
120 lines
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.. -*- rst -*-
.. needs:body_verification
Lists, creates, shows details for, updates and deletes deployables.
A deployable is a component of a device that contains accelerators.
(An accelerator is a hardware resource that offload computation; it
is the smallest unit within a device that can be assigned to a VM.)
.. note::
In the following example url requests $cyborg_endpoint_url can be
different depending on how cyborg-api service is running. If cyborg-api
service is running as a python process, use "http://localhost:6666/v1",
otherwise if cyborg-api is running as a WSGI application:
use "http://localhost/accelerator/v1".
List Deployables
.. rest_method:: GET /deployables
Lists UUIDs, names, number of accelerators, device_ids and root_ids,
parent_ids for all deployables.
Supported query parameters:
- limit: Optional, to determinate maximum number of accelerators to return.
- marker: Optional, to display a list of accelerators after this marker.
- sort_key: Optional, to sort the returned deployables list by this
specified key value.
- sort_dir: Optional, to return the deployables list with sort direction.
**Example response: list deployables**
.. literalinclude:: ../../../doc/api_samples/deployables/deployables-list-resp.json
:language: javascript
Get One Deployable
.. rest_method:: GET /deployables/uuid
Gets the UUID, name, number of accelerators and other fields
for one deployable with the specified UUID.
Gets a deployable. The payload should have these fields:
- uuid: UUID
**Example response: get details of a specific deployable**
.. literalinclude:: ../../../doc/api_samples/deployables/deployables-getone-resp.json
Create Deployable
.. rest_method:: POST /deployables
Creates a deployable. The payload should have these fields:
- uuid: UUID
- name: string
- num_accelerators: integer
- address: string
- interface_type: string
- assignable: boolean
- availability: string
- accelerator_id: integer
**Example post curl**
.. literalinclude:: ../../../doc/api_samples/deployables/deployable-post-curl.json
**Example response: create a deployable**
.. literalinclude:: ../../../doc/api_samples/deployables/deployable-create-resp.json
Update Deployable
.. rest_method:: PATCH /deployables/uuid
Update a deployable. The payload should be a RFC 6902-compliant
JSON patch, FYR:"".
The patch should have these fields:
- uuid: UUID
Other fields are optional.
**Example patch curl**
.. literalinclude:: ../../../doc/api_samples/deployables/deployable-patch-curl.json
**Example response: update a deployable**
.. literalinclude:: ../../../doc/api_samples/deployables/deployable-update-resp.json
Delete Deployable
.. rest_method:: DELETE /deployables/uuid
Delete a deployable. No query parameters required.
Response will be like the following:
.. code-block:: bash
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2019 09:51:49 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.29 (Ubuntu)
x-openstack-request-id: req-46603a01-f04d-40b6-922f-2f2ec1201725
Connection: close