![Dan Prince](/assets/img/avatar_default.png)
Glance commit 3c69df5aa707b4216ef7001dbe28fa0a5912493c added a new limiting_iter function in utils which we use to limit reads to image data being uploaded. This simple generator doesn't work with image backends like the Swift store which require a 'read' method. This patch swaps out the simple limiting_iter function for a LimitingReader class which supports both 'read' and __iter__ functions. Fixes LP Bug #1039212 which cause the exception below when used with the previous code: AttributeError: 'CooperativeReader' object has no attribute 'read' Change-Id: I87d9a30f7afe0207386d621050312374ced161d5
410 lines
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410 lines
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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the
# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
System-level utilities and helper functions.
import errno
from eventlet import sleep
except ImportError:
from time import sleep
import functools
import os
import platform
import subprocess
import sys
import uuid
import iso8601
from webob import exc
from glance.common import exception
import glance.openstack.common.log as logging
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
FEATURE_BLACKLIST = ['content-length', 'content-type', 'x-image-meta-size']
def chunkreadable(iter, chunk_size=65536):
Wrap a readable iterator with a reader yielding chunks of
a preferred size, otherwise leave iterator unchanged.
:param iter: an iter which may also be readable
:param chunk_size: maximum size of chunk
return chunkiter(iter, chunk_size) if hasattr(iter, 'read') else iter
def chunkiter(fp, chunk_size=65536):
Return an iterator to a file-like obj which yields fixed size chunks
:param fp: a file-like object
:param chunk_size: maximum size of chunk
while True:
chunk = fp.read(chunk_size)
if chunk:
yield chunk
def cooperative_iter(iter):
Return an iterator which schedules after each
iteration. This can prevent eventlet thread starvation.
:param iter: an iterator to wrap
for chunk in iter:
yield chunk
except Exception, err:
msg = _("Error: cooperative_iter exception %s") % err
def cooperative_read(fd):
Wrap a file descriptor's read with a partial function which schedules
after each read. This can prevent eventlet thread starvation.
:param fd: a file descriptor to wrap
def readfn(*args):
result = fd.read(*args)
return result
return readfn
class CooperativeReader(object):
An eventlet thread friendly class for reading in image data.
When accessing data either through the iterator or the read method
we perform a sleep to allow a co-operative yield. When there is more than
one image being uploaded/downloaded this prevents eventlet thread
starvation, ie allows all threads to be scheduled periodically rather than
having the same thread be continuously active.
def __init__(self, fd):
:param fd: Underlying image file object
self.fd = fd
if hasattr(fd, 'read'):
self.read = cooperative_read(fd)
def __iter__(self):
return cooperative_iter(self.fd.__iter__())
class LimitingReader(object):
Reader designed to fail when reading image data past the configured
allowable amount.
def __init__(self, data, limit):
:param data: Underlying image data object
:param limit: maximum number of bytes the reader should allow
self.data = data
self.limit = limit
self.bytes_read = 0
def __iter__(self):
for chunk in self.data:
self.bytes_read += len(chunk)
if self.bytes_read > self.limit:
raise exception.ImageSizeLimitExceeded()
yield chunk
def read(self, i):
result = self.data.read(i)
self.bytes_read += len(result)
if self.bytes_read > self.limit:
raise exception.ImageSizeLimitExceeded()
return result
def image_meta_to_http_headers(image_meta):
Returns a set of image metadata into a dict
of HTTP headers that can be fed to either a Webob
Request object or an httplib.HTTP(S)Connection object
:param image_meta: Mapping of image metadata
headers = {}
for k, v in image_meta.items():
if v is not None:
if k == 'properties':
for pk, pv in v.items():
if pv is not None:
% pk.lower()] = unicode(pv)
headers["x-image-meta-%s" % k.lower()] = unicode(v)
return headers
def add_features_to_http_headers(features, headers):
Adds additional headers representing glance features to be enabled.
:param headers: Base set of headers
:param features: Map of enabled features
if features:
for k, v in features.items():
if k.lower() in FEATURE_BLACKLIST:
raise exception.UnsupportedHeaderFeature(feature=k)
if v is not None:
headers[k.lower()] = unicode(v)
def get_image_meta_from_headers(response):
Processes HTTP headers from a supplied response that
match the x-image-meta and x-image-meta-property and
returns a mapping of image metadata and properties
:param response: Response to process
result = {}
properties = {}
if hasattr(response, 'getheaders'): # httplib.HTTPResponse
headers = response.getheaders()
else: # webob.Response
headers = response.headers.items()
for key, value in headers:
key = str(key.lower())
if key.startswith('x-image-meta-property-'):
field_name = key[len('x-image-meta-property-'):].replace('-', '_')
properties[field_name] = value or None
elif key.startswith('x-image-meta-'):
field_name = key[len('x-image-meta-'):].replace('-', '_')
result[field_name] = value or None
result['properties'] = properties
if 'size' in result:
result['size'] = int(result['size'])
except ValueError:
raise exception.Invalid
for key in ('is_public', 'deleted', 'protected'):
if key in result:
result[key] = bool_from_string(result[key])
return result
def bool_from_string(subject):
"""Interpret a string as a boolean-like value."""
if isinstance(subject, bool):
return subject
elif isinstance(subject, int):
return subject == 1
if hasattr(subject, 'startswith'): # str or unicode...
if subject.strip().lower() in ('true', 'on', '1', 'yes', 'y'):
return True
return False
def generate_uuid():
return str(uuid.uuid4())
def is_uuid_like(value):
return True
except Exception:
return False
def safe_mkdirs(path):
except OSError, e:
if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
def safe_remove(path):
except OSError, e:
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
class PrettyTable(object):
"""Creates an ASCII art table for use in bin/glance
ID Name Size Hits
--- ----------------- ------------ -----
122 image 22 0
def __init__(self):
self.columns = []
def add_column(self, width, label="", just='l'):
"""Add a column to the table
:param width: number of characters wide the column should be
:param label: column heading
:param just: justification for the column, 'l' for left,
'r' for right
self.columns.append((width, label, just))
def make_header(self):
label_parts = []
break_parts = []
for width, label, _ in self.columns:
# NOTE(sirp): headers are always left justified
label_part = self._clip_and_justify(label, width, 'l')
break_part = '-' * width
label_line = ' '.join(label_parts)
break_line = ' '.join(break_parts)
return '\n'.join([label_line, break_line])
def make_row(self, *args):
row = args
row_parts = []
for data, (width, _, just) in zip(row, self.columns):
row_part = self._clip_and_justify(data, width, just)
row_line = ' '.join(row_parts)
return row_line
def _clip_and_justify(data, width, just):
# clip field to column width
clipped_data = str(data)[:width]
if just == 'r':
# right justify
justified = clipped_data.rjust(width)
# left justify
justified = clipped_data.ljust(width)
return justified
def get_terminal_size():
def _get_terminal_size_posix():
import fcntl
import struct
import termios
height_width = None
height_width = struct.unpack('hh', fcntl.ioctl(sys.stderr.fileno(),
struct.pack('HH', 0, 0)))
if not height_width:
p = subprocess.Popen(['stty', 'size'],
stderr=open(os.devnull, 'w'))
result = p.communicate()
if p.returncode == 0:
return tuple(int(x) for x in result[0].split())
return height_width
def _get_terminal_size_win32():
from ctypes import windll, create_string_buffer
handle = windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(-12)
csbi = create_string_buffer(22)
res = windll.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(handle, csbi)
return None
if res:
import struct
unpack_tmp = struct.unpack("hhhhHhhhhhh", csbi.raw)
(bufx, bufy, curx, cury, wattr,
left, top, right, bottom, maxx, maxy) = unpack_tmp
height = bottom - top + 1
width = right - left + 1
return (height, width)
return None
def _get_terminal_size_unknownOS():
raise NotImplementedError
func = {'posix': _get_terminal_size_posix,
'win32': _get_terminal_size_win32}
height_width = func.get(platform.os.name, _get_terminal_size_unknownOS)()
if height_width == None:
raise exception.Invalid()
for i in height_width:
if not isinstance(i, int) or i <= 0:
raise exception.Invalid()
return height_width[0], height_width[1]
def mutating(func):
"""Decorator to enforce read-only logic"""
def wrapped(self, req, *args, **kwargs):
if req.context.read_only:
msg = _("Read-only access")
raise exc.HTTPForbidden(msg, request=req,
return func(self, req, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapped