- Add yum-centos cookbook to deps - Enable PowerTools and RabbitMQ repositories on EL8 - Update various packages for EL8 Depends-On: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/openstack-chef/+/814234 Change-Id: Ife3165204d9ffee132a0daacd4a6f30c7d31378b Signed-off-by: Lance Albertson <lance@osuosl.org>
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# Cookbook:: openstack-common
# Attributes:: database
# Copyright:: 2012-2021, AT&T Services, Inc.
# Copyright:: 2013-2021, SUSE Linux GmbH
# Copyright:: 2020-2021, Oregon State University
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ======================== OpenStack DB Support ================================
# This section of node attributes stores information about the database hosts
# used in an OpenStack deployment.
# There is no 'scheme' key. Instead, there is a 'service_type' key that should
# contain one of 'sqlite', 'mysql', or 'postgresql'
# The ::Openstack::db(<SERVICE_NAME>) library routine allows a lookup from any recipe
# to this array, returning the host information for the server that contains
# the database for <SERVICE_NAME>, where <SERVICE_NAME> is one of 'compute' (Nova),
# 'image' (Glance), 'identity' (Keystone), 'network' (Neutron), or 'volume' (Cinder)
# The ::Openstack::db_connection(<SERVICE_NAME>, <USER>, <PASSWORD>) library routine
# returns the SQLAlchemy DB URI for <SERVICE_NAME>, with the supplied user and password
# that a calling service might be using when connecting to the database.
# For example, let's assume that the database that is used by the OpenStack Identity
# service (Keystone) is configured as follows:
# host:
# port: 3306
# service_type: mysql
# db_name: keystone
# Further suppose that a node running the OpenStack Identity API service needs to
# connect to the above identity database server. It has the following in it's node
# attributes:
# node['openstack']['db']['identity']['username'] = 'keystone'
# In a 'keystone' recipe, you might find the following code:
# user = node['openstack']['db']['identity']['username']
# pass = get_password 'db', 'keystone'
# sql_connection = ::Openstack::db_uri('identity', user, pass)
# The sql_connection variable would then be set to "mysql://keystone:password@"
# and could then be written to the keystone.conf file in a template.
# Database Migrations:
# node['openstack']['db'][<SERVICE_NAME>]['migrate']
# The above attribute causes database migrations to be executed for the given
# service. There are cases where migrations should not be executed. For
# example when upgrading a zone, and the image or identity database are replicated
# across many zones.
# ******************** Database Endpoint **************************************
%w(endpoints bind_service).each do |type|
default['openstack'][type]['db']['host'] = ''
default['openstack'][type]['db']['port'] = '3306'
default['openstack']['bind_service']['db']['interface'] = nil
default['openstack']['endpoints']['db']['enabled_slave'] = false
default['openstack']['endpoints']['db']['slave_host'] = ''
default['openstack']['endpoints']['db']['slave_port'] = '3316'
# If you bind the database to a specific ip-address (you can only choose one
# here for mysql, so + external address is not an option), to allow
# the services and applications to access it via this one, you probably do not
# want to allow the db root user to access it via this external address. In this
# case you have the option to allow root access only via localhost, which
# will work for mysql databases, since it will use a direct connection via
# the socket, so the database does not have not to listen on
# Set this to 'localhost' for mysql to connect via socket.
default['openstack']['endpoints']['db']['host_for_db_root_user'] = 'localhost'
# Default database attributes
default['openstack']['db']['server_role'] = 'os-ops-database'
# Database charset during create database
default['openstack']['db']['charset'] = {
mysql: 'utf8',
'percona-cluster' => 'utf8',
mariadb: 'utf8',
postgresql: nil,
pgsql: nil,
sqlite: nil,
nosql: nil,
galera: 'utf8',
# Database connection options. Should include starting '?'
default['openstack']['db']['options'] = {
mysql: "?charset=#{node['openstack']['db']['charset']['mysql']}",
'percona-cluster' => "?charset=#{node['openstack']['db']['charset']['percona-cluster']}",
mariadb: "?charset=#{node['openstack']['db']['charset']['mariadb']}",
sqlite: '',
nosql: '',
galera: "?charset=#{node['openstack']['db']['charset']['galera']}",
# platform and DBMS-specific python client packages
default['openstack']['db']['python_packages'] = {
postgresql: [],
sqlite: [],
case node['platform_family']
when 'rhel'
default['openstack']['db']['service_type'] = 'mariadb'
if node['platform_version'].to_i >= 8
default['openstack']['db']['python_packages']['mariadb'] = ['python3-PyMySQL']
default['openstack']['db']['python_packages']['percona-cluster'] = ['python3-PyMySQL']
default['openstack']['db']['python_packages']['galera'] = ['python3-PyMySQL']
default['openstack']['db']['python_packages']['mariadb'] = ['MySQL-python']
default['openstack']['db']['python_packages']['percona-cluster'] = ['MySQL-python']
default['openstack']['db']['python_packages']['galera'] = ['MySQL-python']
when 'debian'
default['openstack']['db']['service_type'] = 'mariadb'
default['openstack']['db']['python_packages']['mariadb'] = ['python3-mysqldb']
default['openstack']['db']['python_packages']['percona-cluster'] = ['python3-mysqldb']
default['openstack']['db']['python_packages']['galera'] = ['python3-mysqldb']
# database sockets, because different
case node['platform_family']
when 'rhel'
default['openstack']['db']['socket'] = '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock'
when 'debian'
default['openstack']['db']['socket'] = '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'
# Database used by the OpenStack services
node['openstack']['common']['services'].each do |service, project|
default['openstack']['db'][service]['service_type'] = node['openstack']['db']['service_type']
default['openstack']['db'][service]['host'] = node['openstack']['endpoints']['db']['host']
default['openstack']['db'][service]['port'] = node['openstack']['endpoints']['db']['port']
default['openstack']['db'][service]['db_name'] = project
default['openstack']['db'][service]['username'] = project
default['openstack']['db'][service]['options'] = node['openstack']['db']['options']
default['openstack']['db'][service]['slave_host'] = node['openstack']['endpoints']['db']['slave_host']
default['openstack']['db'][service]['slave_port'] = node['openstack']['endpoints']['db']['slave_port']
default['openstack']['db'][service]['socket'] = node['openstack']['db']['socket']
case service
when 'dashboard'
default['openstack']['db'][service]['migrate'] = true
when 'identity'
default['openstack']['db'][service]['migrate'] = true
when 'image'
default['openstack']['db'][service]['migrate'] = true
when 'network'
# The SQLAlchemy connection string used to connect to the slave database
default['openstack']['db'][service]['slave_connection'] = ''
# Database reconnection retry times - in event connectivity is lost
default['openstack']['db'][service]['max_retries'] = 10
# Database reconnection interval in seconds - if the initial connection to the database fails
default['openstack']['db'][service]['retry_interval'] = 10
# Minimum number of SQL connections to keep open in a pool
default['openstack']['db'][service]['min_pool_size'] = 1
# Maximum number of SQL connections to keep open in a pool
default['openstack']['db'][service]['max_pool_size'] = 10
# Timeout in seconds before idle sql connections are reaped
default['openstack']['db'][service]['idle_timeout'] = 3600
# If set, use this value for max_overflow with sqlalchemy
default['openstack']['db'][service]['max_overflow'] = 20
# Verbosity of SQL debugging information. 0=None, 100=Everything
default['openstack']['db'][service]['connection_debug'] = 0
# Add python stack traces to SQL as comment strings
default['openstack']['db'][service]['connection_trace'] = false
# If set, use this value for pool_timeout with sqlalchemy
default['openstack']['db'][service]['pool_timeout'] = 10
when 'telemetry'
default['openstack']['db'][service]['nosql']['used'] = false
default['openstack']['db'][service]['nosql']['port'] = '27017'
# DB key to the get_password library routine
default['openstack']['db']['root_user_key'] = 'mysqlroot'