# encoding: UTF-8 # # Cookbook:: openstack-common # Attributes:: default # # Copyright:: 2012-2013, AT&T Services, Inc. # Copyright:: 2013-2014, SUSE Linux GmbH # Copyright:: 2016-2020, Oregon State University # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Release mode toggle for testing frameworks. Defaults to false. # Override this to true at the environment level when you're ready. default['openstack']['is_release'] = false # Set to some text value if you want templated config files # to contain a custom banner at the top of the written file default['openstack']['common']['custom_template_banner'] = ' # This file is automatically generated by Chef # Any changes will be overwritten ' # OpenStack services and their project names default['openstack']['common']['services'] = { 'aodh' => 'aodh', 'baremetal' => 'ironic', 'bare_metal' => 'ironic', 'block_storage' => 'cinder', 'block-storage' => 'cinder', 'compute' => 'nova', 'compute_api' => 'nova_api', 'compute_cell0' => 'nova_cell0', 'dashboard' => 'horizon', 'database' => 'trove', 'dns' => 'designate', 'identity' => 'keystone', 'image' => 'glance', 'network' => 'neutron', 'object_storage' => 'swift', 'orchestration' => 'heat', 'placement' => 'placement', 'telemetry' => 'ceilometer', 'telemetry_metric' => 'gnocchi', 'application_catalog' => 'murano', } # Setting this to True means that database passwords and service user # passwords for Keystone will be easy-to-remember values -- they will be # the same value as the key. For instance, if a cookbook calls the # ::Openstack::secret routine like so: # # pass = secret "passwords", "nova" # # The value of pass will be "nova" # # Use data bags for storing passwords # Set this to false in order to get the passwords from attributes like: # node['openstack']['secret'][key][type] default['openstack']['use_databags'] = true # Set databag type # acceptable values 'encrypted', 'standard', 'vault' # Set this to 'standard' in order to use regular databags. # this is not recommended for anything other than dev/CI # type environments. Storing real secrets in plaintext = craycray. # In addition to the encrypted data_bags which are an included # feature of the official chef project, you can use 'vault' to # encrypt your secrets with the method provided in the chef-vault gem. default['openstack']['databag_type'] = 'encrypted' default['openstack']['vault_gem_version'] = '~> 3.2' # Default attributes when not using data bags (use_databags = false) node['openstack']['common']['services'].each_key do |service| %w(user service db token).each do |type| default['openstack']['secret'][service][type] = "#{service}-#{type}" end end # The type of token signing to use (uuid or fernet) default['openstack']['auth']['strategy'] = 'fernet' # Set to true where using self-signed certs (in testing environments) default['openstack']['auth']['validate_certs'] = true # ========================= Encrypted Databag Setup =========================== # # The openstack-common cookbook's default library contains a `secret` # routine that looks up the value of encrypted databag values. This routine # uses the secret key file located at the following location to decrypt the # values in the data bag. default['openstack']['secret']['key_path'] = '/etc/chef/openstack_data_bag_secret' # The name of the encrypted data bag that stores openstack secrets default['openstack']['secret']['secrets_data_bag'] = 'secrets' # The name of the encrypted data bag that stores service user passwords, with # each key in the data bag corresponding to a named OpenStack service, like # "nova", "cinder", etc. default['openstack']['secret']['service_passwords_data_bag'] = 'service_passwords' # The name of the encrypted data bag that stores DB passwords, with # each key in the data bag corresponding to a named OpenStack database, like # "nova", "cinder", etc. default['openstack']['secret']['db_passwords_data_bag'] = 'db_passwords' # The name of the encrypted data bag that stores Keystone user passwords, with # each key in the data bag corresponding to a user (Keystone or otherwise). default['openstack']['secret']['user_passwords_data_bag'] = 'user_passwords' # ========================= Package and Repository Setup ====================== # # Various Linux distributions provide OpenStack packages and repositories. # The provide some sensible defaults, but feel free to override per your # needs. # The coordinated release of OpenStack codename default['openstack']['release'] = 'train' # The Ubuntu Cloud Archive has packages for multiple Ubuntu releases. For # more information, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/CloudArchive. # In the component strings, %codename% will be replaced by the value of # the node['lsb']['codename'] Ohai value and %release% will be replaced # by the value of node['openstack']['release'] # # Change ['openstack']['apt']['update_apt_cache'] to true if you would like # have the cache automatically updated default['openstack']['apt']['update_apt_cache'] = false default['openstack']['apt']['live_updates_enabled'] = true default['openstack']['apt']['uri'] = 'http://ubuntu-cloud.archive.canonical.com/ubuntu' default['openstack']['apt']['components'] = ['main'] default['openstack']['yum']['update_yum_cache'] = false default['openstack']['yum']['rdo_enabled'] = true default['openstack']['yum']['uri'] = "http://mirror.centos.org/centos/$releasever/cloud/$basearch/openstack-#{node['openstack']['release']}" default['openstack']['yum']['repo-key'] = "https://github.com/rdo-infra/rdo-release/raw/#{node['openstack']['release']}-rdo/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-SIG-Cloud" # Enforcing GnuPG signature check for RDO repo. Set this to false if you want to disable the check. default['openstack']['yum']['gpgcheck'] = true default['openstack']['endpoints']['family'] = 'inet' # Set a default region that other regions are set to - such that changing the region for all services can be done in one place default['openstack']['region'] = 'RegionOne' # Allow configured loggers in logging.conf default['openstack']['logging']['loggers'] = { 'root' => { 'level' => 'NOTSET', 'handlers' => 'devel', }, 'ceilometer' => { 'level' => 'DEBUG', 'handlers' => 'prod,debug', 'qualname' => 'ceilometer', }, 'cinder' => { 'level' => 'DEBUG', 'handlers' => 'prod,debug', 'qualname' => 'cinder', }, 'glance' => { 'level' => 'DEBUG', 'handlers' => 'prod,debug', 'qualname' => 'glance', }, 'horizon' => { 'level' => 'DEBUG', 'handlers' => 'prod,debug', 'qualname' => 'horizon', }, 'keystone' => { 'level' => 'DEBUG', 'handlers' => 'prod,debug', 'qualname' => 'keystone', }, 'nova' => { 'level' => 'DEBUG', 'handlers' => 'prod,debug', 'qualname' => 'nova', }, 'neutron' => { 'level' => 'DEBUG', 'handlers' => 'prod,debug', 'qualname' => 'neutron', }, 'trove' => { 'level' => 'DEBUG', 'handlers' => 'prod,debug', 'qualname' => 'trove', }, 'amqplib' => { 'level' => 'WARNING', 'handlers' => 'stderr', 'qualname' => 'amqplib', }, 'sqlalchemy' => { 'level' => 'WARNING', # "level' => 'INFO" logs SQL queries. # "level' => 'DEBUG" logs SQL queries and results. # "level' => 'WARNING" logs neither. (Recommended for production systems.) 'handlers' => 'stderr', 'qualname' => 'sqlalchemy', }, 'boto' => { 'level' => 'WARNING', 'handlers' => 'stderr', 'qualname' => 'boto', }, 'suds' => { 'level' => 'INFO', 'handlers' => 'stderr', 'qualname' => 'suds', }, 'eventletwsgi' => { 'level' => 'WARNING', 'handlers' => 'stderr', 'qualname' => 'eventlet.wsgi.server', }, 'nova_api_openstack_wsgi' => { 'level' => 'WARNING', 'handlers' => 'prod,debug', 'qualname' => 'nova.api.openstack.wsgi', }, 'nova_osapi_compute_wsgi_server' => { 'level' => 'WARNING', 'handlers' => 'prod,debug', 'qualname' => 'nova.osapi_compute.wsgi.server', }, } # Allow configured formatters in logging.conf default['openstack']['logging']['formatters'] = { 'normal' => { 'format' => '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s', }, 'normal_with_name' => { 'format' => '[%(name)s]: %(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s', }, 'debug' => { 'format' => '[%(name)s]: %(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s.%(funcName)s %(message)s', }, 'syslog_with_name' => { 'format' => '%(name)s: %(levelname)s %(message)s', }, 'syslog_debug' => { 'format' => '%(name)s: %(levelname)s %(module)s.%(funcName)s %(message)s', }, } # Allow configured logging handlers in logging.conf default['openstack']['logging']['handlers'] = { 'stderr' => { 'args' => '(sys.stderr,)', 'class' => 'StreamHandler', 'formatter' => 'debug', }, 'devel' => { 'args' => '(sys.stdout,)', 'class' => 'StreamHandler', 'formatter' => 'debug', 'level' => 'NOTSET', }, 'prod' => { 'args' => '((\'/dev/log\'), handlers.SysLogHandler.LOG_LOCAL0)', 'class' => 'handlers.SysLogHandler', 'formatter' => 'syslog_with_name', 'level' => 'INFO', }, 'debug' => { 'args' => '((\'/dev/log\'), handlers.SysLogHandler.LOG_LOCAL1)', 'class' => 'handlers.SysLogHandler', 'formatter' => 'syslog_debug', 'level' => 'DEBUG', }, } default['openstack']['memcached_servers'] = nil # Default sysctl settings default['openstack']['sysctl']['net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter'] = 0 default['openstack']['sysctl']['net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter'] = 0 case node['platform_family'] when 'rhel' default['openstack']['common']['platform'] = { 'common_client_packages' => ['python-openstackclient'], 'python_packages' => %w( python python2-pip python2-setuptools python-devel python-virtualenv python-wheel ), 'package_overrides' => '', } when 'debian' default['openstack']['common']['platform'] = { 'common_client_packages' => ['python3-openstackclient'], 'python_packages' => %w( python3 python3-dev python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-virtualenv python3-wheel virtualenv ), 'package_overrides' => '', } end # The location of the OSC bash completion file default['openstack']['common']['bash_complete'] = '/etc/bash_completion.d/osc.bash_completion' # Set maximum count for searches [1] # [1] https://review.opendev.org/60126 default['openstack']['common']['search_count_max'] = 7 # The name of the Chef role that installs the Keystone Service API default['openstack']['identity_service_chef_role'] = 'os-identity' # The name of the Chef role that sets up the compute worker default['openstack']['compute_worker_chef_role'] = 'os-compute-worker'