Mehdi Abaakouk 0112415f66 Handle case where sample-api is disabled
This change forbids the creation of threshold alarm if ceilometer
sample-api is disabled.

And logs warning if alarm created before try to use it.

Change-Id: I59861e0d78b120f194c34cc21c4b5e806f22b970
2016-10-06 21:19:05 +02:00

239 lines
9.5 KiB

# Copyright 2013-2015 Red Hat, Inc
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import copy
import datetime
import operator
import six
from ceilometerclient import client as ceiloclient
from ceilometerclient import exc as ceiloexc
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log
from oslo_utils import timeutils
from aodh import evaluator
from aodh.evaluator import utils
from aodh.i18n import _, _LW
from aodh import keystone_client
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
'le': operator.le,
'eq': operator.eq,
OPTS = [
help='The number of seconds to extend the evaluation windows '
'to compensate the reporting/ingestion lag.')
class ThresholdEvaluator(evaluator.Evaluator):
# the sliding evaluation window is extended to allow
# the reporting/ingestion lag this can be increased
# with 'additional_ingestion_lag' seconds if needed.
look_back = 1
def __init__(self, conf):
super(ThresholdEvaluator, self).__init__(conf)
self._cm_client = None
def cm_client(self):
if self._cm_client is None:
auth_config = self.conf.service_credentials
self._cm_client = ceiloclient.get_client(
# ceiloclient adapter options
return self._cm_client
def _bound_duration(self, rule):
"""Bound the duration of the statistics query."""
now = timeutils.utcnow()
# when exclusion of weak datapoints is enabled, we extend
# the look-back period so as to allow a clearer sample count
# trend to be established
look_back = (self.look_back if not rule.get('exclude_outliers')
else rule['evaluation_periods'])
window = ((rule.get('period', None) or rule['granularity'])
* (rule['evaluation_periods'] + look_back) +
start = now - datetime.timedelta(seconds=window)
LOG.debug('query stats from %(start)s to '
'%(now)s', {'start': start, 'now': now})
return start.isoformat(), now.isoformat()
def _sanitize(rule, statistics):
"""Sanitize statistics."""
LOG.debug('sanitize stats %s', statistics)
if rule.get('exclude_outliers'):
key = operator.attrgetter('count')
mean = utils.mean(statistics, key)
stddev = utils.stddev(statistics, key, mean)
lower = mean - 2 * stddev
upper = mean + 2 * stddev
inliers, outliers = utils.anomalies(statistics, key, lower, upper)
if outliers:
LOG.debug('excluded weak datapoints with sample counts %s',
[s.count for s in outliers])
statistics = inliers
LOG.debug('no excluded weak datapoints')
# in practice statistics are always sorted by period start, not
# strictly required by the API though
statistics = statistics[-rule['evaluation_periods']:]
result_statistics = [getattr(stat, rule['statistic'])
for stat in statistics]
LOG.debug('pruned statistics to %d', len(statistics))
return result_statistics
def _statistics(self, rule, start, end):
"""Retrieve statistics over the current window."""
after = dict(field='timestamp', op='ge', value=start)
before = dict(field='timestamp', op='le', value=end)
query = copy.copy(rule['query'])
query.extend([before, after])
LOG.debug('stats query %s', query)
return self.cm_client.statistics.list(
meter_name=rule['meter_name'], q=query,
except Exception as e:
if isinstance(e, ceiloexc.HTTPException) and e.code == 410:
LOG.warning("This telemetry installation is not configured to "
"support alarm of type 'threshold', they should "
"be disabled or removed.")
LOG.exception(_('alarm stats retrieval failed'))
return []
def _reason_data(disposition, count, most_recent):
"""Create a reason data dictionary for this evaluator type."""
return {'type': 'threshold', 'disposition': disposition,
'count': count, 'most_recent': most_recent}
def _reason(cls, alarm, statistics, state, count):
"""Fabricate reason string."""
if state == evaluator.OK:
disposition = 'inside'
count = len(statistics) - count
disposition = 'outside'
last = statistics[-1] if statistics else None
transition = alarm.state != state
reason_data = cls._reason_data(disposition, count, last)
if transition:
return (_('Transition to %(state)s due to %(count)d samples'
' %(disposition)s threshold, most recent:'
' %(most_recent)s')
% dict(reason_data, state=state)), reason_data
return (_('Remaining as %(state)s due to %(count)d samples'
' %(disposition)s threshold, most recent: %(most_recent)s')
% dict(reason_data, state=state)), reason_data
def evaluate_rule(self, alarm_rule):
"""Evaluate alarm rule.
:returns: state, trending state and statistics.
start, end = self._bound_duration(alarm_rule)
statistics = self._statistics(alarm_rule, start, end)
statistics = self._sanitize(alarm_rule, statistics)
sufficient = len(statistics) >= alarm_rule['evaluation_periods']
if not sufficient:
return evaluator.UNKNOWN, None, statistics, len(statistics)
def _compare(value):
op = COMPARATORS[alarm_rule['comparison_operator']]
limit = alarm_rule['threshold']
LOG.debug('comparing value %(value)s against threshold'
' %(limit)s', {'value': value, 'limit': limit})
return op(value, limit)
compared = list(, statistics))
distilled = all(compared)
unequivocal = distilled or not any(compared)
number_outside = len([c for c in compared if c])
if unequivocal:
state = evaluator.ALARM if distilled else evaluator.OK
return state, None, statistics, number_outside
trending_state = evaluator.ALARM if compared[-1] else evaluator.OK
return None, trending_state, statistics, number_outside
def _transition_alarm(self, alarm, state, trending_state, statistics,
unknown = alarm.state == evaluator.UNKNOWN
continuous = alarm.repeat_actions
if trending_state:
if unknown or continuous:
state = trending_state if unknown else alarm.state
reason, reason_data = self._reason(alarm, statistics, state,
self._refresh(alarm, state, reason, reason_data)
if state == evaluator.UNKNOWN and not unknown:
LOG.warning(_LW('Expecting %(expected)d datapoints but only get '
'%(actual)d') % {
'expected': alarm.rule['evaluation_periods'],
'actual': len(statistics)})
# Reason is not same as log message because we want to keep
# consistent since thirdparty software may depend on old format.
reason = _('%d datapoints are unknown') % alarm.rule[
last = None if not statistics else statistics[-1]
reason_data = self._reason_data('unknown',
self._refresh(alarm, state, reason, reason_data)
elif state and (alarm.state != state or continuous):
reason, reason_data = self._reason(alarm, statistics, state,
self._refresh(alarm, state, reason, reason_data)
def evaluate(self, alarm):
if not self.within_time_constraint(alarm):
LOG.debug('Attempted to evaluate alarm %s, but it is not '
'within its time constraint.', alarm.alarm_id)
state, trending_state, statistics, outside_count = self.evaluate_rule(
self._transition_alarm(alarm, state, trending_state, statistics,