# Copyright (c) 2012 OpenStack Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Volume-related Utilities and helpers.""" import ast import functools import math import operator import re import time import uuid from Crypto.Random import random import eventlet from eventlet import tpool from oslo_concurrency import processutils from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import strutils from oslo_utils import timeutils from oslo_utils import units import six from six.moves import range from cinder.brick.local_dev import lvm as brick_lvm from cinder import context from cinder import db from cinder import exception from cinder.i18n import _, _LI, _LW, _LE from cinder import objects from cinder import rpc from cinder import utils from cinder.volume import throttling CONF = cfg.CONF LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def null_safe_str(s): return str(s) if s else '' def _usage_from_volume(context, volume_ref, **kw): now = timeutils.utcnow() launched_at = volume_ref['launched_at'] or now created_at = volume_ref['created_at'] or now usage_info = dict( tenant_id=volume_ref['project_id'], host=volume_ref['host'], user_id=volume_ref['user_id'], availability_zone=volume_ref['availability_zone'], volume_id=volume_ref['id'], volume_type=volume_ref['volume_type_id'], display_name=volume_ref['display_name'], launched_at=launched_at.isoformat(), created_at=created_at.isoformat(), status=volume_ref['status'], snapshot_id=volume_ref['snapshot_id'], size=volume_ref['size'], replication_status=volume_ref['replication_status'], replication_extended_status=volume_ref['replication_extended_status'], replication_driver_data=volume_ref['replication_driver_data'], metadata=volume_ref.get('volume_metadata'),) usage_info.update(kw) try: attachments = db.volume_attachment_get_all_by_volume_id( context, volume_ref['id']) usage_info['volume_attachment'] = attachments glance_meta = db.volume_glance_metadata_get(context, volume_ref['id']) if glance_meta: usage_info['glance_metadata'] = glance_meta except exception.GlanceMetadataNotFound: pass except exception.VolumeNotFound: LOG.debug("Can not find volume %s at notify usage", volume_ref['id']) return usage_info def _usage_from_backup(backup, **kw): num_dependent_backups = backup.num_dependent_backups usage_info = dict(tenant_id=backup.project_id, user_id=backup.user_id, availability_zone=backup.availability_zone, backup_id=backup.id, host=backup.host, display_name=backup.display_name, created_at=str(backup.created_at), status=backup.status, volume_id=backup.volume_id, size=backup.size, service_metadata=backup.service_metadata, service=backup.service, fail_reason=backup.fail_reason, parent_id=backup.parent_id, num_dependent_backups=num_dependent_backups, snapshot_id=backup.snapshot_id, ) usage_info.update(kw) return usage_info def notify_about_volume_usage(context, volume, event_suffix, extra_usage_info=None, host=None): if not host: host = CONF.host if not extra_usage_info: extra_usage_info = {} usage_info = _usage_from_volume(context, volume, **extra_usage_info) rpc.get_notifier("volume", host).info(context, 'volume.%s' % event_suffix, usage_info) def notify_about_backup_usage(context, backup, event_suffix, extra_usage_info=None, host=None): if not host: host = CONF.host if not extra_usage_info: extra_usage_info = {} usage_info = _usage_from_backup(backup, **extra_usage_info) rpc.get_notifier("backup", host).info(context, 'backup.%s' % event_suffix, usage_info) def _usage_from_snapshot(snapshot, **extra_usage_info): usage_info = { 'tenant_id': snapshot.project_id, 'user_id': snapshot.user_id, 'availability_zone': snapshot.volume['availability_zone'], 'volume_id': snapshot.volume_id, 'volume_size': snapshot.volume_size, 'snapshot_id': snapshot.id, 'display_name': snapshot.display_name, 'created_at': str(snapshot.created_at), 'status': snapshot.status, 'deleted': null_safe_str(snapshot.deleted), 'metadata': null_safe_str(snapshot.metadata), } usage_info.update(extra_usage_info) return usage_info def notify_about_snapshot_usage(context, snapshot, event_suffix, extra_usage_info=None, host=None): if not host: host = CONF.host if not extra_usage_info: extra_usage_info = {} usage_info = _usage_from_snapshot(snapshot, **extra_usage_info) rpc.get_notifier('snapshot', host).info(context, 'snapshot.%s' % event_suffix, usage_info) def notify_about_replication_usage(context, volume, suffix, extra_usage_info=None, host=None): if not host: host = CONF.host if not extra_usage_info: extra_usage_info = {} usage_info = _usage_from_volume(context, volume, **extra_usage_info) rpc.get_notifier('replication', host).info(context, 'replication.%s' % suffix, usage_info) def notify_about_replication_error(context, volume, suffix, extra_error_info=None, host=None): if not host: host = CONF.host if not extra_error_info: extra_error_info = {} usage_info = _usage_from_volume(context, volume, **extra_error_info) rpc.get_notifier('replication', host).error(context, 'replication.%s' % suffix, usage_info) def _usage_from_consistencygroup(group_ref, **kw): usage_info = dict(tenant_id=group_ref.project_id, user_id=group_ref.user_id, availability_zone=group_ref.availability_zone, consistencygroup_id=group_ref.id, name=group_ref.name, created_at=group_ref.created_at.isoformat(), status=group_ref.status) usage_info.update(kw) return usage_info def notify_about_consistencygroup_usage(context, group, event_suffix, extra_usage_info=None, host=None): if not host: host = CONF.host if not extra_usage_info: extra_usage_info = {} usage_info = _usage_from_consistencygroup(group, **extra_usage_info) rpc.get_notifier("consistencygroup", host).info( context, 'consistencygroup.%s' % event_suffix, usage_info) def _usage_from_group(group_ref, **kw): usage_info = dict(tenant_id=group_ref.project_id, user_id=group_ref.user_id, availability_zone=group_ref.availability_zone, group_id=group_ref.id, name=group_ref.name, created_at=group_ref.created_at.isoformat(), status=group_ref.status) usage_info.update(kw) return usage_info def notify_about_group_usage(context, group, event_suffix, extra_usage_info=None, host=None): if not host: host = CONF.host if not extra_usage_info: extra_usage_info = {} usage_info = _usage_from_group(group, **extra_usage_info) rpc.get_notifier("group", host).info( context, 'group.%s' % event_suffix, usage_info) def _usage_from_cgsnapshot(cgsnapshot, **kw): usage_info = dict( tenant_id=cgsnapshot.project_id, user_id=cgsnapshot.user_id, cgsnapshot_id=cgsnapshot.id, name=cgsnapshot.name, consistencygroup_id=cgsnapshot.consistencygroup_id, created_at=cgsnapshot.created_at.isoformat(), status=cgsnapshot.status) usage_info.update(kw) return usage_info def notify_about_cgsnapshot_usage(context, cgsnapshot, event_suffix, extra_usage_info=None, host=None): if not host: host = CONF.host if not extra_usage_info: extra_usage_info = {} usage_info = _usage_from_cgsnapshot(cgsnapshot, **extra_usage_info) rpc.get_notifier("cgsnapshot", host).info( context, 'cgsnapshot.%s' % event_suffix, usage_info) def _calculate_count(size_in_m, blocksize): # Check if volume_dd_blocksize is valid try: # Rule out zero-sized/negative/float dd blocksize which # cannot be caught by strutils if blocksize.startswith(('-', '0')) or '.' in blocksize: raise ValueError bs = strutils.string_to_bytes('%sB' % blocksize) except ValueError: LOG.warning(_LW("Incorrect value error: %(blocksize)s, " "it may indicate that \'volume_dd_blocksize\' " "was configured incorrectly. Fall back to default."), {'blocksize': blocksize}) # Fall back to default blocksize CONF.clear_override('volume_dd_blocksize') blocksize = CONF.volume_dd_blocksize bs = strutils.string_to_bytes('%sB' % blocksize) count = math.ceil(size_in_m * units.Mi / bs) return blocksize, int(count) def check_for_odirect_support(src, dest, flag='oflag=direct'): # Check whether O_DIRECT is supported try: # iflag=direct and if=/dev/zero combination does not work # error: dd: failed to open '/dev/zero': Invalid argument if (src == '/dev/zero' and flag == 'iflag=direct'): return False else: utils.execute('dd', 'count=0', 'if=%s' % src, 'of=%s' % dest, flag, run_as_root=True) return True except processutils.ProcessExecutionError: return False def _copy_volume_with_path(prefix, srcstr, deststr, size_in_m, blocksize, sync=False, execute=utils.execute, ionice=None, sparse=False): cmd = prefix[:] if ionice: cmd.extend(('ionice', ionice)) blocksize, count = _calculate_count(size_in_m, blocksize) cmd.extend(('dd', 'if=%s' % srcstr, 'of=%s' % deststr, 'count=%d' % count, 'bs=%s' % blocksize)) # Use O_DIRECT to avoid thrashing the system buffer cache odirect = False if check_for_odirect_support(srcstr, deststr, 'iflag=direct'): cmd.append('iflag=direct') odirect = True if check_for_odirect_support(srcstr, deststr, 'oflag=direct'): cmd.append('oflag=direct') odirect = True # If the volume is being unprovisioned then # request the data is persisted before returning, # so that it's not discarded from the cache. conv = [] if sync and not odirect: conv.append('fdatasync') if sparse: conv.append('sparse') if conv: conv_options = 'conv=' + ",".join(conv) cmd.append(conv_options) # Perform the copy start_time = timeutils.utcnow() execute(*cmd, run_as_root=True) duration = timeutils.delta_seconds(start_time, timeutils.utcnow()) # NOTE(jdg): use a default of 1, mostly for unit test, but in # some incredible event this is 0 (cirros image?) don't barf if duration < 1: duration = 1 mbps = (size_in_m / duration) LOG.debug("Volume copy details: src %(src)s, dest %(dest)s, " "size %(sz).2f MB, duration %(duration).2f sec", {"src": srcstr, "dest": deststr, "sz": size_in_m, "duration": duration}) LOG.info(_LI("Volume copy %(size_in_m).2f MB at %(mbps).2f MB/s"), {'size_in_m': size_in_m, 'mbps': mbps}) def _open_volume_with_path(path, mode): try: with utils.temporary_chown(path): handle = open(path, mode) return handle except Exception: LOG.error(_LE("Failed to open volume from %(path)s."), {'path': path}) def _transfer_data(src, dest, length, chunk_size): """Transfer data between files (Python IO objects).""" chunks = int(math.ceil(length / chunk_size)) remaining_length = length LOG.debug("%(chunks)s chunks of %(bytes)s bytes to be transferred.", {'chunks': chunks, 'bytes': chunk_size}) for chunk in range(0, chunks): before = time.time() data = tpool.execute(src.read, min(chunk_size, remaining_length)) # If we have reached end of source, discard any extraneous bytes from # destination volume if trim is enabled and stop writing. if data == b'': break tpool.execute(dest.write, data) remaining_length -= len(data) delta = (time.time() - before) rate = (chunk_size / delta) / units.Ki LOG.debug("Transferred chunk %(chunk)s of %(chunks)s (%(rate)dK/s).", {'chunk': chunk + 1, 'chunks': chunks, 'rate': rate}) # yield to any other pending operations eventlet.sleep(0) tpool.execute(dest.flush) def _copy_volume_with_file(src, dest, size_in_m): src_handle = src if isinstance(src, six.string_types): src_handle = _open_volume_with_path(src, 'rb') dest_handle = dest if isinstance(dest, six.string_types): dest_handle = _open_volume_with_path(dest, 'wb') if not src_handle: raise exception.DeviceUnavailable( _("Failed to copy volume, source device unavailable.")) if not dest_handle: raise exception.DeviceUnavailable( _("Failed to copy volume, destination device unavailable.")) start_time = timeutils.utcnow() _transfer_data(src_handle, dest_handle, size_in_m * units.Mi, units.Mi * 4) duration = max(1, timeutils.delta_seconds(start_time, timeutils.utcnow())) if isinstance(src, six.string_types): src_handle.close() if isinstance(dest, six.string_types): dest_handle.close() mbps = (size_in_m / duration) LOG.info(_LI("Volume copy completed (%(size_in_m).2f MB at " "%(mbps).2f MB/s)."), {'size_in_m': size_in_m, 'mbps': mbps}) def copy_volume(src, dest, size_in_m, blocksize, sync=False, execute=utils.execute, ionice=None, throttle=None, sparse=False): """Copy data from the source volume to the destination volume. The parameters 'src' and 'dest' are both typically of type str, which represents the path to each volume on the filesystem. Connectors can optionally return a volume handle of type RawIOBase for volumes that are not available on the local filesystem for open/close operations. If either 'src' or 'dest' are not of type str, then they are assumed to be of type RawIOBase or any derivative that supports file operations such as read and write. In this case, the handles are treated as file handles instead of file paths and, at present moment, throttling is unavailable. """ if (isinstance(src, six.string_types) and isinstance(dest, six.string_types)): if not throttle: throttle = throttling.Throttle.get_default() with throttle.subcommand(src, dest) as throttle_cmd: _copy_volume_with_path(throttle_cmd['prefix'], src, dest, size_in_m, blocksize, sync=sync, execute=execute, ionice=ionice, sparse=sparse) else: _copy_volume_with_file(src, dest, size_in_m) def clear_volume(volume_size, volume_path, volume_clear=None, volume_clear_size=None, volume_clear_ionice=None, throttle=None): """Unprovision old volumes to prevent data leaking between users.""" if volume_clear is None: volume_clear = CONF.volume_clear if volume_clear_size is None: volume_clear_size = CONF.volume_clear_size if volume_clear_size == 0: volume_clear_size = volume_size if volume_clear_ionice is None: volume_clear_ionice = CONF.volume_clear_ionice LOG.info(_LI("Performing secure delete on volume: %s"), volume_path) # We pass sparse=False explicitly here so that zero blocks are not # skipped in order to clear the volume. if volume_clear == 'zero': return copy_volume('/dev/zero', volume_path, volume_clear_size, CONF.volume_dd_blocksize, sync=True, execute=utils.execute, ionice=volume_clear_ionice, throttle=throttle, sparse=False) elif volume_clear == 'shred': clear_cmd = ['shred', '-n3'] if volume_clear_size: clear_cmd.append('-s%dMiB' % volume_clear_size) else: raise exception.InvalidConfigurationValue( option='volume_clear', value=volume_clear) clear_cmd.append(volume_path) start_time = timeutils.utcnow() utils.execute(*clear_cmd, run_as_root=True) duration = timeutils.delta_seconds(start_time, timeutils.utcnow()) # NOTE(jdg): use a default of 1, mostly for unit test, but in # some incredible event this is 0 (cirros image?) don't barf if duration < 1: duration = 1 LOG.info(_LI('Elapsed time for clear volume: %.2f sec'), duration) def supports_thin_provisioning(): return brick_lvm.LVM.supports_thin_provisioning( utils.get_root_helper()) def get_all_physical_volumes(vg_name=None): return brick_lvm.LVM.get_all_physical_volumes( utils.get_root_helper(), vg_name) def get_all_volume_groups(vg_name=None): return brick_lvm.LVM.get_all_volume_groups( utils.get_root_helper(), vg_name) # Default symbols to use for passwords. Avoids visually confusing characters. # ~6 bits per symbol DEFAULT_PASSWORD_SYMBOLS = ('23456789', # Removed: 0,1 'ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ', # Removed: I, O 'abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz') # Removed: l def generate_password(length=16, symbolgroups=DEFAULT_PASSWORD_SYMBOLS): """Generate a random password from the supplied symbol groups. At least one symbol from each group will be included. Unpredictable results if length is less than the number of symbol groups. Believed to be reasonably secure (with a reasonable password length!) """ # NOTE(jerdfelt): Some password policies require at least one character # from each group of symbols, so start off with one random character # from each symbol group password = [random.choice(s) for s in symbolgroups] # If length < len(symbolgroups), the leading characters will only # be from the first length groups. Try our best to not be predictable # by shuffling and then truncating. random.shuffle(password) password = password[:length] length -= len(password) # then fill with random characters from all symbol groups symbols = ''.join(symbolgroups) password.extend([random.choice(symbols) for _i in range(length)]) # finally shuffle to ensure first x characters aren't from a # predictable group random.shuffle(password) return ''.join(password) def generate_username(length=20, symbolgroups=DEFAULT_PASSWORD_SYMBOLS): # Use the same implementation as the password generation. return generate_password(length, symbolgroups) DEFAULT_POOL_NAME = '_pool0' def extract_host(host, level='backend', default_pool_name=False): """Extract Host, Backend or Pool information from host string. :param host: String for host, which could include host@backend#pool info :param level: Indicate which level of information should be extracted from host string. Level can be 'host', 'backend' or 'pool', default value is 'backend' :param default_pool_name: this flag specify what to do if level == 'pool' and there is no 'pool' info encoded in host string. default_pool_name=True will return DEFAULT_POOL_NAME, otherwise we return None. Default value of this parameter is False. :return: expected level of information For example: host = 'HostA@BackendB#PoolC' ret = extract_host(host, 'host') # ret is 'HostA' ret = extract_host(host, 'backend') # ret is 'HostA@BackendB' ret = extract_host(host, 'pool') # ret is 'PoolC' host = 'HostX@BackendY' ret = extract_host(host, 'pool') # ret is None ret = extract_host(host, 'pool', True) # ret is '_pool0' """ if level == 'host': # make sure pool is not included hst = host.split('#')[0] return hst.split('@')[0] elif level == 'backend': return host.split('#')[0] elif level == 'pool': lst = host.split('#') if len(lst) == 2: return lst[1] elif default_pool_name is True: return DEFAULT_POOL_NAME else: return None def get_volume_rpc_host(host): if CONF.rpc_backend and CONF.rpc_backend == "zmq": # ZeroMQ RPC driver requires only the hostname. # So, return just that. return extract_host(host, 'host') return extract_host(host) def append_host(host, pool): """Encode pool into host info.""" if not host or not pool: return host new_host = "#".join([host, pool]) return new_host def matching_backend_name(src_volume_type, volume_type): if src_volume_type.get('volume_backend_name') and \ volume_type.get('volume_backend_name'): return src_volume_type.get('volume_backend_name') == \ volume_type.get('volume_backend_name') else: return False def hosts_are_equivalent(host_1, host_2): return extract_host(host_1) == extract_host(host_2) def read_proc_mounts(): """Read the /proc/mounts file. It's a dummy function but it eases the writing of unit tests as mocking __builtin__open() for a specific file only is not trivial. """ with open('/proc/mounts') as mounts: return mounts.readlines() def extract_id_from_volume_name(vol_name): regex = re.compile( CONF.volume_name_template.replace('%s', '(?P.+)')) match = regex.match(vol_name) return match.group('uuid') if match else None def check_already_managed_volume(vol_id): """Check cinder db for already managed volume. :param vol_id: volume id parameter :returns: bool -- return True, if db entry with specified volume id exists, otherwise return False """ try: return (vol_id and isinstance(vol_id, six.string_types) and uuid.UUID(vol_id, version=4) and objects.Volume.exists(context.get_admin_context(), vol_id)) except ValueError: return False def extract_id_from_snapshot_name(snap_name): """Return a snapshot's ID from its name on the backend.""" regex = re.compile( CONF.snapshot_name_template.replace('%s', '(?P.+)')) match = regex.match(snap_name) return match.group('uuid') if match else None def paginate_entries_list(entries, marker, limit, offset, sort_keys, sort_dirs): """Paginate a list of entries. :param entries: list of dictionaries :marker: The last element previously returned :limit: The maximum number of items to return :offset: The number of items to skip from the marker or from the first element. :sort_keys: A list of keys in the dictionaries to sort by :sort_dirs: A list of sort directions, where each is either 'asc' or 'dec' """ comparers = [(operator.itemgetter(key.strip()), multiplier) for (key, multiplier) in zip(sort_keys, sort_dirs)] def comparer(left, right): for fn, d in comparers: left_val = fn(left) right_val = fn(right) if isinstance(left_val, dict): left_val = sorted(left_val.values())[0] if isinstance(right_val, dict): right_val = sorted(right_val.values())[0] if left_val == right_val: continue if d == 'asc': return -1 if left_val < right_val else 1 else: return -1 if left_val > right_val else 1 else: return 0 sorted_entries = sorted(entries, key=functools.cmp_to_key(comparer)) start_index = 0 if offset is None: offset = 0 if marker: start_index = -1 for i, entry in enumerate(sorted_entries): if entry['reference'] == marker: start_index = i + 1 break if start_index < 0: msg = _('marker not found: %s') % marker raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg) range_end = start_index + limit return sorted_entries[start_index + offset:range_end + offset] def convert_config_string_to_dict(config_string): """Convert config file replication string to a dict. The only supported form is as follows: "{'key-1'='val-1' 'key-2'='val-2'...}" :param config_string: Properly formatted string to convert to dict. :response: dict of string values """ resultant_dict = {} try: st = config_string.replace("=", ":") st = st.replace(" ", ", ") resultant_dict = ast.literal_eval(st) except Exception: LOG.warning(_LW("Error encountered translating config_string: " "%(config_string)s to dict"), {'config_string': config_string}) return resultant_dict