# encoding: UTF-8 name 'openstack-block-storage' maintainer 'AT&T Services, Inc.' maintainer_email 'cookbooks@lists.tfoundry.com' license 'Apache 2.0' description 'The OpenStack Advanced Volume Management service Cinder.' long_description IO.read(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'README.md')) version '8.0.0' recipe 'openstack-block-storage::common', 'Defines the common pieces of repeated code from the other recipes' recipe 'openstack-block-storage::api', 'Installs the cinder-api, sets up the cinder database, and cinder service/user/endpoints in keystone' recipe 'openstack-block-storage::keystone_registration', 'Registers cinder service/user/endpoints in keystone' recipe 'openstack-block-storage::scheduler', 'Installs the cinder-scheduler service' recipe 'openstack-block-storage::volume', 'Installs the cinder-volume service and sets up the iscsi helper' %w{ ubuntu fedora redhat centos suse }.each do |os| supports os end depends 'apt' depends 'openstack-common', '~> 8.0' depends 'openstack-identity', '~> 8.0' depends 'openstack-image', '~> 8.0' depends 'selinux' depends 'python'