liu-sheng 204b5af04e Remove the unused cpu_count utils method
Change-Id: I164fef6094f0cab47eaeef2b920cb535194f8e2a
2015-08-12 16:44:14 +08:00

192 lines
6.2 KiB

# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the
# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
# Copyright 2011 Justin Santa Barbara
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Utilities and helper functions."""
import bisect
import calendar
import copy
import datetime
import decimal
import hashlib
import struct
from oslo_utils import timeutils
from oslo_utils import units
import six
def decode_unicode(input):
"""Decode the unicode of the message, and encode it into utf-8."""
if isinstance(input, dict):
temp = {}
# If the input data is a dict, create an equivalent dict with a
# predictable insertion order to avoid inconsistencies in the
# message signature computation for equivalent payloads modulo
# ordering
for key, value in sorted(six.iteritems(input)):
temp[decode_unicode(key)] = decode_unicode(value)
return temp
elif isinstance(input, (tuple, list)):
# When doing a pair of JSON encode/decode operations to the tuple,
# the tuple would become list. So we have to generate the value as
# list here.
return [decode_unicode(element) for element in input]
elif isinstance(input, six.text_type):
return input.encode('utf-8')
return input
def recursive_keypairs(d, separator=':'):
"""Generator that produces sequence of keypairs for nested dictionaries."""
for name, value in sorted(six.iteritems(d)):
if isinstance(value, dict):
for subname, subvalue in recursive_keypairs(value, separator):
yield ('%s%s%s' % (name, separator, subname), subvalue)
elif isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
yield name, decode_unicode(value)
yield name, value
def dt_to_decimal(utc):
"""Datetime to Decimal.
Some databases don't store microseconds in datetime
so we always store as Decimal unixtime.
if utc is None:
return None
decimal.getcontext().prec = 30
return (decimal.Decimal(str(calendar.timegm(utc.utctimetuple()))) +
(decimal.Decimal(str(utc.microsecond)) /
def decimal_to_dt(dec):
"""Return a datetime from Decimal unixtime format."""
if dec is None:
return None
integer = int(dec)
micro = (dec - decimal.Decimal(integer)) * decimal.Decimal(units.M)
daittyme = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(integer)
return daittyme.replace(microsecond=int(round(micro)))
def sanitize_timestamp(timestamp):
"""Return a naive utc datetime object."""
if not timestamp:
return timestamp
if not isinstance(timestamp, datetime.datetime):
timestamp = timeutils.parse_isotime(timestamp)
return timeutils.normalize_time(timestamp)
def stringify_timestamps(data):
"""Stringify any datetimes in given dict."""
isa_timestamp = lambda v: isinstance(v, datetime.datetime)
return dict((k, v.isoformat() if isa_timestamp(v) else v)
for (k, v) in six.iteritems(data))
def dict_to_keyval(value, key_base=None):
"""Expand a given dict to its corresponding key-value pairs.
Generated keys are fully qualified, delimited using dot notation.
ie. key = 'key.child_key.grandchild_key[0]'
val_iter, key_func = None, None
if isinstance(value, dict):
val_iter = six.iteritems(value)
key_func = lambda k: key_base + '.' + k if key_base else k
elif isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
val_iter = enumerate(value)
key_func = lambda k: key_base + '[%d]' % k
if val_iter:
for k, v in val_iter:
key_gen = key_func(k)
if isinstance(v, dict) or isinstance(v, (tuple, list)):
for key_gen, v in dict_to_keyval(v, key_gen):
yield key_gen, v
yield key_gen, v
def lowercase_keys(mapping):
"""Converts the values of the keys in mapping to lowercase."""
items = mapping.items()
for key, value in items:
del mapping[key]
mapping[key.lower()] = value
def lowercase_values(mapping):
"""Converts the values in the mapping dict to lowercase."""
items = mapping.items()
for key, value in items:
mapping[key] = value.lower()
def update_nested(original_dict, updates):
"""Updates the leaf nodes in a nest dict.
Updates occur without replacing entire sub-dicts.
dict_to_update = copy.deepcopy(original_dict)
for key, value in six.iteritems(updates):
if isinstance(value, dict):
sub_dict = update_nested(dict_to_update.get(key, {}), value)
dict_to_update[key] = sub_dict
dict_to_update[key] = updates[key]
return dict_to_update
class HashRing(object):
def __init__(self, nodes, replicas=100):
self._ring = dict()
self._sorted_keys = []
for node in nodes:
for r in six.moves.range(replicas):
hashed_key = self._hash('%s-%s' % (node, r))
self._ring[hashed_key] = node
def _hash(key):
return struct.unpack_from('>I',
def _get_position_on_ring(self, key):
hashed_key = self._hash(key)
position = bisect.bisect(self._sorted_keys, hashed_key)
return position if position < len(self._sorted_keys) else 0
def get_node(self, key):
if not self._ring:
return None
pos = self._get_position_on_ring(key)
return self._ring[self._sorted_keys[pos]]