# Copyright 2010 OpenStack Foundation # Copyright 2013 NTT corp. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Implementation of an image service that uses Glance as the backend""" from __future__ import absolute_import import copy import itertools import random import shutil import sys import time import glanceclient.exc from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_serialization import jsonutils from oslo_utils import timeutils import six from six.moves import range from six.moves import urllib from cinder import exception from cinder.i18n import _LE, _LW glance_opts = [ cfg.ListOpt('allowed_direct_url_schemes', default=[], help='A list of url schemes that can be downloaded directly ' 'via the direct_url. Currently supported schemes: ' '[file].'), ] glance_core_properties = [ cfg.ListOpt('glance_core_properties', default=['checksum', 'container_format', 'disk_format', 'image_name', 'image_id', 'min_disk', 'min_ram', 'name', 'size'], help='Default core properties of image') ] CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.register_opts(glance_opts) CONF.register_opts(glance_core_properties) CONF.import_opt('glance_api_version', 'cinder.common.config') LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _parse_image_ref(image_href): """Parse an image href into composite parts. :param image_href: href of an image :returns: a tuple of the form (image_id, netloc, use_ssl) :raises ValueError """ url = urllib.parse.urlparse(image_href) netloc = url.netloc image_id = url.path.split('/')[-1] use_ssl = (url.scheme == 'https') return (image_id, netloc, use_ssl) def _create_glance_client(context, netloc, use_ssl, version=None): """Instantiate a new glanceclient.Client object.""" if version is None: version = CONF.glance_api_version params = {} if use_ssl: scheme = 'https' # https specific params params['insecure'] = CONF.glance_api_insecure params['ssl_compression'] = CONF.glance_api_ssl_compression params['cacert'] = CONF.glance_ca_certificates_file else: scheme = 'http' if CONF.auth_strategy == 'keystone': params['token'] = context.auth_token if CONF.glance_request_timeout is not None: params['timeout'] = CONF.glance_request_timeout endpoint = '%s://%s' % (scheme, netloc) return glanceclient.Client(str(version), endpoint, **params) def get_api_servers(): """Return Iterable over shuffled api servers. Shuffle a list of CONF.glance_api_servers and return an iterator that will cycle through the list, looping around to the beginning if necessary. """ api_servers = [] for api_server in CONF.glance_api_servers: if '//' not in api_server: api_server = 'http://' + api_server url = urllib.parse.urlparse(api_server) netloc = url.netloc use_ssl = (url.scheme == 'https') api_servers.append((netloc, use_ssl)) random.shuffle(api_servers) return itertools.cycle(api_servers) class GlanceClientWrapper(object): """Glance client wrapper class that implements retries.""" def __init__(self, context=None, netloc=None, use_ssl=False, version=None): if netloc is not None: self.client = self._create_static_client(context, netloc, use_ssl, version) else: self.client = None self.api_servers = None self.version = version if CONF.glance_num_retries < 0: LOG.warning(_LW( "glance_num_retries shouldn't be a negative value. " "The number of retries will be set to 0 until this is" "corrected in the cinder.conf.")) CONF.set_override('glance_num_retries', 0) def _create_static_client(self, context, netloc, use_ssl, version): """Create a client that we'll use for every call.""" self.netloc = netloc self.use_ssl = use_ssl self.version = version return _create_glance_client(context, self.netloc, self.use_ssl, self.version) def _create_onetime_client(self, context, version): """Create a client that will be used for one call.""" if self.api_servers is None: self.api_servers = get_api_servers() self.netloc, self.use_ssl = next(self.api_servers) return _create_glance_client(context, self.netloc, self.use_ssl, version) def call(self, context, method, *args, **kwargs): """Call a glance client method. If we get a connection error, retry the request according to CONF.glance_num_retries. """ version = self.version if 'version' in kwargs: version = kwargs['version'] retry_excs = (glanceclient.exc.ServiceUnavailable, glanceclient.exc.InvalidEndpoint, glanceclient.exc.CommunicationError) num_attempts = 1 + CONF.glance_num_retries for attempt in range(1, num_attempts + 1): client = self.client or self._create_onetime_client(context, version) try: return getattr(client.images, method)(*args, **kwargs) except retry_excs as e: netloc = self.netloc extra = "retrying" error_msg = _LE("Error contacting glance server " "'%(netloc)s' for '%(method)s', " "%(extra)s.") if attempt == num_attempts: extra = 'done trying' LOG.exception(error_msg, {'netloc': netloc, 'method': method, 'extra': extra}) raise exception.GlanceConnectionFailed(reason=e) LOG.exception(error_msg, {'netloc': netloc, 'method': method, 'extra': extra}) time.sleep(1) class GlanceImageService(object): """Provides storage and retrieval of disk image objects within Glance.""" def __init__(self, client=None): self._client = client or GlanceClientWrapper() def detail(self, context, **kwargs): """Calls out to Glance for a list of detailed image information.""" params = self._extract_query_params(kwargs) try: images = self._client.call(context, 'list', **params) except Exception: _reraise_translated_exception() _images = [] for image in images: if self._is_image_available(context, image): _images.append(self._translate_from_glance(image)) return _images def _extract_query_params(self, params): _params = {} accepted_params = ('filters', 'marker', 'limit', 'sort_key', 'sort_dir') for param in accepted_params: if param in params: _params[param] = params.get(param) # ensure filters is a dict _params.setdefault('filters', {}) # NOTE(vish): don't filter out private images _params['filters'].setdefault('is_public', 'none') return _params def show(self, context, image_id): """Returns a dict with image data for the given opaque image id.""" try: image = self._client.call(context, 'get', image_id) except Exception: _reraise_translated_image_exception(image_id) if not self._is_image_available(context, image): raise exception.ImageNotFound(image_id=image_id) base_image_meta = self._translate_from_glance(image) return base_image_meta def get_location(self, context, image_id): """Returns a tuple of the direct url and locations representing the backend storage location, or (None, None) if these attributes are not shown by Glance. """ if CONF.glance_api_version == 1: # image location not available in v1 return (None, None) try: # direct_url is returned by v2 api client = GlanceClientWrapper(version=2) image_meta = client.call(context, 'get', image_id) except Exception: _reraise_translated_image_exception(image_id) if not self._is_image_available(context, image_meta): raise exception.ImageNotFound(image_id=image_id) # some glance stores like nfs only meta data # is stored and returned as locations. # so composite of two needs to be returned. return (getattr(image_meta, 'direct_url', None), getattr(image_meta, 'locations', None)) def download(self, context, image_id, data=None): """Calls out to Glance for data and writes data.""" if data and 'file' in CONF.allowed_direct_url_schemes: direct_url, locations = self.get_location(context, image_id) urls = [direct_url] + [loc.get('url') for loc in locations or []] for url in urls: if url is None: continue parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) if parsed_url.scheme == "file": # a system call to cp could have significant performance # advantages, however we do not have the path to files at # this point in the abstraction. with open(parsed_url.path, "r") as f: shutil.copyfileobj(f, data) return try: image_chunks = self._client.call(context, 'data', image_id) except Exception: _reraise_translated_image_exception(image_id) if not data: return image_chunks else: for chunk in image_chunks: data.write(chunk) def create(self, context, image_meta, data=None): """Store the image data and return the new image object.""" sent_service_image_meta = self._translate_to_glance(image_meta) if data: sent_service_image_meta['data'] = data recv_service_image_meta = self._client.call(context, 'create', **sent_service_image_meta) return self._translate_from_glance(recv_service_image_meta) def update(self, context, image_id, image_meta, data=None, purge_props=True): """Modify the given image with the new data.""" image_meta = self._translate_to_glance(image_meta) # NOTE(dosaboy): see comment in bug 1210467 if CONF.glance_api_version == 1: image_meta['purge_props'] = purge_props # NOTE(bcwaldon): id is not an editable field, but it is likely to be # passed in by calling code. Let's be nice and ignore it. image_meta.pop('id', None) if data: image_meta['data'] = data try: # NOTE(dosaboy): the v2 api separates update from upload if data and CONF.glance_api_version > 1: image_meta = self._client.call(context, 'upload', image_id, image_meta['data']) else: image_meta = self._client.call(context, 'update', image_id, **image_meta) except Exception: _reraise_translated_image_exception(image_id) else: return self._translate_from_glance(image_meta) def delete(self, context, image_id): """Delete the given image. :raises: ImageNotFound if the image does not exist. :raises: NotAuthorized if the user is not an owner. """ try: self._client.call(context, 'delete', image_id) except glanceclient.exc.NotFound: raise exception.ImageNotFound(image_id=image_id) return True @staticmethod def _translate_to_glance(image_meta): image_meta = _convert_to_string(image_meta) image_meta = _remove_read_only(image_meta) return image_meta @staticmethod def _translate_from_glance(image): image_meta = _extract_attributes(image) image_meta = _convert_timestamps_to_datetimes(image_meta) image_meta = _convert_from_string(image_meta) return image_meta @staticmethod def _is_image_available(context, image): """Check image availability. This check is needed in case Nova and Glance are deployed without authentication turned on. """ # The presence of an auth token implies this is an authenticated # request and we need not handle the noauth use-case. if hasattr(context, 'auth_token') and context.auth_token: return True if image.is_public or context.is_admin: return True properties = image.properties if context.project_id and ('owner_id' in properties): return str(properties['owner_id']) == str(context.project_id) if context.project_id and ('project_id' in properties): return str(properties['project_id']) == str(context.project_id) try: user_id = properties['user_id'] except KeyError: return False return str(user_id) == str(context.user_id) def _convert_timestamps_to_datetimes(image_meta): """Returns image with timestamp fields converted to datetime objects.""" for attr in ['created_at', 'updated_at', 'deleted_at']: if image_meta.get(attr): image_meta[attr] = timeutils.parse_isotime(image_meta[attr]) return image_meta # NOTE(bcwaldon): used to store non-string data in glance metadata def _json_loads(properties, attr): prop = properties[attr] if isinstance(prop, six.string_types): properties[attr] = jsonutils.loads(prop) def _json_dumps(properties, attr): prop = properties[attr] if not isinstance(prop, six.string_types): properties[attr] = jsonutils.dumps(prop) _CONVERT_PROPS = ('block_device_mapping', 'mappings') def _convert(method, metadata): metadata = copy.deepcopy(metadata) properties = metadata.get('properties') if properties: for attr in _CONVERT_PROPS: if attr in properties: method(properties, attr) return metadata def _convert_from_string(metadata): return _convert(_json_loads, metadata) def _convert_to_string(metadata): return _convert(_json_dumps, metadata) def _extract_attributes(image): # NOTE(hdd): If a key is not found, base.Resource.__getattr__() may perform # a get(), resulting in a useless request back to glance. This list is # therefore sorted, with dependent attributes as the end # 'deleted_at' depends on 'deleted' # 'checksum' depends on 'status' == 'active' IMAGE_ATTRIBUTES = ['size', 'disk_format', 'owner', 'container_format', 'status', 'id', 'name', 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'deleted', 'deleted_at', 'checksum', 'min_disk', 'min_ram', 'is_public'] output = {} for attr in IMAGE_ATTRIBUTES: if attr == 'deleted_at' and not output['deleted']: output[attr] = None elif attr == 'checksum' and output['status'] != 'active': output[attr] = None else: output[attr] = getattr(image, attr, None) output['properties'] = getattr(image, 'properties', {}) # NOTE(jbernard): Update image properties for API version 2. For UEC # images stored in glance, the necessary boot information is stored in the # properties dict in version 1 so there is nothing more to do. However, in # version 2 these are standalone fields in the GET response. This bit of # code moves them back into the properties dict as the caller expects, thus # producing a volume with correct metadata for booting. for attr in ('kernel_id', 'ramdisk_id'): value = getattr(image, attr, None) if value: output['properties'][attr] = value return output def _remove_read_only(image_meta): IMAGE_ATTRIBUTES = ['status', 'updated_at', 'created_at', 'deleted_at'] output = copy.deepcopy(image_meta) for attr in IMAGE_ATTRIBUTES: if attr in output: del output[attr] return output def _reraise_translated_image_exception(image_id): """Transform the exception for the image but keep its traceback intact.""" _exc_type, exc_value, exc_trace = sys.exc_info() new_exc = _translate_image_exception(image_id, exc_value) six.reraise(new_exc, None, exc_trace) def _reraise_translated_exception(): """Transform the exception but keep its traceback intact.""" _exc_type, exc_value, exc_trace = sys.exc_info() new_exc = _translate_plain_exception(exc_value) six.reraise(new_exc, None, exc_trace) def _translate_image_exception(image_id, exc_value): if isinstance(exc_value, (glanceclient.exc.Forbidden, glanceclient.exc.Unauthorized)): return exception.ImageNotAuthorized(image_id=image_id) if isinstance(exc_value, glanceclient.exc.NotFound): return exception.ImageNotFound(image_id=image_id) if isinstance(exc_value, glanceclient.exc.BadRequest): return exception.Invalid(exc_value) return exc_value def _translate_plain_exception(exc_value): if isinstance(exc_value, (glanceclient.exc.Forbidden, glanceclient.exc.Unauthorized)): return exception.NotAuthorized(exc_value) if isinstance(exc_value, glanceclient.exc.NotFound): return exception.NotFound(exc_value) if isinstance(exc_value, glanceclient.exc.BadRequest): return exception.Invalid(exc_value) return exc_value def get_remote_image_service(context, image_href): """Create an image_service and parse the id from the given image_href. The image_href param can be an href of the form 'http://example.com:9292/v1/images/b8b2c6f7-7345-4e2f-afa2-eedaba9cbbe3', or just an id such as 'b8b2c6f7-7345-4e2f-afa2-eedaba9cbbe3'. If the image_href is a standalone id, then the default image service is returned. :param image_href: href that describes the location of an image :returns: a tuple of the form (image_service, image_id) """ # NOTE(bcwaldon): If image_href doesn't look like a URI, assume its a # standalone image ID if '/' not in str(image_href): image_service = get_default_image_service() return image_service, image_href try: (image_id, glance_netloc, use_ssl) = _parse_image_ref(image_href) glance_client = GlanceClientWrapper(context=context, netloc=glance_netloc, use_ssl=use_ssl) except ValueError: raise exception.InvalidImageRef(image_href=image_href) image_service = GlanceImageService(client=glance_client) return image_service, image_id def get_default_image_service(): return GlanceImageService()