MetaData changes - bump metadata versions to 11 Gemfile changes - bump robocop to 0.29.1 - bump chef to 11.18.6 close to 12 but not quite (need infra changes for 12) - bump berks to 3.2.1 to get fix for running twice (destination already exists) Rubocop changes - add .robucop_todo.yml for future cleanup - rubocop --auto-gen-config and add an inherit_from: .rubocop_todo.yml in your .rubocop.yml - add .bundle/**/* to .rubocop.yml - add .cookbooks/**/* to robocop.yml - fixup berks-cookbooks/** with /**/* Changelog changes - delete Changelog.rb Other codes changes - change juno to kilo where appropriate - cleanup any obvious old deprecated code Change-Id: I146aa7f7ba4024115c1297103e176a72336fbe5d Partial-Bug: #1426424
24 lines
930 B
24 lines
930 B
name 'openstack-common'
maintainer 'openstack-chef'
maintainer_email 'opscode-chef-openstack@googlegroups.com'
license 'Apache 2.0'
description 'Common OpenStack attributes, libraries and recipes.'
long_description IO.read(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'README.md'))
version '11.0.0'
recipe 'openstack-common', 'Installs/Configures common recipes'
recipe 'openstack-common::set_endpoints_by_interface', 'Set endpoints by interface'
recipe 'openstack-common::logging', 'Installs/Configures common logging'
recipe 'openstack-common::sysctl', 'Configures sysctl settings'
recipe 'openstack-common::openrc', 'Creates openrc file'
%w{ ubuntu suse redhat centos }.each do |os|
supports os
depends 'apt', '~> 2.6.1'
depends 'database', '~> 4.0.2'
depends 'mysql', '~> 6.0.13'
depends 'yum', '~> 3.5.2'
depends 'yum-epel', '~> 0.6.0'