# Copyright 2014 eBay Inc. # # Author: Ron Rickard # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from contextlib import contextmanager from decimal import Decimal from oslo_config import cfg import oslo_messaging as messaging from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_concurrency import lockutils from designate import backend from designate import coordination from designate import exceptions from designate import objects from designate import utils from designate.central import rpcapi as central_api from designate.mdns import rpcapi as mdns_api from designate import service from designate.context import DesignateContext from designate.i18n import _LE from designate.i18n import _LI from designate.i18n import _LW from designate.pool_manager import cache LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF = cfg.CONF SUCCESS_STATUS = 'SUCCESS' ERROR_STATUS = 'ERROR' NO_DOMAIN_STATUS = 'NO_DOMAIN' CREATE_ACTION = 'CREATE' DELETE_ACTION = 'DELETE' UPDATE_ACTION = 'UPDATE' MAXIMUM_THRESHOLD = 100 @contextmanager def wrap_backend_call(): """ Wraps backend calls, ensuring any exception raised is a Backend exception. """ try: yield except exceptions.Backend: raise except Exception as e: raise exceptions.Backend('Unknown backend failure: %r' % e) class Service(service.RPCService, coordination.CoordinationMixin, service.Service): """ Service side of the Pool Manager RPC API. API version history: 1.0 - Initial version """ RPC_API_VERSION = '1.0' target = messaging.Target(version=RPC_API_VERSION) def __init__(self, threads=None): super(Service, self).__init__(threads=threads) # Build the Pool (and related) Object from Config self.pool = objects.Pool.from_config( CONF, CONF['service:pool_manager'].pool_id) # Get a pool manager cache connection. self.cache = cache.get_pool_manager_cache( CONF['service:pool_manager'].cache_driver) # Store some settings for quick access later self.threshold = CONF['service:pool_manager'].threshold_percentage self.timeout = CONF['service:pool_manager'].poll_timeout self.retry_interval = CONF['service:pool_manager'].poll_retry_interval self.max_retries = CONF['service:pool_manager'].poll_max_retries self.delay = CONF['service:pool_manager'].poll_delay # Create the necessary Backend instances for each target self._setup_target_backends() def _setup_target_backends(self): self.target_backends = {} for target in self.pool.targets: # Fetch an instance of the Backend class, passing in the options # and masters self.target_backends[target.id] = backend.get_backend( target.type, target) LOG.info(_LI('%d targets setup'), len(self.pool.targets)) if not self.target_backends: raise exceptions.NoPoolTargetsConfigured() @property def service_name(self): return 'pool_manager' @property def _rpc_topic(self): # Modify the default topic so it's pool manager instance specific. topic = super(Service, self)._rpc_topic topic = '%s.%s' % (topic, CONF['service:pool_manager'].pool_id) LOG.info(_LI('Using topic %(topic)s for this pool manager instance.') % {'topic': topic}) return topic def start(self): for target in self.pool.targets: self.target_backends[target.id].start() super(Service, self).start() # Setup a Leader Election, use for ensuring certain tasks are executed # on exactly one pool-manager instance at a time] self._pool_election = coordination.LeaderElection( self._coordinator, '%s:%s' % (self.service_name, self.pool.id)) self._pool_election.start() if CONF['service:pool_manager'].enable_recovery_timer: LOG.info(_LI('Starting periodic recovery timer')) self.tg.add_timer( CONF['service:pool_manager'].periodic_recovery_interval, self.periodic_recovery, CONF['service:pool_manager'].periodic_recovery_interval) if CONF['service:pool_manager'].enable_sync_timer: LOG.info(_LI('Starting periodic synchronization timer')) self.tg.add_timer( CONF['service:pool_manager'].periodic_sync_interval, self.periodic_sync, CONF['service:pool_manager'].periodic_sync_interval) def stop(self): self._pool_election.stop() super(Service, self).stop() for target in self.pool.targets: self.target_backends[target.id].stop() @property def central_api(self): return central_api.CentralAPI.get_instance() @property def mdns_api(self): return mdns_api.MdnsAPI.get_instance() # Periodioc Tasks def periodic_recovery(self): """ :return: None """ # NOTE(kiall): Only run this periodic task on the pool leader if self._pool_election.is_leader: context = DesignateContext.get_admin_context(all_tenants=True) LOG.debug("Starting Periodic Recovery") try: # Handle Deletion Failures domains = self._get_failed_domains(context, DELETE_ACTION) for domain in domains: self.delete_domain(context, domain) # Handle Creation Failures domains = self._get_failed_domains(context, CREATE_ACTION) for domain in domains: self.create_domain(context, domain) # Handle Update Failures domains = self._get_failed_domains(context, UPDATE_ACTION) for domain in domains: self.update_domain(context, domain) except Exception: LOG.exception(_LE('An unhandled exception in periodic ' 'recovery occurred')) def periodic_sync(self): """ :return: None """ # NOTE(kiall): Only run this periodic task on the pool leader if self._pool_election.is_leader: context = DesignateContext.get_admin_context(all_tenants=True) LOG.debug("Starting Periodic Synchronization") criterion = { 'pool_id': CONF['service:pool_manager'].pool_id, 'status': '!%s' % ERROR_STATUS } periodic_sync_seconds = \ CONF['service:pool_manager'].periodic_sync_seconds if periodic_sync_seconds is not None: # Generate the current serial, will provide a UTC Unix TS. current = utils.increment_serial() criterion['serial'] = ">%s" % (current - periodic_sync_seconds) domains = self.central_api.find_domains(context, criterion) try: for domain in domains: # TODO(kiall): If the domain was created within the last # periodic_sync_seconds, attempt to recreate # to fill in targets which may have failed. self.update_domain(context, domain) except Exception: LOG.exception(_LE('An unhandled exception in periodic ' 'synchronization occurred.')) # Standard Create/Update/Delete Methods def create_domain(self, context, domain): """ :param context: Security context information. :param domain: Domain to be created :return: None """ LOG.info(_LI("Creating new domain %s"), domain.name) results = [] # Create the domain on each of the Pool Targets for target in self.pool.targets: results.append( self._create_domain_on_target(context, target, domain)) if self._exceed_or_meet_threshold(results.count(True)): LOG.debug('Consensus reached for creating domain %(domain)s ' 'on pool targets' % {'domain': domain.name}) else: LOG.warn(_LW('Consensus not reached for creating domain %(domain)s' ' on pool targets') % {'domain': domain.name}) self.central_api.update_status( context, domain.id, ERROR_STATUS, domain.serial) return # Send a NOTIFY to each also-notifies for also_notify in self.pool.also_notifies: self._update_domain_on_also_notify(context, also_notify, domain) # Send a NOTIFY to each nameserver for nameserver in self.pool.nameservers: create_status = self._build_status_object( nameserver, domain, CREATE_ACTION) self.cache.store(context, create_status) self._update_domain_on_nameserver(context, nameserver, domain) def _create_domain_on_target(self, context, target, domain): """ :param context: Security context information. :param target: Target to create Domain on :param domain: Domain to be created :return: True/False """ LOG.debug("Creating domain %s on target %s", domain.name, target.id) backend = self.target_backends[target.id] try: backend.create_domain(context, domain) return True except Exception: LOG.exception(_LE("Failed to create domain %(domain)s on target " "%(target)s"), {'domain': domain.name, 'target': target.id}) return False def update_domain(self, context, domain): """ :param context: Security context information. :param domain: Domain to be updated :return: None """ LOG.info(_LI("Updating domain %s"), domain.name) results = [] # Update the domain on each of the Pool Targets for target in self.pool.targets: results.append( self._update_domain_on_target(context, target, domain)) if self._exceed_or_meet_threshold(results.count(True)): LOG.debug('Consensus reached for updating domain %(domain)s ' 'on pool targets' % {'domain': domain.name}) else: LOG.warn(_LW('Consensus not reached for updating domain %(domain)s' ' on pool targets') % {'domain': domain.name}) self.central_api.update_status( context, domain.id, ERROR_STATUS, domain.serial) return # Send a NOTIFY to each also-notifies for also_notify in self.pool.also_notifies: self._update_domain_on_also_notify(context, also_notify, domain) # Send a NOTIFY to each nameserver for nameserver in self.pool.nameservers: # See if there is already another update in progress try: update_status = self.cache.retrieve( context, nameserver.id, domain.id, UPDATE_ACTION) except exceptions.PoolManagerStatusNotFound: update_status = self._build_status_object( nameserver, domain, UPDATE_ACTION) self.cache.store(context, update_status) self._update_domain_on_nameserver(context, nameserver, domain) def _update_domain_on_target(self, context, target, domain): """ :param context: Security context information. :param target: Target to update Domain on :param domain: Domain to be updated :return: True/False """ LOG.debug("Updating domain %s on target %s", domain.name, target.id) backend = self.target_backends[target.id] try: backend.update_domain(context, domain) return True except Exception: LOG.exception(_LE("Failed to update domain %(domain)s on target " "%(target)s"), {'domain': domain.name, 'target': target.id}) return False def _update_domain_on_also_notify(self, context, also_notify, domain): LOG.info(_LI('Updating domain %(domain)s on also_notify %(server)s.') % {'domain': domain.name, 'server': self._get_destination(also_notify)}) self.mdns_api.notify_zone_changed( context, domain, also_notify, self.timeout, self.retry_interval, self.max_retries, 0) def _update_domain_on_nameserver(self, context, nameserver, domain): LOG.info(_LI('Updating domain %(domain)s on nameserver %(server)s.') % {'domain': domain.name, 'server': self._get_destination(nameserver)}) self.mdns_api.notify_zone_changed( context, domain, nameserver, self.timeout, self.retry_interval, self.max_retries, 0) self.mdns_api.poll_for_serial_number( context, domain, nameserver, self.timeout, self.retry_interval, self.max_retries, self.delay) def delete_domain(self, context, domain): """ :param context: Security context information. :param domain: Domain to be deleted :return: None """ LOG.info(_LI("Deleting domain %s"), domain.name) results = [] # Delete the domain on each of the Pool Targets for target in self.pool.targets: results.append( self._delete_domain_on_target(context, target, domain)) # TODO(kiall): We should monitor that the Domain is actually deleted # correctly on each of the nameservers, rather than # assuming a sucessful delete-on-target is OK as we have # in the past. if self._exceed_or_meet_threshold( results.count(True), MAXIMUM_THRESHOLD): LOG.debug('Consensus reached for deleting domain %(domain)s ' 'on pool targets' % {'domain': domain.name}) self.central_api.update_status( context, domain.id, SUCCESS_STATUS, domain.serial) else: LOG.warn(_LW('Consensus not reached for deleting domain %(domain)s' ' on pool targets') % {'domain': domain.name}) self.central_api.update_status( context, domain.id, ERROR_STATUS, domain.serial) def _delete_domain_on_target(self, context, target, domain): """ :param context: Security context information. :param target: Target to delete Domain from :param domain: Domain to be deleted :return: True/False """ LOG.debug("Deleting domain %s on target %s", domain.name, target.id) backend = self.target_backends[target.id] try: backend.delete_domain(context, domain) return True except Exception: LOG.exception(_LE("Failed to delete domain %(domain)s on target " "%(target)s"), {'domain': domain.name, 'target': target.id}) return False def update_status(self, context, domain, nameserver, status, actual_serial): """ update_status is called by mdns for creates and updates. deletes are handled by the backend entirely and status is determined at the time of delete itself. :param context: Security context information. :param domain: The designate domain object. :param nameserver: The nameserver for which a status update is being sent. :param status: The status, 'SUCCESS' or 'ERROR'. :param actual_serial: The actual serial number received from the name server for the domain. :return: None """ LOG.debug("Calling update_status for %s : %s : %s : %s" % (domain.name, domain.action, status, actual_serial)) action = UPDATE_ACTION if domain.action == 'NONE' else domain.action with lockutils.lock('update-status-%s' % domain.id): try: current_status = self.cache.retrieve( context, nameserver.id, domain.id, action) except exceptions.PoolManagerStatusNotFound: current_status = self._build_status_object( nameserver, domain, action) self.cache.store(context, current_status) cache_serial = current_status.serial_number LOG.debug('For domain %s : %s on nameserver %s the cache serial ' 'is %s and the actual serial is %s.' % (domain.name, action, self._get_destination(nameserver), cache_serial, actual_serial)) if actual_serial and cache_serial <= actual_serial: current_status.status = status current_status.serial_number = actual_serial self.cache.store(context, current_status) consensus_serial = self._get_consensus_serial(context, domain) # If there is a valid consensus serial we can still send a success # for that serial. # If there is a higher error serial we can also send an error for # the error serial. if consensus_serial != 0 and cache_serial <= consensus_serial \ and domain.status != 'ACTIVE': LOG.info(_LI('For domain %(domain)s ' 'the consensus serial is %(consensus_serial)s.') % {'domain': domain.name, 'consensus_serial': consensus_serial}) self.central_api.update_status( context, domain.id, SUCCESS_STATUS, consensus_serial) if status == ERROR_STATUS: error_serial = self._get_error_serial( context, domain, consensus_serial) if error_serial > consensus_serial or error_serial == 0: LOG.warn(_LW('For domain %(domain)s ' 'the error serial is %(error_serial)s.') % {'domain': domain.name, 'error_serial': error_serial}) self.central_api.update_status( context, domain.id, ERROR_STATUS, error_serial) if consensus_serial == domain.serial and self._is_consensus( context, domain, action, SUCCESS_STATUS, MAXIMUM_THRESHOLD): self._clear_cache(context, domain, action) # Utility Methods def _get_failed_domains(self, context, action): criterion = { 'pool_id': CONF['service:pool_manager'].pool_id, 'action': action, 'status': 'ERROR' } return self.central_api.find_domains(context, criterion) @staticmethod def _get_destination(nameserver): return '%s:%s' % (nameserver.host, nameserver.port) @staticmethod def _percentage(count, total_count): return (Decimal(count) / Decimal(total_count)) * Decimal(100) def _exceed_or_meet_threshold(self, count, threshold=None): threshold = threshold or self.threshold return self._percentage( count, len(self.pool.targets)) >= Decimal(threshold) @staticmethod def _get_sorted_serials(pool_manager_statuses, descending=False): serials = [] for pool_manager_status in pool_manager_statuses: serials.append(pool_manager_status.serial_number) serials.sort(reverse=descending) return serials def _get_serials_ascending(self, pool_manager_statuses): return self._get_sorted_serials(pool_manager_statuses) def _get_serials_descending(self, pool_manager_statuses): return self._get_sorted_serials(pool_manager_statuses, descending=True) def _is_consensus(self, context, domain, action, status, threshold=None): status_count = 0 pool_manager_statuses = self._retrieve_statuses( context, domain, action) for pool_manager_status in pool_manager_statuses: if pool_manager_status.status == status: status_count += 1 if threshold is None: threshold = self.threshold return self._exceed_or_meet_threshold(status_count, threshold) def _get_consensus_serial(self, context, domain): consensus_serial = 0 action = UPDATE_ACTION if domain.action == 'NONE' else domain.action pm_statuses = self._retrieve_statuses(context, domain, action) for serial in self._get_serials_descending(pm_statuses): serial_count = 0 for pm_status in pm_statuses: if pm_status.serial_number >= serial: serial_count += 1 if self._exceed_or_meet_threshold(serial_count, self.threshold): consensus_serial = serial break return consensus_serial def _get_error_serial(self, context, domain, consensus_serial): error_serial = 0 action = UPDATE_ACTION if domain.action == 'NONE' else domain.action if self._is_consensus(context, domain, action, ERROR_STATUS): pm_statuses = self._retrieve_statuses(context, domain, action) for serial in self._get_serials_ascending(pm_statuses): if serial > consensus_serial: error_serial = serial break return error_serial # When we hear back from the nameserver, the serial_number is set to the # value the nameserver @staticmethod def _build_status_object(nameserver, domain, action): values = { 'nameserver_id': nameserver.id, 'domain_id': domain.id, 'status': None, 'serial_number': 0, 'action': action } return objects.PoolManagerStatus(**values) # Methods for manipulating the cache. def _clear_cache(self, context, domain, action=None): LOG.debug('Clearing cache for domain %s with action %s.' % (domain.name, action)) pool_manager_statuses = [] if action: actions = [action] else: actions = [CREATE_ACTION, UPDATE_ACTION, DELETE_ACTION] for nameserver in self.pool.nameservers: for action in actions: pool_manager_status = self._build_status_object( nameserver, domain, action) pool_manager_statuses.append(pool_manager_status) for pool_manager_status in pool_manager_statuses: # Ignore any not found errors while clearing the cache try: self.cache.clear(context, pool_manager_status) except exceptions.PoolManagerStatusNotFound: pass def _retrieve_from_mdns(self, context, nameserver, domain, action): try: (status, actual_serial, retries) = \ self.mdns_api.get_serial_number( context, domain, nameserver, self.timeout, self.retry_interval, self.max_retries, self.delay) except messaging.MessagingException as msg_ex: LOG.debug('Could not retrieve status and serial for domain %s on ' 'nameserver %s with action %s (%s: %s)' % (domain.name, self._get_destination(nameserver), action, type(msg_ex), str(msg_ex))) return None pool_manager_status = self._build_status_object( nameserver, domain, action) if status == NO_DOMAIN_STATUS: if action == CREATE_ACTION: pool_manager_status.status = 'ERROR' elif action == DELETE_ACTION: pool_manager_status.status = 'SUCCESS' # TODO(Ron): Handle this case properly. elif action == UPDATE_ACTION: pool_manager_status.status = 'ERROR' else: pool_manager_status.status = status pool_manager_status.serial_number = actual_serial \ if actual_serial is not None else 0 LOG.debug('Retrieved status %s and serial %s for domain %s ' 'on nameserver %s with action %s from mdns.' % (pool_manager_status.status, pool_manager_status.serial_number, domain.name, self._get_destination(nameserver), action)) self.cache.store(context, pool_manager_status) return pool_manager_status def _retrieve_statuses(self, context, domain, action): pool_manager_statuses = [] for nameserver in self.pool.nameservers: try: pool_manager_status = self.cache.retrieve( context, nameserver.id, domain.id, action) LOG.debug('Cache hit! Retrieved status %s and serial %s ' 'for domain %s on nameserver %s with action %s from ' 'the cache.' % (pool_manager_status.status, pool_manager_status.serial_number, domain.name, self._get_destination(nameserver), action)) except exceptions.PoolManagerStatusNotFound: LOG.debug('Cache miss! Did not retrieve status and serial ' 'for domain %s on nameserver %s with action %s from ' 'the cache. Getting it from the server.' % (domain.name, self._get_destination(nameserver), action)) pool_manager_status = self._retrieve_from_mdns( context, nameserver, domain, action) if pool_manager_status is not None: pool_manager_statuses.append(pool_manager_status) return pool_manager_statuses