
28 lines
1.1 KiB

name 'openstack-integration-test'
maintainer 'openstack-chef'
maintainer_email ''
license 'Apache-2.0'
description 'Installs and configures the Tempest Integration Test Suite'
version '18.0.0'
recipe 'openstack-integration-test::create_network', 'Create a test network and subnet for use in kitchen tests'
recipe 'openstack-integration-test::dns', 'Setup environment for testing designate'
recipe 'openstack-integration-test::orchestration', 'Setup environment for testing heat'
recipe 'openstack-integration-test::run_tempest', 'Run tempest for use in kitchen tests'
recipe 'openstack-integration-test::setup', 'Installs and configures Tempest'
%w(ubuntu redhat centos).each do |os|
supports os
depends 'bind', '~> 2.3.1'
depends 'openstackclient'
depends 'openstack-common', '>= 18.0.0'
depends 'openstack-dns', '>= 18.0.0'
depends 'openstack-image', '>= 18.0.0'
depends 'resolver'
issues_url ''
source_url ''
chef_version '>= 14.0'