{ "comments": [ { "key": { "uuid": "3fa7e38b_96ed6d24", "filename": "metadata.rb", "patchSetId": 5 }, "lineNbr": 20, "author": { "id": 13252 }, "writtenOn": "2020-02-14T12:58:34Z", "side": 1, "message": "15", "range": { "startLine": 20, "startChar": 17, "endLine": 20, "endChar": 19 }, "revId": "8b40435905ac81ab0f01c40f5afdf88389101ada", "serverId": "4a232e18-c5a9-48ee-94c0-e04e7cca6543", "unresolved": false }, { "key": { "uuid": "1fa4df85_13344a92", "filename": "metadata.rb", "patchSetId": 5 }, "lineNbr": 20, "author": { "id": 21961 }, "writtenOn": "2020-03-06T23:17:51Z", "side": 1, "message": "If I change this here should I do this globally? Would it make sense to do this in a separate set of patches?", "parentUuid": "3fa7e38b_96ed6d24", "range": { "startLine": 20, "startChar": 17, "endLine": 20, "endChar": 19 }, "revId": "8b40435905ac81ab0f01c40f5afdf88389101ada", "serverId": "4a232e18-c5a9-48ee-94c0-e04e7cca6543", "unresolved": false }, { "key": { "uuid": "3fa7e38b_f6b62126", "filename": "recipes/mariadb-client.rb", "patchSetId": 5 }, "lineNbr": 23, "author": { "id": 13252 }, "writtenOn": "2020-02-14T12:58:34Z", "side": 1, "message": "There\u0027s a 0.4.10, do we want to use that instead?\n\nWe also might want to update to 0.5.x, but likely in a followup.", "revId": "8b40435905ac81ab0f01c40f5afdf88389101ada", "serverId": "4a232e18-c5a9-48ee-94c0-e04e7cca6543", "unresolved": false }, { "key": { "uuid": "1fa4df85_d329d236", "filename": "recipes/mariadb-client.rb", "patchSetId": 5 }, "lineNbr": 23, "author": { "id": 21961 }, "writtenOn": "2020-03-06T23:17:51Z", "side": 1, "message": "This is no longer needed with the changes made in https://review.opendev.org/710352", "parentUuid": "3fa7e38b_f6b62126", "revId": "8b40435905ac81ab0f01c40f5afdf88389101ada", "serverId": "4a232e18-c5a9-48ee-94c0-e04e7cca6543", "unresolved": false } ] }