Mehdi Abaakouk 1842e19487 register ceilometer options at runtime
This remove pollsters option from configfile sample
due to a duplicate option registration. This will
be fixed later.

The exchange_control group in the config sample doesn't exit
in reality exchange are in DEFAULT group.

This removes usage of cfg.CONF everywhere left.

This adds all missing OPTS in sample file.

Change-Id: I48c11ee7e1aae65847958b98532b3bdb48a3ceb5
2016-11-24 15:29:46 +01:00

422 lines
16 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2014 eNovance SAS <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import functools
from neutronclient.common import exceptions
from neutronclient.v2_0 import client as clientv20
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log
from ceilometer import keystone_client
help='Neutron service type.'),
choices=('v1', 'v2'),
help='Neutron load balancer version.')
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
def logged(func):
def with_logging(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
except exceptions.NeutronClientException as e:
if e.status_code == 404:
LOG.warning("The resource could not be found.")
return []
except Exception as e:
return with_logging
class Client(object):
"""A client which gets information via python-neutronclient."""
def __init__(self, conf):
creds = conf.service_credentials
params = {
'session': keystone_client.get_session(conf),
'endpoint_type': creds.interface,
'region_name': creds.region_name,
'service_type': conf.service_types.neutron,
self.client = clientv20.Client(**params)
self.lb_version = conf.service_types.neutron_lbaas_version
def port_get_all(self):
resp = self.client.list_ports()
return resp.get('ports')
def vip_get_all(self):
resp = self.client.list_vips()
return resp.get('vips')
def pool_get_all(self):
resources = []
if self.lb_version == 'v1':
resp = self.client.list_pools()
resources = resp.get('pools')
elif self.lb_version == 'v2':
resources = self.list_pools_v2()
return resources
def member_get_all(self):
resources = []
if self.lb_version == 'v1':
resp = self.client.list_members()
resources = resp.get('members')
elif self.lb_version == 'v2':
resources = self.list_members_v2()
return resources
def health_monitor_get_all(self):
resources = []
if self.lb_version == 'v1':
resp = self.client.list_health_monitors()
resources = resp.get('health_monitors')
elif self.lb_version == 'v2':
resources = self.list_health_monitors_v2()
return resources
def pool_stats(self, pool):
return self.client.retrieve_pool_stats(pool)
def vpn_get_all(self):
resp = self.client.list_vpnservices()
return resp.get('vpnservices')
def ipsec_site_connections_get_all(self):
resp = self.client.list_ipsec_site_connections()
return resp.get('ipsec_site_connections')
def firewall_get_all(self):
resp = self.client.list_firewalls()
return resp.get('firewalls')
def fw_policy_get_all(self):
resp = self.client.list_firewall_policies()
return resp.get('firewall_policies')
def fip_get_all(self):
fips = self.client.list_floatingips()['floatingips']
return fips
def list_pools_v2(self):
"""This method is used to get the pools list.
This method uses Load Balancer v2_0 API to achieve
the detailed list of the pools.
:returns: The list of the pool resources
pool_status = dict()
resp = self.client.list_lbaas_pools()
temp_pools = resp.get('pools')
resources = []
pool_listener_dict = self._get_pool_and_listener_ids(temp_pools)
for k, v in pool_listener_dict.items():
loadbalancer_id = self._get_loadbalancer_id_with_listener_id(v)
status = self._get_pool_status(loadbalancer_id, v)
for k, v in status.items():
pool_status[k] = v
for pool in temp_pools:
pool_id = pool.get('id')
pool['status'] = pool_status[pool_id]
pool['lb_method'] = pool.get('lb_algorithm')
pool['status_description'] = pool['status']
# Based on the LBaaSv2 design, the properties 'vip_id'
# and 'subnet_id' should belong to the loadbalancer resource and
# not to the pool resource. However, because we don't want to
# change the metadata of the pool resource this release,
# we set them to empty values manually.
pool['provider'] = ''
pool['vip_id'] = ''
pool['subnet_id'] = ''
return resources
def list_members_v2(self):
"""Method is used to list the members info.
This method is used to get the detailed list of the members
with Load Balancer v2_0 API
:returns: The list of the member resources
resources = []
pools = self.client.list_lbaas_pools().get('pools')
for pool in pools:
pool_id = pool.get('id')
listener_id = pool.get('listeners')[0].get('id')
lb_id = self._get_loadbalancer_id_with_listener_id(listener_id)
status = self._get_member_status(lb_id, [listener_id, pool_id])
resp = self.client.list_lbaas_members(pool_id)
temp_members = resp.get('members')
for member in temp_members:
member['status'] = status[member.get('id')]
member['pool_id'] = pool_id
member['status_description'] = member['status']
return resources
def list_health_monitors_v2(self):
"""Method is used to list the health monitors
This method is used to get the detailed list of the health
monitors with Load Balancer v2_0
:returns: The list of the health monitor resources
resp = self.client.list_lbaas_healthmonitors()
resources = resp.get('healthmonitors')
return resources
def _get_pool_and_listener_ids(self, pools):
"""Method is used to get the mapping between pool and listener
This method is used to get the pool ids and listener ids
from the pool list.
:param pools: The list of the polls
:returns: The relationship between pool and listener.
It's a dictionary type. The key of this dict is
the id of pool and the value of it is the id of the first
listener which the pool belongs to
pool_listener_dict = dict()
for pool in pools:
key = pool.get("id")
value = pool.get('listeners')[0].get('id')
pool_listener_dict[key] = value
return pool_listener_dict
def _retrieve_loadbalancer_status_tree(self, loadbalancer_id):
"""Method is used to get the status of a LB.
This method is used to get the status tree of a specific
Load Balancer.
:param loadbalancer_id: The ID of the specific Load
:returns: The status of the specific Load Balancer.
It consists of the load balancer and all of its
children's provisioning and operating statuses
lb_status_tree = self.client.retrieve_loadbalancer_status(
return lb_status_tree
def _get_loadbalancer_id_with_listener_id(self, listener_id):
"""This method is used to get the loadbalancer id.
:param listener_id: The ID of the listener
:returns: The ID of the Loadbalancer
listener = self.client.show_listener(listener_id)
listener_lbs = listener.get('listener').get('loadbalancers')
loadbalancer_id = listener_lbs[0].get('id')
return loadbalancer_id
def _get_member_status(self, loadbalancer_id, parent_id):
"""Method used to get the status of member resource.
This method is used to get the status of member
resource belonged to the specific Load Balancer.
:param loadbalancer_id: The ID of the Load Balancer.
:param parent_id: The parent ID list of the member resource.
For the member resource, the parent_id should be [listener_id,
:returns: The status dictionary of the member
resource. The key is the ID of the member. The value is
the operating status of the member resource.
# FIXME(liamji) the following meters are experimental and
# may generate a large load against neutron api. The future
# enhancements can be tracked against:
# After it has been merged and the neutron client supports
# with the corresponding apis, will change to use the new
# method to get the status of the members.
resp = self._retrieve_loadbalancer_status_tree(loadbalancer_id)
status_tree = resp.get('statuses').get('loadbalancer')
status_dict = dict()
listeners_status = status_tree.get('listeners')
for listener_status in listeners_status:
listener_id = listener_status.get('id')
if listener_id == parent_id[0]:
pools_status = listener_status.get('pools')
for pool_status in pools_status:
if pool_status.get('id') == parent_id[1]:
members_status = pool_status.get('members')
for member_status in members_status:
key = member_status.get('id')
# If the item has no the property 'id', skip
# it.
if key is None:
# The situation that the property
# 'operating_status' is none is handled in
# the method get_sample() in
value = member_status.get('operating_status')
status_dict[key] = value
return status_dict
def _get_listener_status(self, loadbalancer_id):
"""Method used to get the status of the listener resource.
This method is used to get the status of the listener
resources belonged to the specific Load Balancer.
:param loadbalancer_id: The ID of the Load Balancer.
:returns: The status dictionary of the listener
resource. The key is the ID of the listener resource. The
value is the operating status of the listener resource.
# FIXME(liamji) the following meters are experimental and
# may generate a large load against neutron api. The future
# enhancements can be tracked against:
# After it has been merged and the neutron client supports
# with the corresponding apis, will change to use the new
# method to get the status of the listeners.
resp = self._retrieve_loadbalancer_status_tree(loadbalancer_id)
status_tree = resp.get('statuses').get('loadbalancer')
status_dict = dict()
listeners_status = status_tree.get('listeners')
for listener_status in listeners_status:
key = listener_status.get('id')
# If the item has no the property 'id', skip
# it.
if key is None:
# The situation that the property
# 'operating_status' is none is handled in
# the method get_sample() in
value = listener_status.get('operating_status')
status_dict[key] = value
return status_dict
def _get_pool_status(self, loadbalancer_id, parent_id):
"""Method used to get the status of pool resource.
This method is used to get the status of the pool
resources belonged to the specific Load Balancer.
:param loadbalancer_id: The ID of the Load Balancer.
:param parent_id: The parent ID of the pool resource.
:returns: The status dictionary of the pool resource.
The key is the ID of the pool resource. The value is
the operating status of the pool resource.
# FIXME(liamji) the following meters are experimental and
# may generate a large load against neutron api. The future
# enhancements can be tracked against:
# After it has been merged and the neutron client supports
# with the corresponding apis, will change to use the new
# method to get the status of the pools.
resp = self._retrieve_loadbalancer_status_tree(loadbalancer_id)
status_tree = resp.get('statuses').get('loadbalancer')
status_dict = dict()
listeners_status = status_tree.get('listeners')
for listener_status in listeners_status:
listener_id = listener_status.get('id')
if listener_id == parent_id:
pools_status = listener_status.get('pools')
for pool_status in pools_status:
key = pool_status.get('id')
# If the item has no the property 'id', skip
# it.
if key is None:
# The situation that the property
# 'operating_status' is none is handled in
# the method get_sample() in
value = pool_status.get('operating_status')
status_dict[key] = value
return status_dict
def list_listener(self):
"""This method is used to get the list of the listeners."""
resources = []
if self.lb_version == 'v2':
# list_listeners works only with lbaas v2 extension
resp = self.client.list_listeners()
resources = resp.get('listeners')
for listener in resources:
loadbalancer_id = listener.get('loadbalancers')[0].get('id')
status = self._get_listener_status(loadbalancer_id)
listener['operating_status'] = status[listener.get('id')]
return resources
def list_loadbalancer(self):
"""This method is used to get the list of the loadbalancers."""
resources = []
if self.lb_version == 'v2':
# list_loadbalancers works only with lbaas v2 extension
resp = self.client.list_loadbalancers()
resources = resp.get('loadbalancers')
return resources
def get_loadbalancer_stats(self, loadbalancer_id):
"""This method is used to get the statistics of the loadbalancer.
:param loadbalancer_id: the ID of the specified loadbalancer
resp = self.client.retrieve_loadbalancer_stats(loadbalancer_id)
resource = resp.get('stats')
return resource