#!/bin/bash -x if [ $(id -u) != 0 ]; then # preserve environment to keep ZUUL_* params export SUDO='sudo -E' fi # if we're in an integration gate, we're using OpenStack mirrors if [ -f /etc/nodepool/provider ]; then source /etc/nodepool/provider NODEPOOL_MIRROR_HOST=${NODEPOOL_MIRROR_HOST:-mirror.$NODEPOOL_REGION.$NODEPOOL_CLOUD.openstack.org} NODEPOOL_MIRROR_HOST=$(echo $NODEPOOL_MIRROR_HOST|tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') CENTOS_MIRROR_HOST=${NODEPOOL_MIRROR_HOST} UCA_MIRROR_HOST="${NODEPOOL_MIRROR_HOST}/ubuntu-cloud-archive" CEPH_MIRROR_HOST="${NODEPOOL_MIRROR_HOST}/ceph-deb-jewel" NODEPOOL_RDO_PROXY=${NODEPOOL_RDO_PROXY} NODEPOOL_RUBYGEMS_PROXY=${NODEPOOL_RUBYGEMS_PROXY} else CENTOS_MIRROR_HOST='mirror.centos.org' UCA_MIRROR_HOST='ubuntu-cloud.archive.canonical.com/ubuntu' CEPH_MIRROR_HOST='download.ceph.com/debian-jewel' fi # The following will handle cross cookbook patch dependencies via the Depends-On in commit message # ZUUL_CHANGES has a ^ separated list of patches, the last being the current patch. # The Depends_On will add patches to the front of this list. echo $ZUUL_CHANGES # Convert string list to array cookbooks=(${ZUUL_CHANGES//^/ }) # Remove the last one as it's the current cookbook # TODO(MRV) At some point we could consider removing the gerrit-git-prep step from the rake job # and also doing that patch clone with zuul-cloner. After gerrit-git-prep is removed, need to # remove this unset line and adjust the clone map to have the base patch put into the current dir. unset cookbooks[${#cookbooks[@]}-1] # Create clone map cat > clonemap.yaml <