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# Copyright (c) 2011 Intel Corporation
# Copyright (c) 2011 OpenStack Foundation
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""The FilterScheduler is for creating volumes.
You can customize this scheduler by specifying your own volume Filters and
Weighing Functions.
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from cinder import exception
from cinder.i18n import _, _LE, _LW
from cinder.scheduler import driver
from cinder.scheduler import scheduler_options
from cinder.volume import utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class FilterScheduler(driver.Scheduler):
"""Scheduler that can be used for filtering and weighing."""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(FilterScheduler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.cost_function_cache = None
self.options = scheduler_options.SchedulerOptions()
self.max_attempts = self._max_attempts()
def schedule(self, context, topic, method, *args, **kwargs):
"""Schedule contract that returns best-suited host for this request."""
self._schedule(context, topic, *args, **kwargs)
def _get_configuration_options(self):
"""Fetch options dictionary. Broken out for testing."""
return self.options.get_configuration()
def populate_filter_properties(self, request_spec, filter_properties):
"""Stuff things into filter_properties.
Can be overridden in a subclass to add more data.
vol = request_spec['volume_properties']
filter_properties['size'] = vol['size']
filter_properties['availability_zone'] = vol.get('availability_zone')
filter_properties['user_id'] = vol.get('user_id')
filter_properties['metadata'] = vol.get('metadata')
filter_properties['qos_specs'] = vol.get('qos_specs')
def schedule_create_consistencygroup(self, context, group,
weighed_host = self._schedule_group(
if not weighed_host:
raise exception.NoValidHost(reason=_("No weighed hosts available"))
host =
updated_group = driver.group_update_db(context, group, host)
updated_group, host)
def schedule_create_volume(self, context, request_spec, filter_properties):
weighed_host = self._schedule(context, request_spec,
if not weighed_host:
raise exception.NoValidHost(reason=_("No weighed hosts available"))
host =
volume_id = request_spec['volume_id']
updated_volume = driver.volume_update_db(context, volume_id, host)
# context is not serializable
filter_properties.pop('context', None)
self.volume_rpcapi.create_volume(context, updated_volume, host,
request_spec, filter_properties,
def host_passes_filters(self, context, host, request_spec,
"""Check if the specified host passes the filters."""
weighed_hosts = self._get_weighted_candidates(context, request_spec,
for weighed_host in weighed_hosts:
host_state = weighed_host.obj
if == host:
return host_state
volume_id = request_spec.get('volume_id', '??volume_id missing??')
raise exception.NoValidHost(reason=_('Cannot place volume %(id)s on '
'%(host)s') %
{'id': volume_id,
'host': host})
def find_retype_host(self, context, request_spec, filter_properties=None,
"""Find a host that can accept the volume with its new type."""
filter_properties = filter_properties or {}
current_host = request_spec['volume_properties']['host']
# The volume already exists on this host, and so we shouldn't check if
# it can accept the volume again in the CapacityFilter.
filter_properties['vol_exists_on'] = current_host
weighed_hosts = self._get_weighted_candidates(context, request_spec,
if not weighed_hosts:
raise exception.NoValidHost(reason=_('No valid hosts for volume '
'%(id)s with type %(type)s') %
{'id': request_spec['volume_id'],
'type': request_spec['volume_type']})
for weighed_host in weighed_hosts:
host_state = weighed_host.obj
if == current_host:
return host_state
if utils.extract_host(current_host, 'pool') is None:
# legacy volumes created before pool is introduced has no pool
# info in host. But always include pool level
# info. In this case if above exact match didn't work out, we
# find host_state that are of the same host of volume being
# retyped. In other words, for legacy volumes, retyping could
# cause migration between pools on same host, which we consider
# it is different from migration between hosts thus allow that
# to happen even migration policy is 'never'.
for weighed_host in weighed_hosts:
host_state = weighed_host.obj
backend = utils.extract_host(, 'backend')
if backend == current_host:
return host_state
if migration_policy == 'never':
raise exception.NoValidHost(reason=_('Current host not valid for '
'volume %(id)s with type '
'%(type)s, migration not '
'allowed') %
{'id': request_spec['volume_id'],
'type': request_spec['volume_type']})
top_host = self._choose_top_host(weighed_hosts, request_spec)
return top_host.obj
def get_pools(self, context, filters):
# TODO(zhiteng) Add filters support
return self.host_manager.get_pools(context)
def _post_select_populate_filter_properties(self, filter_properties,
"""Populate filter properties with additional information.
Add additional information to the filter properties after a host has
been selected by the scheduling process.
# Add a retry entry for the selected volume backend:
def _add_retry_host(self, filter_properties, host):
"""Add a retry entry for the selected volume backend.
In the event that the request gets re-scheduled, this entry will signal
that the given backend has already been tried.
retry = filter_properties.get('retry', None)
if not retry:
hosts = retry['hosts']
def _max_attempts(self):
max_attempts = CONF.scheduler_max_attempts
if max_attempts < 1:
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
err=_("Invalid value for 'scheduler_max_attempts', "
"must be >=1"))
return max_attempts
def _log_volume_error(self, volume_id, retry):
"""Log requests with exceptions from previous volume operations."""
exc = retry.pop('exc', None) # string-ified exception from volume
if not exc:
return # no exception info from a previous attempt, skip
hosts = retry.get('hosts', None)
if not hosts:
return # no previously attempted hosts, skip
last_host = hosts[-1]
LOG.error(_LE("Error scheduling %(volume_id)s from last vol-service: "
"%(last_host)s : %(exc)s"),
{'volume_id': volume_id,
'last_host': last_host,
'exc': exc})
def _populate_retry(self, filter_properties, properties):
"""Populate filter properties with history of retries for request.
If maximum retries is exceeded, raise NoValidHost.
max_attempts = self.max_attempts
retry = filter_properties.pop('retry', {})
if max_attempts == 1:
# re-scheduling is disabled.
# retry is enabled, update attempt count:
if retry:
retry['num_attempts'] += 1
retry = {
'num_attempts': 1,
'hosts': [] # list of volume service hosts tried
filter_properties['retry'] = retry
volume_id = properties.get('volume_id')
self._log_volume_error(volume_id, retry)
if retry['num_attempts'] > max_attempts:
raise exception.NoValidHost(
reason=_("Exceeded max scheduling attempts %(max_attempts)d "
"for volume %(volume_id)s") %
{'max_attempts': max_attempts,
'volume_id': volume_id})
def _get_weighted_candidates(self, context, request_spec,
"""Return a list of hosts that meet required specs.
Returned list is ordered by their fitness.
elevated = context.elevated()
volume_properties = request_spec['volume_properties']
# Since Cinder is using mixed filters from Oslo and it's own, which
# takes 'resource_XX' and 'volume_XX' as input respectively, copying
# 'volume_XX' to 'resource_XX' will make both filters happy.
resource_properties = volume_properties.copy()
volume_type = request_spec.get("volume_type", None)
resource_type = request_spec.get("volume_type", None)
request_spec.update({'resource_properties': resource_properties})
config_options = self._get_configuration_options()
if filter_properties is None:
filter_properties = {}
self._populate_retry(filter_properties, resource_properties)
if resource_type is None:
msg = _("volume_type cannot be None")
raise exception.InvalidVolumeType(reason=msg)
filter_properties.update({'context': context,
'request_spec': request_spec,
'config_options': config_options,
'volume_type': volume_type,
'resource_type': resource_type})
# If multiattach is enabled on a volume, we need to add
# multiattach to extra specs, so that the capability
# filtering is enabled.
multiattach = volume_properties.get('multiattach', False)
if multiattach and 'multiattach' not in resource_type.get(
'extra_specs', {}):
if 'extra_specs' not in resource_type:
resource_type['extra_specs'] = {}
multiattach='<is> True')
# Find our local list of acceptable hosts by filtering and
# weighing our options. we virtually consume resources on
# it so subsequent selections can adjust accordingly.
# Note: remember, we are using an iterator here. So only
# traverse this list once.
hosts = self.host_manager.get_all_host_states(elevated)
# Filter local hosts based on requirements ...
hosts = self.host_manager.get_filtered_hosts(hosts,
if not hosts:
return []
LOG.debug("Filtered %s", hosts)
# weighted_host = WeightedHost() ... the best
# host for the job.
weighed_hosts = self.host_manager.get_weighed_hosts(hosts,
return weighed_hosts
def _get_weighted_candidates_group(self, context, request_spec_list,
"""Finds hosts that supports the consistencygroup.
Returns a list of hosts that meet the required specs,
ordered by their fitness.
elevated = context.elevated()
weighed_hosts = []
index = 0
for request_spec in request_spec_list:
volume_properties = request_spec['volume_properties']
# Since Cinder is using mixed filters from Oslo and it's own, which
# takes 'resource_XX' and 'volume_XX' as input respectively,
# copying 'volume_XX' to 'resource_XX' will make both filters
# happy.
resource_properties = volume_properties.copy()
volume_type = request_spec.get("volume_type", None)
resource_type = request_spec.get("volume_type", None)
request_spec.update({'resource_properties': resource_properties})
config_options = self._get_configuration_options()
filter_properties = {}
if filter_properties_list:
filter_properties = filter_properties_list[index]
if filter_properties is None:
filter_properties = {}
self._populate_retry(filter_properties, resource_properties)
# Add consistencygroup_support in extra_specs if it is not there.
# Make sure it is populated in filter_properties
if 'consistencygroup_support' not in resource_type.get(
'extra_specs', {}):
consistencygroup_support='<is> True')
filter_properties.update({'context': context,
'request_spec': request_spec,
'config_options': config_options,
'volume_type': volume_type,
'resource_type': resource_type})
# Find our local list of acceptable hosts by filtering and
# weighing our options. we virtually consume resources on
# it so subsequent selections can adjust accordingly.
# Note: remember, we are using an iterator here. So only
# traverse this list once.
all_hosts = self.host_manager.get_all_host_states(elevated)
if not all_hosts:
return []
# Filter local hosts based on requirements ...
hosts = self.host_manager.get_filtered_hosts(all_hosts,
if not hosts:
return []
LOG.debug("Filtered %s", hosts)
# weighted_host = WeightedHost() ... the best
# host for the job.
temp_weighed_hosts = self.host_manager.get_weighed_hosts(
if not temp_weighed_hosts:
return []
if index == 0:
weighed_hosts = temp_weighed_hosts
new_weighed_hosts = []
for host1 in weighed_hosts:
for host2 in temp_weighed_hosts:
# Should schedule creation of CG on backend level,
# not pool level.
if (utils.extract_host( ==
weighed_hosts = new_weighed_hosts
if not weighed_hosts:
return []
index += 1
return weighed_hosts
def _schedule(self, context, request_spec, filter_properties=None):
weighed_hosts = self._get_weighted_candidates(context, request_spec,
# When we get the weighed_hosts, we clear those hosts whose backend
# is not same as consistencygroup's backend.
CG_backend = request_spec.get('CG_backend')
if weighed_hosts and CG_backend:
# Get host name including host@backend#pool info from
# weighed_hosts.
for host in weighed_hosts[::-1]:
backend = utils.extract_host(
if backend != CG_backend:
if not weighed_hosts:
LOG.warning(_LW('No weighed hosts found for volume '
'with properties: %s'),
return None
return self._choose_top_host(weighed_hosts, request_spec)
def _schedule_group(self, context, request_spec_list,
weighed_hosts = self._get_weighted_candidates_group(
if not weighed_hosts:
return None
return self._choose_top_host_group(weighed_hosts, request_spec_list)
def _choose_top_host(self, weighed_hosts, request_spec):
top_host = weighed_hosts[0]
host_state = top_host.obj
LOG.debug("Choosing %s",
volume_properties = request_spec['volume_properties']
return top_host
def _choose_top_host_group(self, weighed_hosts, request_spec_list):
top_host = weighed_hosts[0]
host_state = top_host.obj
LOG.debug("Choosing %s",
return top_host