xiexs 7b0e5acff8 Use True instead of 1 in while loop
A trivial fix just for more idiomatic expression.

Change-Id: Ib64ff99e8875072ea2dfb8ad0b351e8a20229847
2016-06-28 06:44:23 -04:00

298 lines
7.7 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import operator
import re
import pyparsing
import six
from cinder import exception
from cinder.i18n import _
def _operatorOperands(tokenList):
it = iter(tokenList)
while True:
op1 = next(it)
op2 = next(it)
yield(op1, op2)
except StopIteration:
class EvalConstant(object):
def __init__(self, toks):
self.value = toks[0]
def eval(self):
result = self.value
if (isinstance(result, six.string_types) and
re.match("^[a-zA-Z_]+\.[a-zA-Z_]+$", result)):
(which_dict, entry) = result.split('.')
result = _vars[which_dict][entry]
except KeyError as e:
raise exception.EvaluatorParseException(
_("KeyError: %s") % six.text_type(e))
except TypeError as e:
raise exception.EvaluatorParseException(
_("TypeError: %s") % six.text_type(e))
result = int(result)
except ValueError:
result = float(result)
except ValueError as e:
raise exception.EvaluatorParseException(
_("ValueError: %s") % six.text_type(e))
return result
class EvalSignOp(object):
operations = {
'+': 1,
'-': -1,
def __init__(self, toks):
self.sign, self.value = toks[0]
def eval(self):
return self.operations[self.sign] * self.value.eval()
class EvalAddOp(object):
def __init__(self, toks):
self.value = toks[0]
def eval(self):
sum = self.value[0].eval()
for op, val in _operatorOperands(self.value[1:]):
if op == '+':
sum += val.eval()
elif op == '-':
sum -= val.eval()
return sum
class EvalMultOp(object):
def __init__(self, toks):
self.value = toks[0]
def eval(self):
prod = self.value[0].eval()
for op, val in _operatorOperands(self.value[1:]):
if op == '*':
prod *= val.eval()
elif op == '/':
prod /= float(val.eval())
except ZeroDivisionError as e:
raise exception.EvaluatorParseException(
_("ZeroDivisionError: %s") % six.text_type(e))
return prod
class EvalPowerOp(object):
def __init__(self, toks):
self.value = toks[0]
def eval(self):
prod = self.value[0].eval()
for op, val in _operatorOperands(self.value[1:]):
prod = pow(prod, val.eval())
return prod
class EvalNegateOp(object):
def __init__(self, toks):
self.negation, self.value = toks[0]
def eval(self):
return not self.value.eval()
class EvalComparisonOp(object):
operations = {
"<=": operator.le,
"==": operator.eq,
def __init__(self, toks):
self.value = toks[0]
def eval(self):
val1 = self.value[0].eval()
for op, val in _operatorOperands(self.value[1:]):
fn = self.operations[op]
val2 = val.eval()
if not fn(val1, val2):
val1 = val2
return True
return False
class EvalTernaryOp(object):
def __init__(self, toks):
self.value = toks[0]
def eval(self):
condition = self.value[0].eval()
if condition:
return self.value[2].eval()
return self.value[4].eval()
class EvalFunction(object):
functions = {
"abs": abs,
"max": max,
"min": min,
def __init__(self, toks):
self.func, self.value = toks[0]
def eval(self):
args = self.value.eval()
if type(args) is list:
return self.functions[self.func](*args)
return self.functions[self.func](args)
class EvalCommaSeperator(object):
def __init__(self, toks):
self.value = toks[0]
def eval(self):
val1 = self.value[0].eval()
val2 = self.value[2].eval()
if type(val2) is list:
val_list = []
for val in val2:
return val_list
return [val1, val2]
class EvalBoolAndOp(object):
def __init__(self, toks):
self.value = toks[0]
def eval(self):
left = self.value[0].eval()
right = self.value[2].eval()
return left and right
class EvalBoolOrOp(object):
def __init__(self, toks):
self.value = toks[0]
def eval(self):
left = self.value[0].eval()
right = self.value[2].eval()
return left or right
_parser = None
_vars = {}
def _def_parser():
# Enabling packrat parsing greatly speeds up the parsing.
alphas = pyparsing.alphas
Combine = pyparsing.Combine
Forward = pyparsing.Forward
nums = pyparsing.nums
oneOf = pyparsing.oneOf
opAssoc = pyparsing.opAssoc
operatorPrecedence = pyparsing.operatorPrecedence
Word = pyparsing.Word
integer = Word(nums)
real = Combine(Word(nums) + '.' + Word(nums))
variable = Word(alphas + '_' + '.')
number = real | integer
expr = Forward()
fn = Word(alphas + '_' + '.')
operand = number | variable | fn
signop = oneOf('+ -')
addop = oneOf('+ -')
multop = oneOf('* /')
comparisonop = oneOf(' '.join(EvalComparisonOp.operations.keys()))
ternaryop = ('?', ':')
boolandop = oneOf('AND and &&')
boolorop = oneOf('OR or ||')
negateop = oneOf('NOT not !')
expr = operatorPrecedence(operand, [
(fn, 1, opAssoc.RIGHT, EvalFunction),
("^", 2, opAssoc.RIGHT, EvalPowerOp),
(signop, 1, opAssoc.RIGHT, EvalSignOp),
(multop, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, EvalMultOp),
(addop, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, EvalAddOp),
(negateop, 1, opAssoc.RIGHT, EvalNegateOp),
(comparisonop, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, EvalComparisonOp),
(ternaryop, 3, opAssoc.LEFT, EvalTernaryOp),
(boolandop, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, EvalBoolAndOp),
(boolorop, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, EvalBoolOrOp),
(',', 2, opAssoc.RIGHT, EvalCommaSeperator), ])
return expr
def evaluate(expression, **kwargs):
"""Evaluates an expression.
Provides the facility to evaluate mathematical expressions, and to
substitute variables from dictionaries into those expressions.
Supports both integer and floating point values, and automatic
promotion where necessary.
global _parser
if _parser is None:
_parser = _def_parser()
global _vars
_vars = kwargs
result = _parser.parseString(expression, parseAll=True)[0]
except pyparsing.ParseException as e:
raise exception.EvaluatorParseException(
_("ParseException: %s") % six.text_type(e))
return result.eval()