kairat_kushaev 181d86c226 Add sha1, sha256 support for blobs
Previsously, we required only md5 checksum to be specified.
This patch provides possibility to calculate sha1, sha256 when
uploading to glare.
It also provides possibility to specify sha1, sha256 when add
custom locations. These hash algorithm are optional but md5 is
still required.

Change-Id: I07b6868b29b6b32fffa39f50a992d4f8d49b8781
2016-09-26 13:43:49 +03:00

528 lines
20 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""WSGI Resource definition for Glare. Defines Glare API and serialization/
deserialization of incoming requests."""
import json
import jsonpatch
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import encodeutils
import six
from six.moves import http_client
import six.moves.urllib.parse as urlparse
from glare.api.v1 import api_versioning
from glare.common import exception as exc
from glare.common import wsgi
from glare import engine
from glare.i18n import _, _LI
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
list_configs = [
cfg.IntOpt('default_api_limit', default=25,
help=_('Default value for the number of items returned by a '
'request if not specified explicitly in the request')),
cfg.IntOpt('max_api_limit', default=1000,
help=_('Maximum permissible number of items that could be '
'returned by a request')),
supported_versions = api_versioning.VersionedResource.supported_versions
class RequestDeserializer(api_versioning.VersionedResource,
"""Glare deserializer for incoming webop Requests.
Deserializer converts incoming request into bunch of python primitives.
So other components doesn't work with requests at all. Deserializer also
executes primary API validation without any knowledge about Artifact
def _get_content_type(req, expected=None):
"""Determine content type of the request body."""
if "Content-Type" not in req.headers:
msg = _("Content-Type must be specified.")
raise exc.BadRequest(msg)
content_type = req.content_type
if expected is not None and content_type not in expected:
msg = (_('Invalid content type: %(ct)s. Expected: %(exp)s') %
{'ct': content_type, 'exp': ', '.join(expected)})
raise exc.UnsupportedMediaType(message=msg)
return content_type
def _get_request_body(self, req):
return self.from_json(req.body)
def create(self, req):
self._get_content_type(req, expected=['application/json'])
body = self._get_request_body(req)
if not isinstance(body, dict):
msg = _("Dictionary expected as body value. Got %s.") % type(body)
raise exc.BadRequest(msg)
return {'values': body}
def list(self, req):
params = req.params.copy()
marker = params.pop('marker', None)
query_params = {}
# step 1 - apply marker to query if exists
if marker is not None:
query_params['marker'] = marker
# step 2 - apply limit (if exists OR setup default limit)
limit = params.pop('limit', CONF.default_api_limit)
limit = int(limit)
except ValueError:
msg = _("Limit param must be an integer.")
raise exc.BadRequest(message=msg)
if limit < 0:
msg = _("Limit param must be positive.")
raise exc.BadRequest(message=msg)
query_params['limit'] = min(CONF.max_api_limit, limit)
# step 3 - parse sort parameters
if 'sort' in params:
sort = []
for sort_param in params.pop('sort').strip().split(','):
key, _sep, direction = sort_param.partition(':')
if direction and direction not in ('asc', 'desc'):
raise exc.BadRequest('Sort direction must be one of '
'["asc", "desc"]. Got %s direction'
% direction)
sort.append((key, direction or 'desc'))
query_params['sort'] = sort
# step 4 - parse filter parameters
filters = []
for fname, fval in six.iteritems(params):
if fname == 'version' and fval == 'latest':
query_params['latest'] = True
filters.append((fname, fval))
query_params['filters'] = filters
return query_params
def update(self, req):
req, expected=['application/json-patch+json'])
body = self._get_request_body(req)
patch = jsonpatch.JsonPatch(body)
# Initially patch object doesn't validate input. It's only checked
# we call get operation on each method
tuple(map(patch._get_operation, patch.patch))
except (jsonpatch.InvalidJsonPatch, TypeError):
msg = _("Json Patch body is malformed")
raise exc.BadRequest(msg)
for patch_item in body:
if patch_item['path'] == '/tags':
msg = _("Cannot modify artifact tags with PATCH "
"request. Use special Tag API for that.")
raise exc.BadRequest(msg)
return {'patch': patch}
def _deserialize_blob(self, req):
content_type = self._get_content_type(req)
if content_type == ('application/vnd+openstack.glare-custom-location'
data = self._get_request_body(req)
if 'url' not in data:
msg = _("url is required when specifying external location. "
"Cannot find url in body: %s") % str(data)
raise exc.BadRequest(msg)
data = req.body_file
return {'data': data, 'content_type': content_type}
def upload_blob(self, req):
return self._deserialize_blob(req)
def upload_blob_dict(self, req):
return self._deserialize_blob(req)
def set_tags(self, req):
self._get_content_type(req, expected=['application/json'])
body = self._get_request_body(req)
if 'tags' not in body:
msg = _("Tag list must be in the body of request.")
raise exc.BadRequest(msg)
return {'tag_list': body['tags']}
def log_request_progress(f):
def log_decorator(self, req, *args, **kwargs):
LOG.debug("Request %(request_id)s for %(api_method)s successfully "
"deserialized. Pass request parameters to Engine",
{'request_id': req.context.request_id,
'api_method': f.__name__})
result = f(self, req, *args, **kwargs)
"Request %(request_id)s for artifact %(api_method)s "
"successfully executed."), {'request_id': req.context.request_id,
'api_method': f.__name__})
return result
return log_decorator
class ArtifactsController(api_versioning.VersionedResource):
"""API controller for Glare Artifacts.
Artifact Controller prepares incoming data for Glare Engine and redirects
data to appropriate engine method (so only controller is working with
Engine. Once the data returned from Engine Controller returns data
in appropriate format for Response Serializer.
def __init__(self):
self.engine = engine.Engine()
def list_type_schemas(self, req):
type_schemas = self.engine.list_type_schemas(req.context)
return type_schemas
def show_type_schema(self, req, type_name):
type_schema = self.engine.show_type_schema(req.context, type_name)
return {type_name: type_schema}
def create(self, req, type_name, values):
"""Create artifact record in Glare.
:param req: User request
:param type_name: Artifact type name
:param values: dict with artifact fields {field_name: field_value}
:return definition of created artifact
return self.engine.create(req.context, type_name, values)
def update(self, req, type_name, artifact_id, patch):
"""Update artifact record in Glare.
:param req: User request
:param type_name: Artifact type name
:param artifact_id: id of artifact to update
:param patch: json patch with artifact changes
:return definition of updated artifact
return self.engine.update(req.context, type_name, artifact_id, patch)
def delete(self, req, type_name, artifact_id):
"""Delete artifact from Glare
:param req: User request
:param type_name: Artifact type name
:param artifact_id: id of artifact to delete
return self.engine.delete(req.context, type_name, artifact_id)
def show(self, req, type_name, artifact_id):
"""Show detailed artifact info
:param req: User request
:param type_name: Artifact type name
:param artifact_id: id of artifact to show
:return: definition of requested artifact
return self.engine.get(req.context, type_name, artifact_id)
def list(self, req, type_name, filters, marker=None, limit=None,
sort=None, latest=False):
"""List available artifacts
:param req: User request
:param type_name: Artifact type name
:param filters: filters that need to be applied to artifact
:param marker: the artifact that considered as begin of the list
so all artifacts before marker (including marker itself) will not be
added to artifact list
:param limit: maximum number of items in list
:param sort: sorting options
:param latest: flag that indicates, that only artifacts with highest
versions should be returned in output
:return: list of artifacts
artifacts = self.engine.list(req.context, type_name, filters, marker,
limit, sort, latest)
result = {'artifacts': artifacts,
'type_name': type_name}
if len(artifacts) != 0 and len(artifacts) == limit:
result['next_marker'] = artifacts[-1]['id']
return result
def upload_blob(self, req, type_name, artifact_id, field_name, data,
"""Upload blob into Glare repo
:param req: User request
:param type_name: Artifact type name
:param artifact_id: id of Artifact to reactivate
:param field_name: name of blob field in artifact
:param data: Artifact payload
:param content_type: data content-type
if content_type == ('application/vnd+openstack.glare-custom-location'
url = data.pop('url')
return self.engine.add_blob_location(
req.context, type_name, artifact_id, field_name, url, data)
return self.engine.upload_blob(req.context, type_name, artifact_id,
field_name, data, content_type)
def upload_blob_dict(self, req, type_name, artifact_id, field_name, data,
blob_key, content_type):
"""Upload blob into Glare repo
:param req: User request
:param type_name: Artifact type name
:param artifact_id: id of Artifact to reactivate
:param field_name: name of blob field in artifact
:param data: Artifact payload
:param content_type: data content-type
:param blob_key: blob key in dict
if content_type == ('application/vnd+openstack.glare-custom-location'
url = data.pop('url')
return self.engine.add_blob_dict_location(
req.context, type_name, artifact_id,
field_name, blob_key, url, data)
return self.engine.upload_blob_dict(
req.context, type_name, artifact_id,
field_name, blob_key, data, content_type)
def download_blob(self, req, type_name, artifact_id, field_name):
"""Download blob data from Artifact
:param req: User request
:param type_name: Artifact type name
:param artifact_id: id of Artifact to reactivate
:param field_name: name of blob field in artifact
:return: iterator that returns blob data
data, meta = self.engine.download_blob(req.context, type_name,
artifact_id, field_name)
result = {'data': data, 'meta': meta}
return result
def download_blob_dict(self, req, type_name, artifact_id,
field_name, blob_key):
"""Download blob data from Artifact
:param req: User request
:param type_name: Artifact type name
:param artifact_id: id of Artifact to reactivate
:param field_name: name of blob field in artifact
:param blob_key: name of Dict of blobs (optional)
:return: iterator that returns blob data
data, meta = self.engine.download_blob_dict(
req.context, type_name, artifact_id, field_name, blob_key)
result = {'data': data, 'meta': meta}
return result
def _tag_body_resp(af):
return {'tags': af['tags']}
def get_tags(self, req, type_name, artifact_id):
return self._tag_body_resp(self.engine.get(
req.context, type_name, artifact_id))
def set_tags(self, req, type_name, artifact_id, tag_list):
patch = [{'op': 'replace', 'path': '/tags', 'value': tag_list}]
patch = jsonpatch.JsonPatch(patch)
return self._tag_body_resp(self.engine.update(
req.context, type_name, artifact_id, patch))
def delete_tags(self, req, type_name, artifact_id):
patch = [{'op': 'replace', 'path': '/tags', 'value': []}]
patch = jsonpatch.JsonPatch(patch)
self.engine.update(req.context, type_name, artifact_id, patch)
class ResponseSerializer(api_versioning.VersionedResource,
"""Glare Response Serializer converts data received from Glare Engine
(it consists from plain data types - dict, int, string, file descriptors,
etc) to WSGI Requests. It also specifies proper response status and
content type as specified by API design.
def _prepare_json_response(response, result,
body = json.dumps(result, ensure_ascii=False)
response.unicode_body = six.text_type(body)
response.content_type = content_type
def list_type_schemas(self, response, type_schemas):
{'schemas': type_schemas},
def show_type_schema(self, response, type_schema):
{'schemas': type_schema},
def list_schemas(self, response, type_list):
self._prepare_json_response(response, {'types': type_list})
def create(self, response, artifact):
self._prepare_json_response(response, artifact)
response.status_int = http_client.CREATED
def show(self, response, artifact):
self._prepare_json_response(response, artifact)
def update(self, response, artifact):
self._prepare_json_response(response, artifact)
def list(self, response, af_list):
params = dict(response.request.params)
params.pop('marker', None)
encode_params = {}
for key, value in six.iteritems(params):
encode_params[key] = encodeutils.safe_encode(value)
query = urlparse.urlencode(encode_params)
type_name = af_list['type_name']
body = {
type_name: af_list['artifacts'],
'first': '/artifacts/%s' % type_name,
'schema': '/schemas/%s' % type_name,
if query:
body['first'] = '%s?%s' % (body['first'], query)
if 'next_marker' in af_list:
params['marker'] = af_list['next_marker']
next_query = urlparse.urlencode(params)
body['next'] = '/artifacts/%s?%s' % (type_name, next_query)
response.unicode_body = six.text_type(json.dumps(body,
response.content_type = 'application/json'
def delete(self, response, result):
response.status_int = http_client.NO_CONTENT
def upload_blob(self, response, artifact):
self._prepare_json_response(response, artifact)
def _serialize_blob(response, result):
data, meta = result['data'], result['meta']
response.headers['Content-Type'] = meta['content_type']
response.headers['Content-MD5'] = meta['md5']
response.headers['X-Openstack-Glare-Content-SHA1'] = meta['sha1']
response.headers['X-Openstack-Glare-Content-SHA256'] = meta['sha256']
response.headers['Content-Length'] = str(meta['size'])
response.app_iter = iter(data)
def _serialize_location(response, result):
data, meta = result['data'], result['meta']
response.headers['Content-MD5'] = meta['md5']
response.headers['X-Openstack-Glare-Content-SHA1'] = meta['sha1']
response.headers['X-Openstack-Glare-Content-SHA256'] = meta['sha256']
response.location = data['url']
response.content_type = 'application/json'
response.status = http_client.MOVED_PERMANENTLY
response.content_length = 0
def download_blob(self, response, result):
external = result['meta']['external']
if external:
self._serialize_location(response, result)
self._serialize_blob(response, result)
def download_blob_dict(self, response, result):
external = result['meta']['external']
if external:
self._serialize_location(response, result)
self._serialize_blob(response, result)
def delete_tags(self, response, result):
response.status_int = http_client.NO_CONTENT
def create_resource():
"""Artifact resource factory method"""
deserializer = RequestDeserializer()
serializer = ResponseSerializer()
controller = ArtifactsController()
return wsgi.Resource(controller, deserializer, serializer)