# Copyright (c) 2013 eBay Inc. # Copyright (c) 2013 OpenStack Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """The QoS Specs Implementation""" from oslo_db import exception as db_exc from oslo_log import log as logging from cinder import context from cinder import db from cinder import exception from cinder.i18n import _, _LE, _LW from cinder.volume import volume_types LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONTROL_LOCATION = ['front-end', 'back-end', 'both'] def _verify_prepare_qos_specs(specs, create=True): """Check if 'consumer' value in qos specs is valid. Verify 'consumer' value in qos_specs is valid, raise exception if not. Assign default value to 'consumer', which is 'back-end' if input is empty. :params create a flag indicate if specs being verified is for create. If it's false, that means specs is for update, so that there's no need to add 'consumer' if that wasn't in specs. """ # Check control location, if it's missing in input, assign default # control location: 'front-end' if not specs: specs = {} # remove 'name' since we will handle that elsewhere. if specs.get('name', None): del specs['name'] try: if specs['consumer'] not in CONTROL_LOCATION: msg = _("Valid consumer of QoS specs are: %s") % CONTROL_LOCATION raise exception.InvalidQoSSpecs(reason=msg) except KeyError: # Default consumer is back-end, i.e Cinder volume service if create: specs['consumer'] = 'back-end' return specs def create(context, name, specs=None): """Creates qos_specs. :param specs dictionary that contains specifications for QoS e.g. {'consumer': 'front-end', 'total_iops_sec': 1000, 'total_bytes_sec': 1024000} """ _verify_prepare_qos_specs(specs) values = dict(name=name, qos_specs=specs) LOG.debug("Dict for qos_specs: %s", values) try: qos_specs_ref = db.qos_specs_create(context, values) except db_exc.DBDataError: msg = _('Error writing field to database') LOG.exception(msg) raise exception.Invalid(msg) except db_exc.DBError: LOG.exception(_LE('DB error:')) raise exception.QoSSpecsCreateFailed(name=name, qos_specs=specs) return qos_specs_ref def update(context, qos_specs_id, specs): """Update qos specs. :param specs: dictionary that contains key/value pairs for updating existing specs. e.g. {'consumer': 'front-end', 'total_iops_sec': 500, 'total_bytes_sec': 512000,} """ # need to verify specs in case 'consumer' is passed _verify_prepare_qos_specs(specs, create=False) LOG.debug('qos_specs.update(): specs %s' % specs) try: res = db.qos_specs_update(context, qos_specs_id, specs) except db_exc.DBError: LOG.exception(_LE('DB error:')) raise exception.QoSSpecsUpdateFailed(specs_id=qos_specs_id, qos_specs=specs) return res def delete(context, qos_specs_id, force=False): """Marks qos specs as deleted. 'force' parameter is a flag to determine whether should destroy should continue when there were entities associated with the qos specs. force=True indicates caller would like to mark qos specs as deleted even if there was entities associate with target qos specs. Trying to delete a qos specs still associated with entities will cause QoSSpecsInUse exception if force=False (default). """ if qos_specs_id is None: msg = _("id cannot be None") raise exception.InvalidQoSSpecs(reason=msg) # check if there is any entity associated with this qos specs res = db.qos_specs_associations_get(context, qos_specs_id) if res and not force: raise exception.QoSSpecsInUse(specs_id=qos_specs_id) elif res and force: # remove all association db.qos_specs_disassociate_all(context, qos_specs_id) db.qos_specs_delete(context, qos_specs_id) def delete_keys(context, qos_specs_id, keys): """Marks specified key of target qos specs as deleted.""" if qos_specs_id is None: msg = _("id cannot be None") raise exception.InvalidQoSSpecs(reason=msg) # make sure qos_specs_id is valid get_qos_specs(context, qos_specs_id) for key in keys: db.qos_specs_item_delete(context, qos_specs_id, key) def get_associations(context, specs_id): """Get all associations of given qos specs.""" try: # query returns a list of volume types associated with qos specs associates = db.qos_specs_associations_get(context, specs_id) except db_exc.DBError: LOG.exception(_LE('DB error:')) msg = _('Failed to get all associations of ' 'qos specs %s') % specs_id LOG.warning(msg) raise exception.CinderException(message=msg) result = [] for vol_type in associates: member = dict(association_type='volume_type') member.update(dict(name=vol_type['name'])) member.update(dict(id=vol_type['id'])) result.append(member) return result def associate_qos_with_type(context, specs_id, type_id): """Associate qos_specs with volume type. Associate target qos specs with specific volume type. :param specs_id: qos specs ID to associate with :param type_id: volume type ID to associate with :raises VolumeTypeNotFound: if volume type doesn't exist :raises QoSSpecsNotFound: if qos specs doesn't exist :raises InvalidVolumeType: if volume type is already associated with qos specs other than given one. :raises QoSSpecsAssociateFailed: if there was general DB error """ try: get_qos_specs(context, specs_id) res = volume_types.get_volume_type_qos_specs(type_id) if res.get('qos_specs', None): if res['qos_specs'].get('id') != specs_id: msg = (_("Type %(type_id)s is already associated with another " "qos specs: %(qos_specs_id)s") % {'type_id': type_id, 'qos_specs_id': res['qos_specs']['id']}) raise exception.InvalidVolumeType(reason=msg) else: db.qos_specs_associate(context, specs_id, type_id) except db_exc.DBError: LOG.exception(_LE('DB error:')) LOG.warning(_LW('Failed to associate qos specs ' '%(id)s with type: %(vol_type_id)s'), dict(id=specs_id, vol_type_id=type_id)) raise exception.QoSSpecsAssociateFailed(specs_id=specs_id, type_id=type_id) def disassociate_qos_specs(context, specs_id, type_id): """Disassociate qos_specs from volume type.""" try: get_qos_specs(context, specs_id) db.qos_specs_disassociate(context, specs_id, type_id) except db_exc.DBError: LOG.exception(_LE('DB error:')) LOG.warning(_LW('Failed to disassociate qos specs ' '%(id)s with type: %(vol_type_id)s'), dict(id=specs_id, vol_type_id=type_id)) raise exception.QoSSpecsDisassociateFailed(specs_id=specs_id, type_id=type_id) def disassociate_all(context, specs_id): """Disassociate qos_specs from all entities.""" try: get_qos_specs(context, specs_id) db.qos_specs_disassociate_all(context, specs_id) except db_exc.DBError: LOG.exception(_LE('DB error:')) LOG.warning(_LW('Failed to disassociate qos specs %s.'), specs_id) raise exception.QoSSpecsDisassociateFailed(specs_id=specs_id, type_id=None) def get_all_specs(context, filters=None, marker=None, limit=None, offset=None, sort_keys=None, sort_dirs=None): """Get all non-deleted qos specs.""" qos_specs = db.qos_specs_get_all(context, filters=filters, marker=marker, limit=limit, offset=offset, sort_keys=sort_keys, sort_dirs=sort_dirs) return qos_specs def get_qos_specs(ctxt, id): """Retrieves single qos specs by id.""" if id is None: msg = _("id cannot be None") raise exception.InvalidQoSSpecs(reason=msg) if ctxt is None: ctxt = context.get_admin_context() return db.qos_specs_get(ctxt, id) def get_qos_specs_by_name(context, name): """Retrieves single qos specs by name.""" if name is None: msg = _("name cannot be None") raise exception.InvalidQoSSpecs(reason=msg) return db.qos_specs_get_by_name(context, name)