# encoding: UTF-8 # require_relative 'spec_helper' describe 'openstack-identity::registration' do describe 'ubuntu' do let(:node) { runner.node } let(:runner) { ChefSpec::SoloRunner.new(UBUNTU_OPTS) } let(:chef_run) { runner.converge(described_recipe) } let(:node_add_user) do node.set_unless['openstack']['identity']['users'] = { 'user1' => { 'default_tenant' => 'default_tenant1', 'password' => 'secret1', 'roles' => { 'role1' => ['role_tenant1'], 'role2' => ['default_tenant1'] } } } end include_context 'identity_stubs' describe 'tenant registration' do context 'default tenants' do ['admin'].each do |tenant_name| it "registers the #{tenant_name} tenant" do expect(chef_run).to create_tenant_openstack_identity_register( "Register '#{tenant_name}' Tenant" ).with( auth_uri: '', bootstrap_token: 'bootstrap-token', tenant_name: tenant_name, tenant_description: "#{tenant_name} Tenant" ) end end end context 'configured tenants from users attribute' do before { node_add_user } ['default_tenant1', 'role_tenant1'].each do |tenant_name| it "registers the #{tenant_name} tenant" do expect(chef_run).to create_tenant_openstack_identity_register( "Register '#{tenant_name}' Tenant" ).with( auth_uri: '', bootstrap_token: 'bootstrap-token', tenant_name: tenant_name, tenant_description: "#{tenant_name} Tenant" ) end end end end describe 'role registration' do context 'default roles' do %w(admin service).each do |role_name| it "registers the #{role_name} role" do expect(chef_run).to create_role_openstack_identity_register( "Register '#{role_name}' Role" ).with( auth_uri: '', bootstrap_token: 'bootstrap-token', role_name: role_name ) end end end context 'configured roles derived from users attribute' do before { node_add_user } ['role1', 'role2'].each do |role_name| it "registers the #{role_name} role" do expect(chef_run).to create_role_openstack_identity_register( "Register '#{role_name}' Role" ).with( auth_uri: '', bootstrap_token: 'bootstrap-token', role_name: role_name ) end end end end describe 'user registration' do context 'default users' do user_admin = [ 'admin', 'admin', ['admin', 'service'] ] [user_admin].each do |user, tenant, roles| context "#{user} user" do it "registers the #{user} user" do expect(chef_run).to create_user_openstack_identity_register( "Register '#{user}' User" ).with( auth_uri: '', bootstrap_token: 'bootstrap-token', user_name: user, user_pass: 'admin', tenant_name: tenant ) end roles.each do |role| it "grants '#{role}' role to '#{user}' user in 'admin' tenant" do expect(chef_run).to grant_role_openstack_identity_register( "Grant '#{role}' Role to '#{user}' User in 'admin' Tenant" ).with( auth_uri: '', bootstrap_token: 'bootstrap-token', user_name: user, role_name: role, tenant_name: 'admin', action: [:grant_role] ) end end it 'registers the admin user for ec2' do expect(chef_run).to create_ec2_credentials_openstack_identity_register( "Create EC2 credentials for 'admin' user" ).with( auth_uri: '', bootstrap_token: 'bootstrap-token', user_name: user, tenant_name: tenant, admin_tenant_name: 'admin', admin_user: 'admin', admin_pass: 'admin' ) end end end end context 'configured user' do before { node_add_user } it 'registers the user1 user' do expect(chef_run).to create_user_openstack_identity_register( "Register 'user1' User" ).with( auth_uri: '', bootstrap_token: 'bootstrap-token', user_name: 'user1', user_pass: 'secret1', tenant_name: 'default_tenant1' ) end it "grants 'role1' role to 'user1' user in 'role_tenant1' tenant" do expect(chef_run).to grant_role_openstack_identity_register( "Grant 'role1' Role to 'user1' User in 'role_tenant1' Tenant" ).with( auth_uri: '', bootstrap_token: 'bootstrap-token', user_name: 'user1', role_name: 'role1', tenant_name: 'role_tenant1' ) end it 'registers the user1 user for ec2' do expect(chef_run).to create_ec2_credentials_openstack_identity_register( "Create EC2 credentials for 'user1' user" ).with( auth_uri: '', bootstrap_token: 'bootstrap-token', user_name: 'user1', tenant_name: 'default_tenant1', admin_tenant_name: 'admin', admin_user: 'admin', admin_pass: 'admin' ) end end end describe 'service registration' do context 'with templated catalog backend' do before do node.set['openstack']['identity']['catalog']['backend'] = 'templated' end it 'does not register identity service' do expect(chef_run).to_not create_service_openstack_identity_register( 'Register Identity Service' ) end end context 'with sql catalog backend' do before do node.set['openstack']['identity']['catalog']['backend'] = 'sql' end it 'registers identity service' do expect(chef_run).to create_service_openstack_identity_register( 'Register Identity Service' ).with( service_name: 'keystone', service_type: 'identity', service_description: 'Keystone Identity Service' ) end end end describe 'endpoint registration' do context 'with templated catalog backend' do before do node.set['openstack']['identity']['catalog']['backend'] = 'templated' end it 'does not register identity endpoint' do expect(chef_run).to_not create_endpoint_openstack_identity_register( 'Register Identity Endpoint' ) end end context 'with sql catalog backend' do before do node.set['openstack']['identity']['catalog']['backend'] = 'sql' end it 'registers identity endpoints' do expect(chef_run).to create_endpoint_openstack_identity_register( 'Register Identity Endpoint' ).with( auth_uri: '', bootstrap_token: 'bootstrap-token', service_type: 'identity', endpoint_region: 'RegionOne', endpoint_adminurl: '', endpoint_internalurl: '', endpoint_publicurl: '' ) end it 'overrides identity endpoint region' do node.set['openstack']['identity']['region'] = 'identityRegion' expect(chef_run).to create_endpoint_openstack_identity_register( 'Register Identity Endpoint' ).with(endpoint_region: 'identityRegion') end it 'overrides identity endpoints' do node.set['openstack']['endpoints']['admin']['identity']['host'] = '' node.set['openstack']['endpoints']['admin']['identity']['port'] = '5002' node.set['openstack']['endpoints']['admin']['identity']['path'] = '/v2.2' node.set['openstack']['endpoints']['internal']['identity']['host'] = '' node.set['openstack']['endpoints']['internal']['identity']['port'] = '5003' node.set['openstack']['endpoints']['internal']['identity']['path'] = '/v2.3' node.set['openstack']['endpoints']['public']['identity']['host'] = '' node.set['openstack']['endpoints']['public']['identity']['port'] = '5004' node.set['openstack']['endpoints']['public']['identity']['path'] = '/v2.4' expect(chef_run).to create_endpoint_openstack_identity_register( 'Register Identity Endpoint' ).with( endpoint_adminurl: '', endpoint_internalurl: '', endpoint_publicurl: '' ) end it 'register endpoint with all different URLs' do public_url = 'https://public.host:789/public_path' internal_url = 'http://internal.host:456/internal_path' admin_url = 'https://admin.host:123/admin_path' node.set['openstack']['endpoints']['public']['identity']['uri'] = public_url node.set['openstack']['endpoints']['internal']['identity']['uri'] = internal_url node.set['openstack']['endpoints']['admin']['identity']['uri'] = admin_url expect(chef_run).to create_endpoint_openstack_identity_register( 'Register Identity Endpoint' ).with( endpoint_adminurl: admin_url, endpoint_internalurl: internal_url, endpoint_publicurl: public_url ) end end end end end