# Copyright 2011 OpenStack Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # import datetime import socket import sys import uuid from oslo_service import loopingcall from oslo_utils import timeutils import oslo_versionedobjects from cinder import context from cinder import db from cinder import exception from cinder import objects from cinder.objects import fields from cinder.tests.unit import fake_constants as fake def get_test_admin_context(): return context.get_admin_context() def create_volume(ctxt, host='test_host', display_name='test_volume', display_description='this is a test volume', status='available', migration_status=None, size=1, availability_zone='fake_az', volume_type_id=None, replication_status='disabled', replication_extended_status=None, replication_driver_data=None, consistencygroup_id=None, group_id=None, previous_status=None, testcase_instance=None, **kwargs): """Create a volume object in the DB.""" vol = {} vol['size'] = size vol['host'] = host vol['user_id'] = ctxt.user_id vol['project_id'] = ctxt.project_id vol['status'] = status if migration_status: vol['migration_status'] = migration_status vol['display_name'] = display_name vol['display_description'] = display_description vol['attach_status'] = 'detached' vol['availability_zone'] = availability_zone if consistencygroup_id: vol['consistencygroup_id'] = consistencygroup_id if group_id: vol['group_id'] = group_id if volume_type_id: vol['volume_type_id'] = volume_type_id for key in kwargs: vol[key] = kwargs[key] vol['replication_status'] = replication_status if replication_extended_status: vol['replication_extended_status'] = replication_extended_status if replication_driver_data: vol['replication_driver_data'] = replication_driver_data if previous_status: vol['previous_status'] = previous_status volume = objects.Volume(ctxt, **vol) volume.create() # If we get a TestCase instance we add cleanup if testcase_instance: testcase_instance.addCleanup(volume.destroy) return volume def attach_volume(ctxt, volume_id, instance_uuid, attached_host, mountpoint, mode='rw'): now = timeutils.utcnow() values = {} values['volume_id'] = volume_id values['attached_host'] = attached_host values['mountpoint'] = mountpoint values['attach_time'] = now attachment = db.volume_attach(ctxt, values) return db.volume_attached(ctxt, attachment['id'], instance_uuid, attached_host, mountpoint, mode) def create_snapshot(ctxt, volume_id, display_name='test_snapshot', display_description='this is a test snapshot', cgsnapshot_id = None, status=fields.SnapshotStatus.CREATING, testcase_instance=None, **kwargs): vol = db.volume_get(ctxt, volume_id) snap = objects.Snapshot(ctxt) snap.volume_id = volume_id snap.user_id = ctxt.user_id or fake.USER_ID snap.project_id = ctxt.project_id or fake.PROJECT_ID snap.status = status snap.volume_size = vol['size'] snap.display_name = display_name snap.display_description = display_description snap.cgsnapshot_id = cgsnapshot_id snap.create() # We do the update after creating the snapshot in case we want to set # deleted field snap.update(kwargs) snap.save() # If we get a TestCase instance we add cleanup if testcase_instance: testcase_instance.addCleanup(snap.destroy) return snap def create_consistencygroup(ctxt, host='test_host@fakedrv#fakepool', name='test_cg', description='this is a test cg', status=fields.ConsistencyGroupStatus.AVAILABLE, availability_zone='fake_az', volume_type_id=None, cgsnapshot_id=None, source_cgid=None, **kwargs): """Create a consistencygroup object in the DB.""" cg = objects.ConsistencyGroup(ctxt) cg.host = host cg.user_id = ctxt.user_id or fake.USER_ID cg.project_id = ctxt.project_id or fake.PROJECT_ID cg.status = status cg.name = name cg.description = description cg.availability_zone = availability_zone if volume_type_id: cg.volume_type_id = volume_type_id cg.cgsnapshot_id = cgsnapshot_id cg.source_cgid = source_cgid new_id = kwargs.pop('id', None) cg.update(kwargs) cg.create() if new_id and new_id != cg.id: db.consistencygroup_update(ctxt, cg.id, {'id': new_id}) cg = objects.ConsistencyGroup.get_by_id(ctxt, new_id) return cg def create_group(ctxt, host='test_host@fakedrv#fakepool', name='test_group', description='this is a test group', status=fields.GroupStatus.AVAILABLE, availability_zone='fake_az', group_type_id=None, volume_type_ids=None, **kwargs): """Create a group object in the DB.""" grp = objects.Group(ctxt) grp.host = host grp.user_id = ctxt.user_id or fake.USER_ID grp.project_id = ctxt.project_id or fake.PROJECT_ID grp.status = status grp.name = name grp.description = description grp.availability_zone = availability_zone if group_type_id: grp.group_type_id = group_type_id if volume_type_ids: grp.volume_type_ids = volume_type_ids new_id = kwargs.pop('id', None) grp.update(kwargs) grp.create() if new_id and new_id != grp.id: db.group_update(ctxt, grp.id, {'id': new_id}) grp = objects.Group.get_by_id(ctxt, new_id) return grp def create_cgsnapshot(ctxt, consistencygroup_id, name='test_cgsnapshot', description='this is a test cgsnapshot', status='creating', recursive_create_if_needed=True, return_vo=True, **kwargs): """Create a cgsnapshot object in the DB.""" values = { 'user_id': ctxt.user_id or fake.USER_ID, 'project_id': ctxt.project_id or fake.PROJECT_ID, 'status': status, 'name': name, 'description': description, 'consistencygroup_id': consistencygroup_id} values.update(kwargs) if recursive_create_if_needed and consistencygroup_id: create_cg = False try: objects.ConsistencyGroup.get_by_id(ctxt, consistencygroup_id) create_vol = not db.volume_get_all_by_group( ctxt, consistencygroup_id) except exception.ConsistencyGroupNotFound: create_cg = True create_vol = True if create_cg: create_consistencygroup(ctxt, id=consistencygroup_id) if create_vol: create_volume(ctxt, consistencygroup_id=consistencygroup_id) cgsnap = db.cgsnapshot_create(ctxt, values) if not return_vo: return cgsnap return objects.CGSnapshot.get_by_id(ctxt, cgsnap.id) def create_group_snapshot(ctxt, group_id, group_type_id=None, name='test_group_snapshot', description='this is a test group snapshot', status='creating', recursive_create_if_needed=True, return_vo=True, **kwargs): """Create a group snapshot object in the DB.""" values = { 'user_id': ctxt.user_id or fake.USER_ID, 'project_id': ctxt.project_id or fake.PROJECT_ID, 'status': status, 'name': name, 'description': description, 'group_id': group_id} values.update(kwargs) if recursive_create_if_needed and group_id: create_grp = False try: objects.Group.get_by_id(ctxt, group_id) create_vol = not db.volume_get_all_by_generic_group( ctxt, group_id) except exception.GroupNotFound: create_grp = True create_vol = True if create_grp: create_group(ctxt, id=group_id, group_type_id=group_type_id) if create_vol: create_volume(ctxt, group_id=group_id) if not return_vo: return db.group_snapshot_create(ctxt, values) else: group_snapshot = objects.GroupSnapshot(ctxt) new_id = values.pop('id', None) group_snapshot.update(values) group_snapshot.create() if new_id and new_id != group_snapshot.id: db.group_snapshot_update(ctxt, group_snapshot.id, {'id': new_id}) group_snapshot = objects.GroupSnapshot.get_by_id(ctxt, new_id) return group_snapshot def create_backup(ctxt, volume_id=fake.VOLUME_ID, display_name='test_backup', display_description='This is a test backup', status=fields.BackupStatus.CREATING, parent_id=None, temp_volume_id=None, temp_snapshot_id=None, snapshot_id=None, data_timestamp=None, **kwargs): """Create a backup object.""" values = { 'user_id': ctxt.user_id or fake.USER_ID, 'project_id': ctxt.project_id or fake.PROJECT_ID, 'volume_id': volume_id, 'status': status, 'display_name': display_name, 'display_description': display_description, 'container': 'fake', 'availability_zone': 'fake', 'service': 'fake', 'size': 5 * 1024 * 1024, 'object_count': 22, 'host': socket.gethostname(), 'parent_id': parent_id, 'temp_volume_id': temp_volume_id, 'temp_snapshot_id': temp_snapshot_id, 'snapshot_id': snapshot_id, 'data_timestamp': data_timestamp, } values.update(kwargs) backup = objects.Backup(ctxt, **values) backup.create() return backup def create_message(ctxt, project_id='fake_project', request_id='test_backup', resource_type='This is a test backup', resource_uuid='3asf434-3s433df43-434adf3-343df443', event_id=None, message_level='Error'): """Create a message in the DB.""" expires_at = (timeutils.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta( seconds=30)) message_record = {'project_id': project_id, 'request_id': request_id, 'resource_type': resource_type, 'resource_uuid': resource_uuid, 'event_id': event_id, 'message_level': message_level, 'expires_at': expires_at} return db.message_create(ctxt, message_record) def create_volume_type(ctxt, testcase_instance=None, **kwargs): vol_type = db.volume_type_create(ctxt, kwargs) # If we get a TestCase instance we add cleanup if testcase_instance: testcase_instance.addCleanup(db.volume_type_destroy, ctxt, vol_type.id) return vol_type def create_encryption(ctxt, vol_type_id, testcase_instance=None, **kwargs): encrypt = db.volume_type_encryption_create(ctxt, vol_type_id, kwargs) # If we get a TestCase instance we add cleanup if testcase_instance: testcase_instance.addCleanup(db.volume_type_encryption_delete, ctxt, vol_type_id) return encrypt def create_qos(ctxt, testcase_instance=None, **kwargs): qos = db.qos_specs_create(ctxt, kwargs) if testcase_instance: testcase_instance.addCleanup(db.qos_specs_delete, ctxt, qos['id']) return qos class ZeroIntervalLoopingCall(loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall): def start(self, interval, **kwargs): kwargs['initial_delay'] = 0 return super(ZeroIntervalLoopingCall, self).start(0, **kwargs) def replace_obj_loader(testcase, obj): def fake_obj_load_attr(self, name): # This will raise KeyError for non existing fields as expected field = self.fields[name] if field.default != oslo_versionedobjects.fields.UnspecifiedDefault: value = field.default elif field.nullable: value = None elif isinstance(field, oslo_versionedobjects.fields.StringField): value = '' elif isinstance(field, oslo_versionedobjects.fields.IntegerField): value = 1 elif isinstance(field, oslo_versionedobjects.fields.UUIDField): value = uuid.uuid4() setattr(self, name, value) testcase.addCleanup(setattr, obj, 'obj_load_attr', obj.obj_load_attr) obj.obj_load_attr = fake_obj_load_attr file_spec = None def get_file_spec(): """Return a Python 2 and 3 compatible version of a 'file' spec. This is to be used anywhere that you need to do something such as mock.MagicMock(spec=file) to mock out something with the file attributes. Due to the 'file' built-in method being removed in Python 3 we need to do some special handling for it. """ global file_spec # set on first use if file_spec is None: if sys.version_info[0] == 3: import _io file_spec = list(set(dir(_io.TextIOWrapper)).union( set(dir(_io.BytesIO)))) else: file_spec = file def generate_timeout_series(timeout): """Generate a series of times that exceeds the given timeout. Yields a series of fake time.time() floating point numbers such that the difference between each pair in the series just exceeds the timeout value that is passed in. Useful for mocking time.time() in methods that otherwise wait for timeout seconds. """ iteration = 0 while True: iteration += 1 yield (iteration * timeout) + iteration