# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import logging from cinderclient import exceptions as cinder_exceptions import six from testtools import testcase from heat_integrationtests.common import exceptions from heat_integrationtests.common import test LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class VolumeBackupRestoreIntegrationTest(test.HeatIntegrationTest): def setUp(self): super(VolumeBackupRestoreIntegrationTest, self).setUp() self.client = self.orchestration_client self.assign_keypair() self.volume_description = 'A test volume description 123' self.volume_size = self.conf.volume_size def _cinder_verify(self, volume_id, expected_status='available'): self.assertIsNotNone(volume_id) volume = self.volume_client.volumes.get(volume_id) self.assertIsNotNone(volume) self.assertEqual(expected_status, volume.status) self.assertEqual(self.volume_size, volume.size) self.assertEqual(self.volume_description, volume.display_description) def _outputs_verify(self, stack, expected_status='available'): self.assertEqual(expected_status, self._stack_output(stack, 'status')) self.assertEqual(six.text_type(self.volume_size), self._stack_output(stack, 'size')) self.assertEqual(self.volume_description, self._stack_output(stack, 'display_description')) def launch_stack(self, template_name, add_parameters={}): net = self._get_default_network() template = self._load_template(__file__, template_name, 'templates') parameters = {'key_name': self.keypair_name, 'instance_type': self.conf.instance_type, 'image_id': self.conf.minimal_image_ref, 'volume_description': self.volume_description, 'timeout': self.conf.build_timeout, 'network': net['id']} parameters.update(add_parameters) return self.stack_create(template=template, parameters=parameters) @testcase.skip('Skipped until failure rate ' 'can be reduced ref bug #1382300') def test_cinder_volume_create_backup_restore(self): """Ensure the 'Snapshot' deletion policy works. This requires a more complex test, but it tests several aspects of the heat cinder resources: 1. Create a volume, attach it to an instance, write some data to it 2. Delete the stack, with 'Snapshot' specified, creates a backup 3. Check the snapshot has created a volume backup 4. Create a new stack, where the volume is created from the backup 5. Verify the test data written in (1) is present in the new volume """ stack_identifier = self.launch_stack( template_name='test_volumes_delete_snapshot.yaml', add_parameters={'volume_size': self.volume_size}) stack = self.client.stacks.get(stack_identifier) # Verify with cinder that the volume exists, with matching details volume_id = self._stack_output(stack, 'volume_id') self._cinder_verify(volume_id, expected_status='in-use') # Verify the stack outputs are as expected self._outputs_verify(stack, expected_status='in-use') # Delete the stack and ensure a backup is created for volume_id # but the volume itself is gone self.client.stacks.delete(stack_identifier) self._wait_for_stack_status(stack_identifier, 'DELETE_COMPLETE') self.assertRaises(cinder_exceptions.NotFound, self.volume_client.volumes.get, volume_id) backups = self.volume_client.backups.list() self.assertIsNotNone(backups) backups_filtered = [b for b in backups if b.volume_id == volume_id] self.assertEqual(1, len(backups_filtered)) backup = backups_filtered[0] self.addCleanup(self.volume_client.backups.delete, backup.id) # Now, we create another stack where the volume is created from the # backup created by the previous stack try: stack_identifier2 = self.launch_stack( template_name='test_volumes_create_from_backup.yaml', add_parameters={'backup_id': backup.id}) stack2 = self.client.stacks.get(stack_identifier2) except exceptions.StackBuildErrorException as e: LOG.error("Halting test due to bug: #1382300") LOG.exception(e) return # Verify with cinder that the volume exists, with matching details volume_id2 = self._stack_output(stack2, 'volume_id') self._cinder_verify(volume_id2, expected_status='in-use') # Verify the stack outputs are as expected self._outputs_verify(stack2, expected_status='in-use') testfile_data = self._stack_output(stack2, 'testfile_data') self.assertEqual('{"instance1": "Volume Data:ateststring"}', testfile_data) # Delete the stack and ensure the volume is gone self.client.stacks.delete(stack_identifier2) self._wait_for_stack_status(stack_identifier2, 'DELETE_COMPLETE') self.assertRaises(cinder_exceptions.NotFound, self.volume_client.volumes.get, volume_id2)