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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import re
import os_resource_classes as orc
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from cyborg.accelerator.drivers.driver import GenericDriver
from cyborg.common import constants
from cyborg.conf import CONF
from cyborg.objects.driver_objects import driver_attach_handle
from cyborg.objects.driver_objects import driver_attribute
from cyborg.objects.driver_objects import driver_controlpath_id
from cyborg.objects.driver_objects import driver_deployable
from cyborg.objects.driver_objects import driver_device
class FakeDriver(GenericDriver):
"""Base class for Fake drivers.
This is just a Fake drivers interface.
VENDOR = "fake"
def _generate_controlpath_id(self, pci):
driver_cpid = driver_controlpath_id.DriverControlPathID()
driver_cpid.cpid_type = "PCI"
driver_cpid.cpid_info = pci["slot"]
return driver_cpid
def _generate_attach_handles(self, pci, num_accelerators):
"""Returns list of attach handles, with same bus# but
differing in device/function numbers. Assumes
NUM_ACCELERATORS <= 256, otherwise bus# has to change too.
# In PCI bus-device-function address, 1 device can have 8 functions.
ah_list = []
for fn in range(1, num_accelerators + 1): # fn 0 is CPID
driver_ah = driver_attach_handle.DriverAttachHandle()
# The virt driver will ignore this type when attaching
driver_ah.attach_type = constants.AH_TYPE_TEST_PCI
driver_ah.in_use = False
pci_slot_dict = jsonutils.loads(pci['slot'])
pci_slot_dict['device'] = str(int(fn / NUM_PCI_FN_PER_PCI_DEVICE))
pci_slot_dict['function'] = str(fn % NUM_PCI_FN_PER_PCI_DEVICE)
pci_slot_str = jsonutils.dumps(pci_slot_dict)
driver_ah.attach_info = pci_slot_str
return ah_list
def _generate_attribute_list(self):
attr_traits = driver_attribute.DriverAttribute()
attr_traits.key = "traits1"
attr_traits.value = "CUSTOM_FAKE_DEVICE"
attr_rc = driver_attribute.DriverAttribute()
attr_rc.key = "rc"
attr_rc.value = orc.FPGA
return [attr_traits, attr_rc]
def _generate_dep_list(self, pci):
driver_dep = driver_deployable.DriverDeployable()
driver_dep.attach_handle_list = self._generate_attach_handles(
# NOTE(sean-k-mooney): we need to prepend the host name to the
# device name as this is used to generate the RP name and uuid in
# the cyborg conductor when updating placement. As such this needs
# to be unique per host to allow multi node testing with the fake
# driver.
name = "%s_%s" % (, pci.get('device'))
# Replace any non alphanumeric, hyphen or underscore character with
# underscore to comply with placement RP name requirements = re.sub(r"(?![a-zA-Z0-9_\-]).", "_", name)
driver_dep.driver_name = 'fake'
driver_dep.num_accelerators = self.NUM_ACCELERATORS
driver_dep.attribute_list = self._generate_attribute_list()
return [driver_dep]
def discover(self):
fpga_list = []
pci_addr = '{"domain":"0000","bus":"0c","device":"00","function":"0"}'
pci_dict = {
'slot': pci_addr, # PCI slot address
'device': 'FakeDevice', # Name of the device
'vendor_id': '0xABCD', # ID of the vendor
'class': 'Fake class', # Name of the class
'device_id': '0xabcd' # ID of the device
device = driver_device.DriverDevice()
device.vendor = pci_dict["vendor_id"]
device.model = pci_dict.get('model', 'miss model info')
std_board_info = {'device_id': pci_dict.get('device_id', None),
'class': pci_dict.get('class', None)}
device.std_board_info = jsonutils.dumps(std_board_info)
device.vendor_board_info = 'fake_vendor_info'
device.type = constants.DEVICE_FPGA
device.stub = False
device.controlpath_id = self._generate_controlpath_id(pci_dict)
device.deployable_list = self._generate_dep_list(pci_dict)
return fpga_list
def update(self, control_path, image_path):
return True
def get_stats(self):
return {}