# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation # Copyright (c) 2013 Zelin.io # Copyright (C) 2015 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ SheepDog Volume Driver. """ import errno import eventlet import io import random import re from oslo_concurrency import processutils from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import excutils from oslo_utils import units from cinder import exception from cinder.i18n import _, _LE, _LW from cinder.image import image_utils from cinder import interface from cinder import utils from cinder.volume import driver LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) sheepdog_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('sheepdog_store_address', default='', help=('IP address of sheep daemon.')), cfg.PortOpt('sheepdog_store_port', default=7000, help=('Port of sheep daemon.')) ] CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.import_opt("image_conversion_dir", "cinder.image.image_utils") CONF.register_opts(sheepdog_opts) class SheepdogClient(object): """Sheepdog command executor.""" QEMU_SHEEPDOG_PREFIX = 'sheepdog:' DOG_RESP_CONNECTION_ERROR = 'failed to connect to' DOG_RESP_CLUSTER_RUNNING = 'Cluster status: running' DOG_RESP_CLUSTER_NOT_FORMATTED = ('Cluster status: ' 'Waiting for cluster to be formatted') DOG_RESP_CLUSTER_WAITING = ('Cluster status: ' 'Waiting for other nodes to join cluster') DOG_RESP_VDI_ALREADY_EXISTS = ': VDI exists already' DOG_RESP_VDI_NOT_FOUND = ': No VDI found' DOG_RESP_VDI_SHRINK_NOT_SUPPORT = 'Shrinking VDIs is not implemented' DOG_RESP_VDI_SIZE_TOO_LARGE = 'New VDI size is too large' DOG_RESP_SNAPSHOT_VDI_NOT_FOUND = ': No VDI found' DOG_RESP_SNAPSHOT_NOT_FOUND = ': Failed to find requested tag' DOG_RESP_SNAPSHOT_EXISTED = 'tag (%(snapname)s) is existed' QEMU_IMG_RESP_CONNECTION_ERROR = ('Failed to connect socket: ' 'Connection refused') QEMU_IMG_RESP_ALREADY_EXISTS = ': VDI exists already' QEMU_IMG_RESP_SNAPSHOT_NOT_FOUND = 'Failed to find the requested tag' QEMU_IMG_RESP_VDI_NOT_FOUND = 'No vdi found' QEMU_IMG_RESP_SIZE_TOO_LARGE = 'An image is too large.' def __init__(self, node_list, port): self.node_list = node_list self.port = port def get_addr(self): """Get a random node in sheepdog cluster.""" return self.node_list[random.randint(0, len(self.node_list) - 1)] def local_path(self, volume): """Return a sheepdog location path.""" return "sheepdog:%(addr)s:%(port)s:%(name)s" % { 'addr': self.get_addr(), 'port': self.port, 'name': volume['name']} def _run_dog(self, command, subcommand, *params): """Execute dog command wrapper.""" addr = self.get_addr() cmd = ('env', 'LC_ALL=C', 'LANG=C', 'dog', command, subcommand, '-a', addr, '-p', self.port) + params try: (_stdout, _stderr) = utils.execute(*cmd) if _stderr.startswith(self.DOG_RESP_CONNECTION_ERROR): # NOTE(tishizaki) # Dog command does not return error_code although # dog command cannot connect to sheep process. # That is a Sheepdog's bug. # To avoid a Sheepdog's bug, now we need to check stderr. # If Sheepdog has been fixed, this check logic is needed # by old Sheepdog users. reason = (_('Failed to connect to sheep daemon. ' 'addr: %(addr)s, port: %(port)s'), {'addr': addr, 'port': self.port}) raise exception.SheepdogError(reason=reason) return (_stdout, _stderr) except OSError as e: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: msg = _LE('Sheepdog is not installed. ' 'OSError: command is %s.') else: msg = _LE('OSError: command is %s.') LOG.error(msg, cmd) except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: _stderr = e.stderr if _stderr.startswith(self.DOG_RESP_CONNECTION_ERROR): reason = (_('Failed to connect to sheep daemon. ' 'addr: %(addr)s, port: %(port)s'), {'addr': addr, 'port': self.port}) raise exception.SheepdogError(reason=reason) raise exception.SheepdogCmdError( cmd=e.cmd, exit_code=e.exit_code, stdout=e.stdout.replace('\n', '\\n'), stderr=e.stderr.replace('\n', '\\n')) def _run_qemu_img(self, command, *params): """Executes qemu-img command wrapper.""" addr = self.get_addr() cmd = ['env', 'LC_ALL=C', 'LANG=C', 'qemu-img', command] for param in params: if param.startswith(self.QEMU_SHEEPDOG_PREFIX): # replace 'sheepdog:vdiname[:snapshotname]' to # 'sheepdog:addr:port:vdiname[:snapshotname]' param = param.replace(self.QEMU_SHEEPDOG_PREFIX, '%(prefix)s%(addr)s:%(port)s:' % {'prefix': self.QEMU_SHEEPDOG_PREFIX, 'addr': addr, 'port': self.port}, 1) cmd.append(param) try: return utils.execute(*cmd) except OSError as e: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: msg = _LE('Qemu-img is not installed. ' 'OSError: command is %(cmd)s.') else: msg = _LE('OSError: command is %(cmd)s.') LOG.error(msg, {'cmd': tuple(cmd)}) except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: _stderr = e.stderr if self.QEMU_IMG_RESP_CONNECTION_ERROR in _stderr: reason = (_('Failed to connect to sheep daemon. ' 'addr: %(addr)s, port: %(port)s'), {'addr': addr, 'port': self.port}) raise exception.SheepdogError(reason=reason) raise exception.SheepdogCmdError( cmd=e.cmd, exit_code=e.exit_code, stdout=e.stdout.replace('\n', '\\n'), stderr=e.stderr.replace('\n', '\\n')) def check_cluster_status(self): try: (_stdout, _stderr) = self._run_dog('cluster', 'info') except exception.SheepdogCmdError as e: cmd = e.kwargs['cmd'] with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error(_LE('Failed to check cluster status.' '(command: %s)'), cmd) if _stdout.startswith(self.DOG_RESP_CLUSTER_RUNNING): LOG.debug('Sheepdog cluster is running.') return reason = _('Invalid sheepdog cluster status.') if _stdout.startswith(self.DOG_RESP_CLUSTER_NOT_FORMATTED): reason = _('Cluster is not formatted. ' 'You should probably perform "dog cluster format".') elif _stdout.startswith(self.DOG_RESP_CLUSTER_WAITING): reason = _('Waiting for all nodes to join cluster. ' 'Ensure all sheep daemons are running.') raise exception.SheepdogError(reason=reason) def create(self, vdiname, size): try: self._run_dog('vdi', 'create', vdiname, '%sG' % size) except exception.SheepdogCmdError as e: _stderr = e.kwargs['stderr'] with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): if _stderr.rstrip('\\n').endswith( self.DOG_RESP_VDI_ALREADY_EXISTS): LOG.error(_LE('Volume already exists. %s'), vdiname) else: LOG.error(_LE('Failed to create volume. %s'), vdiname) def delete(self, vdiname): try: (_stdout, _stderr) = self._run_dog('vdi', 'delete', vdiname) if _stderr.rstrip().endswith(self.DOG_RESP_VDI_NOT_FOUND): LOG.warning(_LW('Volume not found. %s'), vdiname) except exception.SheepdogCmdError as e: _stderr = e.kwargs['stderr'] with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error(_LE('Failed to delete volume. %s'), vdiname) def create_snapshot(self, vdiname, snapname): try: self._run_dog('vdi', 'snapshot', '-s', snapname, vdiname) except exception.SheepdogCmdError as e: cmd = e.kwargs['cmd'] _stderr = e.kwargs['stderr'] with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): if _stderr.rstrip('\\n').endswith( self.DOG_RESP_SNAPSHOT_VDI_NOT_FOUND): LOG.error(_LE('Volume "%s" not found. Please check the ' 'results of "dog vdi list".'), vdiname) elif _stderr.rstrip('\\n').endswith( self.DOG_RESP_SNAPSHOT_EXISTED % {'snapname': snapname}): LOG.error(_LE('Snapshot "%s" already exists.'), snapname) else: LOG.error(_LE('Failed to create snapshot. (command: %s)'), cmd) def delete_snapshot(self, vdiname, snapname): try: (_stdout, _stderr) = self._run_dog('vdi', 'delete', '-s', snapname, vdiname) if _stderr.rstrip().endswith(self.DOG_RESP_SNAPSHOT_NOT_FOUND): LOG.warning(_LW('Snapshot "%s" not found.'), snapname) elif _stderr.rstrip().endswith(self.DOG_RESP_VDI_NOT_FOUND): LOG.warning(_LW('Volume "%s" not found.'), vdiname) except exception.SheepdogCmdError as e: cmd = e.kwargs['cmd'] _stderr = e.kwargs['stderr'] with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error(_LE('Failed to delete snapshot. (command: %s)'), cmd) def clone(self, src_vdiname, src_snapname, dst_vdiname, size): try: self._run_qemu_img('create', '-b', 'sheepdog:%(src_vdiname)s:%(src_snapname)s' % {'src_vdiname': src_vdiname, 'src_snapname': src_snapname}, 'sheepdog:%s' % dst_vdiname, '%sG' % size) except exception.SheepdogCmdError as e: cmd = e.kwargs['cmd'] _stderr = e.kwargs['stderr'] with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): if self.QEMU_IMG_RESP_ALREADY_EXISTS in _stderr: LOG.error(_LE('Clone volume "%s" already exists. ' 'Please check the results of "dog vdi list".'), dst_vdiname) elif self.QEMU_IMG_RESP_VDI_NOT_FOUND in _stderr: LOG.error(_LE('Src Volume "%s" not found. ' 'Please check the results of "dog vdi list".'), src_vdiname) elif self.QEMU_IMG_RESP_SNAPSHOT_NOT_FOUND in _stderr: LOG.error(_LE('Snapshot "%s" not found. ' 'Please check the results of "dog vdi list".'), src_snapname) elif self.QEMU_IMG_RESP_SIZE_TOO_LARGE in _stderr: LOG.error(_LE('Volume size "%sG" is too large.'), size) else: LOG.error(_LE('Failed to clone volume.(command: %s)'), cmd) def resize(self, vdiname, size): size = int(size) * units.Gi try: (_stdout, _stderr) = self._run_dog('vdi', 'resize', vdiname, size) except exception.SheepdogCmdError as e: _stderr = e.kwargs['stderr'] with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): if _stderr.rstrip('\\n').endswith( self.DOG_RESP_VDI_NOT_FOUND): LOG.error(_LE('Failed to resize vdi. vdi not found. %s'), vdiname) elif _stderr.startswith(self.DOG_RESP_VDI_SHRINK_NOT_SUPPORT): LOG.error(_LE('Failed to resize vdi. ' 'Shrinking vdi not supported. ' 'vdi: %(vdiname)s new size: %(size)s'), {'vdiname': vdiname, 'size': size}) elif _stderr.startswith(self.DOG_RESP_VDI_SIZE_TOO_LARGE): LOG.error(_LE('Failed to resize vdi. ' 'Too large volume size. ' 'vdi: %(vdiname)s new size: %(size)s'), {'vdiname': vdiname, 'size': size}) else: LOG.error(_LE('Failed to resize vdi. ' 'vdi: %(vdiname)s new size: %(size)s'), {'vdiname': vdiname, 'size': size}) def get_volume_stats(self): try: (_stdout, _stderr) = self._run_dog('node', 'info', '-r') except exception.SheepdogCmdError as e: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error(_LE('Failed to get volume status. %s'), e) return _stdout def get_vdi_info(self, vdiname): # Get info of the specified vdi. try: (_stdout, _stderr) = self._run_dog('vdi', 'list', vdiname, '-r') except exception.SheepdogCmdError as e: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error(_LE('Failed to get vdi info. %s'), e) return _stdout def update_node_list(self): try: (_stdout, _stderr) = self._run_dog('node', 'list', '-r') except exception.SheepdogCmdError as e: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error(_LE('Failed to get node list. %s'), e) node_list = [] stdout = _stdout.strip('\n') for line in stdout.split('\n'): node_list.append(line.split()[1].split(':')[0]) self.node_list = node_list class SheepdogIOWrapper(io.RawIOBase): """File-like object with Sheepdog backend.""" def __init__(self, addr, port, volume, snapshot_name=None): self._addr = addr self._port = port self._vdiname = volume['name'] self._snapshot_name = snapshot_name self._offset = 0 # SheepdogIOWrapper instance becomes invalid if a write error occurs. self._valid = True def _execute(self, cmd, data=None): try: # NOTE(yamada-h): processutils.execute causes busy waiting # under eventlet. # To avoid wasting CPU resources, it should not be used for # the command which takes long time to execute. # For workaround, we replace a subprocess module with # the original one while only executing a read/write command. _processutils_subprocess = processutils.subprocess processutils.subprocess = eventlet.patcher.original('subprocess') return processutils.execute(*cmd, process_input=data)[0] except (processutils.ProcessExecutionError, OSError): self._valid = False msg = _('Sheepdog I/O Error, command was: "%s".') % ' '.join(cmd) raise exception.VolumeDriverException(message=msg) finally: processutils.subprocess = _processutils_subprocess def read(self, length=None): if not self._valid: msg = _('An error occurred while reading volume "%s".' ) % self._vdiname raise exception.VolumeDriverException(message=msg) cmd = ['dog', 'vdi', 'read', '-a', self._addr, '-p', self._port] if self._snapshot_name: cmd.extend(('-s', self._snapshot_name)) cmd.extend((self._vdiname, self._offset)) if length: cmd.append(length) data = self._execute(cmd) self._offset += len(data) return data def write(self, data): if not self._valid: msg = _('An error occurred while writing to volume "%s".' ) % self._vdiname raise exception.VolumeDriverException(message=msg) length = len(data) cmd = ('dog', 'vdi', 'write', '-a', self._addr, '-p', self._port, self._vdiname, self._offset, length) self._execute(cmd, data) self._offset += length return length def seek(self, offset, whence=0): if not self._valid: msg = _('An error occurred while seeking for volume "%s".' ) % self._vdiname raise exception.VolumeDriverException(message=msg) if whence == 0: # SEEK_SET or 0 - start of the stream (the default); # offset should be zero or positive new_offset = offset elif whence == 1: # SEEK_CUR or 1 - current stream position; offset may be negative new_offset = self._offset + offset else: # SEEK_END or 2 - end of the stream; offset is usually negative # TODO(yamada-h): Support SEEK_END raise IOError(_("Invalid argument - whence=%s not supported.") % whence) if new_offset < 0: raise IOError(_("Invalid argument - negative seek offset.")) self._offset = new_offset def tell(self): return self._offset def flush(self): pass def fileno(self): """Sheepdog does not have support for fileno so we raise IOError. Raising IOError is recommended way to notify caller that interface is not supported - see http://docs.python.org/2/library/io.html#io.IOBase """ raise IOError(_("fileno is not supported by SheepdogIOWrapper")) @interface.volumedriver class SheepdogDriver(driver.VolumeDriver): """Executes commands relating to Sheepdog Volumes.""" VERSION = "1.0.0" # ThirdPartySystems wiki page CI_WIKI_NAME = "Cinder_Jenkins" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SheepdogDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.configuration.append_config_values(sheepdog_opts) addr = self.configuration.sheepdog_store_address self.port = self.configuration.sheepdog_store_port self.stats_pattern = re.compile(r'[\w\s%]*Total\s(\d+)\s(\d+)*') self._stats = {} self.node_list = [addr] self.client = SheepdogClient(self.node_list, self.port) def check_for_setup_error(self): """Check cluster status and update node list.""" self.client.check_cluster_status() self.client.update_node_list() def _is_cloneable(self, image_location, image_meta): """Check the image can be clone or not.""" if image_location is None: return False prefix = 'sheepdog://' if not image_location.startswith(prefix): LOG.debug("Image is not stored in sheepdog.") return False if image_meta['disk_format'] != 'raw': LOG.debug("Image clone requires image format to be " "'raw' but image %s(%s) is '%s'.", image_location, image_meta['id'], image_meta['disk_format']) return False # check whether volume is stored in sheepdog # The image location would be like # "sheepdog://" (ip, port, name) = image_location[len(prefix):].split(":", 2) stdout = self.client.get_vdi_info(name) # Dog command return 0 and has a null output if the volume not exists if stdout: return True else: LOG.debug("Can not find vdi %(image)s, is not cloneable", {'image': name}) return False def clone_image(self, context, volume, image_location, image_meta, image_service): """Create a volume efficiently from an existing image.""" image_location = image_location[0] if image_location else None if not self._is_cloneable(image_location, image_meta): return {}, False volume_ref = {'name': image_meta['id'], 'size': image_meta['size']} self.create_cloned_volume(volume, volume_ref) self.client.resize(volume.name, volume.size) vol_path = self.client.local_path(volume) return {'provider_location': vol_path}, True def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref): """Clone a sheepdog volume from another volume.""" snapshot_name = src_vref['name'] + '-temp-snapshot' snapshot = { 'name': snapshot_name, 'volume_name': src_vref['name'], 'volume_size': src_vref['size'], } self.client.create_snapshot(snapshot['volume_name'], snapshot_name) try: self.client.clone(snapshot['volume_name'], snapshot_name, volume.name, volume.size) except Exception: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error(_LE('Failed to create cloned volume %s.'), volume.name) finally: # Delete temp Snapshot self.client.delete_snapshot(snapshot['volume_name'], snapshot_name) def create_volume(self, volume): """Create a sheepdog volume.""" self.client.create(volume.name, volume.size) def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot): """Create a sheepdog volume from a snapshot.""" self.client.clone(snapshot.volume_name, snapshot.name, volume.name, volume.size) def delete_volume(self, volume): """Delete a logical volume.""" self.client.delete(volume.name) def copy_image_to_volume(self, context, volume, image_service, image_id): with image_utils.temporary_file() as tmp: # (wenhao): we don't need to convert to raw for sheepdog. image_utils.fetch_verify_image(context, image_service, image_id, tmp) # remove the image created by import before this function. # see volume/drivers/manager.py:_create_volume self.client.delete(volume.name) # convert and store into sheepdog image_utils.convert_image(tmp, self.client.local_path(volume), 'raw') self.client.resize(volume.name, volume.size) def copy_volume_to_image(self, context, volume, image_service, image_meta): """Copy the volume to the specified image.""" image_id = image_meta['id'] with image_utils.temporary_file() as tmp: # image_utils.convert_image doesn't support "sheepdog:" source, # so we use the qemu-img directly. # Sheepdog volume is always raw-formatted. cmd = ('qemu-img', 'convert', '-f', 'raw', '-t', 'none', '-O', 'raw', self.client.local_path(volume), tmp) self._try_execute(*cmd) with open(tmp, 'rb') as image_file: image_service.update(context, image_id, {}, image_file) def create_snapshot(self, snapshot): """Create a sheepdog snapshot.""" self.client.create_snapshot(snapshot.volume_name, snapshot.name) def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot): """Delete a sheepdog snapshot.""" self.client.delete_snapshot(snapshot.volume_name, snapshot.name) def ensure_export(self, context, volume): """Safely and synchronously recreate an export for a logical volume.""" pass def create_export(self, context, volume, connector): """Export a volume.""" pass def remove_export(self, context, volume): """Remove an export for a logical volume.""" pass def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector): return { 'driver_volume_type': 'sheepdog', 'data': { 'name': volume['name'], 'hosts': [self.client.get_addr()], 'ports': ["%d" % self.port], } } def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector, **kwargs): pass def _update_volume_stats(self): stats = {} backend_name = "sheepdog" if self.configuration: backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name') stats["volume_backend_name"] = backend_name or 'sheepdog' stats['vendor_name'] = 'Open Source' stats['driver_version'] = self.VERSION stats['storage_protocol'] = 'sheepdog' stats['total_capacity_gb'] = 'unknown' stats['free_capacity_gb'] = 'unknown' stats['reserved_percentage'] = 0 stats['QoS_support'] = False stdout = self.client.get_volume_stats() m = self.stats_pattern.match(stdout) total = float(m.group(1)) used = float(m.group(2)) stats['total_capacity_gb'] = total / units.Gi stats['free_capacity_gb'] = (total - used) / units.Gi self._stats = stats def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False): if refresh: self._update_volume_stats() return self._stats def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size): """Extend an Existing Volume.""" self.client.resize(volume.name, new_size) LOG.debug('Extend volume from %(old_size)s GB to %(new_size)s GB.', {'old_size': volume.size, 'new_size': new_size}) def backup_volume(self, context, backup, backup_service): """Create a new backup from an existing volume.""" src_volume = self.db.volume_get(context, backup.volume_id) temp_snapshot_name = 'tmp-snap-%s' % src_volume.name # NOTE(tishizaki): If previous backup_volume operation has failed, # a temporary snapshot for previous operation may exist. # So, the old snapshot must be deleted before backup_volume. # Sheepdog 0.9 or later 'delete_snapshot' operation # is done successfully, although target snapshot does not exist. # However, sheepdog 0.8 or before 'delete_snapshot' operation # is failed, and raise ProcessExecutionError when target snapshot # does not exist. try: self.client.delete_snapshot(src_volume.name, temp_snapshot_name) except (exception.SheepdogCmdError): pass try: self.client.create_snapshot(src_volume.name, temp_snapshot_name) except (exception.SheepdogCmdError, OSError): msg = (_('Failed to create a temporary snapshot for volume %s.') % src_volume.id) LOG.exception(msg) raise exception.SheepdogError(reason=msg) try: sheepdog_fd = SheepdogIOWrapper(self.client.get_addr(), self.port, src_volume, temp_snapshot_name) backup_service.backup(backup, sheepdog_fd) finally: self.client.delete_snapshot(src_volume.name, temp_snapshot_name) def restore_backup(self, context, backup, volume, backup_service): """Restore an existing backup to a new or existing volume.""" sheepdog_fd = SheepdogIOWrapper(self.client.get_addr(), self.port, volume) backup_service.restore(backup, volume['id'], sheepdog_fd)