- getting at attributes of FKs varies a bit on SQLA versions, so implement an _fk_spec() called for all FK inspection - to enable include_object() filters and allow the FK constraint code to flow like that of indexes/uniques, change the approach so that we deal with an _fk_constraint_sig() object again which contains the real ForeignKeyConstraint() within; we need this anyway for include_object, but also allows us to use the standard "drop_constraint" call for rendering. - enhance tests in test_autogen_fks to support real FK databases like Postgresql, MySQL, add in InnoDB flags and ensure that FKs refer to real primary key constraints for PG support - implement and test include_object() support for FKs - inspectors all have get_foreign_keys(), no need to check - repair the drop_constraint call to quote the "type" and table name correctly, run all constraint drops through drop_constraint() for rendering - fix up schema identifiers for foreign key autogens
362 lines
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362 lines
11 KiB
"""Provide the 'autogenerate' feature which can produce migration operations
import logging
import itertools
import re
from ..compat import StringIO
from mako.pygen import PythonPrinter
from sqlalchemy.engine.reflection import Inspector
from sqlalchemy.util import OrderedSet
from .compare import _compare_tables
from .render import _drop_table, _drop_column, _drop_index, _drop_constraint, \
_add_table, _add_column, _add_index, _add_constraint, _modify_col, \
from .. import util
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# public
def compare_metadata(context, metadata):
"""Compare a database schema to that given in a
:class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData` instance.
The database connection is presented in the context
of a :class:`.MigrationContext` object, which
provides database connectivity as well as optional
comparison functions to use for datatypes and
server defaults - see the "autogenerate" arguments
at :meth:`.EnvironmentContext.configure`
for details on these.
The return format is a list of "diff" directives,
each representing individual differences::
from alembic.migration import MigrationContext
from alembic.autogenerate import compare_metadata
from sqlalchemy.schema import SchemaItem
from sqlalchemy.types import TypeEngine
from sqlalchemy import (create_engine, MetaData, Column,
Integer, String, Table)
import pprint
engine = create_engine("sqlite://")
create table foo (
id integer not null primary key,
old_data varchar,
x integer
create table bar (
data varchar
metadata = MetaData()
Table('foo', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('data', Integer),
Column('x', Integer, nullable=False)
Table('bat', metadata,
Column('info', String)
mc = MigrationContext.configure(engine.connect())
diff = compare_metadata(mc, metadata)
pprint.pprint(diff, indent=2, width=20)
[ ( 'add_table',
Table('bat', MetaData(bind=None),
Column('info', String(), table=<bat>), schema=None)),
( 'remove_table',
Table(u'bar', MetaData(bind=None),
Column(u'data', VARCHAR(), table=<bar>), schema=None)),
( 'add_column',
Column('data', Integer(), table=<foo>)),
( 'remove_column',
Column(u'old_data', VARCHAR(), table=None)),
[ ( 'modify_nullable',
{ 'existing_server_default': None,
'existing_type': INTEGER()},
:param context: a :class:`.MigrationContext`
:param metadata: a :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData`
autogen_context, connection = _autogen_context(context, None)
diffs = []
object_filters = _get_object_filters(context.opts)
include_schemas = context.opts.get('include_schemas', False)
_produce_net_changes(connection, metadata, diffs, autogen_context,
object_filters, include_schemas)
return diffs
# top level
def _produce_migration_diffs(context, template_args,
imports, include_symbol=None,
opts = context.opts
metadata = opts['target_metadata']
include_schemas = opts.get('include_schemas', include_schemas)
object_filters = _get_object_filters(opts, include_symbol, include_object)
if metadata is None:
raise util.CommandError(
"Can't proceed with --autogenerate option; environment "
"script %s does not provide "
"a MetaData object to the context." % (
autogen_context, connection = _autogen_context(context, imports)
diffs = []
_produce_net_changes(connection, metadata, diffs,
autogen_context, object_filters, include_schemas)
template_args[opts['upgrade_token']] = _indent(_render_cmd_body(
_produce_upgrade_commands, diffs, autogen_context))
template_args[opts['downgrade_token']] = _indent(_render_cmd_body(
_produce_downgrade_commands, diffs, autogen_context))
template_args['imports'] = "\n".join(sorted(imports))
def _indent(text):
text = re.compile(r'^', re.M).sub(" ", text).strip()
text = re.compile(r' +$', re.M).sub("", text)
return text
def _render_cmd_body(fn, diffs, autogen_context):
buf = StringIO()
printer = PythonPrinter(buf)
"### commands auto generated by Alembic - "
"please adjust! ###"
for line in fn(diffs, autogen_context):
printer.writeline("### end Alembic commands ###")
return buf.getvalue()
def _get_object_filters(
context_opts, include_symbol=None, include_object=None):
include_symbol = context_opts.get('include_symbol', include_symbol)
include_object = context_opts.get('include_object', include_object)
object_filters = []
if include_symbol:
def include_symbol_filter(object, name, type_, reflected, compare_to):
if type_ == "table":
return include_symbol(name, object.schema)
return True
if include_object:
return object_filters
def _autogen_context(context, imports):
opts = context.opts
connection = context.bind
return {
'imports': imports,
'connection': connection,
'dialect': connection.dialect,
'context': context,
'opts': opts
}, connection
# walk structures
def _produce_net_changes(connection, metadata, diffs, autogen_context,
inspector = Inspector.from_engine(connection)
conn_table_names = set()
default_schema = connection.dialect.default_schema_name
if include_schemas:
schemas = set(inspector.get_schema_names())
# replace default schema name with None
# replace the "default" schema with None
schemas = [None]
version_table_schema = autogen_context['context'].version_table_schema
version_table = autogen_context['context'].version_table
for s in schemas:
tables = set(inspector.get_table_names(schema=s))
if s == version_table_schema:
tables = tables.difference(
conn_table_names.update(zip([s] * len(tables), tables))
metadata_table_names = OrderedSet(
[(table.schema, table.name) for table in metadata.sorted_tables]
).difference([(version_table_schema, version_table)])
_compare_tables(conn_table_names, metadata_table_names,
inspector, metadata, diffs, autogen_context)
def _produce_upgrade_commands(diffs, autogen_context):
return _produce_commands("upgrade", diffs, autogen_context)
def _produce_downgrade_commands(diffs, autogen_context):
return _produce_commands("downgrade", diffs, autogen_context)
def _produce_commands(type_, diffs, autogen_context):
opts = autogen_context['opts']
render_as_batch = opts.get('render_as_batch', False)
if diffs:
if type_ == 'downgrade':
diffs = reversed(diffs)
for (schema, table), subdiffs in _group_diffs_by_table(diffs):
if table is not None and render_as_batch:
yield "with op.batch_alter_table"\
"(%r, schema=%r) as batch_op:" % (table, schema)
autogen_context['batch_prefix'] = 'batch_op.'
for diff in subdiffs:
yield _invoke_command(type_, diff, autogen_context)
if table is not None and render_as_batch:
del autogen_context['batch_prefix']
yield ""
yield "pass"
def _invoke_command(updown, args, autogen_context):
if isinstance(args, tuple):
return _invoke_adddrop_command(updown, args, autogen_context)
return _invoke_modify_command(updown, args, autogen_context)
def _invoke_adddrop_command(updown, args, autogen_context):
cmd_type = args[0]
adddrop, cmd_type = cmd_type.split("_")
cmd_args = args[1:] + (autogen_context,)
_commands = {
"table": (_drop_table, _add_table),
"column": (_drop_column, _add_column),
"index": (_drop_index, _add_index),
"constraint": (_drop_constraint, _add_constraint),
"fk": (_drop_constraint, _add_fk_constraint)
cmd_callables = _commands[cmd_type]
if (
updown == "upgrade" and adddrop == "add"
) or (
updown == "downgrade" and adddrop == "remove"
return cmd_callables[1](*cmd_args)
return cmd_callables[0](*cmd_args)
def _invoke_modify_command(updown, args, autogen_context):
sname, tname, cname = args[0][1:4]
kw = {}
_arg_struct = {
"modify_type": ("existing_type", "type_"),
"modify_nullable": ("existing_nullable", "nullable"),
"modify_default": ("existing_server_default", "server_default"),
for diff in args:
diff_kw = diff[4]
for arg in ("existing_type",
if arg in diff_kw:
kw.setdefault(arg, diff_kw[arg])
old_kw, new_kw = _arg_struct[diff[0]]
if updown == "upgrade":
kw[new_kw] = diff[-1]
kw[old_kw] = diff[-2]
kw[new_kw] = diff[-2]
kw[old_kw] = diff[-1]
if "nullable" in kw:
kw.pop("existing_nullable", None)
if "server_default" in kw:
kw.pop("existing_server_default", None)
return _modify_col(tname, cname, autogen_context, schema=sname, **kw)
def _group_diffs_by_table(diffs):
_adddrop = {
"table": lambda diff: (None, None),
"column": lambda diff: (diff[0], diff[1]),
"index": lambda diff: (diff[0].table.schema, diff[0].table.name),
"constraint": lambda diff: (diff[0].table.schema, diff[0].table.name),
"fk": lambda diff: (diff[0].parent.schema, diff[0].parent.name)
def _derive_table(diff):
if isinstance(diff, tuple):
cmd_type = diff[0]
adddrop, cmd_type = cmd_type.split("_")
return _adddrop[cmd_type](diff[1:])
sname, tname = diff[0][1:3]
return sname, tname
return itertools.groupby(diffs, _derive_table)