As Cyborg is switching to new policy, this is required to avoid breaking the existing deployment using policy file in json format and relying on default value of 'CONF.oslo_policy.policy_file'. Default value of 'CONF.oslo_policy.policy_file' config option has been changed from 'policy.json' to 'policy.yaml'. If new default file 'policy.yaml' does not exist but old default 'policy.json' exist then fallback to use old default file. An upgrade checks is added to check the policy_file format and fail upgrade checks if it is JSON formatted. Added a warning in policy doc about JSON formatted file is deprecated, also removed all the reference to policy.json file in doc as well as in tests. Related Blueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/oslo.policy/+spec/policy-json-to-yaml Change-Id: I865227e516dc7505c463ac279309169d95ea6a22
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The default value of ``[oslo_policy] policy_file`` config option has been
changed from ``policy.json``
to ``policy.yaml``. Cyborg policy new defaults since 5.0.0 and current
default value of ``[oslo_policy] policy_file`` config option (``policy.json``)
does not work when ``policy.json`` is generated by
`oslopolicy-sample-generator <https://docs.openstack.org/oslo.policy/latest/cli/oslopolicy-sample-generator.html>`_ tool.
Refer to `bug 1875418 <https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1875418>`_
for more details.
Also check `oslopolicy-convert-json-to-yaml <https://docs.openstack.org/oslo.policy/latest/cli/oslopolicy-convert-json-to-yaml.html>`_
tool to convert the JSON to YAML formatted policy file in
backward compatible way.