# CHANGELOG for cookbook-openstack-network This file is used to list changes made in each version of cookbook-openstack-network. ## 9.0.10 * Start the neutron server service after installed ## 9.0.9 * Fix to plugin.ini symlink not updated properly when main plugin changes ## 9.0.8 * Add support for miscellaneous options (like in Compute) ## 9.0.7 * Revert Switch to using auth_url instead of auth_host et al ## 9.0.6 * Fix ovs_use_veth default value ## 9.0.5 * Switch to using auth_url instead of auth_host et al ## 9.0.4 * Fix to allow build openvswitch spec to work on windows ## 9.0.3 * Fix openvswitch and linuxbridge agent ## 9.0.2 * Fix to allow data network openvswitch bridge to be created ## 9.0.1 * Fix package action to allow updates ## 9.0.0 * Upgrade to Icehouse * The balancer recipe now includes openstack-network::common * Neutron agents now subscribe to changes in neutron.conf * Add rpc attributes * Remove policy file ## 8.5.1 ### Bug * Fix the DB2 ODBC driver issue ## 8.5.0 ### Blue print * Use the library method auth_uri_transform ## 8.4.0 * Add new template for ml2 plugin ## 8.3.0 * Add new attributes to support vxlan in linuxbridge plugin template ## 8.2.0 * Move the database section into neutron.conf from plugins * Make the service_provider attribute configurable ## 8.1.1 * allow dnsmasq source build to be optional ## 8.1.0 * Add client recipe ## 8.0.1: * Add network database migration * Remove unneeded and redundant rhel setup script calls * Deprecate node['openstack']['network']['neutron_loadbalancer'] in favor of node['openstack']['network']['service_plugins'] ## 8.0.0: * Support neutron deployment by search and replace quantum with neutron ## 7.1.1 * fixing rpc_backend for qpid ## 7.1.0 * adding qpid support to quantum. default is rabbitmq ## 7.0.5 * Parameterize quota default values in quantum.conf.erb (LP #1228623) ## 7.0.4 * Set auth_uri and use admin_endpoint in authtoken configuration (LP #1207504) ## 7.0.3: * Parameterize agent_down_time and report_interval settings ## 7.0.2: * Add delay to quantum-ha-tool.py script to prevent aggressive migrations ## 7.0.1: * Allow quota driver to be set dynamically (LP #1234324) ## 7.0.0: * Start Grizzly + Neutron deployment