Unity: Add support to set IO ports in option
Add option `unity_io_ports`, which is a list of strings set by users to specify which FC/iSCSI ports can be used by the driver. The format is "spa_iom_0_fc0" for FC and "spa_eth0" for iSCSI. Unix-style glob expression is supported, like "spa_*". DocImpact Implements: blueprint unity-add-io-port-option Change-Id: Ifd7873b65cb06605b72af216b87846117f874868
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,7 +32,9 @@ from cinder.volume.drivers.dell_emc.unity import adapter
class MockConfig(object):
def __init__(self):
self.config_group = 'test_backend'
self.unity_storage_pool_names = ['pool1', 'pool2']
self.unity_io_ports = None
self.reserved_percentage = 5
self.max_over_subscription_ratio = 300
self.volume_backend_name = 'backend'
@ -129,12 +131,13 @@ class MockClient(object):
raise ex.DetachIsCalled()
def get_iscsi_target_info():
def get_iscsi_target_info(allowed_ports=None):
return [{'portal': '', 'iqn': 'iqn.1-1.com.e:c.a.a0'},
{'portal': '', 'iqn': 'iqn.1-1.com.e:c.a.a1'}]
def get_fc_target_info(host=None, logged_in_only=False):
def get_fc_target_info(host=None, logged_in_only=False,
if host and host.name == 'no_target':
ret = []
@ -154,6 +157,15 @@ class MockClient(object):
if size_gib <= 0:
raise ex.ExtendLunError
def get_fc_ports():
return test_client.MockResourceList(ids=['spa_iom_0_fc0',
def get_ethernet_ports():
return test_client.MockResourceList(ids=['spa_eth0', 'spb_eth0'])
class MockLookupService(object):
@ -171,7 +183,9 @@ class MockLookupService(object):
def mock_adapter(driver_clz):
ret = driver_clz()
ret._client = MockClient()
ret.do_setup(MockDriver(), MockConfig())
with mock.patch('cinder.volume.drivers.dell_emc.unity.adapter.'
ret.do_setup(MockDriver(), MockConfig())
ret.lookup_service = MockLookupService()
return ret
@ -420,6 +434,26 @@ class CommonAdapterTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeBackendAPIException, f)
def test_normalize_config(self):
config = MockConfig()
config.unity_storage_pool_names = [' pool_1 ', '', ' ']
config.unity_io_ports = [' spa_eth2 ', '', ' ']
normalized = self.adapter.normalize_config(config)
self.assertEqual(['pool_1'], normalized.unity_storage_pool_names)
self.assertEqual(['spa_eth2'], normalized.unity_io_ports)
def test_normalize_config_raise(self):
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(exception.InvalidConfigurationValue,
config = MockConfig()
config.unity_storage_pool_names = ['', ' ']
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(exception.InvalidConfigurationValue,
config = MockConfig()
config.unity_io_ports = ['', ' ']
class FCAdapterTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
@ -488,6 +522,32 @@ class FCAdapterTest(unittest.TestCase):
target_wwn = ['100000051e55a100', '100000051e55a121']
self.assertListEqual(target_wwn, data['target_wwn'])
def test_validate_ports_whitelist_none(self):
ports = self.adapter.validate_ports(None)
self.assertEqual(set(('spa_iom_0_fc0', 'spa_iom_0_fc1')), set(ports))
def test_validate_ports(self):
ports = self.adapter.validate_ports(['spa_iom_0_fc0'])
self.assertEqual(set(('spa_iom_0_fc0',)), set(ports))
def test_validate_ports_asterisk(self):
ports = self.adapter.validate_ports(['spa*'])
self.assertEqual(set(('spa_iom_0_fc0', 'spa_iom_0_fc1')), set(ports))
def test_validate_ports_question_mark(self):
ports = self.adapter.validate_ports(['spa_iom_0_fc?'])
self.assertEqual(set(('spa_iom_0_fc0', 'spa_iom_0_fc1')), set(ports))
def test_validate_ports_no_matched(self):
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(exception.InvalidConfigurationValue,
def test_validate_ports_unmatched_whitelist(self):
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(exception.InvalidConfigurationValue,
self.adapter.validate_ports(['spa_iom*', 'spc_invalid'])
class ISCSIAdapterTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
@ -48,6 +48,10 @@ class MockResource(object):
self.max_kbps = None
self.pool_name = 'Pool0'
def id(self):
return self._id
def get_id(self):
return self._id
@ -141,11 +145,11 @@ class MockResource(object):
path1.is_logged_in = False
path2 = MockResource('%s_path_2' % self.name)
path2.is_logged_in = True
return [path0, path1]
return MockResourceList.create(path0, path1)
def fc_port(self):
ret = MockResource()
ret = MockResource(_id='spa_iom_0_fc0')
ret.wwn = '00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF'
return ret
@ -163,8 +167,11 @@ class MockResource(object):
class MockResourceList(object):
def __init__(self, names):
self.resources = [MockResource(name) for name in names]
def __init__(self, names=None, ids=None):
if names is not None:
self.resources = [MockResource(name=name) for name in names]
elif ids is not None:
self.resources = [MockResource(_id=_id) for _id in ids]
def create(*rsc_list):
@ -185,6 +192,12 @@ class MockResourceList(object):
def __getattr__(self, item):
return [getattr(i, item) for i in self.resources]
def shadow_copy(self, **kwargs):
if list(filter(None, kwargs.values())):
return MockResourceList.create(self.resources[0])
return self
class MockSystem(object):
def __init__(self):
@ -222,7 +235,7 @@ class MockSystem(object):
portal0.ip_address = ''
portal1 = MockResource('p1')
portal1.ip_address = ''
return [portal0, portal1]
return MockResourceList.create(portal0, portal1)
def get_fc_port():
@ -230,7 +243,7 @@ class MockSystem(object):
port0.wwn = '00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF'
port1 = MockResource('fcp1')
port1.wwn = '00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:AA:BB:CC:DD:FF:EE'
return [port0, port1]
return MockResourceList.create(port0, port1)
def create_io_limit_policy(name, max_iops=None, max_kbps=None):
@ -393,15 +406,30 @@ class ClientTest(unittest.TestCase):
{'iqn': 'iqn.1-1.com.e:c.p1.0', 'portal': ''}]
self.assertListEqual(expected, ret)
def test_get_iscsi_target_info_allowed_ports(self):
ret = self.client.get_iscsi_target_info(allowed_ports=['spa_eth0'])
expected = [{'iqn': 'iqn.1-1.com.e:c.p0.0', 'portal': ''}]
self.assertListEqual(expected, ret)
def test_get_fc_target_info_without_host(self):
ret = self.client.get_fc_target_info()
self.assertListEqual(['8899AABBCCDDEEFF', '8899AABBCCDDFFEE'], ret)
def test_get_fc_target_info_without_host_but_allowed_ports(self):
ret = self.client.get_fc_target_info(allowed_ports=['spa_fc0'])
self.assertListEqual(['8899AABBCCDDEEFF'], ret)
def test_get_fc_target_info_with_host(self):
host = MockResource('host0')
ret = self.client.get_fc_target_info(host, True)
self.assertListEqual(['8899AABBCCDDEEFF', '8899AABBCCDDEEFF'], ret)
def test_get_fc_target_info_with_host_and_allowed_ports(self):
host = MockResource('host0')
ret = self.client.get_fc_target_info(host, True,
self.assertListEqual([], ret)
def test_get_io_limit_policy_none(self):
ret = self.client.get_io_limit_policy(None)
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ class CommonAdapter(object):
def __init__(self, version=None):
self.version = version
self.driver = None
self.config = None
self.configured_pool_names = None
self.reserved_percentage = None
self.max_over_subscription_ratio = None
@ -54,24 +55,75 @@ class CommonAdapter(object):
self._serial_number = None
self.storage_pools_map = None
self._client = None
self.allowed_ports = None
def do_setup(self, driver, conf):
self.driver = driver
self.configured_pool_names = conf.unity_storage_pool_names
self.reserved_percentage = conf.reserved_percentage
self.max_over_subscription_ratio = conf.max_over_subscription_ratio
self.volume_backend_name = (conf.safe_get('volume_backend_name') or
self.ip = conf.san_ip
self.username = conf.san_login
self.password = conf.san_password
self.config = self.normalize_config(conf)
self.configured_pool_names = self.config.unity_storage_pool_names
self.reserved_percentage = self.config.reserved_percentage
self.max_over_subscription_ratio = (
self.volume_backend_name = (
self.config.safe_get('volume_backend_name') or self.driver_name)
self.ip = self.config.san_ip
self.username = self.config.san_login
self.password = self.config.san_password
# Unity currently not support to upload certificate.
# Once it supports, enable the verify.
self.array_cert_verify = False
self.array_ca_cert_path = conf.driver_ssl_cert_path
self.array_ca_cert_path = self.config.driver_ssl_cert_path
self.storage_pools_map = self.get_managed_pools()
self.allowed_ports = self.validate_ports(self.config.unity_io_ports)
def normalize_config(self, config):
config.unity_storage_pool_names = utils.remove_empty(
'%s.unity_storage_pool_names' % config.config_group,
config.unity_io_ports = utils.remove_empty(
'%s.unity_io_ports' % config.config_group,
return config
def get_all_ports(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def validate_ports(self, ports_whitelist):
all_ports = self.get_all_ports()
# After normalize_config, `ports_whitelist` could be only None or valid
# list in which the items are stripped.
if ports_whitelist is None:
return all_ports.id
# For iSCSI port, the format is 'spa_eth0', and 'spa_iom_0_fc0' for FC.
# Unix style glob like 'spa_*' is supported.
whitelist = set(ports_whitelist)
matched, _ignored, unmatched_whitelist = utils.match_any(all_ports.id,
if not matched:
LOG.error(_LE('No matched ports filtered by all patterns: %s'),
raise exception.InvalidConfigurationValue(
option='%s.unity_io_ports' % self.config.config_group,
if unmatched_whitelist:
LOG.error(_LE('No matched ports filtered by below patterns: %s'),
raise exception.InvalidConfigurationValue(
option='%s.unity_io_ports' % self.config.config_group,
LOG.info(_LI('These ports %(matched)s will be used based on '
'the option unity_io_ports: %(config)s'),
{'matched': matched,
'config': self.config.unity_io_ports})
return matched
def verify_cert(self):
verify_cert = self.array_cert_verify
@ -436,11 +488,14 @@ class ISCSIAdapter(CommonAdapter):
driver_name = 'UnityISCSIDriver'
driver_volume_type = 'iscsi'
def get_all_ports(self):
return self.client.get_ethernet_ports()
def get_connector_uids(self, connector):
return utils.extract_iscsi_uids(connector)
def get_connection_info(self, hlu, host, connector):
targets = self.client.get_iscsi_target_info()
targets = self.client.get_iscsi_target_info(self.allowed_ports)
if not targets:
msg = _("There is no accessible iSCSI targets on the system.")
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
@ -471,6 +526,9 @@ class FCAdapter(CommonAdapter):
super(FCAdapter, self).do_setup(driver, config)
self.lookup_service = utils.create_lookup_service()
def get_all_ports(self):
return self.client.get_fc_ports()
def get_connector_uids(self, connector):
return utils.extract_fc_uids(connector)
@ -480,7 +538,8 @@ class FCAdapter(CommonAdapter):
def get_connection_info(self, hlu, host, connector):
targets = self.client.get_fc_target_info(
host, logged_in_only=(not self.auto_zone_enabled))
host, logged_in_only=(not self.auto_zone_enabled),
if not targets:
msg = _("There is no accessible fibre channel targets on the "
@ -507,7 +566,8 @@ class FCAdapter(CommonAdapter):
host = self.client.get_host(connector['host'])
if len(host.host_luns) == 0:
targets = self.client.get_fc_target_info(logged_in_only=True)
targets = self.client.get_fc_target_info(
logged_in_only=True, allowed_ports=self.allowed_ports)
ret['data'] = self._get_fc_zone_info(connector['wwpns'],
@ -229,13 +229,21 @@ class UnityClient(object):
def get_host(self, name):
return self.system.get_host(name=name)
def get_iscsi_target_info(self):
def get_ethernet_ports(self):
return self.system.get_ethernet_port()
def get_iscsi_target_info(self, allowed_ports=None):
portals = self.system.get_iscsi_portal()
portals = portals.shadow_copy(port_ids=allowed_ports)
return [{'portal': utils.convert_ip_to_portal(p.ip_address),
'iqn': p.iscsi_node.name}
for p in portals]
def get_fc_target_info(self, host=None, logged_in_only=False):
def get_fc_ports(self):
return self.system.get_fc_port()
def get_fc_target_info(self, host=None, logged_in_only=False,
"""Get the ports WWN of FC on array.
:param host: the host to which the FC port is registered.
@ -246,15 +254,18 @@ class UnityClient(object):
This function removes the colons and returns the last 16 bits:
ports = []
if logged_in_only:
for host_initiator in host.fc_host_initiators:
paths = host_initiator.paths or []
for path in paths:
if path.is_logged_in:
ports = []
for paths in filter(None, host.fc_host_initiators.paths):
paths = paths.shadow_copy(is_logged_in=True)
# `paths.fc_port` is just a list, not a UnityFcPortList,
# so use filter instead of shadow_copy here.
ports.extend(filter(lambda p: (allowed_ports is None or
p.get_id() in allowed_ports),
ports = self.system.get_fc_port()
ports = self.get_fc_ports()
ports = ports.shadow_copy(port_ids=allowed_ports)
return [po.wwn.replace(':', '')[16:] for po in ports]
def create_io_limit_policy(self, name, max_iops=None, max_kbps=None):
@ -31,8 +31,12 @@ CONF = cfg.CONF
help='A comma-separated list of storage pool names '
'to be used.')]
help='A comma-separated list of storage pool names to be '
help='A comma-separated list of iSCSI or FC ports to be used. '
'Each port can be Unix-style glob expressions.')]
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ from __future__ import division
import contextlib
import functools
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import fnmatch
from oslo_utils import units
import six
@ -261,3 +262,25 @@ def get_backend_qos_specs(volume):
QOS_MAX_IOPS: max_iops,
QOS_MAX_BWS: max_bws,
def remove_empty(option, value_list):
if value_list is not None:
value_list = list(filter(None, map(str.strip, value_list)))
if not value_list:
raise exception.InvalidConfigurationValue(option=option,
return value_list
def match_any(full, patterns):
matched = list(
filter(lambda x: any(fnmatch.fnmatchcase(x, p) for p in patterns),
unmatched = list(
filter(lambda x: not any(fnmatch.fnmatchcase(x, p) for p in patterns),
unmatched_patterns = list(
filter(lambda p: not any(fnmatch.fnmatchcase(x, p) for x in full),
return matched, unmatched, unmatched_patterns
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
- Add support to configure IO ports option in Dell EMC Unity driver.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user