# Copyright 2012 OpenStack LLC. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from glance.common import exception from glance.common import wsgi import glance.context import glance.db.simple.api as simple_db import glance.openstack.common.log as logging LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) UUID1 = 'c80a1a6c-bd1f-41c5-90ee-81afedb1d58d' UUID2 = '971ec09a-8067-4bc8-a91f-ae3557f1c4c7' TENANT1 = '6838eb7b-6ded-434a-882c-b344c77fe8df' TENANT2 = '2c014f32-55eb-467d-8fcb-4bd706012f81' USER1 = '54492ba0-f4df-4e4e-be62-27f4d76b29cf' USER2 = '0b3b3006-cb76-4517-ae32-51397e22c754' USER3 = '2hss8dkl-d8jh-88yd-uhs9-879sdjsd8skd' BASE_URI = 'swift+http://storeurl.com/container' def get_fake_request(path='', method='POST', is_admin=False, user=USER1): req = wsgi.Request.blank(path) req.method = method kwargs = { 'user': user, 'tenant': TENANT1, 'roles': [], 'is_admin': is_admin, } req.context = glance.context.RequestContext(**kwargs) return req class FakeDB(object): def __init__(self): self.reset() self.init_db() @staticmethod def init_db(): images = [ {'id': UUID1, 'owner': TENANT1, 'status': 'queued', 'location': '%s/%s' % (BASE_URI, UUID1)}, {'id': UUID2, 'owner': TENANT1, 'status': 'queued'}, ] [simple_db.image_create(None, image) for image in images] members = [ {'image_id': UUID1, 'member': TENANT1, 'can_share': True}, {'image_id': UUID1, 'member': TENANT2, 'can_share': False}, ] [simple_db.image_member_create(None, member) for member in members] simple_db.image_tag_set_all(None, UUID1, ['ping', 'pong']) @staticmethod def reset(): simple_db.DATA = { 'images': {}, 'members': [], 'tags': {}, } def __getattr__(self, key): return getattr(simple_db, key) class FakeStoreAPI(object): def __init__(self): self.data = { '%s/%s' % (BASE_URI, UUID1): ('XXX', 3), } def create_stores(self): pass def set_acls(*_args, **_kwargs): pass def get_from_backend(self, context, location): try: return self.data[location] except KeyError: raise exception.NotFound() def safe_delete_from_backend(self, uri, context, id, **kwargs): try: del self.data[uri] except KeyError: pass def schedule_delayed_delete_from_backend(self, uri, id, **kwargs): pass def get_size_from_backend(self, context, location): return self.get_from_backend(context, location)[1] def add_to_backend(self, context, scheme, image_id, data, size): store_max_size = 7 current_store_size = 2 for location in self.data.keys(): if image_id in location: raise exception.Duplicate() if size and (current_store_size + size) > store_max_size: raise exception.StorageFull() if context.user == USER2: raise exception.Forbidden() if context.user == USER3: raise exception.StorageWriteDenied() self.data[image_id] = (data, size or len(data)) checksum = 'Z' return (image_id, size, checksum) class FakePolicyEnforcer(object): def __init__(self, *_args, **kwargs): self.rules = {} def enforce(self, _ctxt, action, target=None, **kwargs): """Raise Forbidden if a rule for given action is set to false.""" if self.rules.get(action) is False: raise exception.Forbidden() def set_rules(self, rules): self.rules = rules class FakeNotifier(object): def __init__(self, *_args, **kwargs): self.log = {'notification_type': "", 'event_type': "", 'payload': "", } def warn(self, event_type, payload): self.log['notification_type'] = "WARN" self.log['event_type'] = event_type self.log['payload'] = payload def info(self, event_type, payload): self.log['notification_type'] = "INFO" self.log['event_type'] = event_type self.log['payload'] = payload def error(self, event_type, payload): self.log['notification_type'] = "ERROR" self.log['event_type'] = event_type self.log['payload'] = payload def get_log(self): return self.log