# Copyright 2012 Managed I.T. # # Author: Kiall Mac Innes # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import os import glob import shutil from oslo.config import cfg from designate.openstack.common import log as logging from designate.i18n import _LW from designate import utils from designate.backend import base LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) cfg.CONF.register_group(cfg.OptGroup( name='backend:bind9', title="Configuration for BIND9 Backend" )) cfg.CONF.register_opts([ cfg.StrOpt('rndc-host', default='', help='RNDC Host'), cfg.IntOpt('rndc-port', default=953, help='RNDC Port'), cfg.StrOpt('rndc-config-file', default=None, help='RNDC Config File'), cfg.StrOpt('rndc-key-file', default=None, help='RNDC Key File'), cfg.StrOpt('nzf-path', default='/var/cache/bind', help='Path where Bind9 stores the nzf files'), ], group='backend:bind9') class Bind9Backend(base.Backend): __plugin_name__ = 'bind9' def start(self): super(Bind9Backend, self).start() domains = self.central_service.find_domains(self.admin_context) for domain in domains: rndc_op = 'reload' rndc_call = self._rndc_base() + [rndc_op] rndc_call.extend([domain['name']]) try: LOG.debug('Calling RNDC with: %s' % " ".join(rndc_call)) utils.execute(*rndc_call) except utils.processutils.ProcessExecutionError as proc_exec_err: stderr = proc_exec_err.stderr if stderr.count("rndc: 'reload' failed: not found") is not 0: LOG.warn(_LW("Domain %(d_name)s (%(d_id)s) " "missing from backend, recreating") % {'d_name': domain['name'], 'd_id': domain['id']}) self._sync_domain(domain, new_domain_flag=True) else: raise proc_exec_err def create_server(self, context, server): LOG.debug('Create Server') self._sync_domains_on_server_change() def update_server(self, context, server): LOG.debug('Update Server') self._sync_domains_on_server_change() def delete_server(self, context, server): LOG.debug('Delete Server') self._sync_domains_on_server_change() def create_domain(self, context, domain): LOG.debug('Create Domain') self._sync_domain(domain, new_domain_flag=True) def update_domain(self, context, domain): LOG.debug('Update Domain') self._sync_domain(domain) def delete_domain(self, context, domain): LOG.debug('Delete Domain') self._sync_delete_domain(domain) def update_recordset(self, context, domain, recordset): LOG.debug('Update RecordSet') self._sync_domain(domain) def delete_recordset(self, context, domain, recordset): LOG.debug('Delete RecordSet') self._sync_domain(domain) def create_record(self, context, domain, recordset, record): LOG.debug('Create Record') self._sync_domain(domain) def update_record(self, context, domain, recordset, record): LOG.debug('Update Record') self._sync_domain(domain) def delete_record(self, context, domain, recordset, record): LOG.debug('Delete Record') self._sync_domain(domain) def _rndc_base(self): rndc_call = [ 'rndc', '-s', cfg.CONF[self.name].rndc_host, '-p', str(cfg.CONF[self.name].rndc_port), ] if cfg.CONF[self.name].rndc_config_file: rndc_call.extend(['-c', cfg.CONF[self.name].rndc_config_file]) if cfg.CONF[self.name].rndc_key_file: rndc_call.extend(['-k', cfg.CONF[self.name].rndc_key_file]) return rndc_call def _sync_delete_domain(self, domain, new_domain_flag=False): """Remove domain zone files and reload bind config""" LOG.debug('Delete Domain: %s' % domain['id']) output_folder = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(cfg.CONF.state_path), 'bind9') output_path = os.path.join(output_folder, '%s.zone' % "_".join([domain['name'], domain['id']])) os.remove(output_path) rndc_op = 'delzone' rndc_call = self._rndc_base() + [rndc_op, domain['name']] utils.execute(*rndc_call) # This goes and gets the name of the .nzf file that is a mirror of the # zones.config file we wish to maintain. The file name can change as it # is a hash of rndc view name, we're only interested in the first file # name this returns because there is only one .nzf file nzf_name = glob.glob('%s/*.nzf' % cfg.CONF[self.name].nzf_path) output_file = os.path.join(output_folder, 'zones.config') shutil.copyfile(nzf_name[0], output_file) def _sync_domain(self, domain, new_domain_flag=False): """Sync a single domain's zone file and reload bind config""" LOG.debug('Synchronising Domain: %s' % domain['id']) servers = self.central_service.find_servers(self.admin_context) recordsets = self.central_service.find_recordsets( self.admin_context, {'domain_id': domain['id']}) records = [] for recordset in recordsets: criterion = { 'domain_id': domain['id'], 'recordset_id': recordset['id'] } raw_records = self.central_service.find_records( self.admin_context, criterion) for record in raw_records: records.append({ 'name': recordset['name'], 'type': recordset['type'], 'ttl': recordset['ttl'], 'priority': record['priority'], 'data': record['data'], }) output_folder = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(cfg.CONF.state_path), 'bind9') output_path = os.path.join(output_folder, '%s.zone' % "_".join([domain['name'], domain['id']])) utils.render_template_to_file('bind9-zone.jinja2', output_path, servers=servers, domain=domain, records=records) rndc_call = self._rndc_base() if new_domain_flag: rndc_op = [ 'addzone', '%s { type master; file "%s"; };' % (domain['name'], output_path), ] rndc_call.extend(rndc_op) else: rndc_op = 'reload' rndc_call.extend([rndc_op]) rndc_call.extend([domain['name']]) LOG.debug('Calling RNDC with: %s' % " ".join(rndc_call)) utils.execute(*rndc_call) nzf_name = glob.glob('%s/*.nzf' % cfg.CONF[self.name].nzf_path) output_file = os.path.join(output_folder, 'zones.config') shutil.copyfile(nzf_name[0], output_file) def _sync_domains_on_server_change(self): # TODO(eankutse): Improve this so it scales. Need to design # for it in the new Pool Manager/Agent for the backend that is # being proposed LOG.debug('Synchronising domains on server change') domains = self.central_service.find_domains(self.admin_context) for domain in domains: self._sync_domain(domain)