# # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import datetime import operator from oslo_log import log import aodh from aodh.i18n import _ from aodh.storage import base from aodh.storage.hbase import base as hbase_base from aodh.storage.hbase import migration as hbase_migration from aodh.storage.hbase import utils as hbase_utils from aodh.storage import models from aodh import utils LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) AVAILABLE_CAPABILITIES = { 'alarms': {'query': {'simple': True, 'complex': False}, 'history': {'query': {'simple': True, 'complex': False}}}, } AVAILABLE_STORAGE_CAPABILITIES = { 'storage': {'production_ready': True}, } class Connection(hbase_base.Connection, base.Connection): """Put the alarm data into a HBase database Collections: - alarm: - row_key: uuid of alarm - Column Families: f: contains the raw incoming alarm data - alarm_h: - row_key: uuid of alarm + ":" + reversed timestamp - Column Families: f: raw incoming alarm_history data. Timestamp becomes now() if not determined """ CAPABILITIES = utils.update_nested(base.Connection.CAPABILITIES, AVAILABLE_CAPABILITIES) STORAGE_CAPABILITIES = utils.update_nested( base.Connection.STORAGE_CAPABILITIES, AVAILABLE_STORAGE_CAPABILITIES, ) _memory_instance = None ALARM_TABLE = "alarm" ALARM_HISTORY_TABLE = "alarm_h" def upgrade(self): tables = [self.ALARM_HISTORY_TABLE, self.ALARM_TABLE] column_families = {'f': dict()} with self.conn_pool.connection() as conn: hbase_utils.create_tables(conn, tables, column_families) hbase_migration.migrate_tables(conn, tables) def clear(self): LOG.debug(_('Dropping HBase schema...')) with self.conn_pool.connection() as conn: for table in [self.ALARM_TABLE, self.ALARM_HISTORY_TABLE]: try: conn.disable_table(table) except Exception: LOG.debug(_('Cannot disable table but ignoring error')) try: conn.delete_table(table) except Exception: LOG.debug(_('Cannot delete table but ignoring error')) def update_alarm(self, alarm): """Create an alarm. :param alarm: The alarm to create. It is Alarm object, so we need to call as_dict() """ _id = alarm.alarm_id alarm_to_store = hbase_utils.serialize_entry(alarm.as_dict()) with self.conn_pool.connection() as conn: alarm_table = conn.table(self.ALARM_TABLE) alarm_table.put(_id, alarm_to_store) stored_alarm = hbase_utils.deserialize_entry( alarm_table.row(_id)) return models.Alarm(**stored_alarm) create_alarm = update_alarm def delete_alarm(self, alarm_id): """Delete an alarm and its history data.""" with self.conn_pool.connection() as conn: alarm_table = conn.table(self.ALARM_TABLE) alarm_table.delete(alarm_id) q = hbase_utils.make_query(alarm_id=alarm_id) alarm_history_table = conn.table(self.ALARM_HISTORY_TABLE) for alarm_id, ignored in alarm_history_table.scan(filter=q): alarm_history_table.delete(alarm_id) def get_alarms(self, name=None, user=None, state=None, meter=None, project=None, enabled=None, alarm_id=None, alarm_type=None, severity=None): if meter: raise aodh.NotImplementedError( 'Filter by meter not implemented') q = hbase_utils.make_query(alarm_id=alarm_id, name=name, enabled=enabled, user_id=user, project_id=project, state=state, type=alarm_type, severity=severity) with self.conn_pool.connection() as conn: alarm_table = conn.table(self.ALARM_TABLE) gen = alarm_table.scan(filter=q) alarms = [hbase_utils.deserialize_entry(data) for ignored, data in gen] for alarm in sorted( alarms, key=operator.itemgetter('timestamp'), reverse=True): yield models.Alarm(**alarm) def get_alarm_changes(self, alarm_id, on_behalf_of, user=None, project=None, alarm_type=None, severity=None, start_timestamp=None, start_timestamp_op=None, end_timestamp=None, end_timestamp_op=None): q = hbase_utils.make_query(alarm_id=alarm_id, on_behalf_of=on_behalf_of, type=alarm_type, user_id=user, project_id=project, severity=severity) start_row, end_row = hbase_utils.make_timestamp_query( hbase_utils.make_general_rowkey_scan, start=start_timestamp, start_op=start_timestamp_op, end=end_timestamp, end_op=end_timestamp_op, bounds_only=True, some_id=alarm_id) with self.conn_pool.connection() as conn: alarm_history_table = conn.table(self.ALARM_HISTORY_TABLE) gen = alarm_history_table.scan(filter=q, row_start=start_row, row_stop=end_row) for ignored, data in gen: stored_entry = hbase_utils.deserialize_entry(data) yield models.AlarmChange(**stored_entry) def record_alarm_change(self, alarm_change): """Record alarm change event.""" alarm_change_dict = hbase_utils.serialize_entry(alarm_change) ts = alarm_change.get('timestamp') or datetime.datetime.now() rts = hbase_utils.timestamp(ts) with self.conn_pool.connection() as conn: alarm_history_table = conn.table(self.ALARM_HISTORY_TABLE) alarm_history_table.put( hbase_utils.prepare_key(alarm_change.get('alarm_id'), rts), alarm_change_dict)