# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright 2011 OpenStack LLC # Copyright 2011 - 2012, Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import itertools import time import uuid import json import logging import eventlet import greenlet import qpid.messaging import qpid.messaging.exceptions from heat.common import config from heat.openstack.common import cfg from heat.rpc import amqp as rpc_amqp from heat.rpc import common as rpc_common LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ConsumerBase(object): """Consumer base class.""" def __init__(self, session, callback, node_name, node_opts, link_name, link_opts): """Declare a queue on an amqp session. 'session' is the amqp session to use 'callback' is the callback to call when messages are received 'node_name' is the first part of the Qpid address string, before ';' 'node_opts' will be applied to the "x-declare" section of "node" in the address string. 'link_name' goes into the "name" field of the "link" in the address string 'link_opts' will be applied to the "x-declare" section of "link" in the address string. """ self.callback = callback self.receiver = None self.session = None addr_opts = { "create": "always", "node": { "type": "topic", "x-declare": { "durable": True, "auto-delete": True, }, }, "link": { "name": link_name, "durable": True, "x-declare": { "durable": False, "auto-delete": True, "exclusive": False, }, }, } addr_opts["node"]["x-declare"].update(node_opts) addr_opts["link"]["x-declare"].update(link_opts) self.address = "%s ; %s" % (node_name, json.dumps(addr_opts)) self.reconnect(session) def reconnect(self, session): """Re-declare the receiver after a qpid reconnect""" self.session = session self.receiver = session.receiver(self.address) self.receiver.capacity = 1 def consume(self): """Fetch the message and pass it to the callback object""" message = self.receiver.fetch() self.callback(message.content) def get_receiver(self): return self.receiver class DirectConsumer(ConsumerBase): """Queue/consumer class for 'direct'""" def __init__(self, session, msg_id, callback): """Init a 'direct' queue. 'session' is the amqp session to use 'msg_id' is the msg_id to listen on 'callback' is the callback to call when messages are received """ super(DirectConsumer, self).__init__(session, callback, "%s/%s" % (msg_id, msg_id), {"type": "direct"}, msg_id, {"exclusive": True}) class TopicConsumer(ConsumerBase): """Consumer class for 'topic'""" def __init__(self, session, topic, callback): """Init a 'topic' queue. 'session' is the amqp session to use 'topic' is the topic to listen on 'callback' is the callback to call when messages are received """ super(TopicConsumer, self).__init__(session, callback, "%s/%s" % (config.FLAGS.control_exchange, topic), {}, topic, {}) class FanoutConsumer(ConsumerBase): """Consumer class for 'fanout'""" def __init__(self, session, topic, callback): """Init a 'fanout' queue. 'session' is the amqp session to use 'topic' is the topic to listen on 'callback' is the callback to call when messages are received """ super(FanoutConsumer, self).__init__(session, callback, "%s_fanout" % topic, {"durable": False, "type": "fanout"}, "%s_fanout_%s" % (topic, uuid.uuid4().hex), {"exclusive": True}) class Publisher(object): """Base Publisher class""" def __init__(self, session, node_name, node_opts=None): """Init the Publisher class with the exchange_name, routing_key, and other options """ self.sender = None self.session = session addr_opts = { "create": "always", "node": { "type": "topic", "x-declare": { "durable": False, # auto-delete isn't implemented for exchanges in qpid, # but put in here anyway "auto-delete": True, }, }, } if node_opts: addr_opts["node"]["x-declare"].update(node_opts) self.address = "%s ; %s" % (node_name, json.dumps(addr_opts)) self.reconnect(session) def reconnect(self, session): """Re-establish the Sender after a reconnection""" self.sender = session.sender(self.address) def send(self, msg): """Send a message""" self.sender.send(msg) class DirectPublisher(Publisher): """Publisher class for 'direct'""" def __init__(self, session, msg_id): """Init a 'direct' publisher.""" super(DirectPublisher, self).__init__(session, msg_id, {"type": "Direct"}) class TopicPublisher(Publisher): """Publisher class for 'topic'""" def __init__(self, session, topic): """init a 'topic' publisher. """ super(TopicPublisher, self).__init__(session, "%s/%s" % (config.FLAGS.control_exchange, topic)) class FanoutPublisher(Publisher): """Publisher class for 'fanout'""" def __init__(self, session, topic): """init a 'fanout' publisher. """ super(FanoutPublisher, self).__init__(session, "%s_fanout" % topic, {"type": "fanout"}) class NotifyPublisher(Publisher): """Publisher class for notifications""" def __init__(self, session, topic): """init a 'topic' publisher. """ super(NotifyPublisher, self).__init__(session, "%s/%s" % (config.FLAGS.control_exchange, topic), {"durable": True}) class Connection(object): """Connection object.""" def __init__(self, server_params=None): self.session = None self.consumers = {} self.consumer_thread = None if server_params is None: server_params = {} default_params = dict(hostname=config.FLAGS.qpid_hostname, port=config.FLAGS.qpid_port, username=config.FLAGS.qpid_username, password=config.FLAGS.qpid_password) params = server_params for key in default_params.keys(): params.setdefault(key, default_params[key]) self.broker = params['hostname'] + ":" + str(params['port']) # Create the connection - this does not open the connection self.connection = qpid.messaging.Connection(self.broker) # Check if flags are set and if so set them for the connection # before we call open self.connection.username = params['username'] self.connection.password = params['password'] self.connection.sasl_mechanisms = config.FLAGS.qpid_sasl_mechanisms self.connection.reconnect = config.FLAGS.qpid_reconnect if config.FLAGS.qpid_reconnect_timeout: self.connection.reconnect_timeout = config.FLAGS.qpid_reconnect_timeout if config.FLAGS.qpid_reconnect_limit: self.connection.reconnect_limit = config.FLAGS.qpid_reconnect_limit if config.FLAGS.qpid_reconnect_interval_max: self.connection.reconnect_interval_max = ( config.FLAGS.qpid_reconnect_interval_max) if config.FLAGS.qpid_reconnect_interval_min: self.connection.reconnect_interval_min = ( config.FLAGS.qpid_reconnect_interval_min) if config.FLAGS.qpid_reconnect_interval: self.connection.reconnect_interval = config.FLAGS.qpid_reconnect_interval self.connection.hearbeat = config.FLAGS.qpid_heartbeat self.connection.protocol = config.FLAGS.qpid_protocol self.connection.tcp_nodelay = config.FLAGS.qpid_tcp_nodelay # Open is part of reconnect - # NOTE(WGH) not sure we need this with the reconnect flags self.reconnect() def _register_consumer(self, consumer): self.consumers[str(consumer.get_receiver())] = consumer def _lookup_consumer(self, receiver): return self.consumers[str(receiver)] def reconnect(self): """Handles reconnecting and re-establishing sessions and queues""" if self.connection.opened(): try: self.connection.close() except qpid.messaging.exceptions.ConnectionError: pass while True: try: self.connection.open() except qpid.messaging.exceptions.ConnectionError, e: LOG.error(_('Unable to connect to AMQP server: %s ') % e) time.sleep(config.FLAGS.qpid_reconnect_interval or 1) else: break LOG.info(_('Connected to AMQP server on %s') % self.broker) self.session = self.connection.session() for consumer in self.consumers.itervalues(): consumer.reconnect(self.session) if self.consumers: LOG.debug(_("Re-established AMQP queues")) def ensure(self, error_callback, method, *args, **kwargs): while True: try: return method(*args, **kwargs) except (qpid.messaging.exceptions.Empty, qpid.messaging.exceptions.ConnectionError), e: if error_callback: error_callback(e) self.reconnect() def close(self): """Close/release this connection""" self.cancel_consumer_thread() self.connection.close() self.connection = None def reset(self): """Reset a connection so it can be used again""" self.cancel_consumer_thread() self.session.close() self.session = self.connection.session() self.consumers = {} def declare_consumer(self, consumer_cls, topic, callback): """Create a Consumer using the class that was passed in and add it to our list of consumers """ def _connect_error(exc): log_info = {'topic': topic, 'err_str': str(exc)} LOG.error(_("Failed to declare consumer for topic '%(topic)s': " "%(err_str)s") % log_info) def _declare_consumer(): consumer = consumer_cls(self.session, topic, callback) self._register_consumer(consumer) return consumer return self.ensure(_connect_error, _declare_consumer) def iterconsume(self, limit=None, timeout=None): """Return an iterator that will consume from all queues/consumers""" def _error_callback(exc): if isinstance(exc, qpid.messaging.exceptions.Empty): LOG.exception(_('Timed out waiting for RPC response: %s') % str(exc)) raise rpc_common.Timeout() else: LOG.exception(_('Failed to consume message from queue: %s') % str(exc)) def _consume(): nxt_receiver = self.session.next_receiver(timeout=timeout) try: self._lookup_consumer(nxt_receiver).consume() except Exception: LOG.exception(_("Error processing message. Skipping it.")) for iteration in itertools.count(0): if limit and iteration >= limit: raise StopIteration yield self.ensure(_error_callback, _consume) def cancel_consumer_thread(self): """Cancel a consumer thread""" if self.consumer_thread is not None: self.consumer_thread.kill() try: self.consumer_thread.wait() except greenlet.GreenletExit: pass self.consumer_thread = None def publisher_send(self, cls, topic, msg): """Send to a publisher based on the publisher class""" def _connect_error(exc): log_info = {'topic': topic, 'err_str': str(exc)} LOG.exception(_("Failed to publish message to topic " "'%(topic)s': %(err_str)s") % log_info) def _publisher_send(): publisher = cls(self.session, topic) publisher.send(msg) return self.ensure(_connect_error, _publisher_send) def declare_direct_consumer(self, topic, callback): """Create a 'direct' queue. In nova's use, this is generally a msg_id queue used for responses for call/multicall """ self.declare_consumer(DirectConsumer, topic, callback) def declare_topic_consumer(self, topic, callback=None): """Create a 'topic' consumer.""" self.declare_consumer(TopicConsumer, topic, callback) def declare_fanout_consumer(self, topic, callback): """Create a 'fanout' consumer""" self.declare_consumer(FanoutConsumer, topic, callback) def direct_send(self, msg_id, msg): """Send a 'direct' message""" self.publisher_send(DirectPublisher, msg_id, msg) def topic_send(self, topic, msg): """Send a 'topic' message""" self.publisher_send(TopicPublisher, topic, msg) def fanout_send(self, topic, msg): """Send a 'fanout' message""" self.publisher_send(FanoutPublisher, topic, msg) def notify_send(self, topic, msg, **kwargs): """Send a notify message on a topic""" self.publisher_send(NotifyPublisher, topic, msg) def consume(self, limit=None): """Consume from all queues/consumers""" it = self.iterconsume(limit=limit) while True: try: it.next() except StopIteration: return def consume_in_thread(self): """Consumer from all queues/consumers in a greenthread""" def _consumer_thread(): try: self.consume() except greenlet.GreenletExit: return if self.consumer_thread is None: self.consumer_thread = eventlet.spawn(_consumer_thread) return self.consumer_thread def create_consumer(self, topic, proxy, fanout=False): """Create a consumer that calls a method in a proxy object""" if fanout: consumer = FanoutConsumer(self.session, topic, rpc_amqp.ProxyCallback(proxy, Connection.pool)) else: consumer = TopicConsumer(self.session, topic, rpc_amqp.ProxyCallback(proxy, Connection.pool)) self._register_consumer(consumer) return consumer Connection.pool = rpc_amqp.Pool(connection_cls=Connection) def create_connection(new=True): """Create a connection""" return rpc_amqp.create_connection(new, Connection.pool) def multicall(context, topic, msg, timeout=None): """Make a call that returns multiple times.""" return rpc_amqp.multicall(context, topic, msg, timeout, Connection.pool) def call(context, topic, msg, timeout=None): """Sends a message on a topic and wait for a response.""" return rpc_amqp.call(context, topic, msg, timeout, Connection.pool) def cast(context, topic, msg): """Sends a message on a topic without waiting for a response.""" return rpc_amqp.cast(context, topic, msg, Connection.pool) def fanout_cast(context, topic, msg): """Sends a message on a fanout exchange without waiting for a response.""" return rpc_amqp.fanout_cast(context, topic, msg, Connection.pool) def cast_to_server(context, server_params, topic, msg): """Sends a message on a topic to a specific server.""" return rpc_amqp.cast_to_server(context, server_params, topic, msg, Connection.pool) def fanout_cast_to_server(context, server_params, topic, msg): """Sends a message on a fanout exchange to a specific server.""" return rpc_amqp.fanout_cast_to_server(context, server_params, topic, msg, Connection.pool) def notify(context, topic, msg): """Sends a notification event on a topic.""" return rpc_amqp.notify(context, topic, msg, Connection.pool) def cleanup(): return rpc_amqp.cleanup(Connection.pool)