[DEFAULT] # Where an option is commented out, but filled in this shows the default # value of that option ######################## ## General Configuration ######################## # Show more verbose log output (sets INFO log level output) verbose = True # Show debugging output in logs (sets DEBUG log level output) debug = False # Top-level directory for maintaining designate's state #state_path = /var/lib/designate # Log Configuration #log_config = None # Log directory #logdir = /var/log/designate # Driver used for issuing notifications #notification_driver = messaging # Notification Topics #notification_topics = notifications # Use "sudo designate-rootwrap /etc/designate/rootwrap.conf" to use the real # root filter facility. # Change to "sudo" to skip the filtering and just run the comand directly #root_helper = sudo designate-rootwrap /etc/designate/rootwrap.conf # Which networking API to use, Defaults to neutron #network_api = neutron # RabbitMQ Config #rabbit_userid = guest #rabbit_password = guest #rabbit_virtual_host = / #rabbit_use_ssl = False #rabbit_hosts = ######################## ## Service Configuration ######################## #----------------------- # Central Service #----------------------- [service:central] # Number of central worker processes to spawn #workers = None # Number of central greenthreads to spawn #threads = 1000 # Maximum domain name length #max_domain_name_len = 255 # Maximum recordset name length #max_recordset_name_len = 255 # Minimum TTL #min_ttl = None # The name of the default pool #default_pool_id = '794ccc2c-d751-44fe-b57f-8894c9f5c842' ## Managed resources settings # Email to use for managed resources like domains created by the FloatingIP API #managed_resource_email = hostmaster@example.com. # Tenant ID to own all managed resources - like auto-created records etc. #managed_resource_tenant_id = 123456 #----------------------- # API Service #----------------------- [service:api] # Number of api worker processes to spawn #workers = None # Number of api greenthreads to spawn #threads = 1000 # The base uri used in responses #api_base_uri = '' # Address to bind the API server #api_host = # Port the bind the API server to #api_port = 9001 # Maximum line size of message headers to be accepted. max_header_line may # need to be increased when using large tokens (typically those generated by # the Keystone v3 API with big service catalogs). #max_header_line = 16384 # Authentication strategy to use - can be either "noauth" or "keystone" #auth_strategy = keystone # Enable Version 1 API (deprecated) #enable_api_v1 = True # Enabled API Version 1 extensions # Can be one or more of : diagnostics, quotas, reports, sync, touch #enabled_extensions_v1 = # Enable Version 2 API #enable_api_v2 = True # Enabled API Version 2 extensions #enabled_extensions_v2 = # Default per-page limit for the V2 API, a value of None means show all results # by default #default_limit_v2 = 20 # Max page size in the V2 API #max_limit_v2 = 1000 # Enable Admin API (experimental) #enable_api_admin = False # Enabled Admin API extensions # Can be one or more of : reports, quotas, counts, tenants, zones # zone export is in zones extension #enabled_extensions_admin = # Show the pecan HTML based debug interface (v2 only) # This is only useful for development, and WILL break python-designateclient # if an error occurs #pecan_debug = False #----------------------- # Keystone Middleware #----------------------- [keystone_authtoken] #auth_host = #auth_port = 35357 #auth_protocol = http #admin_tenant_name = service #admin_user = designate #admin_password = designate #----------------------- # Sink Service #----------------------- [service:sink] # List of notification handlers to enable, configuration of these needs to # correspond to a [handler:my_driver] section below or else in the config # Can be one or more of : nova_fixed, neutron_floatingip #enabled_notification_handlers = #----------------------- # mDNS Service #----------------------- [service:mdns] # Number of mdns worker processes to spawn #workers = None # Number of mdns greenthreads to spawn #threads = 1000 # mDNS Bind Host #host = # mDNS Port Number #port = 5354 # mDNS TCP Backlog #tcp_backlog = 100 # mDNS TCP Receive Timeout #tcp_recv_timeout = 0.5 # Enforce all incoming queries (including AXFR) are TSIG signed #query_enforce_tsig = False # Send all traffic over TCP #all_tcp = False # Maximum message size to emit #max_message_size = 65535 #----------------------- # Agent Service #----------------------- [service:agent] #workers = None #host = #port = 5358 #tcp_backlog = 100 #allow_notify = #masters = #backend_driver = fake #transfer_source = None #----------------------- # Pool Manager Service #----------------------- [service:pool_manager] # Number of Pool Manager worker processes to spawn #workers = None # Number of Pool Manager greenthreads to spawn #threads = 1000 # The ID of the pool managed by this instance of the Pool Manager #pool_id = 794ccc2c-d751-44fe-b57f-8894c9f5c842 # The percentage of servers requiring a successful update for a domain change # to be considered active #threshold_percentage = 100 # The time to wait for a response from a server #poll_timeout = 30 # The time between retrying to send a request and waiting for a response from a # server #poll_retry_interval = 15 # The maximum number of times to retry sending a request and wait for a # response from a server #poll_max_retries = 10 # The time to wait before sending the first request to a server #poll_delay = 5 # Enable the recovery thread #enable_recovery_timer = True # The time between recovering from failures #periodic_recovery_interval = 120 # Enable the sync thread #enable_sync_timer = True # The time between synchronizing the servers with storage #periodic_sync_interval = 1800 # Zones Updated within last N seconds will be syncd. Use None to sync all zones #periodic_sync_seconds = None # The cache driver to use #cache_driver = sqlalchemy ################################### ## Pool Manager Cache Configuration ################################### #----------------------- # SQLAlchemy Pool Manager Cache #----------------------- [pool_manager_cache:sqlalchemy] #connection = sqlite:///$state_path/designate_pool_manager.sqlite #connection_debug = 100 #connection_trace = False #sqlite_synchronous = True #idle_timeout = 3600 #max_retries = 10 #retry_interval = 10 #----------------------- # Memcache Pool Manager Cache #----------------------- [pool_manager_cache:memcache] #memcached_servers = None #expiration = 3600 ##################### ## Pool Configuration ##################### # This section does not have the defaults filled in but demonstrates an # example pool / server set up. Different backends will have different options. #[pool:794ccc2c-d751-44fe-b57f-8894c9f5c842] #nameservers = 0f66b842-96c2-4189-93fc-1dc95a08b012 #targets = f26e0b32-736f-4f0a-831b-039a415c481e #also_notifies =, #[pool_nameserver:0f66b842-96c2-4189-93fc-1dc95a08b012] #port = 53 #host = #[pool_target:f26e0b32-736f-4f0a-831b-039a415c481e] #options = rndc_host:, rndc_port: 953, rndc_config_file: /etc/bind/rndc.conf, rndc_key_file: /etc/bind/rndc.key #masters = #type = bind9 #port = 53 #host = ############## ## Network API ############## [network_api:neutron] # Comma separated list of values, formatted "|" #endpoints = RegionOne|http://localhost:9696 #endpoint_type = publicURL #timeout = 30 #admin_username = designate #admin_password = designate #admin_tenant_name = designate #auth_url = http://localhost:35357/v2.0 #insecure = False #auth_strategy = keystone #ca_certificates_file = ######################## ## Storage Configuration ######################## #----------------------- # SQLAlchemy Storage #----------------------- [storage:sqlalchemy] # Database connection string - to configure options for a given implementation # like sqlalchemy or other see below #connection = sqlite:///$state_path/designate.sqlite #connection_debug = 0 #connection_trace = False #sqlite_synchronous = True #idle_timeout = 3600 #max_retries = 10 #retry_interval = 10 ######################## ## Handler Configuration ######################## #----------------------- # Nova Fixed Handler #----------------------- [handler:nova_fixed] # Domain ID of domain to create records in. Should be pre-created #domain_id = #notification_topics = notifications #control_exchange = 'nova' #format = '%(octet0)s-%(octet1)s-%(octet2)s-%(octet3)s.%(domain)s' #format = '%(hostname)s.%(domain)s' #------------------------ # Neutron Floating Handler #------------------------ [handler:neutron_floatingip] # Domain ID of domain to create records in. Should be pre-created #domain_id = #notification_topics = notifications #control_exchange = 'neutron' #format = '%(octet0)s-%(octet1)s-%(octet2)s-%(octet3)s.%(domain)s' #format = '%(hostname)s.%(domain)s' ############################# ## Agent Backend Configuration ############################# [backend:agent:bind9] #rndc_host = #rndc_port = 953 #rndc_config_file = /etc/rndc.conf #rndc_key_file = /etc/rndc.key #zone_file_path = $state_path/zones #query_destination = # [backend:agent:denominator] #name = dynect #config_file = /etc/denominator.conf ######################## ## Library Configuration ######################## [oslo_concurrency] # Path for Oslo Concurrency to store lock files, defaults to the value # of the state_path setting. #lock_path = $state_path ######################## ## Coordination ######################## [coordination] # URL for the coordination backend to use. #backend_url = kazoo:// ######################## ## Hook Points ######################## # Hook Points are enabled when added to the config and there has been # a package that provides the corresponding named designate.hook_point # entry point. # [hook_point:name_of_hook_point] # some_param_for_hook = 42 # Hooks can be disabled in the config # enabled = False # Hook can also be applied to the import path when the hook has not # been given an explicit name. The name is created from the hook # target function / method: # # name = '%s.%s' % (func.__module__, func.__name__) # [hook_point:designate.api.v2.controllers.zones.get_one]