# Copyright 2015 Dyn Inc. # # Author: Yasha Bubnov # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import itertools import dns.rdata import dns.rdatatype import dns.rdataclass from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_concurrency import lockutils from oslo_log import log as logging from designate.backend.agent_backend import base from designate import exceptions from designate import utils from designate.i18n import _LI LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) CFG_GROUP = 'backend:agent:denominator' class Denominator(object): def __init__(self, config): super(Denominator, self).__init__() self.config = config def update_record(self, zone, **kwargs): return self._execute(['record', '-z', zone, 'replace'], kwargs) def create_record(self, zone, **kwargs): return self._execute(['record', '-z', zone, 'add'], kwargs) def delete_record(self, zone, **kwargs): return self._execute(['record', '-z', zone, 'delete'], kwargs) def get_record(self, zone, **kwargs): return self._execute(['record', '-z', zone, 'get'], kwargs) def get_records(self, zone, **kwargs): return self._execute(['record', '-z', zone, 'list'], kwargs) def create_zone(self, **kwargs): return self._execute(['zone', 'add'], kwargs) def update_zone(self, **kwargs): return self._execute(['zone', 'update'], kwargs) def delete_zone(self, **kwargs): return self._execute(['zone', 'delete'], kwargs) def _params(self, **kwargs): params = [('--%s' % k, str(v)) for k, v in kwargs.items()] return list(itertools.chain(*params)) def _base(self): call = ['denominator', '-q', '-n', self.config.name] # NOTE: When path to denominator configuration file is ommited, # ~/.denominatorconfig file will be used by default. if self.config.config_file: call.extend(['-C', self.config.config_file]) return call def _execute(self, op, kwargs): try: call = self._base() + op + self._params(**kwargs) LOG.debug(('Executing Denominator call: %s' % ' '.join(call))) stdout, _ = utils.execute(*call) return stdout except utils.processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: LOG.debug('Denominator call failure: %s' % e) raise exceptions.Base(e) class DenominatorBackend(base.AgentBackend): __plugin_name__ = 'denominator' __backend_status__ = 'untested' def __init__(self, agent_service): super(DenominatorBackend, self).__init__(agent_service) self.denominator = Denominator(cfg.CONF[CFG_GROUP]) @classmethod def get_cfg_opts(cls): group = cfg.OptGroup( name=CFG_GROUP, title='Backend options for Denominator', ) opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('name', default='fake', help='Name of the affected provider'), cfg.StrOpt('config_file', default='/etc/denominator.conf', help='Path to Denominator configuration file') ] return [(group, opts)] def start(self): LOG.info(_LI("Started Denominator backend")) def stop(self): LOG.info(_LI("Stopped Denominator backend")) def find_domain_serial(self, domain_name): LOG.debug("Finding %s" % domain_name) domain_name = domain_name.rstrip('.') output = self.denominator.get_record( zone=domain_name, type='SOA', name=domain_name) try: text = ' '.join(output.split()[3:]) rdata = dns.rdata.from_text(dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.SOA, text) except Exception: return None return rdata.serial def create_domain(self, domain): LOG.debug("Creating %s" % domain.origin.to_text()) domain_name = domain.origin.to_text(omit_final_dot=True) # Use SOA TTL as zone default TTL soa_record = domain.find_rrset(domain.origin, dns.rdatatype.SOA) rname = soa_record.items[0].rname.derelativize(origin=domain.origin) # Lock domain to prevent concurrent changes. with self._sync_domain(domain.origin): # NOTE: If zone already exists, denominator will update it with # new values, in other a duplicate zone will be created if # provider supports such functionality. self.denominator.create_zone( name=domain_name, ttl=soa_record.ttl, email=rname) # Add records one by one. for name, ttl, rtype, data in self._iterate_records(domain): # Some providers do not support creationg of SOA record. rdatatype = dns.rdatatype.from_text(rtype) if rdatatype == dns.rdatatype.SOA: continue self.denominator.create_record( zone=domain_name, name=name, type=rtype, ttl=ttl, data=data) def update_domain(self, domain): LOG.debug("Updating %s" % domain.origin) domain_name = domain.origin.to_text(omit_final_dot=True) soa_record = domain.find_rrset(domain.origin, dns.rdatatype.SOA) rname = soa_record.items[0].rname.derelativize(origin=domain.origin) with self._sync_domain(domain.origin): # Update zone with a new parameters self.denominator.update_zone( id=domain_name, ttl=soa_record.ttl, email=rname) # Fetch records to create a differential update of a zone. output = self.denominator.get_records(domain_name) subdomains = dict() # Subdomains dict will contain names of subdomains without # trailing dot. for raw in output.splitlines(): data = raw.split() name, rtype = data[0], data[1] rtypes = subdomains.get(name, set()) rtypes.add(rtype) subdomains[name] = rtypes for name, ttl, rtype, data in self._iterate_records(domain): record_action = self.denominator.create_record if name in subdomains and rtype in subdomains[name]: # When RR set already exists, replace it with a new one. rdatatype = dns.rdatatype.from_text(rtype) record_action = self.denominator.update_record # So next call will ADD a new record to record set # instead of replacing of the existing one. subdomains[name].remove(rtype) # NOTE: DynECT does not support deleting of the SOA # record. Skip updating of the SOA record. if rdatatype == dns.rdatatype.SOA: continue record_action(zone=domain_name, name=name, type=rtype, ttl=ttl, data=data) # Remaining records should be deleted for name, types in subdomains.items(): for rtype in types: self.denominator.delete_record( zone=domain_name, id=name, type=rtype) def delete_domain(self, domain_name): LOG.debug('Delete Domain: %s' % domain_name) with self._sync_domain(domain_name): self.denominator.delete_zone(id=domain_name) def _sync_domain(self, domain_name): LOG.debug('Synchronising domain: %s' % domain_name) return lockutils.lock('denominator-%s' % domain_name) def _iterate_records(self, domain): for rname, ttl, rdata in domain.iterate_rdatas(): name = rname.derelativize(origin=domain.origin) name = name.to_text(omit_final_dot=True) data = rdata.to_text(origin=domain.origin, relativize=False) yield name, ttl, dns.rdatatype.to_text(rdata.rdtype), data