Ionuț Arțăriși 54fd6d6bf3 Change default for update_status_on_fail
Default 'update_status_on_fail' to True so that instances do not get
stuck in the BUILD state.

When this option is set, instances that remain in BUILD for longer than
the datastore's configured 'usage_timeout' will be considered failed and
moved to the ERROR state.

Change-Id: I67e3ca8f652581cd504affedbe518472b0051ccd
Related-Bug: #1339826
2014-07-24 11:33:06 +02:00

131 lines
4.7 KiB

<%= node["openstack"]["database"]["custom_template_banner"] %>
# Show more verbose log output (sets INFO log level output)
verbose = <%= node["openstack"]["database"]["verbose"] %>
# Show debugging output in logs (sets DEBUG log level output)
debug = <%= node["openstack"]["database"]["debug"] %>
# Updates service and instance task statuses if instance failed become active
update_status_on_fail = True
# AMQP Connection info
rabbit_host = <%= @rabbit['host'] %>
rabbit_userid = <%= @rabbit['userid'] %>
rabbit_password = <%= @rabbit_pass %>
rabbit_virtual_host = <%= @rabbit['vhost'] %>
rabbit_port = <%= @rabbit['port'] %>
rabbit_use_ssl = <%= @rabbit['use_ssl'] %>
# SQLAlchemy connection string for the reference implementation
# registry server. Any valid SQLAlchemy connection string is fine.
# See:
sql_connection = <%= @database_connection %>
# sql_connection = mysql://root:root@localhost/trove
# Period in seconds after which SQLAlchemy should reestablish its connection
# to the database.
# MySQL uses a default `wait_timeout` of 8 hours, after which it will drop
# idle connections. This can result in 'MySQL Gone Away' exceptions. If you
# notice this, you can lower this value to ensure that SQLAlchemy reconnects
# before MySQL can drop the connection.
sql_idle_timeout = 3600
#DB Api Implementation
db_api_implementation = trove.db.sqlalchemy.api
# Configuration options for talking to nova via the novaclient.
trove_auth_url = <%= @identity_uri %>
nova_compute_url = <%= @compute_uri %>
cinder_url = <%= @block_storage_uri %>
swift_url = <%= @object_storage_uri %>
# Config options for enabling volume service
trove_volume_support = <%= node['openstack']['database']['volume_support'] %>
block_device_mapping = vdb
device_path = /dev/vdb
mount_point = /var/lib/mysql
# Configuration options for talking to nova via the novaclient.
# These options are for an admin user in your keystone config.
# It proxy's the token received from the user to send to nova via this admin users creds,
# basically acting like the client via that proxy token.
nova_proxy_admin_user = <%= node['openstack']['database']['nova_proxy_user'] %>
nova_proxy_admin_pass = <%= node['openstack']['database']['nova_proxy_password'] %>
nova_proxy_admin_tenant_name = <%= node['openstack']['database']['nova_proxy_tenant'] %>
# Manager impl for the taskmanager
# Manager sends Exists Notifications
exists_notification_transformer = trove.extensions.mgmt.instances.models.NovaNotificationTransformer
exists_notification_ticks = 30
notification_service_id = mysql:2f3ff068-2bfb-4f70-9a9d-a6bb65bc084b
# Trove DNS
trove_dns_support = False
dns_account_id = 123456
dns_auth_url =
dns_username = user
dns_passkey = password
dns_ttl = 3600
dns_domain_name = ''
dns_domain_id = 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111
dns_driver = trove.dns.designate.driver.DesignateDriver
dns_instance_entry_factory = trove.dns.designate.driver.DesignateInstanceEntryFactory
dns_endpoint_url =
dns_service_type = dns
# Trove Security Groups for Instances
trove_security_groups_support = True
trove_security_groups_rules_support = False
trove_security_group_rule_protocol = tcp
trove_security_group_rule_port = 3306
trove_security_group_rule_cidr =
# Guest related conf
agent_heartbeat_time = 10
agent_call_low_timeout = 5
agent_call_high_timeout = 150
# Whether to use nova's contrib api for create server with volume
use_nova_server_volume = False
# Datastore templates
template_path = /etc/trove/templates/
# ============ notifer queue kombu connection options ========================
notifier_queue_transport = memory
# usage notifications
# ============ Logging information =============================
log_dir = /var/log/trove
#log_file = trove-taskmanager.log
# ============ PyDev remote dubugging =============================
# Enable or disable pydev remote debugging.
# There are three values allowed: 'disabled', 'enabled' and 'auto'
# If value is 'auto' tries to connect to remote debugger server,
# but in case of error continue running with disabled debugging
pydev_debug = disabled
# remote debug server host and port options
#pydev_debug_host = localhost
#pydev_debug_port = 5678
# path to pydevd library. It will be used if pydevd is absent in sys.path
#pydev_path = <path>
# ================= Guestagent related ========================
#guest_config = $pybasedir/etc/trove/trove-guestagent.conf.sample
#cloudinit_location = /etc/trove/cloudinit