# # Cookbook:: openstack-image # Provider:: image # # Copyright:: 2012, Rackspace US, Inc. # Copyright:: 2013, Opscode, Inc. # Copyright:: 2020, Oregon State University # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # include ::Openstack action :upload do @user = new_resource.identity_user @pass = new_resource.identity_pass @tenant = new_resource.identity_tenant @ks_uri = new_resource.identity_uri @domain = new_resource.identity_user_domain_name @project_domain_name = new_resource.identity_project_domain_name name = new_resource.image_name url = new_resource.image_url public = new_resource.image_public id = new_resource.image_id ep = public_endpoint 'image_api' api = ep.to_s.gsub(ep.path, '') # remove trailing /v2 type = new_resource.image_type type = _determine_type(url) if type == 'unknown' _upload_image(type, name, api, url, public ? 'public' : 'private', id) end private def _determine_type(url) # Lets do our best to determine the type from the file extension case ::File.extname(url) when '.gz', '.tgz' 'ami' when '.qcow2', '.img' 'qcow' else raise ArgumentError, "File extension not supported for #{url}, supported extensions are: .gz, .tgz for ami and .qcow2 and .img for qcow" end end def _upload_image(type, name, api, url, public, id) case type when 'ami' _upload_ami(name, api, url, public, id) when 'qcow' _upload_image_bare(name, api, url, public, 'qcow2', id) else _upload_image_bare(name, api, url, public, type, id) end end def _upload_image_bare(name, api, url, public, type, id) glance_cmd = "glance --insecure --os-username #{@user} --os-password #{@pass} --os-project-name #{@tenant} --os-image-url #{api} --os-auth-url #{@ks_uri} --os-user-domain-name #{@domain} --os-project-domain-name #{@project_domain_name}" c_fmt = '--container-format bare' d_fmt = "--disk-format #{type}" execute "Uploading #{type} image #{name}" do # :pragma-foodcritic: ~FC041 cwd '/tmp' sensitive true command "curl -L #{url} | #{glance_cmd} image-create --name #{name} #{"--id #{id}" unless id == ''} --visibility #{public} #{c_fmt} #{d_fmt}" not_if "#{glance_cmd} image-list | grep #{name}" end end # TODO(chrislaco) This refactor is in the works via Craig Tracey def _upload_ami(name, api, url, public, id) glance_cmd = "glance --insecure --os-username #{@user} --os-password #{@pass} --os-project-name #{@tenant} --os-image-url #{api} --os-auth-url #{@ks_uri} --os-user-domain-name #{@domain} --os-project-domain-name #{@project_domain_name}" aki_fmt = '--container-format aki --disk-format aki' ari_fmt = '--container-format ari --disk-format ari' ami_fmt = '--container-format ami --disk-format ami' bash "Uploading AMI image #{name}" do cwd '/tmp' user 'root' sensitive true code <<-EOH set -x mkdir -p images/#{name} cd images/#{name} curl -L #{url} | tar -zx image_name=$(basename #{url} .tar.gz) image_name=${image_name%-multinic} kernel_file=$(ls *vmlinuz-virtual | head -n1) if [ ${#kernel_file} -eq 0 ]; then kernel_file=$(ls *vmlinuz | head -n1) fi ramdisk=$(ls *-initrd | head -n1) if [ ${#ramdisk} -eq 0 ]; then ramdisk=$(ls *-loader | head -n1) fi kernel=$(ls *.img | head -n1) kid=$(#{glance_cmd} image-create --name "${image_name}-kernel" --visibility #{public} #{aki_fmt} < ${kernel_file} | grep -m 1 '^|[ ]*id[ ]*|' | cut -d'|' -f3 | sed 's/ //') rid=$(#{glance_cmd} image-create --name "${image_name}-initrd" --visibility #{public} #{ari_fmt} < ${ramdisk} | grep -m 1 '^|[ ]*id[ ]*|' | cut -d'|' -f3 | sed 's/ //') #{glance_cmd} image-create --name "#{name}" #{"--id #{id}" unless id == ''} --visibility #{public} #{ami_fmt} --property "kernel_id=$kid" --property "ramdisk_id=$rid" < ${kernel} EOH not_if "#{glance_cmd} image-list | grep #{name}" end end