The database related functional tests would not work. Several changes were required to fix them: * Clean up permissions in function post_test_hook Without this tox can't create its .tox directories. We want to be running as user stack against a directory owned by user stack. We need to check for a directory named 'devstack' not a file in order to get the permissions changes to happen. * Call pg_ctl initdb, not initdb to create the postgresql database. * Add a DRIVER_MANAGER for mysql+pymysql (without this all mysql tests are skipped, even in the unit tests). * Change get_connection so it doesn't split on + when looking up storage extensions, as we do want to use pymysql. * Make sure AODH_BACKEND is set and exported in gate_hook.sh * Mysql requires a database exist when we name it in a sql create_engine, replace the placeholder with '' when in mysql. * Move keystonemiddleware config to the correct section of the paste file, temporarily. Change-Id: I001e34e28353a35148e2101ab90cb3d238bd53cb
35 lines
778 B
Executable File
35 lines
778 B
Executable File
set -e
source functions.sh
if [ "$1" = "--coverage" ]; then
function clean_exit_pgsql(){
${1}/pg_ctl -w -D ${2} -o "-p ${3}" stop
rm -rf ${2}
return ${ret}
#export PATH=${PATH:+$PATH:}/sbin:/usr/sbin
check_for_cmd pg_config
# Start PostgreSQL process for tests
PGSQL_PATH=`pg_config --bindir`
${PGSQL_PATH}/pg_ctl initdb -D ${PGSQL_DATA}
trap "clean_exit_pgsql ${PGSQL_PATH} ${PGSQL_DATA} ${PGSQL_PORT}" EXIT
LANGUAGE=C ${PGSQL_PATH}/pg_ctl -w -D ${PGSQL_DATA} -o "-k ${PGSQL_DATA} -p ${PGSQL_PORT}" start
export AODH_TEST_PGSQL_URL="postgresql:///?host=${PGSQL_DATA}&port=${PGSQL_PORT}&dbname=template1"
# Yield execution to venv command