# Copyright (c) 2012 - 2015 EMC Corporation. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_log import log as logging import six from cinder import coordination from cinder import exception from cinder.i18n import _, _LE, _LI, _LW from cinder.volume.drivers.dell_emc.vmax import fast from cinder.volume.drivers.dell_emc.vmax import provision from cinder.volume.drivers.dell_emc.vmax import provision_v3 from cinder.volume.drivers.dell_emc.vmax import utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) STORAGEGROUPTYPE = 4 POSTGROUPTYPE = 3 INITIATORGROUPTYPE = 2 ISCSI = 'iscsi' FC = 'fc' EMC_ROOT = 'root/emc' FASTPOLICY = 'storagetype:fastpolicy' ISV3 = 'isV3' class VMAXMasking(object): """Masking class for SMI-S based EMC volume drivers. Masking code to dynamically create a masking view This masking class is for EMC volume drivers based on SMI-S. It supports VMAX arrays. """ def __init__(self, prtcl): self.protocol = prtcl self.utils = utils.VMAXUtils(prtcl) self.fast = fast.VMAXFast(prtcl) self.provision = provision.VMAXProvision(prtcl) self.provisionv3 = provision_v3.VMAXProvisionV3(prtcl) def setup_masking_view(self, conn, maskingViewDict, extraSpecs): @coordination.synchronized("emc-mv-{maskingViewDict[maskingViewName]}") def do_get_or_create_masking_view_and_map_lun(maskingViewDict): return self.get_or_create_masking_view_and_map_lun(conn, maskingViewDict, extraSpecs) return do_get_or_create_masking_view_and_map_lun( maskingViewDict) def get_or_create_masking_view_and_map_lun(self, conn, maskingViewDict, extraSpecs): """Get or Create a masking view and add a volume to the storage group. Given a masking view tuple either get or create a masking view and add the volume to the associated storage group. If it is a live migration operation then we do not need to remove the volume from any storage group (default or otherwise). :param conn: the connection to ecom :param maskingViewDict: the masking view dict :param extraSpecs: additional info :returns: dict -- rollbackDict :raises: VolumeBackendAPIException """ rollbackDict = {} controllerConfigService = maskingViewDict['controllerConfigService'] volumeInstance = maskingViewDict['volumeInstance'] maskingViewName = maskingViewDict['maskingViewName'] volumeName = maskingViewDict['volumeName'] isV3 = maskingViewDict['isV3'] isLiveMigration = maskingViewDict['isLiveMigration'] maskingViewDict['extraSpecs'] = extraSpecs defaultStorageGroupInstanceName = None fastPolicyName = None storageGroupInstanceName = None if isLiveMigration: maskingViewDict['maskingViewName'] = ( maskingViewDict['maskingViewNameLM']) maskingViewName = maskingViewDict['maskingViewNameLM'] else: if isV3: defaultStorageGroupInstanceName = ( self._get_v3_default_storagegroup_instancename( conn, volumeInstance, maskingViewDict, controllerConfigService, volumeName)) else: fastPolicyName = maskingViewDict['fastPolicy'] # If FAST is enabled remove the volume from the default SG. if fastPolicyName is not None: defaultStorageGroupInstanceName = ( self._get_and_remove_from_storage_group_v2( conn, controllerConfigService, volumeInstance.path, volumeName, fastPolicyName, extraSpecs)) # If anything has gone wrong with the masking view we rollback try: maskingViewInstanceName, storageGroupInstanceName, errorMessage = ( self._validate_masking_view(conn, maskingViewDict, defaultStorageGroupInstanceName, extraSpecs)) instance = conn.GetInstance(storageGroupInstanceName) maskingViewDict['sgGroupName'] = instance['ElementName'] LOG.debug( "The masking view in the attach operation is " "%(maskingViewInstanceName)s. The storage group " "in the masking view is %(storageGroupInstanceName)s.", {'maskingViewInstanceName': maskingViewInstanceName, 'storageGroupInstanceName': storageGroupInstanceName}) except Exception as e: LOG.exception(_LE( "Masking View creation or retrieval was not successful " "for masking view %(maskingViewName)s. " "Attempting rollback."), {'maskingViewName': maskingViewDict['maskingViewName']}) errorMessage = e rollbackDict['pgGroupName'], pg_errorMessage = ( self._get_port_group_name_from_mv( conn, maskingViewDict['maskingViewName'], maskingViewDict['storageSystemName'])) if pg_errorMessage: errorMessage = pg_errorMessage if not errorMessage: # Only after the masking view has been validated, add the # volume to the storage group and recheck that it has been # successfully added. errorMessage = self._check_adding_volume_to_storage_group( conn, maskingViewDict, storageGroupInstanceName) rollbackDict['controllerConfigService'] = controllerConfigService rollbackDict['defaultStorageGroupInstanceName'] = ( defaultStorageGroupInstanceName) rollbackDict['volumeInstance'] = volumeInstance rollbackDict['volumeName'] = volumeName rollbackDict['fastPolicyName'] = fastPolicyName rollbackDict['isV3'] = isV3 rollbackDict['extraSpecs'] = extraSpecs rollbackDict['sgGroupName'] = maskingViewDict['sgGroupName'] rollbackDict['igGroupName'] = maskingViewDict['igGroupName'] rollbackDict['connector'] = maskingViewDict['connector'] if errorMessage: # Rollback code if we cannot complete any of the steps above # successfully then we must roll back by adding the volume back to # the default storage group for that fast policy. if (fastPolicyName is not None): # If the errorMessage was returned before the volume # was removed from the default storage group no action. self._check_if_rollback_action_for_masking_required( conn, rollbackDict) if isV3: if maskingViewDict['slo'] is not None: rollbackDict['storageSystemName'] = ( maskingViewDict['storageSystemName']) rollbackDict['slo'] = maskingViewDict['slo'] self._check_if_rollback_action_for_masking_required( conn, rollbackDict) else: errorMessage = self._check_adding_volume_to_storage_group( conn, rollbackDict, rollbackDict['defaultStorageGroupInstanceName']) if errorMessage: LOG.error(errorMessage) exceptionMessage = (_( "Failed to get, create or add volume %(volumeName)s " "to masking view %(maskingViewName)s. " "The error message received was %(errorMessage)s.") % {'maskingViewName': maskingViewName, 'volumeName': volumeName, 'errorMessage': errorMessage}) LOG.error(exceptionMessage) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=exceptionMessage) return rollbackDict def _get_v3_default_storagegroup_instancename(self, conn, volumeinstance, maskingviewdict, controllerConfigService, volumeName): defaultStorageGroupInstanceName = None defaultSgGroupName = self.utils.get_v3_storage_group_name( maskingviewdict['pool'], maskingviewdict['slo'], maskingviewdict['workload'], maskingviewdict['isCompressionDisabled'], maskingviewdict['replication_enabled']) assocStorageGroupInstanceNames = ( self.utils.get_storage_groups_from_volume( conn, volumeinstance.path)) for assocStorageGroupInstanceName in ( assocStorageGroupInstanceNames): instance = conn.GetInstance( assocStorageGroupInstanceName, LocalOnly=False) assocStorageGroupName = instance['ElementName'] if assocStorageGroupName == defaultSgGroupName: defaultStorageGroupInstanceName = ( assocStorageGroupInstanceName) break if defaultStorageGroupInstanceName: self._get_and_remove_from_storage_group_v3( conn, controllerConfigService, volumeinstance.path, volumeName, maskingviewdict, defaultStorageGroupInstanceName) else: LOG.warning(_LW( "Volume: %(volumeName)s does not belong " "to storage group %(defaultSgGroupName)s."), {'volumeName': volumeName, 'defaultSgGroupName': defaultSgGroupName}) return defaultStorageGroupInstanceName def _validate_masking_view(self, conn, maskingViewDict, defaultStorageGroupInstanceName, extraSpecs): """Validate all the individual pieces of the masking view. :param conn: the ecom connection :param maskingViewDict: the masking view dictionary :param defaultStorageGroupInstanceName: the default SG :param extraSpecs: extra specifications :returns: maskingViewInstanceName :returns: storageGroupInstanceName, :returns: string -- errorMessage """ storageSystemName = maskingViewDict['storageSystemName'] maskingViewName = maskingViewDict['maskingViewName'] maskingViewInstanceName = self._find_masking_view( conn, maskingViewName, storageSystemName) if maskingViewInstanceName is None: maskingViewInstanceName, storageGroupInstanceName, errorMessage = ( self._validate_new_masking_view( conn, maskingViewDict, defaultStorageGroupInstanceName, extraSpecs)) else: storageGroupInstanceName, errorMessage = ( self._validate_existing_masking_view( conn, maskingViewDict, maskingViewInstanceName, extraSpecs)) return maskingViewInstanceName, storageGroupInstanceName, errorMessage def _validate_new_masking_view(self, conn, maskingViewDict, defaultStorageGroupInstanceName, extraSpecs): """Validate the creation of a new masking view. :param conn: the ecom connection :param maskingViewDict: the masking view dictionary :param defaultStorageGroupInstanceName: the default SG :param extraSpecs: extra specifications :returns: maskingViewInstanceName :returns: storageGroupInstanceName, :returns: string -- errorMessage """ controllerConfigService = maskingViewDict['controllerConfigService'] igGroupName = maskingViewDict['igGroupName'] connector = maskingViewDict['connector'] storageSystemName = maskingViewDict['storageSystemName'] maskingViewName = maskingViewDict['maskingViewName'] pgGroupName = maskingViewDict['pgGroupName'] LOG.info(_LI("Returning random Port Group: " "%(portGroupName)s."), {'portGroupName': pgGroupName}) if maskingViewDict['isLiveMigration']: try: # We are sharing the storage group and port group # between host and target storageGroupInstanceName = ( maskingViewDict['storageGroupInstanceName']) storageGroupinstance = conn.GetInstance( storageGroupInstanceName) maskingViewDict['sgGroupName'] = ( storageGroupinstance['ElementName']) portGroupInstanceName = ( maskingViewDict['portGroupInstanceName']) portGroupInstance = conn.GetInstance( portGroupInstanceName) maskingViewDict['pgGroupName'] = ( portGroupInstance['ElementName']) except Exception: errorMessage = (_( "Unable to get storage group for live migration.")) return None, None, errorMessage else: storageGroupInstanceName, errorMessage = ( self._check_storage_group( conn, maskingViewDict, defaultStorageGroupInstanceName)) if errorMessage: return None, storageGroupInstanceName, errorMessage portGroupInstanceName, errorMessage = ( self._check_port_group(conn, controllerConfigService, pgGroupName)) if errorMessage: return None, storageGroupInstanceName, errorMessage initiatorGroupInstanceName, errorMessage = ( self._check_initiator_group(conn, controllerConfigService, igGroupName, connector, storageSystemName, extraSpecs)) if errorMessage: return None, storageGroupInstanceName, errorMessage # Only after the components of the MV have been validated, # add the volume to the storage group and recheck that it # has been successfully added. This is necessary before # creating a new masking view. errorMessage = self._check_adding_volume_to_storage_group( conn, maskingViewDict, storageGroupInstanceName) if errorMessage: return None, storageGroupInstanceName, errorMessage maskingViewInstanceName, errorMessage = ( self._check_masking_view( conn, controllerConfigService, maskingViewName, storageGroupInstanceName, portGroupInstanceName, initiatorGroupInstanceName, extraSpecs)) return maskingViewInstanceName, storageGroupInstanceName, errorMessage def _validate_existing_masking_view(self, conn, maskingViewDict, maskingViewInstanceName, extraSpecs): """Validate the components of an existing masking view. :param conn: the ecom connection :param maskingViewDict: the masking view dictionary :param maskingViewInstanceName: the masking view instance name :param extraSpecs: extra specification :returns: storageGroupInstanceName :returns: string -- errorMessage """ storageGroupInstanceName = None controllerConfigService = maskingViewDict['controllerConfigService'] igGroupName = maskingViewDict['igGroupName'] connector = maskingViewDict['connector'] storageSystemName = maskingViewDict['storageSystemName'] maskingViewName = maskingViewDict['maskingViewName'] checkInitiator = maskingViewDict['initiatorCheck'] # First verify that the initiator group matches the initiators. if checkInitiator: errorMessage = self._check_existing_initiator_group( conn, controllerConfigService, maskingViewName, connector, storageSystemName, igGroupName, extraSpecs) if errorMessage: return storageGroupInstanceName, errorMessage # Get the storage group from masking view storageGroupInstanceName, errorMessage = ( self._check_existing_storage_group(conn, maskingViewInstanceName)) return storageGroupInstanceName, errorMessage def _check_storage_group(self, conn, maskingViewDict, storageGroupInstanceName): """Get the storage group and return it. :param conn: the ecom connection :param maskingViewDict: the masking view dictionary :param storageGroupInstanceName: default storage group instance name :returns: storageGroupInstanceName :returns: string -- msg, the error message """ msg = None storageGroupInstanceName = ( self._get_storage_group_instance_name( conn, maskingViewDict, storageGroupInstanceName)) if storageGroupInstanceName is None: # This may be used in exception hence _ instead of _LE. msg = (_( "Cannot get or create a storage group: %(sgGroupName)s" " for volume %(volumeName)s ") % {'sgGroupName': maskingViewDict['sgGroupName'], 'volumeName': maskingViewDict['volumeName']}) LOG.error(msg) return storageGroupInstanceName, msg def _check_existing_storage_group( self, conn, maskingViewInstanceName): """Check that we can get the existing storage group. :param conn: the ecom connection :param maskingViewInstanceName: the masking view instance name :returns: storageGroupInstanceName :returns: string -- msg, the error message """ msg = None sgFromMvInstanceName = ( self._get_storage_group_from_masking_view_instance( conn, maskingViewInstanceName)) if sgFromMvInstanceName is None: # This may be used in exception hence _ instead of _LE. msg = (_( "Cannot get storage group from masking view " "%(maskingViewInstanceName)s. ") % {'maskingViewInstanceName': maskingViewInstanceName}) LOG.error(msg) return sgFromMvInstanceName, msg def _check_port_group(self, conn, controllerConfigService, pgGroupName): """Check that you can either get or create a port group. :param conn: the ecom connection :param controllerConfigService: controller configuration service :param pgGroupName: the port group Name :returns: portGroupInstanceName :returns: string -- msg, the error message """ msg = None portGroupInstanceName = self._get_port_group_instance_name( conn, controllerConfigService, pgGroupName) if portGroupInstanceName is None: # This may be used in exception hence _ instead of _LE. msg = (_( "Cannot get port group: %(pgGroupName)s. ") % {'pgGroupName': pgGroupName}) LOG.error(msg) return portGroupInstanceName, msg def _check_initiator_group( self, conn, controllerConfigService, igGroupName, connector, storageSystemName, extraSpecs): """Check that initiator group can be either retrieved or created. :param conn: the ecom connection :param controllerConfigService: controller configuration service :param igGroupName: the initiator group Name :param connector: the connector object :param storageSystemName: the storage system name :param extraSpecs: extra specifications :returns: initiatorGroupInstanceName :returns: string -- the error message """ msg = None initiatorGroupInstanceName = ( self._get_initiator_group_instance_name( conn, controllerConfigService, igGroupName, connector, storageSystemName, extraSpecs)) if initiatorGroupInstanceName is None: # This may be used in exception hence _ instead of _LE. msg = (_( "Cannot get or create initiator group: " "%(igGroupName)s. ") % {'igGroupName': igGroupName}) LOG.error(msg) return initiatorGroupInstanceName, msg def _check_existing_initiator_group( self, conn, controllerConfigService, maskingViewName, connector, storageSystemName, igGroupName, extraSpecs): """Check that existing initiator group in the masking view. Check if the initiators in the initiator group match those in the system. :param conn: the ecom connection :param controllerConfigService: controller configuration service :param maskingViewName: the masking view name :param connector: the connector object :param storageSystemName: the storage system name :param igGroupName: the initiator group name :param extraSpecs: extra specification :returns: string -- msg, the error message """ msg = None if not self._verify_initiator_group_from_masking_view( conn, controllerConfigService, maskingViewName, connector, storageSystemName, igGroupName, extraSpecs): # This may be used in exception hence _ instead of _LE. msg = (_( "Unable to verify initiator group: %(igGroupName)s " "in masking view %(maskingViewName)s. ") % {'igGroupName': igGroupName, 'maskingViewName': maskingViewName}) LOG.error(msg) return msg def _check_masking_view( self, conn, controllerConfigService, maskingViewName, storageGroupInstanceName, portGroupInstanceName, initiatorGroupInstanceName, extraSpecs): """Check that masking view can be either got or created. :param conn: the ecom connection :param controllerConfigService: controller configuration service :param maskingViewName: the masking view name :param storageGroupInstanceName: storage group instance name :param portGroupInstanceName: port group instance name :param initiatorGroupInstanceName: the initiator group instance name :param extraSpecs: extra specifications :returns: maskingViewInstanceName :returns: string -- msg, the error message """ msg = None maskingViewInstanceName = ( self._get_masking_view_instance_name( conn, controllerConfigService, maskingViewName, storageGroupInstanceName, portGroupInstanceName, initiatorGroupInstanceName, extraSpecs)) if maskingViewInstanceName is None: # This may be used in exception hence _ instead of _LE. msg = (_( "Cannot create masking view: %(maskingViewName)s. ") % {'maskingViewName': maskingViewName}) LOG.error(msg) return maskingViewInstanceName, msg def _check_adding_volume_to_storage_group( self, conn, maskingViewDict, storageGroupInstanceName): """Add the volume to the storage group and double check it is there. :param conn: the ecom connection :param maskingViewDict: the masking view dictionary :param storageGroupInstanceName: storage group instance name :returns: string -- the error message """ controllerConfigService = maskingViewDict['controllerConfigService'] sgGroupName = maskingViewDict['sgGroupName'] volumeInstance = maskingViewDict['volumeInstance'] volumeName = maskingViewDict['volumeName'] msg = None if self._is_volume_in_storage_group( conn, storageGroupInstanceName, volumeInstance, sgGroupName): LOG.warning(_LW( "Volume: %(volumeName)s is already part " "of storage group %(sgGroupName)s."), {'volumeName': volumeName, 'sgGroupName': sgGroupName}) else: msg = self._add_volume_to_sg_and_verify( conn, controllerConfigService, storageGroupInstanceName, volumeInstance, volumeName, sgGroupName, maskingViewDict['extraSpecs']) return msg def _add_volume_to_sg_and_verify( self, conn, controllerConfigService, storageGroupInstanceName, volumeInstance, volumeName, sgGroupName, extraSpecs): """Add the volume to the storage group and double check it is there. :param conn: the ecom connection :param controllerConfigService: controller service :param storageGroupInstanceName: storage group instance name :param volumeInstance: the volume instance :param volumeName: the volume name :param sgGroupName: the storage group name :param extraSpecs: the extra specifications :returns: string -- the error message """ msg = None self.add_volume_to_storage_group( conn, controllerConfigService, storageGroupInstanceName, volumeInstance, volumeName, sgGroupName, extraSpecs) if not self._is_volume_in_storage_group( conn, storageGroupInstanceName, volumeInstance, sgGroupName): # This may be used in exception hence _ instead of _LE. msg = (_( "Volume: %(volumeName)s was not added " "to storage group %(sgGroupName)s.") % {'volumeName': volumeName, 'sgGroupName': sgGroupName}) LOG.error(msg) else: LOG.info(_LI("Successfully added %(volumeName)s to " "%(sgGroupName)s."), {'volumeName': volumeName, 'sgGroupName': sgGroupName}) return msg def _get_and_remove_from_storage_group_v2( self, conn, controllerConfigService, volumeInstanceName, volumeName, fastPolicyName, extraSpecs): """Get the storage group and remove volume from it. :param conn: the ecom connection :param controllerConfigService: controller configuration service :param volumeInstanceName: volume instance name :param volumeName: volume name :param fastPolicyName: fast name :param extraSpecs: additional info :returns: defaultStorageGroupInstanceName :raises: VolumeBackendAPIException """ defaultStorageGroupInstanceName = ( self.fast.get_and_verify_default_storage_group( conn, controllerConfigService, volumeInstanceName, volumeName, fastPolicyName)) if defaultStorageGroupInstanceName is None: exceptionMessage = (_( "Cannot get the default storage group for FAST policy: " "%(fastPolicyName)s.") % {'fastPolicyName': fastPolicyName}) LOG.error(exceptionMessage) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException( data=exceptionMessage) retStorageGroupInstanceName = ( self.remove_device_from_default_storage_group( conn, controllerConfigService, volumeInstanceName, volumeName, fastPolicyName, extraSpecs)) if retStorageGroupInstanceName is None: exceptionMessage = (_( "Failed to remove volume %(volumeName)s from default SG.") % {'volumeName': volumeName}) LOG.error(exceptionMessage) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException( data=exceptionMessage) return defaultStorageGroupInstanceName def _get_and_remove_from_storage_group_v3( self, conn, controllerConfigService, volumeInstanceName, volumeName, maskingViewDict, storageGroupInstanceName): """Get the storage group and remove volume from it. :param conn: the ecom connection :param controllerConfigService: controller configuration service :param volumeInstanceName: volume instance name :param volumeName: volume name :param maskingViewDict: the masking view dictionary :param storageGroupInstanceName: storage group instance name :raises: VolumeBackendAPIException """ volInstance = conn.GetInstance(volumeInstanceName, LocalOnly=False) self._remove_volume_from_sg( conn, controllerConfigService, storageGroupInstanceName, volInstance, maskingViewDict['extraSpecs']) # Required for unit tests. emptyStorageGroupInstanceName = ( self._wrap_get_storage_group_from_volume( conn, volumeInstanceName, maskingViewDict['sgGroupName'])) if emptyStorageGroupInstanceName is not None: exceptionMessage = (_( "Failed to remove volume %(volumeName)s from default SG: " "%(volumeName)s.") % {'volumeName': volumeName}) LOG.error(exceptionMessage) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException( data=exceptionMessage) def _is_volume_in_storage_group( self, conn, storageGroupInstanceName, volumeInstance, sgName): """Check if the volume is already part of the storage group. Check if the volume is already part of the storage group, if it is no need to re-add it. :param conn: the connection to ecom :param storageGroupInstanceName: the storage group instance name :param volumeInstance: the volume instance :param sgName: the storage group name :returns: boolean """ foundStorageGroupInstanceName = ( self.utils.get_storage_group_from_volume( conn, volumeInstance.path, sgName)) if foundStorageGroupInstanceName is not None: storageGroupInstance = conn.GetInstance( storageGroupInstanceName, LocalOnly=False) LOG.debug( "The existing storage group instance element name is: " "%(existingElement)s.", {'existingElement': storageGroupInstance['ElementName']}) foundStorageGroupInstance = conn.GetInstance( foundStorageGroupInstanceName, LocalOnly=False) LOG.debug( "The found storage group instance element name is: " "%(foundElement)s.", {'foundElement': foundStorageGroupInstance['ElementName']}) if (foundStorageGroupInstance['ElementName'] == ( storageGroupInstance['ElementName'])): return True return False def _find_masking_view(self, conn, maskingViewName, storageSystemName): """Given the masking view name get the masking view instance. :param conn: connection to the ecom server :param maskingViewName: the masking view name :param storageSystemName: the storage system name(String) :returns: dict -- foundMaskingViewInstanceName """ foundMaskingViewInstanceName = None storageSystemInstanceName = self.utils.find_storageSystem( conn, storageSystemName) maskingViewInstances = conn.Associators( storageSystemInstanceName, ResultClass='EMC_LunMaskingSCSIProtocolController') for maskingViewInstance in maskingViewInstances: if maskingViewName == maskingViewInstance['ElementName']: foundMaskingViewInstanceName = maskingViewInstance.path break if foundMaskingViewInstanceName is not None: # Now check that is has not been deleted. instance = self.utils.get_existing_instance( conn, foundMaskingViewInstanceName) if instance is None: foundMaskingViewInstanceName = None LOG.error(_LE( "Looks like masking view: %(maskingViewName)s " "has recently been deleted."), {'maskingViewName': maskingViewName}) else: LOG.debug( "Found existing masking view: %(maskingViewName)s.", {'maskingViewName': maskingViewName}) return foundMaskingViewInstanceName def _create_storage_group( self, conn, maskingViewDict, defaultStorageGroupInstanceName): """Create a new storage group that doesn't already exist. If fastPolicyName is not none we attempt to remove it from the default storage group of that policy and associate to the new storage group that will be part of the masking view. Will not handle any exception in this method it will be handled up the stack. :param conn: connection to the ecom server :param maskingViewDict: the masking view dictionary :param defaultStorageGroupInstanceName: the default storage group instance name (Can be None) :returns: foundStorageGroupInstanceName the instance Name of the storage group """ failedRet = None controllerConfigService = maskingViewDict['controllerConfigService'] storageGroupName = maskingViewDict['sgGroupName'] isV3 = maskingViewDict['isV3'] if isV3: workload = maskingViewDict['workload'] pool = maskingViewDict['pool'] slo = maskingViewDict['slo'] foundStorageGroupInstanceName = ( self.provisionv3.create_storage_group_v3( conn, controllerConfigService, storageGroupName, pool, slo, workload, maskingViewDict['extraSpecs'], maskingViewDict['isCompressionDisabled'])) else: fastPolicyName = maskingViewDict['fastPolicy'] volumeInstance = maskingViewDict['volumeInstance'] foundStorageGroupInstanceName = ( self.provision.create_and_get_storage_group( conn, controllerConfigService, storageGroupName, volumeInstance.path, maskingViewDict['extraSpecs'])) if (fastPolicyName is not None and defaultStorageGroupInstanceName is not None): assocTierPolicyInstanceName = ( self.fast.add_storage_group_and_verify_tier_policy_assoc( conn, controllerConfigService, foundStorageGroupInstanceName, storageGroupName, fastPolicyName, maskingViewDict['extraSpecs'])) if assocTierPolicyInstanceName is None: LOG.error(_LE( "Cannot add and verify tier policy association for " "storage group : %(storageGroupName)s to " "FAST policy : %(fastPolicyName)s."), {'storageGroupName': storageGroupName, 'fastPolicyName': fastPolicyName}) return failedRet if foundStorageGroupInstanceName is None: LOG.error(_LE( "Cannot get storage Group from job : %(storageGroupName)s."), {'storageGroupName': storageGroupName}) return failedRet else: LOG.info(_LI( "Created new storage group: %(storageGroupName)s."), {'storageGroupName': storageGroupName}) return foundStorageGroupInstanceName def find_port_group(self, conn, controllerConfigService, portGroupName): """Given the port Group name get the port group instance name. :param conn: connection to the ecom server :param controllerConfigService: the controller configuration service :param portGroupName: the name of the port group you are getting :returns: foundPortGroupInstanceName """ foundPortGroupInstanceName = None portMaskingGroupInstances = conn.Associators( controllerConfigService, ResultClass='CIM_TargetMaskingGroup') for portMaskingGroupInstance in portMaskingGroupInstances: if portGroupName == portMaskingGroupInstance['ElementName']: # Check to see if it has been recently deleted. instance = self.utils.get_existing_instance( conn, portMaskingGroupInstance.path) if instance is None: foundPortGroupInstanceName = None else: foundPortGroupInstanceName = instance.path break if foundPortGroupInstanceName is None: LOG.error(_LE( "Could not find port group : %(portGroupName)s. Check that " "the EMC configuration file has the correct port group name."), {'portGroupName': portGroupName}) return foundPortGroupInstanceName def _create_or_get_initiator_group( self, conn, controllerConfigService, igGroupName, connector, storageSystemName, extraSpecs): """Attempt to create an initiatorGroup. If one already exists with the same Initiator/wwns then get it. Check to see if an initiatorGroup already exists, that matches the connector information. NOTE: An initiator/wwn can only belong to one initiatorGroup. If we were to attempt to create one with an initiator/wwn that is already belong to another initiatorGroup, it would fail. :param conn: connection to the ecom server :param controllerConfigService: the controller config Servicer :param igGroupName: the proposed name of the initiator group :param connector: the connector information to the host :param storageSystemName: the storage system name (String) :param extraSpecs: extra specifications :returns: foundInitiatorGroupInstanceName """ initiatorNames = self._find_initiator_names(conn, connector) LOG.debug("The initiator name(s) are: %(initiatorNames)s.", {'initiatorNames': initiatorNames}) foundInitiatorGroupInstanceName = self._find_initiator_masking_group( conn, controllerConfigService, initiatorNames) # If you cannot find an initiatorGroup that matches the connector # info create a new initiatorGroup. if foundInitiatorGroupInstanceName is None: # Check that our connector information matches the # hardwareId(s) on the vmax. storageHardwareIDInstanceNames = ( self._get_storage_hardware_id_instance_names( conn, initiatorNames, storageSystemName)) if not storageHardwareIDInstanceNames: LOG.info(_LI( "Initiator Name(s) %(initiatorNames)s are not on array " "%(storageSystemName)s."), {'initiatorNames': initiatorNames, 'storageSystemName': storageSystemName}) storageHardwareIDInstanceNames = ( self._create_hardware_ids(conn, initiatorNames, storageSystemName)) if not storageHardwareIDInstanceNames: msg = (_("Failed to create hardware id(s) on " "%(storageSystemName)s.") % {'storageSystemName': storageSystemName}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) foundInitiatorGroupInstanceName = self._create_initiator_Group( conn, controllerConfigService, igGroupName, storageHardwareIDInstanceNames, extraSpecs) LOG.info(_LI( "Created new initiator group name: %(igGroupName)s."), {'igGroupName': igGroupName}) else: initiatorGroupInstance = conn.GetInstance( foundInitiatorGroupInstanceName, LocalOnly=False) LOG.info(_LI( "Using existing initiator group name: %(igGroupName)s."), {'igGroupName': initiatorGroupInstance['ElementName']}) return foundInitiatorGroupInstanceName def _find_initiator_names(self, conn, connector): """Check the connector object for initiators(ISCSI) or wwpns(FC). :param conn: the connection to the ecom :param connector: the connector object :returns: list -- list of found initiator names :raises: VolumeBackendAPIException """ foundinitiatornames = [] name = 'initiator name' if (self.protocol.lower() == ISCSI and connector['initiator']): foundinitiatornames.append(connector['initiator']) elif self.protocol.lower() == FC: if ('wwpns' in connector and connector['wwpns']): for wwn in connector['wwpns']: foundinitiatornames.append(wwn) name = 'world wide port names' else: msg = (_("FC is the protocol but wwpns are " "not supplied by OpenStack.")) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) if (foundinitiatornames is None or len(foundinitiatornames) == 0): msg = (_("Error finding %(name)s.") % {'name': name}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) LOG.debug("Found %(name)s: %(initiator)s.", {'name': name, 'initiator': foundinitiatornames}) return foundinitiatornames def _find_initiator_masking_group( self, conn, controllerConfigService, initiatorNames): """Check to see if an initiatorGroup already exists. NOTE: An initiator/wwn can only belong to one initiatorGroup. If we were to attempt to create one with an initiator/wwn that is already belong to another initiatorGroup, it would fail. :param conn: the connection to the ecom server :param controllerConfigService: the controller configuration service :param initiatorNames: the list of initiator names :returns: foundInitiatorMaskingGroup """ foundInitiatorMaskingGroupInstanceName = None initiatorMaskingGroupInstanceNames = ( conn.AssociatorNames(controllerConfigService, ResultClass='CIM_InitiatorMaskingGroup')) for initiatorMaskingGroupInstanceName in ( initiatorMaskingGroupInstanceNames): # Check that it hasn't been deleted. If it has, break out # of the for loop. instance = self.utils.get_existing_instance( conn, initiatorMaskingGroupInstanceName) if instance is None: # MaskingGroup doesn't exist any more. break storageHardwareIdInstances = ( conn.Associators(initiatorMaskingGroupInstanceName, ResultClass='EMC_StorageHardwareID')) for storageHardwareIdInstance in storageHardwareIdInstances: # If EMC_StorageHardwareID matches the initiator, # we found the existing CIM_InitiatorMaskingGroup. hardwareid = storageHardwareIdInstance['StorageID'] for initiator in initiatorNames: if six.text_type(hardwareid).lower() == ( six.text_type(initiator).lower()): foundInitiatorMaskingGroupInstanceName = ( initiatorMaskingGroupInstanceName) break if foundInitiatorMaskingGroupInstanceName is not None: break if foundInitiatorMaskingGroupInstanceName is not None: break return foundInitiatorMaskingGroupInstanceName def _get_storage_hardware_id_instance_names( self, conn, initiatorNames, storageSystemName): """Given a list of initiator names find CIM_StorageHardwareID instance. :param conn: the connection to the ecom server :param initiatorNames: the list of initiator names :param storageSystemName: the storage system name :returns: list -- foundHardwardIDsInstanceNames """ foundHardwardIDsInstanceNames = [] hardwareIdManagementService = ( self.utils.find_storage_hardwareid_service( conn, storageSystemName)) hardwareIdInstances = ( self.utils.get_hardware_id_instances_from_array( conn, hardwareIdManagementService)) for hardwareIdInstance in hardwareIdInstances: storageId = hardwareIdInstance['StorageID'] for initiatorName in initiatorNames: if storageId.lower() == initiatorName.lower(): # Check that the found hardwareId has been deleted. # If it has, we don't want to add it to the list. instance = self.utils.get_existing_instance( conn, hardwareIdInstance.path) if instance is None: # HardwareId doesn't exist. Skip it. break foundHardwardIDsInstanceNames.append( hardwareIdInstance.path) break LOG.debug( "The found hardware IDs are : %(foundHardwardIDsInstanceNames)s.", {'foundHardwardIDsInstanceNames': foundHardwardIDsInstanceNames}) return foundHardwardIDsInstanceNames def _get_initiator_group_from_job(self, conn, job): """After creating an new initiator group find it and return it. :param conn: the connection to the ecom server :param job: the create initiator group job :returns: dict -- initiatorDict """ associators = conn.Associators( job['Job'], ResultClass='CIM_InitiatorMaskingGroup') volpath = associators[0].path initiatorDict = {} initiatorDict['classname'] = volpath.classname keys = {} keys['CreationClassName'] = volpath['CreationClassName'] keys['SystemName'] = volpath['SystemName'] keys['DeviceID'] = volpath['DeviceID'] keys['SystemCreationClassName'] = volpath['SystemCreationClassName'] initiatorDict['keybindings'] = keys return initiatorDict def _create_masking_view( self, conn, configService, maskingViewName, deviceMaskingGroup, targetMaskingGroup, initiatorMaskingGroup, extraSpecs): """After creating an new initiator group find it and return it. :param conn: the connection to the ecom server :param configService: the create initiator group job :param maskingViewName: the masking view name string :param deviceMaskingGroup: device(storage) masking group (instanceName) :param targetMaskingGroup: target(port) masking group (instanceName) :param initiatorMaskingGroup: initiator masking group (instanceName) :param extraSpecs: extra specifications :returns: int -- return code :returns: dict -- job :raises: VolumeBackendAPIException """ rc, job = conn.InvokeMethod( 'CreateMaskingView', configService, ElementName=maskingViewName, InitiatorMaskingGroup=initiatorMaskingGroup, DeviceMaskingGroup=deviceMaskingGroup, TargetMaskingGroup=targetMaskingGroup) if rc != 0: rc, errordesc = self.utils.wait_for_job_complete(conn, job, extraSpecs) if rc != 0: exceptionMessage = (_( "Error Create Masking View: %(groupName)s. " "Return code: %(rc)lu. Error: %(error)s.") % {'groupName': maskingViewName, 'rc': rc, 'error': errordesc}) LOG.error(exceptionMessage) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException( data=exceptionMessage) LOG.info(_LI( "Created new masking view : %(maskingViewName)s."), {'maskingViewName': maskingViewName}) return rc, job def find_new_masking_view(self, conn, jobDict): """Find the newly created volume. :param conn: the connection to the ecom server :param jobDict: the job dictionary :returns: dict -- maskingViewInstance """ associators = conn.Associators( jobDict['Job'], ResultClass='Symm_LunMaskingView') mvpath = associators[0].path maskingViewInstance = {} maskingViewInstance['classname'] = mvpath.classname keys = {} keys['CreationClassName'] = mvpath['CreationClassName'] keys['SystemName'] = mvpath['SystemName'] keys['DeviceID'] = mvpath['DeviceID'] keys['SystemCreationClassName'] = mvpath['SystemCreationClassName'] maskingViewInstance['keybindings'] = keys return maskingViewInstance def _get_storage_group_from_masking_view( self, conn, maskingViewName, storageSystemName): """Gets the Device Masking Group from masking view. :param conn: the connection to the ecom server :param maskingViewName: the masking view name (String) :param storageSystemName: storage system name (String) :returns: instance name foundStorageGroupInstanceName """ foundStorageGroupInstanceName = None foundView = self._find_masking_view( conn, maskingViewName, storageSystemName) if foundView is not None: foundStorageGroupInstanceName = ( self._get_storage_group_from_masking_view_instance( conn, foundView)) LOG.debug( "Masking view: %(view)s DeviceMaskingGroup: %(masking)s.", {'view': maskingViewName, 'masking': foundStorageGroupInstanceName}) else: LOG.warning(_LW("Unable to find Masking view: %(view)s."), {'view': maskingViewName}) return foundStorageGroupInstanceName def _get_storage_group_from_masking_view_instance( self, conn, maskingViewInstance): """Gets the Device Masking Group from masking view instance. :param conn: the connection to the ecom server :param maskingViewInstance: the masking view instance :returns: instance name foundStorageGroupInstanceName """ foundStorageGroupInstanceName = None groups = conn.AssociatorNames( maskingViewInstance, ResultClass='CIM_DeviceMaskingGroup') if len(groups) > 0: foundStorageGroupInstanceName = groups[0] return foundStorageGroupInstanceName def _get_storage_group_instance_name( self, conn, maskingViewDict, defaultStorageGroupInstanceName): """Gets the storage group instance name. If fastPolicy name is None then NON FAST is assumed. If it is a valid fastPolicy name then associate the new storage group with the fast policy. If we are using an existing storage group then we must check that it is associated with the correct fast policy. :param conn: the connection to the ecom server :param maskingViewDict: the masking view dictionary :param defaultStorageGroupInstanceName: default storage group instance name (can be None for Non FAST) :returns: instance name storageGroupInstanceName :raises: VolumeBackendAPIException """ storageGroupInstanceName = self.utils.find_storage_masking_group( conn, maskingViewDict['controllerConfigService'], maskingViewDict['sgGroupName']) if storageGroupInstanceName is None: storageGroupInstanceName = self._create_storage_group( conn, maskingViewDict, defaultStorageGroupInstanceName) if storageGroupInstanceName is None: errorMessage = (_( "Cannot create or find an storage group with name " "%(sgGroupName)s.") % {'sgGroupName': maskingViewDict['sgGroupName']}) LOG.error(errorMessage) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=errorMessage) return storageGroupInstanceName def _get_port_group_instance_name( self, conn, controllerConfigService, pgGroupName): """Gets the port group instance name. The portGroup name has been defined in the EMC Config file if it does not exist the operation should fail. :param conn: the connection to the ecom server :param controllerConfigService: the controller configuration server :param pgGroupName: the port group name :returns: instance name foundPortGroupInstanceName """ foundPortGroupInstanceName = self.find_port_group( conn, controllerConfigService, pgGroupName) if foundPortGroupInstanceName is None: LOG.error(_LE( "Cannot find a portGroup with name %(pgGroupName)s. " "The port group for a masking view must be pre-defined."), {'pgGroupName': pgGroupName}) return foundPortGroupInstanceName LOG.info(_LI( "Port group instance name is %(foundPortGroupInstanceName)s."), {'foundPortGroupInstanceName': foundPortGroupInstanceName}) return foundPortGroupInstanceName def _get_initiator_group_instance_name( self, conn, controllerConfigService, igGroupName, connector, storageSystemName, extraSpecs): """Gets the initiator group instance name. :param conn: the connection to the ecom server :param controllerConfigService: the controller configuration server :param igGroupName: the port group name :param connector: the connector object :param storageSystemName: the storage system name :param extraSpecs: extra specifications :returns: foundInitiatorGroupInstanceName """ foundInitiatorGroupInstanceName = (self._create_or_get_initiator_group( conn, controllerConfigService, igGroupName, connector, storageSystemName, extraSpecs)) if foundInitiatorGroupInstanceName is None: LOG.error(_LE( "Cannot create or find an initiator group with " "name %(igGroupName)s."), {'igGroupName': igGroupName}) return foundInitiatorGroupInstanceName def _get_masking_view_instance_name( self, conn, controllerConfigService, maskingViewName, storageGroupInstanceName, portGroupInstanceName, initiatorGroupInstanceName, extraSpecs): """Gets the masking view instance name. :param conn: the connection to the ecom server :param controllerConfigService: the controller configuration server :param maskingViewName: the masking view name (String) :param storageGroupInstanceName: the storage group instance name :param portGroupInstanceName: the port group instance name :param initiatorGroupInstanceName: the initiator group instance name :param extraSpecs: extra specifications :returns: instance name foundMaskingViewInstanceName """ _rc, job = ( self._create_masking_view( conn, controllerConfigService, maskingViewName, storageGroupInstanceName, portGroupInstanceName, initiatorGroupInstanceName, extraSpecs)) foundMaskingViewInstanceName = self.find_new_masking_view(conn, job) if foundMaskingViewInstanceName is None: LOG.error(_LE( "Cannot find the new masking view just created with name " "%(maskingViewName)s."), {'maskingViewName': maskingViewName}) return foundMaskingViewInstanceName def _check_if_rollback_action_for_masking_required( self, conn, rollbackDict): """This is a rollback action for FAST. We need to be able to return the volume to the default storage group if anything has gone wrong. The volume can also potentially belong to a storage group that is not the default depending on where the exception occurred. We also may need to clean up any unused initiator groups. :param conn: the connection to the ecom server :param rollbackDict: the rollback dictionary :returns: message :raises: VolumeBackendAPIException """ message = None # Check if ig has been created. If so, check for other # masking views associated with the ig. If none, remove # initiators and delete ig. self._check_ig_rollback( conn, rollbackDict['controllerConfigService'], rollbackDict['igGroupName'], rollbackDict['connector'], rollbackDict['extraSpecs']) try: foundStorageGroupInstanceName = ( self.utils.get_storage_group_from_volume( conn, rollbackDict['volumeInstance'].path, rollbackDict['sgGroupName'])) # Volume is not associated with any storage group so add # it back to the default. if not foundStorageGroupInstanceName: if rollbackDict['isV3']: errorMessage = self._check_adding_volume_to_storage_group( conn, rollbackDict, rollbackDict['defaultStorageGroupInstanceName']) if errorMessage: LOG.error(errorMessage) message = (_("V3 rollback")) else: LOG.warning(_LW( "No storage group found. " "Performing rollback on Volume: %(volumeName)s " "To return it to the default storage group for FAST " "policy %(fastPolicyName)s."), {'volumeName': rollbackDict['volumeName'], 'fastPolicyName': rollbackDict['fastPolicyName']}) assocDefaultStorageGroupName = ( self.fast .add_volume_to_default_storage_group_for_fast_policy( conn, rollbackDict['controllerConfigService'], rollbackDict['volumeInstance'], rollbackDict['volumeName'], rollbackDict['fastPolicyName'], rollbackDict['extraSpecs'])) if assocDefaultStorageGroupName is None: LOG.error(_LE( "Failed to Roll back to re-add volume " "%(volumeName)s " "to default storage group for fast policy " "%(fastPolicyName)s: Please contact your sys " "admin to get the volume re-added manually."), {'volumeName': rollbackDict['volumeName'], 'fastPolicyName': rollbackDict['fastPolicyName']}) message = (_("V2 rollback, volume is not in any storage " "group.")) else: LOG.info(_LI( "The storage group found is " "%(foundStorageGroupInstanceName)s."), {'foundStorageGroupInstanceName': foundStorageGroupInstanceName}) # Check the name, see if it is the default storage group # or another. if (foundStorageGroupInstanceName != rollbackDict['defaultStorageGroupInstanceName']): # Remove it from its current masking view and return it # to its default masking view if fast is enabled or slo # is defined. self.remove_and_reset_members( conn, rollbackDict['controllerConfigService'], rollbackDict['volumeInstance'], rollbackDict['volumeName'], rollbackDict['extraSpecs']) message = (_("Rollback - Volume in another storage " "group besides default storage group.")) except Exception: errorMessage = (_( "Rollback for Volume: %(volumeName)s has failed. " "Please contact your system administrator to manually return " "your volume to the default storage group for fast policy/ " "slo.") % {'volumeName': rollbackDict['volumeName']}) LOG.exception(errorMessage) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=errorMessage) return message def _find_new_initiator_group(self, conn, maskingGroupDict): """After creating an new initiator group find it and return it. :param conn: connection to the ecom server :param maskingGroupDict: the maskingGroupDict dict :returns: instance name foundInitiatorGroupInstanceName """ foundInitiatorGroupInstanceName = None if 'MaskingGroup' in maskingGroupDict: foundInitiatorGroupInstanceName = maskingGroupDict['MaskingGroup'] return foundInitiatorGroupInstanceName def _get_initiator_group_from_masking_view( self, conn, maskingViewName, storageSystemName): """Given the masking view name get the initiator group from it. :param conn: connection to the ecom server :param maskingViewName: the name of the masking view :param storageSystemName: the storage system name :returns: instance name foundInitiatorMaskingGroupInstanceName """ foundInitiatorMaskingGroupInstanceName = None foundView = self._find_masking_view( conn, maskingViewName, storageSystemName) if foundView is not None: groups = conn.AssociatorNames( foundView, ResultClass='CIM_InitiatorMaskingGroup') if len(groups): foundInitiatorMaskingGroupInstanceName = groups[0] LOG.debug( "Masking view: %(view)s InitiatorMaskingGroup: %(masking)s.", {'view': maskingViewName, 'masking': foundInitiatorMaskingGroupInstanceName}) else: LOG.warning(_LW("Unable to find Masking view: %(view)s."), {'view': maskingViewName}) return foundInitiatorMaskingGroupInstanceName def _verify_initiator_group_from_masking_view( self, conn, controllerConfigService, maskingViewName, connector, storageSystemName, igGroupName, extraSpecs): """Check that the initiator group contains the correct initiators. If using an existing masking view check that the initiator group contains the correct initiators. If it does not contain the correct initiators then we delete the initiator group from the masking view, re-create it with the correct initiators and add it to the masking view NOTE: EMC does not support ModifyMaskingView so we must first delete the masking view and recreate it. :param conn: connection to the ecom server :param controllerConfigService: the controller configuration service :param maskingViewName: maskingview name (String) :param connector: the connector dict :param storageSystemName: the storage System Name (string) :param igGroupName: the initiator group name (String) :param extraSpecs: extra specifications :returns: boolean """ initiatorNames = self._find_initiator_names(conn, connector) foundInitiatorGroupFromConnector = self._find_initiator_masking_group( conn, controllerConfigService, initiatorNames) foundInitiatorGroupFromMaskingView = ( self._get_initiator_group_from_masking_view( conn, maskingViewName, storageSystemName)) if (foundInitiatorGroupFromConnector != foundInitiatorGroupFromMaskingView): if foundInitiatorGroupFromMaskingView is not None: maskingViewInstanceName = self._find_masking_view( conn, maskingViewName, storageSystemName) storageGroupInstanceName = ( self._get_storage_group_from_masking_view( conn, maskingViewName, storageSystemName)) portGroupInstanceName = self._get_port_group_from_masking_view( conn, maskingViewName, storageSystemName) if foundInitiatorGroupFromConnector is None: storageHardwareIDInstanceNames = ( self._get_storage_hardware_id_instance_names( conn, initiatorNames, storageSystemName)) if not storageHardwareIDInstanceNames: LOG.info(_LI( "Initiator Name(s) %(initiatorNames)s are not on " "array %(storageSystemName)s. "), {'initiatorNames': initiatorNames, 'storageSystemName': storageSystemName}) storageHardwareIDInstanceNames = ( self._create_hardware_ids(conn, initiatorNames, storageSystemName)) if not storageHardwareIDInstanceNames: LOG.error(_LE( "Failed to create hardware id(s) on " "%(storageSystemName)s."), {'storageSystemName': storageSystemName}) return False igFromMaskingViewInstance = conn.GetInstance( foundInitiatorGroupFromMaskingView, LocalOnly=False) # if the current foundInitiatorGroupFromMaskingView name # matches the igGroupName supplied for the new group, the # existing ig needs to be deleted before the new one with # the correct initiators can be created. if (igFromMaskingViewInstance['ElementName'] == igGroupName): # Masking view needs to be deleted before IG # can be deleted. self._delete_masking_view( conn, controllerConfigService, maskingViewName, maskingViewInstanceName, extraSpecs) maskingViewInstanceName = None self._delete_initiators_from_initiator_group( conn, controllerConfigService, foundInitiatorGroupFromMaskingView, igGroupName) self._delete_initiator_group( conn, controllerConfigService, foundInitiatorGroupFromMaskingView, igGroupName, extraSpecs) foundInitiatorGroupFromConnector = ( self._create_initiator_Group( conn, controllerConfigService, igGroupName, storageHardwareIDInstanceNames, extraSpecs)) if (foundInitiatorGroupFromConnector is not None and storageGroupInstanceName is not None and portGroupInstanceName is not None): if maskingViewInstanceName: # Existing masking view needs to be deleted before # a new one can be created. self._delete_masking_view( conn, controllerConfigService, maskingViewName, maskingViewInstanceName, extraSpecs) newMaskingViewInstanceName = ( self._get_masking_view_instance_name( conn, controllerConfigService, maskingViewName, storageGroupInstanceName, portGroupInstanceName, foundInitiatorGroupFromConnector, extraSpecs)) if newMaskingViewInstanceName is not None: LOG.debug( "The old masking view has been replaced: " "%(maskingViewName)s.", {'maskingViewName': maskingViewName}) else: LOG.error(_LE( "One of the components of the original masking view " "%(maskingViewName)s cannot be retrieved so " "please contact your system administrator to check " "that the correct initiator(s) are part of masking."), {'maskingViewName': maskingViewName}) return False return True def _create_initiator_Group( self, conn, controllerConfigService, igGroupName, hardwareIdinstanceNames, extraSpecs): """Create a new initiator group. Given a list of hardwareId Instance name create a new initiator group. :param conn: connection to the ecom server :param controllerConfigService: the controller configuration service :param igGroupName: the initiator group name (String) :param hardwareIdinstanceNames: one or more hardware id instance names :param extraSpecs: extra specifications :returns: foundInitiatorGroupInstanceName :raises: VolumeBackendAPIException """ rc, job = conn.InvokeMethod( 'CreateGroup', controllerConfigService, GroupName=igGroupName, Type=self.utils.get_num(INITIATORGROUPTYPE, '16'), Members=hardwareIdinstanceNames) if rc != 0: rc, errordesc = self.utils.wait_for_job_complete(conn, job, extraSpecs) if rc != 0: exceptionMessage = (_( "Error Create Group: %(groupName)s. " "Return code: %(rc)lu. Error: %(error)s.") % {'groupName': igGroupName, 'rc': rc, 'error': errordesc}) LOG.error(exceptionMessage) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException( data=exceptionMessage) foundInitiatorGroupInstanceName = self._find_new_initiator_group( conn, job) return foundInitiatorGroupInstanceName def _check_ig_rollback( self, conn, controllerConfigService, igGroupName, connector, extraSpecs): """Check if rollback action is required on an initiator group. If anything goes wrong on a masking view creation, we need to check if the process created a now-stale initiator group before failing, i.e. an initiator group a) matching the name used in the mv process and b) not associated with any other masking views. If a stale ig exists, remove the initiators and delete the ig. :param conn: the ecom connection :param controllerConfigService: controller config service :param igGroupName: the initiator group name :param connector: the connector object :param extraSpecs: extra specifications """ initiatorNames = self._find_initiator_names(conn, connector) foundInitiatorGroupInstanceName = self._find_initiator_masking_group( conn, controllerConfigService, initiatorNames) if foundInitiatorGroupInstanceName: initiatorGroupInstance = conn.GetInstance( foundInitiatorGroupInstanceName, LocalOnly=False) if initiatorGroupInstance['ElementName'] == igGroupName: host = igGroupName.split("-")[1] LOG.debug("Searching for masking views associated with " "%(igGroupName)s", {'igGroupName': igGroupName}) self._last_volume_delete_initiator_group( conn, controllerConfigService, foundInitiatorGroupInstanceName, extraSpecs, host) def _get_port_group_from_masking_view( self, conn, maskingViewName, storageSystemName): """Given the masking view name get the port group from it. :param conn: connection to the ecom server :param maskingViewName: the name of the masking view :param storageSystemName: the storage system name :returns: instance name foundPortMaskingGroupInstanceName """ foundPortMaskingGroupInstanceName = None foundView = self._find_masking_view( conn, maskingViewName, storageSystemName) if foundView: foundPortMaskingGroupInstanceName = ( self.get_port_group_from_masking_view_instance( conn, foundView)) LOG.debug( "Masking view: %(view)s portMaskingGroup: %(masking)s.", {'view': maskingViewName, 'masking': foundPortMaskingGroupInstanceName}) return foundPortMaskingGroupInstanceName def get_port_group_from_masking_view_instance( self, conn, maskingViewInstanceName): """Given the masking view name get the port group from it. :param conn: connection to the ecom server :param maskingViewInstanceName: the masking view instance name :returns: instance name foundPortMaskingGroupInstanceName """ foundPortMaskingGroupInstanceName = None groups = conn.AssociatorNames( maskingViewInstanceName, ResultClass='CIM_TargetMaskingGroup') if len(groups) > 0: foundPortMaskingGroupInstanceName = groups[0] return foundPortMaskingGroupInstanceName def _delete_masking_view( self, conn, controllerConfigService, maskingViewName, maskingViewInstanceName, extraSpecs): """Delete a masking view. :param conn: connection to the ecom server :param controllerConfigService: the controller configuration service :param maskingViewName: maskingview name (String) :param maskingViewInstanceName: the masking view instance name :param extraSpecs: extra specifications :raises: VolumeBackendAPIException """ rc, job = conn.InvokeMethod('DeleteMaskingView', controllerConfigService, ProtocolController=maskingViewInstanceName) if rc != 0: rc, errordesc = self.utils.wait_for_job_complete(conn, job, extraSpecs) if rc != 0: exceptionMessage = (_( "Error Modifying masking view : %(groupName)s. " "Return code: %(rc)lu. Error: %(error)s.") % {'groupName': maskingViewName, 'rc': rc, 'error': errordesc}) LOG.error(exceptionMessage) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException( data=exceptionMessage) def get_masking_view_from_storage_group( self, conn, storageGroupInstanceName): """Get the associated maskingview instance name. Given storage group instance name, get the associated masking view instance name. :param conn: connection to the ecom server :param storageGroupInstanceName: the storage group instance name :returns: instance name foundMaskingViewInstanceName """ maskingViews = conn.AssociatorNames( storageGroupInstanceName, ResultClass='Symm_LunMaskingView') return maskingViews def add_volume_to_storage_group( self, conn, controllerConfigService, storageGroupInstanceName, volumeInstance, volumeName, sgGroupName, extraSpecs): """Add a volume to an existing storage group. :param conn: connection to ecom server :param controllerConfigService: the controller configuration service :param storageGroupInstanceName: storage group instance name :param volumeInstance: the volume instance :param volumeName: the name of the volume (String) :param sgGroupName: the name of the storage group (String) :param extraSpecs: additional info :returns: int -- rc the return code of the job :returns: dict -- the job dict """ self.provision.add_members_to_masking_group( conn, controllerConfigService, storageGroupInstanceName, volumeInstance.path, volumeName, extraSpecs) LOG.info(_LI( "Added volume: %(volumeName)s to existing storage group " "%(sgGroupName)s."), {'volumeName': volumeName, 'sgGroupName': sgGroupName}) def remove_device_from_default_storage_group( self, conn, controllerConfigService, volumeInstanceName, volumeName, fastPolicyName, extraSpecs): """Remove the volume from the default storage group. Remove the volume from the default storage group for the FAST policy and return the default storage group instance name. :param conn: the connection to the ecom server :param controllerConfigService: the controller config service :param volumeInstanceName: the volume instance name :param volumeName: the volume name (String) :param fastPolicyName: the fast policy name (String) :param extraSpecs: additional info :returns: instance name defaultStorageGroupInstanceName """ failedRet = None defaultStorageGroupInstanceName, defaultSgName = ( self.fast.get_and_verify_default_storage_group( conn, controllerConfigService, volumeInstanceName, volumeName, fastPolicyName)) if defaultStorageGroupInstanceName is None: LOG.warning(_LW( "Volume %(volumeName)s was not first part of the default " "storage group for the FAST Policy."), {'volumeName': volumeName}) return failedRet @coordination.synchronized("emc-sg-{sgName}") def do_remove_vol_from_sg(sgName): assocVolumeInstanceNames = self.get_devices_from_storage_group( conn, defaultStorageGroupInstanceName) LOG.debug( "There are %(length)lu associated with the default storage " "group for fast before removing volume %(volumeName)s.", {'length': len(assocVolumeInstanceNames), 'volumeName': volumeName}) self.provision.remove_device_from_storage_group( conn, controllerConfigService, defaultStorageGroupInstanceName, volumeInstanceName, volumeName, extraSpecs) assocVolumeInstanceNames = self.get_devices_from_storage_group( conn, defaultStorageGroupInstanceName) LOG.debug( "There are %(length)lu associated with the default storage " "group %(sg)s after removing volume %(volumeName)s.", {'length': len(assocVolumeInstanceNames), 'sg': sgName, 'volumeName': volumeName}) do_remove_vol_from_sg(defaultStorageGroupInstanceName['ElementName']) # Required for unit tests. emptyStorageGroupInstanceName = ( self._wrap_get_storage_group_from_volume(conn, volumeInstanceName, defaultSgName)) if emptyStorageGroupInstanceName is not None: LOG.error(_LE( "Failed to remove %(volumeName)s from the default storage " "group for the FAST Policy."), {'volumeName': volumeName}) return failedRet return defaultStorageGroupInstanceName def _wrap_get_storage_group_from_volume(self, conn, volumeInstanceName, defaultSgName): """Wrapper for get_storage_group_from_volume. Needed for override in tests. :param conn: the connection to the ecom server :param volumeInstanceName: the volume instance name :param defaultSgName: the default storage group name :returns: emptyStorageGroupInstanceName """ return self.utils.get_storage_group_from_volume( conn, volumeInstanceName, defaultSgName) def get_devices_from_storage_group( self, conn, storageGroupInstanceName): """Get the associated volume Instance names. Given the storage group instance name get the associated volume Instance names. :param conn: connection to the ecom server :param storageGroupInstanceName: the storage group instance name :returns: list -- volumeInstanceNames list of volume instance names """ volumeInstanceNames = conn.AssociatorNames( storageGroupInstanceName, ResultClass='EMC_StorageVolume') return volumeInstanceNames def get_associated_masking_groups_from_device( self, conn, volumeInstanceName): """Get the associated storage groups from the volume Instance name. Given the volume instance name get the associated storage group instance names. :param conn: connection to the ecom server :param volumeInstanceName: the volume instance name :returns: list -- list of storage group instance names """ maskingGroupInstanceNames = conn.AssociatorNames( volumeInstanceName, ResultClass='CIM_DeviceMaskingGroup', AssocClass='CIM_OrderedMemberOfCollection') if len(maskingGroupInstanceNames) > 0: return maskingGroupInstanceNames else: LOG.info(_LI("Volume %(volumeName)s not in any storage group."), {'volumeName': volumeInstanceName}) return None def remove_and_reset_members( self, conn, controllerConfigService, volumeInstance, volumeName, extraSpecs, connector=None, reset=True): """This is called on a delete, unmap device or rollback. If the connector is not None get the associated SG and remove volume from the storage group, otherwise it is a VMAX3 deletion. :param conn: connection to the ecom server :param controllerConfigService: the controller configuration service :param volumeInstance: the volume Instance :param volumeName: the volume name :param extraSpecs: additional info :param connector: optional :param reset: reset, return to original SG (optional) :returns: storageGroupInstanceName """ storageGroupInstanceName = None if extraSpecs[ISV3]: self._cleanup_deletion_v3( conn, controllerConfigService, volumeInstance, extraSpecs) else: if connector: storageGroupInstanceName = ( self._get_sg_associated_with_connector( conn, controllerConfigService, volumeInstance.path, volumeName, connector)) if storageGroupInstanceName: self._remove_volume_from_sg( conn, controllerConfigService, storageGroupInstanceName, volumeInstance, extraSpecs) else: LOG.warning(_LW("Cannot get storage from connector.")) if reset: self._return_back_to_default_sg( conn, controllerConfigService, volumeInstance, volumeName, extraSpecs) return storageGroupInstanceName def _cleanup_deletion_v3( self, conn, controllerConfigService, volumeInstance, extraSpecs): """Pre cleanup before VMAX3 deletion operation :param conn: the ecom connection :param controllerConfigService: storage system instance name :param volumeInstance: the volume instance :param extraSpecs: the extra specifications """ storageGroupInstanceNames = ( self.get_associated_masking_groups_from_device( conn, volumeInstance.path)) if storageGroupInstanceNames: sgNum = len(storageGroupInstanceNames) if len(storageGroupInstanceNames) > 1: LOG.warning(_LW("Volume %(volumeName)s is belong to " "%(sgNum)s storage groups."), {'volumeName': volumeInstance['ElementName'], 'sgNum': sgNum}) for storageGroupInstanceName in storageGroupInstanceNames: self._remove_volume_from_sg( conn, controllerConfigService, storageGroupInstanceName, volumeInstance, extraSpecs) def _remove_volume_from_sg( self, conn, controllerConfigService, storageGroupInstanceName, volumeInstance, extraSpecs): """Remove volume from storage group :param conn: the ecom connection :param controllerConfigService: storage system instance name :param storageGroupInstanceName: the SG instance name :param volumeInstance: the volume instance :param extraSpecs: the extra specifications """ instance = conn.GetInstance(storageGroupInstanceName, LocalOnly=False) storageGroupName = instance['ElementName'] mvInstanceNames = self.get_masking_view_from_storage_group( conn, storageGroupInstanceName) if not mvInstanceNames: LOG.debug("Unable to get masking views from storage group.") @coordination.synchronized("emc-sg-{storageGroup}") def do_remove_volume_from_sg(storageGroup): volumeInstanceNames = self.get_devices_from_storage_group( conn, storageGroupInstanceName) numVolInStorageGroup = len(volumeInstanceNames) LOG.debug( "There are %(numVol)d volumes in the storage group " "%(maskingGroup)s.", {'numVol': numVolInStorageGroup, 'maskingGroup': storageGroup}) if numVolInStorageGroup == 1: # Last volume in the storage group. self._last_vol_in_SG( conn, controllerConfigService, storageGroupInstanceName, storageGroupName, volumeInstance, volumeInstance['ElementName'], extraSpecs) else: # Not the last volume so remove it from storage group self._multiple_vols_in_SG( conn, controllerConfigService, storageGroupInstanceName, volumeInstance, volumeInstance['ElementName'], numVolInStorageGroup, extraSpecs) return do_remove_volume_from_sg(storageGroupName) else: for mvInstanceName in mvInstanceNames: # need to lock masking view when we are locking the storage # group to avoid possible deadlock situations from concurrent # processes maskingViewInstance = conn.GetInstance( mvInstanceName, LocalOnly=False) maskingViewName = maskingViewInstance['ElementName'] @coordination.synchronized("emc-mv-{maskingView}") @coordination.synchronized("emc-sg-{storageGroup}") def do_remove_volume_from_sg(maskingView, storageGroup): volumeInstanceNames = self.get_devices_from_storage_group( conn, storageGroupInstanceName) numVolInStorageGroup = len(volumeInstanceNames) LOG.debug( "There are %(numVol)d volumes in the storage group " "%(maskingGroup)s associated with %(mvName)s", {'numVol': numVolInStorageGroup, 'maskingGroup': storageGroup, 'mvName': maskingView}) if numVolInStorageGroup == 1: # Last volume in the storage group. self._last_vol_in_SG( conn, controllerConfigService, storageGroupInstanceName, storageGroupName, volumeInstance, volumeInstance['ElementName'], extraSpecs) else: # Not the last volume so remove it from storage group self._multiple_vols_in_SG( conn, controllerConfigService, storageGroupInstanceName, volumeInstance, volumeInstance['ElementName'], numVolInStorageGroup, extraSpecs) return do_remove_volume_from_sg(maskingViewName, storageGroupName) def _last_vol_in_SG( self, conn, controllerConfigService, storageGroupInstanceName, storageGroupName, volumeInstance, volumeName, extraSpecs): """Steps if the volume is the last in a storage group. 1. Check if the volume is in a masking view. 2. If it is in a masking view, delete the masking view, remove the initiators from the initiator group and delete the initiator group if there are no other masking views associated with the initiator group, remove the volume from the storage group, and delete the storage group. 3. If it is not in a masking view, remove the volume from the storage group and delete the storage group. :param conn: the ecom connection :param controllerConfigService: storage system instance name :param storageGroupInstanceName: the SG instance name :param storageGroupName: the Storage group name (String) :param volumeInstance: the volume instance :param volumeName: the volume name :param extraSpecs: the extra specifications """ status = False LOG.debug("Only one volume remains in storage group " "%(sgname)s. Driver will attempt cleanup.", {'sgname': storageGroupName}) mvInstanceNames = self.get_masking_view_from_storage_group( conn, storageGroupInstanceName) if not mvInstanceNames: # Remove the volume from the storage group and delete the SG. self._remove_last_vol_and_delete_sg( conn, controllerConfigService, storageGroupInstanceName, storageGroupName, volumeInstance.path, volumeName, extraSpecs) status = True else: mv_count = len(mvInstanceNames) for mvInstanceName in mvInstanceNames: maskingViewInstance = conn.GetInstance( mvInstanceName, LocalOnly=False) maskingViewName = maskingViewInstance['ElementName'] def do_delete_mv_ig_and_sg(): return self._delete_mv_ig_and_sg( conn, controllerConfigService, mvInstanceName, maskingViewName, storageGroupInstanceName, storageGroupName, volumeInstance, volumeName, extraSpecs, mv_count) do_delete_mv_ig_and_sg() status = True mv_count -= 1 return status def _multiple_vols_in_SG( self, conn, controllerConfigService, storageGroupInstanceName, volumeInstance, volumeName, numVolsInSG, extraSpecs): """If the volume is not the last in the storage group Remove the volume from the SG. :param conn: the ecom connection :param controllerConfigService: storage system instance name :param storageGroupInstanceName: the SG instance name :param volumeInstance: the volume instance :param volumeName: the volume name :param numVolsInSG: the number of volumes in the SG :param extraSpecs: the extra specifications """ LOG.debug("Start: number of volumes in masking storage group: " "%(numVol)d", {'numVol': numVolsInSG}) self.provision.remove_device_from_storage_group( conn, controllerConfigService, storageGroupInstanceName, volumeInstance.path, volumeName, extraSpecs) LOG.debug( "RemoveMembers for volume %(volumeName)s completed " "successfully.", {'volumeName': volumeName}) volumeInstanceNames = self.get_devices_from_storage_group( conn, storageGroupInstanceName) LOG.debug( "End: number of volumes in masking storage group: %(numVol)d.", {'numVol': len(volumeInstanceNames)}) def _delete_mv_ig_and_sg( self, conn, controllerConfigService, mvInstanceName, maskingViewName, storageGroupInstanceName, storageGroupName, volumeInstance, volumeName, extraSpecs, mv_count): """Delete the Masking view, the storage Group and the initiator group. :param conn: connection to the ecom server :param controllerConfigService: the controller configuration service :param mvInstanceName: masking view instance name :param maskingViewName: masking view name :param storageGroupInstanceName: storage group instance name :param maskingViewName: masking view name :param volumeInstance: the volume Instance :param volumeName: the volume name :param extraSpecs: extra specs :param mv_count: number of masking views """ isV3 = extraSpecs[ISV3] fastPolicyName = extraSpecs.get(FASTPOLICY, None) host = maskingViewName.split("-")[1] storageSystemInstanceName = self.utils.find_storage_system( conn, controllerConfigService) initiatorGroupInstanceName = ( self.get_initiator_group_from_masking_view(conn, mvInstanceName)) self._last_volume_delete_masking_view( conn, controllerConfigService, mvInstanceName, maskingViewName, extraSpecs) self._last_volume_delete_initiator_group( conn, controllerConfigService, initiatorGroupInstanceName, extraSpecs, host) if not isV3: isTieringPolicySupported, tierPolicyServiceInstanceName = ( self._get_tiering_info(conn, storageSystemInstanceName, fastPolicyName)) self._get_and_remove_rule_association( conn, fastPolicyName, isTieringPolicySupported, tierPolicyServiceInstanceName, storageSystemInstanceName['Name'], storageGroupInstanceName, extraSpecs) if mv_count == 1: if self._is_volume_in_storage_group( conn, storageGroupInstanceName, volumeInstance, storageGroupName): self._remove_last_vol_and_delete_sg( conn, controllerConfigService, storageGroupInstanceName, storageGroupName, volumeInstance.path, volumeName, extraSpecs) LOG.debug( "Volume %(volumeName)s successfully removed from SG and " "Storage Group %(storageGroupName)s successfully deleted. ", {'volumeName': volumeName, 'storageGroupName': storageGroupName}) def _return_back_to_default_sg( self, conn, controllerConfigService, volumeInstance, volumeName, extraSpecs): """Return volume to default storage group Moving the volume to the default SG for VMAX3 and FAST for VMAX2. :param conn: connection to the ecom server :param controllerConfigService: the controller configuration service :param volumeInstance: the volume Instance :param volumeName: the volume name :param extraSpecs: extra specs """ # Add it back to the default storage group. if extraSpecs[ISV3]: self.return_volume_to_default_storage_group_v3( conn, controllerConfigService, volumeInstance, volumeName, extraSpecs) else: # V2 if FAST POLICY enabled, move the volume to the default # SG. fastPolicyName = extraSpecs.get(FASTPOLICY, None) storageSystemInstanceName = self.utils.find_storage_system( conn, controllerConfigService) isTieringPolicySupported, __ = ( self._get_tiering_info(conn, storageSystemInstanceName, fastPolicyName)) if fastPolicyName is not None and isTieringPolicySupported: self._cleanup_tiering( conn, controllerConfigService, fastPolicyName, volumeInstance, volumeName, extraSpecs) def _get_sg_associated_with_connector( self, conn, controllerConfigService, volumeInstanceName, volumeName, connector): """Get storage group associated with connector. If the connector gets passed then extra logic required to get storage group. :param conn: the ecom connection :param controllerConfigService: storage system instance name :param volumeInstanceName: the volume instance name :param volumeName: the volume name (String) :param connector: the connector object :returns: storageGroupInstanceName(can be None) """ return self._get_sg_or_mv_associated_with_initiator( conn, controllerConfigService, volumeInstanceName, volumeName, connector, True) def _get_tiering_info( self, conn, storageSystemInstanceName, fastPolicyName): """Get tiering specifics. :param conn: the ecom connection :param storageSystemInstanceName: storage system instance name :param fastPolicyName: :returns: boolean -- isTieringPolicySupported :returns: tierPolicyServiceInstanceName """ isTieringPolicySupported = False tierPolicyServiceInstanceName = None if fastPolicyName is not None: tierPolicyServiceInstanceName = self.utils.get_tier_policy_service( conn, storageSystemInstanceName) isTieringPolicySupported = self.fast.is_tiering_policy_enabled( conn, tierPolicyServiceInstanceName) LOG.debug( "FAST policy enabled on %(storageSystem)s: %(isSupported)s", {'storageSystem': storageSystemInstanceName, 'isSupported': isTieringPolicySupported}) return isTieringPolicySupported, tierPolicyServiceInstanceName def _last_volume_delete_masking_view( self, conn, controllerConfigService, mvInstanceName, maskingViewName, extraSpecs): """Delete the masking view. Delete the masking view if the volume is the last one in the storage group. :param conn: the ecom connection :param controllerConfigService: controller config service :param mvInstanceName: masking view instance name :param maskingViewName: masking view name :param extraSpecs: extra specifications """ LOG.debug( "Last volume in the storage group, deleting masking view " "%(maskingViewName)s.", {'maskingViewName': maskingViewName}) self._delete_masking_view( conn, controllerConfigService, maskingViewName, mvInstanceName, extraSpecs) mvInstance = self.utils.get_existing_instance( conn, mvInstanceName) if mvInstance: exceptionMessage = (_( "Masking view %(maskingViewName)s " "was not deleted successfully") % {'maskingViewName': maskingViewName}) LOG.error(exceptionMessage) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException( data=exceptionMessage) else: LOG.info(_LI( "Masking view %(maskingViewName)s successfully deleted."), {'maskingViewName': maskingViewName}) def _get_and_remove_rule_association( self, conn, fastPolicyName, isTieringPolicySupported, tierPolicyServiceInstanceName, storageSystemName, storageGroupInstanceName, extraSpecs): """Remove the storage group from the policy rule. :param conn: the ecom connection :param fastPolicyName: the fast policy name :param isTieringPolicySupported: boolean :param tierPolicyServiceInstanceName: the tier policy instance name :param storageSystemName: storage system name :param storageGroupInstanceName: the storage group instance name :param extraSpecs: additional info """ # Disassociate storage group from FAST policy. if fastPolicyName is not None and isTieringPolicySupported is True: tierPolicyInstanceName = self.fast.get_tier_policy_by_name( conn, storageSystemName, fastPolicyName) LOG.debug( "Policy: %(policy)s, policy service:%(service)s, " "masking group: %(maskingGroup)s.", {'policy': tierPolicyInstanceName, 'service': tierPolicyServiceInstanceName, 'maskingGroup': storageGroupInstanceName}) self.fast.delete_storage_group_from_tier_policy_rule( conn, tierPolicyServiceInstanceName, storageGroupInstanceName, tierPolicyInstanceName, extraSpecs) def return_volume_to_default_storage_group_v3( self, conn, controllerConfigurationService, volumeInstance, volumeName, extraSpecs): """Return volume to the default storage group in v3. :param conn: the ecom connection :param controllerConfigurationService: controller config service :param volumeInstance: volumeInstance :param volumeName: the volume name :param extraSpecs: additional info :raises: VolumeBackendAPIException """ rep_enabled = self.utils.is_replication_enabled(extraSpecs) isCompressionDisabled = self.utils.is_compression_disabled(extraSpecs) storageGroupName = self.utils.get_v3_storage_group_name( extraSpecs[self.utils.POOL], extraSpecs[self.utils.SLO], extraSpecs[self.utils.WORKLOAD], isCompressionDisabled, rep_enabled) storageGroupInstanceName = self.utils.find_storage_masking_group( conn, controllerConfigurationService, storageGroupName) if not storageGroupInstanceName: storageGroupInstanceName = ( self.provisionv3.create_storage_group_v3( conn, controllerConfigurationService, storageGroupName, extraSpecs[self.utils.POOL], extraSpecs[self.utils.SLO], extraSpecs[self.utils.WORKLOAD], extraSpecs, isCompressionDisabled)) if not storageGroupInstanceName: errorMessage = (_("Failed to create storage group " "%(storageGroupName)s.") % {'storageGroupName': storageGroupName}) LOG.error(errorMessage) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=errorMessage) self._add_volume_to_sg_and_verify( conn, controllerConfigurationService, storageGroupInstanceName, volumeInstance, volumeName, storageGroupName, extraSpecs) def _cleanup_tiering( self, conn, controllerConfigService, fastPolicyName, volumeInstance, volumeName, extraSpecs): """Clean up tiering. :param conn: the ecom connection :param controllerConfigService: the controller configuration service :param fastPolicyName: the fast policy name :param volumeInstance: volume instance :param volumeName: the volume name :param extraSpecs: additional info """ defaultStorageGroupInstanceName = ( self.fast.get_policy_default_storage_group( conn, controllerConfigService, fastPolicyName)) volumeInstanceNames = self.get_devices_from_storage_group( conn, defaultStorageGroupInstanceName) LOG.debug( "Start: number of volumes in default storage group: %(numVol)d.", {'numVol': len(volumeInstanceNames)}) defaultStorageGroupInstanceName = ( self.fast.add_volume_to_default_storage_group_for_fast_policy( conn, controllerConfigService, volumeInstance, volumeName, fastPolicyName, extraSpecs)) # Check default storage group number of volumes. volumeInstanceNames = self.get_devices_from_storage_group( conn, defaultStorageGroupInstanceName) LOG.debug( "End: number of volumes in default storage group: %(numVol)d.", {'numVol': len(volumeInstanceNames)}) def get_target_wwns(self, conn, mvInstanceName): """Get the DA ports wwns. :param conn: the ecom connection :param mvInstanceName: masking view instance name :returns: list -- the list of target wwns for the masking view """ targetWwns = [] targetPortInstanceNames = conn.AssociatorNames( mvInstanceName, ResultClass='Symm_FCSCSIProtocolEndpoint') numberOfPorts = len(targetPortInstanceNames) if numberOfPorts <= 0: LOG.warning(_LW("No target ports found in " "masking view %(maskingView)s."), {'numPorts': len(targetPortInstanceNames), 'maskingView': mvInstanceName}) for targetPortInstanceName in targetPortInstanceNames: targetWwns.append(targetPortInstanceName['Name']) return targetWwns def get_masking_view_by_volume(self, conn, volumeInstance, connector): """Given volume, retrieve the masking view instance name. :param conn: the ecom connection :param volumeInstance: the volume instance :param connector: the connector object :returns: masking view instance name """ storageSystemName = volumeInstance['SystemName'] controllerConfigService = ( self.utils.find_controller_configuration_service( conn, storageSystemName)) volumeName = volumeInstance['ElementName'] mvInstanceName = ( self._get_sg_or_mv_associated_with_initiator( conn, controllerConfigService, volumeInstance.path, volumeName, connector, False)) return mvInstanceName def get_masking_views_by_port_group(self, conn, portGroupInstanceName): """Given port group, retrieve the masking view instance name. :param conn: the ecom connection :param portGroupInstanceName: the instance name of the port group :returns: masking view instance names """ mvInstanceNames = conn.AssociatorNames( portGroupInstanceName, ResultClass='Symm_LunMaskingView') return mvInstanceNames def get_masking_views_by_initiator_group( self, conn, initiatorGroupInstanceName): """Given initiator group, retrieve the masking view instance name. Retrieve the list of masking view instances associated with the initiator group instance name. :param conn: the ecom connection :param initiatorGroupInstanceName: the instance name of the initiator group :returns: list of masking view instance names """ mvInstanceNames = conn.AssociatorNames( initiatorGroupInstanceName, ResultClass='Symm_LunMaskingView') return mvInstanceNames def get_port_group_from_masking_view(self, conn, maskingViewInstanceName): """Get the port group in a masking view. :param conn: the ecom connection :param maskingViewInstanceName: masking view instance name :returns: portGroupInstanceName """ portGroupInstanceNames = conn.AssociatorNames( maskingViewInstanceName, ResultClass='SE_TargetMaskingGroup') if len(portGroupInstanceNames) > 0: LOG.debug("Found port group %(pg)s in masking view %(mv)s.", {'pg': portGroupInstanceNames[0], 'mv': maskingViewInstanceName}) return portGroupInstanceNames[0] else: LOG.warning(_LW("No port group found in masking view %(mv)s."), {'mv': maskingViewInstanceName}) def get_initiator_group_from_masking_view( self, conn, maskingViewInstanceName): """Get initiator group in a masking view. :param conn: the ecom connection :param maskingViewInstanceName: masking view instance name :returns: initiatorGroupInstanceName or None if it is not found """ initiatorGroupInstanceNames = conn.AssociatorNames( maskingViewInstanceName, ResultClass='SE_InitiatorMaskingGroup') if len(initiatorGroupInstanceNames) > 0: LOG.debug("Found initiator group %(ig)s in masking view %(mv)s.", {'ig': initiatorGroupInstanceNames[0], 'mv': maskingViewInstanceName}) return initiatorGroupInstanceNames[0] else: LOG.warning(_LW("No Initiator group found in masking view " "%(mv)s."), {'mv': maskingViewInstanceName}) def _get_sg_or_mv_associated_with_initiator( self, conn, controllerConfigService, volumeInstanceName, volumeName, connector, getSG=True): """Get storage group or masking view associated with connector. If the connector gets passed then extra logic required to get storage group. :param conn: the ecom connection :param controllerConfigService: storage system instance name :param volumeInstanceName: volume instance name :param volumeName: volume element name :param connector: the connector object :param getSG: True if to get storage group; otherwise get masking :returns: foundInstanceName(can be None) """ foundInstanceName = None initiatorNames = self._find_initiator_names(conn, connector) igInstanceNameFromConnector = self._find_initiator_masking_group( conn, controllerConfigService, initiatorNames) # Device can be shared by multi-SGs in a multi-host attach case. storageGroupInstanceNames = ( self.get_associated_masking_groups_from_device( conn, volumeInstanceName)) LOG.debug("Found storage groups volume " "%(volumeName)s is in: %(storageGroups)s", {'volumeName': volumeName, 'storageGroups': storageGroupInstanceNames}) if storageGroupInstanceNames: # not empty # Get the SG by IGs. for sgInstanceName in storageGroupInstanceNames: # Get maskingview from storage group. mvInstanceNames = self.get_masking_view_from_storage_group( conn, sgInstanceName) # Get initiator group from masking view. for mvInstanceName in mvInstanceNames: LOG.debug("Found masking view associated with SG " "%(storageGroup)s: %(maskingview)s", {'maskingview': mvInstanceName, 'storageGroup': sgInstanceName}) igInstanceName = ( self.get_initiator_group_from_masking_view( conn, mvInstanceName)) LOG.debug("Initiator Group in masking view %(ig)s: " "IG associated with connector " "%(igFromConnector)s.", {'ig': igInstanceName, 'igFromConnector': igInstanceNameFromConnector}) if igInstanceName == igInstanceNameFromConnector: if getSG is True: foundInstanceName = sgInstanceName LOG.debug("Found the storage group associated " "with initiator %(initiator)s: " "%(storageGroup)s", {'initiator': initiatorNames, 'storageGroup': foundInstanceName}) else: foundInstanceName = mvInstanceName LOG.debug("Found the masking view associated with " "initiator %(initiator)s: " "%(maskingview)s.", {'initiator': initiatorNames, 'maskingview': foundInstanceName}) break return foundInstanceName def _remove_last_vol_and_delete_sg(self, conn, controllerConfigService, storageGroupInstanceName, storageGroupName, volumeInstanceName, volumeName, extraSpecs): """Remove the last volume and delete the storage group :param conn: the ecom connection :param controllerConfigService: controller config service :param storageGroupInstanceName: storage group instance name :param storageGroupName: storage group name :param volumeInstanceName: volume instance name :param volumeName: volume name :param extrSpecs: additional info """ self.provision.remove_device_from_storage_group( conn, controllerConfigService, storageGroupInstanceName, volumeInstanceName, volumeName, extraSpecs) LOG.debug( "Remove the last volume %(volumeName)s completed " "successfully.", {'volumeName': volumeName}) # Delete storage group. self.delete_storage_group(conn, controllerConfigService, storageGroupInstanceName, extraSpecs) def delete_storage_group(self, conn, controllerConfigService, storageGroupInstanceName, extraSpecs): """Delete a given storage group. :param conn: connection to the ecom server :param controllerConfigService: controller config service :param storageGroupInstanceName: the storage group instance :param extraSpecs: the extra specifications """ # Delete storage group. self._delete_storage_group(conn, controllerConfigService, storageGroupInstanceName, extraSpecs) storageGroupInstance = self.utils.get_existing_instance( conn, storageGroupInstanceName) if storageGroupInstance: exceptionMessage = ( _("Storage group %(storageGroupName)s " "was not deleted successfully") % {'storageGroupName': storageGroupInstanceName}) LOG.error(exceptionMessage) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException( data=exceptionMessage) else: LOG.debug("Storage Group successfully deleted.") def _delete_storage_group(self, conn, controllerConfigService, storageGroupInstanceName, extraSpecs): """Delete empty storage group :param conn: the ecom connection :param controllerConfigService: controller config service :param storageGroupInstanceName: storage group instance name :param extraSpecs: extra specifications """ rc, job = conn.InvokeMethod( 'DeleteGroup', controllerConfigService, MaskingGroup=storageGroupInstanceName, Force=True) if rc != 0: rc, errordesc = self.utils.wait_for_job_complete(conn, job, extraSpecs) if rc != 0: exceptionMessage = (_( "Error Deleting Group: %(storageGroupName)s. " "Return code: %(rc)lu. Error: %(error)s") % {'storageGroupName': storageGroupInstanceName, 'rc': rc, 'error': errordesc}) LOG.error(exceptionMessage) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException( data=exceptionMessage) def _delete_initiator_group(self, conn, controllerConfigService, initiatorGroupInstanceName, initiatorGroupName, extraSpecs): """Delete an initiatorGroup. :param conn - connection to the ecom server :param controllerConfigService - controller config service :param initiatorGroupInstanceName - the initiator group instance name :param initiatorGroupName - initiator group name :param extraSpecs: extra specifications """ rc, job = conn.InvokeMethod( 'DeleteGroup', controllerConfigService, MaskingGroup=initiatorGroupInstanceName, Force=True) if rc != 0: rc, errordesc = self.utils.wait_for_job_complete(conn, job, extraSpecs) if rc != 0: exceptionMessage = (_( "Error Deleting Initiator Group: %(initiatorGroupName)s. " "Return code: %(rc)lu. Error: %(error)s") % {'initiatorGroupName': initiatorGroupName, 'rc': rc, 'error': errordesc}) LOG.error(exceptionMessage) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException( data=exceptionMessage) else: LOG.debug("Initiator group %(initiatorGroupName)s " "is successfully deleted.", {'initiatorGroupName': initiatorGroupName}) else: LOG.debug("Initiator group %(initiatorGroupName)s " "is successfully deleted.", {'initiatorGroupName': initiatorGroupName}) def _delete_storage_hardware_id(self, conn, hardwareIdManagementService, hardwareIdPath): """Delete given initiator path Delete the initiator. Do not rise exception or failure if deletion fails due to any reasons. :param conn - connection to the ecom server :param hardwareIdManagementService - hardware id management service :param hardwareIdPath - The path of the initiator object """ ret = conn.InvokeMethod('DeleteStorageHardwareID', hardwareIdManagementService, HardwareID = hardwareIdPath) if ret == 0: LOG.debug("Deletion of initiator path %(hardwareIdPath)s " "is successful.", {'hardwareIdPath': hardwareIdPath}) else: LOG.warning(_LW("Deletion of initiator path %(hardwareIdPath)s " "is failed."), {'hardwareIdPath': hardwareIdPath}) def _delete_initiators_from_initiator_group(self, conn, controllerConfigService, initiatorGroupInstanceName, initiatorGroupName): """Delete initiators Delete all initiators associated with the initiator group instance. Cleanup whatever is possible. It will not return any failure or rise exception if deletion fails due to any reasons. :param conn - connection to the ecom server :param controllerConfigService - controller config service :param initiatorGroupInstanceName - the initiator group instance name """ storageHardwareIdInstanceNames = ( conn.AssociatorNames(initiatorGroupInstanceName, ResultClass='SE_StorageHardwareID')) if len(storageHardwareIdInstanceNames) == 0: LOG.debug("No initiators found in Initiator group " "%(initiatorGroupName)s.", {'initiatorGroupName': initiatorGroupName}) return storageSystemName = controllerConfigService['SystemName'] hardwareIdManagementService = ( self.utils.find_storage_hardwareid_service(conn, storageSystemName)) for storageHardwareIdInstanceName in storageHardwareIdInstanceNames: initiatorName = storageHardwareIdInstanceName['InstanceID'] hardwareIdPath = storageHardwareIdInstanceName LOG.debug("Initiator %(initiatorName)s " "will be deleted from the Initiator group " "%(initiatorGroupName)s. HardwareIdPath is " "%(hardwareIdPath)s.", {'initiatorName': initiatorName, 'initiatorGroupName': initiatorGroupName, 'hardwareIdPath': hardwareIdPath}) self._delete_storage_hardware_id(conn, hardwareIdManagementService, hardwareIdPath) def _last_volume_delete_initiator_group( self, conn, controllerConfigService, initiatorGroupInstanceName, extraSpecs, host=None): """Delete the initiator group. Delete the Initiator group if it has been created by the VMAX driver, and if there are no masking views associated with it. :param conn: the ecom connection :param controllerConfigService: controller config service :param igInstanceNames: initiator group instance name :param extraSpecs: extra specifications :param host: the short name of the host """ defaultInitiatorGroupName = None initiatorGroupInstance = conn.GetInstance(initiatorGroupInstanceName) initiatorGroupName = initiatorGroupInstance['ElementName'] protocol = self.utils.get_short_protocol_type(self.protocol) if host: defaultInitiatorGroupName = (( "OS-%(shortHostName)s-%(protocol)s-IG" % {'shortHostName': host, 'protocol': protocol})) if initiatorGroupName == defaultInitiatorGroupName: maskingViewInstanceNames = ( self.get_masking_views_by_initiator_group( conn, initiatorGroupInstanceName)) if len(maskingViewInstanceNames) == 0: LOG.debug( "Last volume associated with the initiator group - " "deleting the associated initiator group " "%(initiatorGroupName)s.", {'initiatorGroupName': initiatorGroupName}) self._delete_initiators_from_initiator_group( conn, controllerConfigService, initiatorGroupInstanceName, initiatorGroupName) self._delete_initiator_group(conn, controllerConfigService, initiatorGroupInstanceName, initiatorGroupName, extraSpecs) else: LOG.warning(_LW("Initiator group %(initiatorGroupName)s is " "associated with masking views and can't be " "deleted. Number of associated masking view " "is: %(nmv)d."), {'initiatorGroupName': initiatorGroupName, 'nmv': len(maskingViewInstanceNames)}) else: LOG.warning(_LW("Initiator group %(initiatorGroupName)s was " "not created by the VMAX driver so will " "not be deleted by the VMAX driver."), {'initiatorGroupName': initiatorGroupName}) def _create_hardware_ids( self, conn, initiatorNames, storageSystemName): """Create hardwareIds for initiator(s). :param conn: the connection to the ecom server :param initiatorNames: the list of initiator names :param storageSystemName: the storage system name :returns: list -- foundHardwareIDsInstanceNames """ foundHardwareIDsInstanceNames = [] hardwareIdManagementService = ( self.utils.find_storage_hardwareid_service( conn, storageSystemName)) for initiatorName in initiatorNames: hardwareIdInstanceName = ( self.utils.create_storage_hardwareId_instance_name( conn, hardwareIdManagementService, initiatorName)) LOG.debug( "Created hardwareId Instance: %(hardwareIdInstanceName)s.", {'hardwareIdInstanceName': hardwareIdInstanceName}) foundHardwareIDsInstanceNames.append(hardwareIdInstanceName) return foundHardwareIDsInstanceNames def _get_port_group_name_from_mv(self, conn, maskingViewName, storageSystemName): """Get the port group name from the masking view. :param conn: the connection to the ecom server :param maskingViewName: the masking view name :param storageSystemName: the storage system name :returns: String - port group name String - error message """ errorMessage = None portGroupName = None portGroupInstanceName = ( self._get_port_group_from_masking_view( conn, maskingViewName, storageSystemName)) if portGroupInstanceName is None: errorMessage = ("Cannot get port group from masking view: " "%(maskingViewName)s." % {'maskingViewName': maskingViewName}) LOG.error(errorMessage) else: try: portGroupInstance = ( conn.GetInstance(portGroupInstanceName)) portGroupName = ( portGroupInstance['ElementName']) except Exception: errorMessage = ("Cannot get port group name.") LOG.error(errorMessage) return portGroupName, errorMessage @coordination.synchronized('emc-sg-' '{storageGroupName}') def remove_device_from_storage_group( self, conn, controllerConfigService, storageGroupInstanceName, volumeInstance, volumeName, storageGroupName, extraSpecs): """Remove a device from a storage group. :param conn: the connection to the ecom server :param controllerConfigService: the controller config service :param storageGroupInstanceName: the sg instance :param volumeInstance: the volume instance :param extraSpecs: the extra specifications """ return self.provision.remove_device_from_storage_group( conn, controllerConfigService, storageGroupInstanceName, volumeInstance, volumeName, extraSpecs)