mengenali dan berterima kasih. Siapa " "pun dapat memposting pesan di saluran IRC OpenStack untuk mengucapkan terima " "kasih. Cara untuk mengucapkan terima kasih adalah:" msgid "" "This event is created to provide space and time for developers and operators " "to get together and have detailed technical discussions." msgstr "" "Acara ini dibuat untuk memberikan ruang dan waktu bagi pengembang dan " "operator untuk berkumpul dan melakukan diskusi teknis yang terperinci." msgid "" "This event is recommended to developers, operators and end users who are " "already involved in community activities. If you are a new comer you might " "want to consider one of the OpenStack Summits first where you can find " "several sessions to help you find your way within the community." msgstr "" "Acara ini direkomendasikan untuk pengembang, operator dan pengguna akhir " "yang sudah terlibat dalam kegiatan komunitas. Jika Anda seorang pendatang " "baru, Anda mungkin ingin mempertimbangkan salah satu dari OpenStack Summits " "terlebih dahulu di mana Anda dapat menemukan beberapa sesi untuk membantu " "Anda menemukan jalan Anda dalam komunitas." msgid "This is a valid issue, but it is the way it should be" msgstr "Ini adalah masalah yang valid, tetapi memang seharusnya begitu" msgid "This is a valid issue, but we don't intend to fix that" msgstr "" "Ini adalah masalah yang valid, tetapi kami tidak bermaksud memperbaikinya" msgid "This is not a bug" msgstr "Ini bukan bug" msgid "This is the review system the OpenStack community uses." msgstr "Ini adalah sistem ulasan yang digunakan komunitas OpenStack." msgid "" "This is the view of the Zanata workspace. On the left side you have the " "original text string, while you can enter the translation on the right." msgstr "" "Ini adalah pemandangan ruang kerja Zanata. Di sisi kiri Anda memiliki string " "teks asli, sementara Anda dapat memasukkan terjemahan di sebelah kanan." msgid "This section allows you to:" msgstr "Bagian ini memungkinkan Anda untuk:" msgid "" "This section assumes you have completed :doc:`/code-and-documentation/using-" "gerrit`." msgstr "" "Bagian ini menganggap Anda telah menyelesaikan :doc:`/code-and-documentation/" "using-gerrit`." msgid "This section assumes you have completed :doc:`accounts` guide." msgstr "" "Bagian ini mengasumsikan Anda telah menyelesaikan panduan :doc:`accounts`." msgid "This section assumes you have completed :doc:`git` guide." msgstr "Bagian ini menganggap Anda telah menyelesaikan :doc: `git` guide." msgid "" "This section assumes you have completed the :doc: '/common/irc' section of " "the contributor guide. It might also be helpful to cover the more generic " "information about mailing lists in the Communication page's :ref:" "`communication-mailing-lists` section as well." msgstr "" "Bagian ini menganggap Anda telah menyelesaikan bagian :doc: '/common/irc' " "dari panduan kontributor. Mungkin juga bermanfaat untuk mencakup informasi " "yang lebih umum tentang milis di bagian Communication page's :ref:" "`communication-mailing-lists` juga." msgid "" "This section explains how you can install an IRC program called Colloquy." msgstr "" "Bagian ini menjelaskan bagaimana Anda dapat menginstal program IRC yang " "disebut Colloquy." msgid "" "This section explains how you can install an IRC program called Hexchat." msgstr "" "Bagian ini menjelaskan bagaimana Anda dapat menginstal program IRC yang " "disebut Hexchat." msgid "" "This section provides information on Storyboard and Launchpad task trackers. " "You can learn about Storyboard stories and tasks, boards and worklists, and " "Launchpad blueprints and bugs." msgstr "" "Bagian ini memberikan informasi tentang pelacak tugas Storyboard dan " "Launchpad. Anda dapat belajar tentang cerita dan tugas Storyboard, papan dan " "daftar kerja, dan cetak biru Launchpad dan bug." msgid "This sections allows you to:" msgstr "Bagian ini memungkinkan Anda untuk:" msgid "" "This will show you the status on all jobs running in zuul currently. You can " "expand jobs running on any patch by clicking on the box for a patch." msgstr "" "Ini akan menunjukkan status pada semua pekerjaan yang berjalan di zuul saat " "ini. Anda dapat memperluas pekerjaan yang berjalan di sembarang patch dengan " "mengeklik kotak untuk patch." msgid "" "To find your specific patch in zuul you can use the search bar and search " "for the patch number. This will then filter what is displayed to just that " "patch:" msgstr "" "Untuk menemukan patch spesifik Anda di zuul, Anda dapat menggunakan bilah " "pencarian dan mencari nomor patch. Ini kemudian akan memfilter apa yang " "ditampilkan ke patch itu:" msgid "" "To get to the details of reporting the bug you fill in the summary line and " "click 'next'." msgstr "" "Untuk mendapatkan detail pelaporan bug Anda mengisi baris ringkasan dan klik " "'berikutnya'." msgid "" "To produce a ubiquitous Open Source Cloud Computing platform that **is** " "easy to use, simple to implement, interoperable between deployments, works " "well at **all** scales, **and** meets the needs of users and operators of " "both public **and** private clouds." msgstr "" "Untuk menghasilkan platform Cloud Computing Open Source di mana-mana " "(ubiquitous) yang **is** mudah digunakan, mudah diterapkan, dapat " "dioperasikan antar penyebaran (deployment), bekerja dengan baik di **all** " "skala, **and** memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna dan operator dari baik awan " "publik **and** privat." msgid "" "To propose a project to be an official OpenStack project the project's " "information should be added to the *reference/projects.yaml* file of the " "*openstack/governance* repository. Anyone can propose changes to the file." msgstr "" "Untuk mengusulkan proyek menjadi proyek OpenStack resmi, informasi proyek " "harus ditambahkan ke file *reference/projects.yaml* dari repositori " "*openstack/governance*. Siapa pun dapat mengajukan perubahan pada file." msgid "" "To see how OpenStack and further OpenStack Foundation projects are utilized " "you will find exhibitors at the Market Place area." msgstr "" "Untuk melihat bagaimana OpenStack dan proyek OpenStack Foundation " "selanjutnya digunakan, Anda akan menemukan peserta pameran di area Market " "Place." msgid "Track progress on bugs and new features" msgstr "Lacak kemajuan bug dan fitur baru" msgid "Tracking Changes in Zuul status page" msgstr "Melacak Perubahan di halaman status Zuul" msgid "Translation Platform" msgstr "Platform Terjemahan" msgid "Troubleshooting" msgstr "Penyelesaian masalah" msgid "Type in a different user/nick name as shown in the previous step." msgstr "" "Ketikkan nama pengguna / nama panggilan yang berbeda seperti yang " "ditunjukkan pada langkah sebelumnya." msgid "" "Type the following to register your nick name with nickserv replacing " "**mysecretpassword** and **test@domain.com** with your own password and " "email address::" msgstr "" "Ketikkan yang berikut untuk mendaftarkan nama samaran Anda dengan nickserv " "yang menggantikan **mysecretpassword ** dan **test@domain.com** dengan kata " "sandi dan alamat email Anda sendiri ::" msgid "Typically public key filenames will look like:" msgstr "Biasanya nama file kunci publik akan terlihat seperti:" msgid "Under individual members, click the **Foundation Member** button." msgstr "Di bawah masing-masing anggota, klik tombol **Foundation Member**." msgid "" "Understand the differences between the different in-person OpenStack events" msgstr "Pahami perbedaan antara berbagai acara OpenStack secara langsung" msgid "" "Understand the different release models that OpenStack components follow" msgstr "Memahami berbagai model rilis yang diikuti oleh komponen OpenStack" msgid "Understand the different tools OpenStack uses for task management" msgstr "Memahami berbagai alat yang digunakan OpenStack untuk manajemen tugas" msgid "Understand the governance model of OpenStack" msgstr "Memahami model tata kelola OpenStack" msgid "" "Understand the underlying infrastructure and gating processes that OpenStack " "uses" msgstr "" "Memahami infrastruktur dasar dan proses gating yang digunakan OpenStack" msgid "Use the same email address that was used during the account setup." msgstr "Gunakan alamat email yang sama yang digunakan selama pengaturan akun." msgid "User Committee" msgstr "Komite Pengguna" msgid "Version control" msgstr "Version control (kontrol versi)" msgid "" "Visit `OpenStack's Gerrit page `_ and click " "the **sign in** link." msgstr "" "Mengunjungi `OpenStack's Gerrit page `_ dan " "klik tautan **sign in**." msgid "Vote in elections." msgstr "Memilih dalam pemilihan." msgid "Vote on presentations at OpenStack conferences." msgstr "Pilih presentasi di konferensi OpenStack." msgid "" "We use `Zanata `_ as the platform for translating " "strings in software projects and documentation. Zanata provides web user " "interfaces: you only need a web browser to start your translation " "contribution. Our translation platform is reachable on `translate.openstack." "org `_" msgstr "" "Kami menggunakan `Zanata ` _ sebagai platform untuk " "menerjemahkan string dalam proyek dan dokumentasi perangkat lunak. Zanata " "menyediakan antarmuka pengguna web: Anda hanya perlu browser web untuk " "memulai kontribusi terjemahan Anda. Platform terjemahan kami dapat dijangkau " "pada`translate.openstack.org `_" msgid "What Task Trackers does OpenStack use?" msgstr "Task Trackers apa yang digunakan OpenStack?" msgid "What are they?" msgstr "Apakah mereka?" msgid "What is Gerrit?" msgstr "Apa itu Gerrit?" msgid "What is Git?" msgstr "Apa itu Git?" msgid "What is IRC?" msgstr "Apa itu IRC?" msgid "What is Launchpad?" msgstr "Apa itu Launchpad?" msgid "What is OpenStack?" msgstr "Apa itu OpenStack?" msgid "What is StoryBoard?" msgstr "Apa itu StoryBoard?" msgid "What is Zuul" msgstr "Apa itu Zuul?" msgid "What is a contribution?" msgstr "Apa itu sumbangan (contribution) ?" msgid "What is it?" msgstr "Apa itu?" msgid "" "When sending emails to the ML, if your subject is specific to one cohort, " "please use the relevant tag:" msgstr "" "Saat mengirim email ke ML, jika subjek Anda dikhususkan untuk satu kohort, " "silakan gunakan tag yang relevan:" msgid "" "When you have changes in an OpenStack project repository, you can use this " "sub-command to have the changes posted to `Gerrit `__ so that they can be reviewed." msgstr "" "Ketika Anda memiliki perubahan dalam repositori proyek OpenStack, Anda dapat " "menggunakan sub-command ini untuk mengirim perubahan `Gerrit `__ sehingga bisa ditinjau." msgid "" "When you login to the server for the first time with your nickname, it will " "be used by you, but it's still not registered yet." msgstr "" "Saat Anda masuk ke server untuk pertama kalinya dengan nama panggilan Anda, " "itu akan digunakan oleh Anda, tetapi masih belum terdaftar." msgid "" "When you push a patch to gerrit zuul will automatically trigger jobs to " "verify the patch functions properly." msgstr "" "Ketika Anda mendorong patch ke gerrit, zuul akan secara otomatis memicu " "pekerjaan untuk memverifikasi fungsi patch dengan benar." msgid "" "When you're prompted to \"Enter a file in which to save the key\" press " "Enter. This accepts the default location::" msgstr "" "Saat Anda diminta untuk \"Enter a file in which to save the key\" tekan " "Enter. Ini menerima lokasi default ::" msgid "" "When you're prompted to \"Enter a file in which to save the key\" you must " "specify the name of the new key pair and then press Enter::" msgstr "" "Saat Anda diminta untuk \"Enter a file in which to save the key\" Anda harus " "menentukan nama pasangan kunci baru dan kemudian tekan Enter ::" msgid "" "While working with OpenStack, IRC is the best way to get real time help or " "support others. Details of how to get on IRC are described in :ref:`setup-" "irc`." msgstr "" "Saat bekerja dengan OpenStack, IRC adalah cara terbaik untuk mendapatkan " "bantuan waktu nyata atau mendukung orang lain. Rincian tentang cara " "mendapatkan IRC dijelaskan dalam :ref:`setup-irc`." msgid "Wiki Pages" msgstr "Halaman Wiki" msgid "Windows" msgstr "Windows" msgid "Work on the fix is in progress, bug has an assignee" msgstr "Pengerjaan perbaikan sedang berlangsung, bug memiliki penerima hak" msgid "" "Worklists and boards are different ways of organizing work. It is up to the " "project team how stories are organized. They could be sorted by milestone. A " "lane could have all the bugs or all the new features. It depends on the " "teams way of organizing and coordinating work. Order of stories in a " "worklist could convey priority as well." msgstr "" "Worklist dan board merupakan cara berbeda dalam mengatur pekerjaan. Terserah " "tim proyek bagaimana cerita disusun. Mereka bisa disortir berdasarkan " "tonggak sejarah. Jalur dapat memiliki semua bug atau semua fitur baru. Itu " "tergantung pada cara tim mengorganisir dan mengoordinasikan pekerjaan. " "Urutan cerita dalam worklist dapat menyampaikan prioritas juga." msgid "" "You can check the status of those jobs at any time by navigating to: https://" "zuul.openstack.org/" msgstr "" "Anda dapat memeriksa status pekerjaan tersebut kapan saja dengan menavigasi " "ke: https://zuul.openstack.org/" msgid "" "You can find both the conference and Forum sessions on the Summit schedule." msgstr "Anda dapat menemukan sesi konferensi dan Forum pada jadwal KTT." msgid "" "You can generate a new SSH key pair using the provided email as a label by " "going into your terminal program and typing::" msgstr "" "Anda dapat membuat pasangan kunci SSH baru menggunakan email yang disediakan " "sebagai label dengan masuk ke program terminal Anda dan mengetik ::" msgid "" "You can generate a new SSH key using the provided email as a label by going " "into your terminal program and typing::" msgstr "" "Anda dapat membuat kunci SSH baru menggunakan email yang disediakan sebagai " "label dengan masuk ke program terminal Anda dan mengetik ::" msgid "" "You can use `Git Immersion `_ to work " "through tutorials for learning git." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menggunakan `Git Immersion ` " "_ untuk mengerjakan tutorial untuk mempelajari git." msgid "" "You will be prompted to select a username. You can enter the same one you " "did for Launchpad, or something else." msgstr "" "Anda akan diminta untuk memilih nama pengguna. Anda dapat memasukkan yang " "sama dengan yang Anda lakukan untuk Launchpad, atau yang lainnya." msgid "" "You're already signed up. Launchpad uses your Ubuntu One account for " "authentication like StoryBoard." msgstr "" "Anda sudah mendaftar. Launchpad menggunakan akun Ubuntu One Anda untuk " "otentikasi seperti StoryBoard." msgid "" "Your membership application must be confirmed by the language coordinator. " "This may take some time. An e-mail with your request will be sent " "automatically." msgstr "" "Aplikasi keanggotaan Anda harus dikonfirmasi oleh koordinator bahasa. Ini " "mungkin membutuhkan waktu. Email dengan permintaan Anda akan dikirim secara " "otomatis." msgid "Zanata Usage" msgstr "Penggunaan Zanata" msgid "" "Zuul is a tool written and run by the OpenStack Infrastructure team that is " "used to manage running continuous infrastructure jobs. It provides projects " "with a way to define test jobs that will run on each proposed commit. These " "tests are required to pass in order for any proposed patch to merge." msgstr "" "Zuul adalah alat yang ditulis dan dijalankan oleh tim Infrastruktur " "OpenStack yang digunakan untuk mengelola pekerjaan infrastruktur " "berkelanjutan. Ini memberikan proyek dengan cara untuk mendefinisikan " "pekerjaan pengujian yang akan berjalan pada setiap komit yang diusulkan. Tes " "ini diperlukan untuk lulus agar patch yang diusulkan untuk bergabung." msgid "[coa] for becoming a Certified OpenStack Administrator" msgstr "[coa] untuk menjadi Certified OpenStack Administrator" msgid "[first-cfp] for giving your first conference talk" msgstr "[first-cfp] untuk memberikan ceramah konferensi pertama Anda" msgid "[first-cloud] for deploying your first cloud" msgstr "[first-cloud] untuk menggunakan cloud pertama Anda" msgid "[first-patch] for getting your first patch merged" msgstr "[first-patch] untuk mendapatkan patch pertama Anda digabungkan" msgid "" "`Ask OpenStack `__ is a question and answer site " "for OpenStack users and developers. It provides answer to almost every " "question a new contributor can run into. It is possible to collect karma " "points by asking or answering questions. The questions are moderated by Ask " "OpenStack users with high Karma points. More info about Ask OpenStack is " "available on its `about page `__ and on " "the `ask moderators wiki `__." msgstr "" "`Ask OpenStack `__ adalah situs tanya jawab " "untuk pengguna dan pengembang OpenStack. Ini memberikan jawaban untuk hampir " "setiap pertanyaan yang dapat ditemui oleh kontributor baru. Dimungkinkan " "untuk mengumpulkan poin karma dengan mengajukan atau menjawab pertanyaan. " "Pertanyaan dimoderasi oleh pengguna Ask OpenStack dengan poin Karma tinggi. " "Info lebih lanjut tentang Ask OpenStack tersedia di situsnya `about page " "`__ dan di `ask moderators wiki " "`__." msgid "" "`Code, docs, infrastructure changes, and CI configurations `_" msgstr "" "`Code, docs, infrastructure changes, and CI configurations `_" msgid "`Confirmed`" msgstr "`Confirmed`" msgid "`Fix Committed`" msgstr "`Fix Committed`" msgid "`Fix Released`" msgstr "`Fix Released`" msgid "`In Progress`" msgstr "`In Progress`" msgid "`Incomplete`" msgstr "`Incomplete`" msgid "`Invalid`" msgstr "`Invalid`" msgid "" "`Launchpad `_ is the legacy way the " "OpenStack community does bug tracking since we started `moving towards " "StoryBoard `_." msgstr "" "`Launchpad `_ adalah cara warisan komunitas " "OpenStack melakukan pelacakan bug sejak kami mulai `moving towards " "StoryBoard `_." msgid "`New`" msgstr "`New`" msgid "" "`Open Community `_" msgstr "" "`Open Community `_" msgid "" "`Open design `_" msgstr "" "`Open design `_" msgid "" "`Open development `_" msgstr "" "`Open development `_" msgid "" "`Open source `_" msgstr "" "`Open source `_" msgid "" "`OpenDev `_ is a small event designed for discussing " "new innovative technologies and use cases that are relevant to open " "infrastructure like Edge Computing or CI/CD." msgstr "" "`OpenDev `_ adalah acara kecil yang dirancang untuk " "membahas teknologi inovatif baru dan kasus penggunaan yang relevan dengan " "infrastruktur terbuka seperti Edge Computing atau CI / CD." msgid "" "`OpenStack Days `_ " "events are similar to the OpenStack Summits that are organized by the local " "community, users groups and companies." msgstr "" "`OpenStack Days `_ " "acara mirip dengan OpenStack Summits yang diselenggarakan oleh komunitas " "lokal, grup pengguna, dan perusahaan." msgid "`Opinion`" msgstr "`Opinion`" msgid "" "`SLES 12 `_" msgstr "" "`SLES 12 `_" msgid "`Specifications `_" msgstr "`Specifications `_" msgid "" "`StoryBoard `_ is bug tracking software " "the OpenStack community is `developing `_, and in the progress of `migrating towards `_. Some " "`projects are already using it `_." msgstr "" "`StoryBoard `_ adalah perangkat lunak " "pelacak bug komunitas OpenStack `developing `_, dan sedang dalam proses `migrating towards `_. Beberapa " "`projects are already using it `_." msgid "`Translations `_" msgstr "`Translations `_" msgid "`Triaged`" msgstr "`Triaged`" msgid "" "`Ubuntu 16.04 `_" msgstr "" "`Ubuntu 16.04 `_" msgid "" "`Use cases for features `_" msgstr "" "`Use cases for features `_" msgid "" "`Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) `_ is available in Windows 10 Anniversary Update or later (build " "1607+). There is the possibility to install and run modern Linux Operating " "Systems:" msgstr "" "`Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) `_ tersedia di Windows 10 Anniversary Update atau yang lebih baru " "(build 1607+). Ada kemungkinan untuk menginstal dan menjalankan Sistem " "Operasi Linux modern:" msgid "`Won't Fix`" msgstr "`Won't Fix`" msgid "" "``Closes-Bug``: #123456789: use ``Closes-Bug`` if the commit is intended to " "fully fix and close the bug being referenced. Use the Launchpad ID of the " "bug for the number; Gerrit automatically creates a link to the bug." msgstr "" "``Closes-Bug``: #123456789: menggunakan ``Closes-Bug`` jika komit " "dimaksudkan untuk sepenuhnya memperbaiki dan menutup bug yang dirujuk. " "Gunakan ID Launchpad bug untuk nomor; Gerrit secara otomatis membuat tautan " "ke bug." msgid "" "``Implements``: Use this tag if the change fully implements a Launchpad " "blueprint. Use the name of the blueprint as an ID." msgstr "" "``Implements``: Gunakan tag ini jika perubahan sepenuhnya " "mengimplementasikan blueprint Launchpad. Gunakan nama blueprint sebagai ID." msgid "" "``Partial-Bug``: #123456789: use ``Partial-Bug`` if the commit is only a " "partial fix and more work is needed. Use the Launchpad ID of the bug for the " "number; Gerrit automatically creates a link to the bug." msgstr "" "``Partial-Bug``: #123456789: menggunakan ``Partial-Bug`` jika komit hanya " "memperbaiki sebagian dan lebih banyak pekerjaan diperlukan. Gunakan ID " "Launchpad bug untuk nomor; Gerrit secara otomatis membuat tautan ke bug." msgid "" "``Partial-Implements``: Use this tag if the change partially implements a " "Launchpad blueprint. Use the name of the blueprint as an ID." msgstr "" "``Partial-Implements``: Gunakan tag ini jika perubahan mengimplementasikan " "sebagian blueprint Launchpad. Gunakan nama blueprint sebagai ID." msgid "" "``Related-Bug``: #12456789: use 'Related-Bug' if the commit is merely " "related to the referenced bug. Use the Launchpad ID of the bug for the " "number; Gerrit automatically creates a link to the bug." msgstr "" "``Related-Bug``: #12456789: menggunakan 'Related-Bug' jika komit hanya " "terkait dengan bug yang dirujuk. Gunakan ID Launchpad bug untuk nomor; " "Gerrit secara otomatis membuat tautan ke bug." msgid "" "``Story``: 1234567: the number of the story in Storyboard to which the task " "being implemented belongs." msgstr "" "``Story``: 1234567: jumlah cerita di Storyboard dimana tugas sedang " "dilaksanakan." msgid "" "``Task``: 1234: the number of the task in Storyboard implemented by the " "change." msgstr "" "``Task``: 1234: jumlah tugas di Storyboard yang diterapkan oleh perubahan." msgid "" "`cycle-trailing `_" msgstr "" "`cycle-trailing `_" msgid "" "`cycle-with-intermediary `_" msgstr "" "`cycle-with-intermediary `_" msgid "" "`cycle-with-rc `_" msgstr "" "`cycle-with-rc `_" msgid "" "`independent `_" msgstr "" "`independent `_" msgid "" "`openSUSE Leap 42 `_" msgstr "" "`openSUSE Leap 42 `_" msgid "" "`untagged `_" msgstr "" "`untagged `_" msgid "" "a set of collaboration tools, like a wiki, IRC chanels, Etherpad and " "Ethercalc." msgstr "" "seperangkat alat kolaborasi, seperti wiki, saluran IRC, Etherpad dan " "Ethercalc." msgid "ask.openstack.org" msgstr "ask.openstack.org" msgid "id_dsa.pub" msgstr "id_dsa.pub" msgid "id_ecdsa.pub" msgstr "id_ecdsa.pub" msgid "id_ed25519.pub" msgstr "id_ed25519.pub" msgid "id_rsa.pub" msgstr "id_rsa.pub" msgid "" "to any OpenStack IRC channel where the Statusbot is listening. The message " "will be posted to the `Successes wiki page `__." msgstr "" "ke saluran IRC OpenStack mana pun tempat Statusbot mendengarkan. Pesan " "tersebut akan diposting ke `Successes wiki page ` __."