Having a Rakefile will allow us to change the actual test commands on our side rather than relying on changes to the openstack-infra repository. This should make it a lot faster to change things, but also easier to test since the jenkins jobs are actually run in this repository, not the openstack-infra one. This commit defines the jobs we previously had defined in Jenkins and uses 'high-level' naming consistently (i.e. lint, style vs. foodcritic, rubocop). There is also a :clean task to help with deleting the files generated by the other jobs. Also changed foodcritic to run on the source cookbook rather than the one installed by berks, see e.g. https://github.com/berkshelf/berkshelf/issues/931#issuecomment-29668369 Change-Id: I3951f7bf3b474f1b7aab46c16d91a9b431a787bf blueprint: rakefile
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task default: ["test"]
task :test => [:lint, :style, :unit]
task :bundler_prep do
mkdir_p '.bundle'
sh %{bundle install --path=.bundle --jobs 1 --retry 3 --verbose}
task :berks_prep => :bundler_prep do
sh %{bundle exec berks vendor}
task :lint => :bundler_prep do
sh %{bundle exec foodcritic --epic-fail any --tags ~FC003 --tags ~FC023 .}
task :style => :bundler_prep do
sh %{bundle exec rubocop}
task :unit => :berks_prep do
sh %{bundle exec rspec --format documentation}
task :clean do
rm_rf [