Jason Dunsmore f0cbd93447 Always import heat.rpc.api as rpc_api
heat.rpc.api was being imported as rpc_api in some modules and engine_api
in other modules.  Always import heat.rpc.api as rpc_api for consistency.

Change-Id: Ic84ca7fbac7a95eace7f2019c08ee20fa1bc8e5e
2014-12-01 16:28:51 -06:00

513 lines
23 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import os
from oslo.config import cfg
from import exception
import as watches
from heat.common import policy
from heat.common import wsgi
from heat.rpc import api as rpc_api
from heat.rpc import client as rpc_client
from heat.tests import common
from heat.tests import utils
class WatchControllerTest(common.HeatTestCase):
Tests the API class which acts as the WSGI controller,
the endpoint processing API requests after they are routed
def _dummy_GET_request(self, params=None):
# Mangle the params dict into a query string
params = params or {}
qs = "&".join(["=".join([k, str(params[k])]) for k in params])
environ = {'REQUEST_METHOD': 'GET', 'QUERY_STRING': qs}
req = wsgi.Request(environ)
req.context = utils.dummy_context()
return req
# The tests
def test_reformat_dimensions(self):
dims = [{'StackId': u'21617058-781e-4262-97ab-5f9df371ee52',
'Foo': 'bar'}]
self.assertEqual([{'Name': 'StackId',
'Value': u'21617058-781e-4262-97ab-5f9df371ee52'},
{'Name': 'Foo', 'Value': 'bar'}],
def test_enforce_default(self):
params = {'Action': 'ListMetrics'}
dummy_req = self._dummy_GET_request(params)
self.controller.policy.policy_path = None
response = self.controller._enforce(dummy_req, 'ListMetrics')
def test_enforce_denied(self):
params = {'Action': 'ListMetrics'}
dummy_req = self._dummy_GET_request(params)
dummy_req.context.roles = ['heat_stack_user']
self.controller.policy.policy_path = (self.policy_path +
self.controller._enforce, dummy_req, 'ListMetrics')
def test_enforce_ise(self):
params = {'Action': 'ListMetrics'}
dummy_req = self._dummy_GET_request(params)
dummy_req.context.roles = ['heat_stack_user']
self.m.StubOutWithMock(policy.Enforcer, 'enforce')
policy.Enforcer.enforce(dummy_req.context, 'ListMetrics'
self.controller.policy.policy_path = (self.policy_path +
self.controller._enforce, dummy_req, 'ListMetrics')
def test_delete(self):
# Not yet implemented, should raise HeatAPINotImplementedError
params = {'Action': 'DeleteAlarms'}
dummy_req = self._dummy_GET_request(params)
result = self.controller.delete_alarms(dummy_req)
self.assertIsInstance(result, exception.HeatAPINotImplementedError)
def test_describe_alarm_history(self):
# Not yet implemented, should raise HeatAPINotImplementedError
params = {'Action': 'DescribeAlarmHistory'}
dummy_req = self._dummy_GET_request(params)
result = self.controller.describe_alarm_history(dummy_req)
self.assertIsInstance(result, exception.HeatAPINotImplementedError)
def test_describe_all(self):
watch_name = None # Get all watches
# Format a dummy GET request to pass into the WSGI handler
params = {'Action': 'DescribeAlarms'}
dummy_req = self._dummy_GET_request(params)
# Stub out the RPC call to the engine with a pre-canned response
engine_resp = [{u'state_updated_time': u'2012-08-30T14:13:21Z',
u'stack_id': u'21617058-781e-4262-97ab-5f9df371ee52',
u'period': u'300',
u'actions': [u'WebServerRestartPolicy'],
u'topic': None,
u'periods': u'1',
u'statistic': u'SampleCount',
u'threshold': u'2',
u'unit': None,
u'state_reason': None,
u'dimensions': [],
u'namespace': u'system/linux',
u'state_value': u'NORMAL',
u'ok_actions': None,
u'description': u'Restart the WikiDatabase',
u'actions_enabled': None,
u'state_reason_data': None,
u'insufficient_actions': None,
u'metric_name': u'ServiceFailure',
u'comparison': u'GreaterThanThreshold',
u'name': u'HttpFailureAlarm',
u'updated_time': u'2012-08-30T14:10:46Z'}]
self.m.StubOutWithMock(rpc_client.EngineClient, 'call')
('show_watch', {'watch_name': watch_name})
expected = {'DescribeAlarmsResponse': {'DescribeAlarmsResult':
{'MetricAlarms': [
{'EvaluationPeriods': u'1',
'StateReasonData': None,
'AlarmArn': None,
'StateUpdatedTimestamp': u'2012-08-30T14:13:21Z',
'AlarmActions': [u'WebServerRestartPolicy'],
'Threshold': u'2',
'AlarmDescription': u'Restart the WikiDatabase',
'Namespace': u'system/linux',
'Period': u'300',
'StateValue': u'NORMAL',
'ComparisonOperator': u'GreaterThanThreshold',
'AlarmName': u'HttpFailureAlarm',
'Unit': None,
'Statistic': u'SampleCount',
'StateReason': None,
'InsufficientDataActions': None,
'OKActions': None,
'MetricName': u'ServiceFailure',
'ActionsEnabled': None,
[{'Name': 'StackId',
'Value': u'21617058-781e-4262-97ab-5f9df371ee52'}]
# Call the list controller function and compare the response
self.assertEqual(expected, self.controller.describe_alarms(dummy_req))
def test_describe_alarms_for_metric(self):
# Not yet implemented, should raise HeatAPINotImplementedError
params = {'Action': 'DescribeAlarmsForMetric'}
dummy_req = self._dummy_GET_request(params)
result = self.controller.describe_alarms_for_metric(dummy_req)
self.assertIsInstance(result, exception.HeatAPINotImplementedError)
def test_disable_alarm_actions(self):
# Not yet implemented, should raise HeatAPINotImplementedError
params = {'Action': 'DisableAlarmActions'}
dummy_req = self._dummy_GET_request(params)
result = self.controller.disable_alarm_actions(dummy_req)
self.assertIsInstance(result, exception.HeatAPINotImplementedError)
def test_enable_alarm_actions(self):
# Not yet implemented, should raise HeatAPINotImplementedError
params = {'Action': 'EnableAlarmActions'}
dummy_req = self._dummy_GET_request(params)
result = self.controller.enable_alarm_actions(dummy_req)
self.assertIsInstance(result, exception.HeatAPINotImplementedError)
def test_get_metric_statistics(self):
# Not yet implemented, should raise HeatAPINotImplementedError
params = {'Action': 'GetMetricStatistics'}
dummy_req = self._dummy_GET_request(params)
result = self.controller.get_metric_statistics(dummy_req)
self.assertIsInstance(result, exception.HeatAPINotImplementedError)
def test_list_metrics_all(self):
params = {'Action': 'ListMetrics'}
dummy_req = self._dummy_GET_request(params)
# Stub out the RPC call to the engine with a pre-canned response
# We dummy three different metrics and namespaces to test
# filtering by parameter
engine_resp = [{u'timestamp': u'2012-08-30T15:09:02Z',
u'watch_name': u'HttpFailureAlarm',
u'namespace': u'system/linux',
u'metric_name': u'ServiceFailure',
u'data': {u'Units': u'Counter', u'Value': 1}},
{u'timestamp': u'2012-08-30T15:10:03Z',
u'watch_name': u'HttpFailureAlarm2',
u'namespace': u'system/linux2',
u'metric_name': u'ServiceFailure2',
u'data': {u'Units': u'Counter', u'Value': 1}},
{u'timestamp': u'2012-08-30T15:16:03Z',
u'watch_name': u'HttpFailureAlar3m',
u'namespace': u'system/linux3',
u'metric_name': u'ServiceFailure3',
u'data': {u'Units': u'Counter', u'Value': 1}}]
self.m.StubOutWithMock(rpc_client.EngineClient, 'call')
# Current engine implementation means we filter in the API
# and pass None/None for namespace/watch_name which returns
# all metric data which we post-process in the API
{'metric_namespace': None, 'metric_name': None})
expected = {'ListMetricsResponse':
{'Metrics': [{'Namespace': u'system/linux',
[{'Name': 'AlarmName',
'Value': u'HttpFailureAlarm'},
{'Name': 'Timestamp',
'Value': u'2012-08-30T15:09:02Z'},
{'Name': u'Units',
'Value': u'Counter'},
{'Name': u'Value',
'Value': 1}],
'MetricName': u'ServiceFailure'},
{'Namespace': u'system/linux2',
[{'Name': 'AlarmName',
'Value': u'HttpFailureAlarm2'},
{'Name': 'Timestamp',
'Value': u'2012-08-30T15:10:03Z'},
{'Name': u'Units',
'Value': u'Counter'},
{'Name': u'Value',
'Value': 1}],
'MetricName': u'ServiceFailure2'},
{'Namespace': u'system/linux3',
[{'Name': 'AlarmName',
'Value': u'HttpFailureAlar3m'},
{'Name': 'Timestamp',
'Value': u'2012-08-30T15:16:03Z'},
{'Name': u'Units',
'Value': u'Counter'},
{'Name': u'Value',
'Value': 1}],
'MetricName': u'ServiceFailure3'}]}}}
# First pass no query paramters filtering, should get all three
self.assertEqual(expected, self.controller.list_metrics(dummy_req))
def test_list_metrics_filter_name(self):
# Add a MetricName filter, so we should only get one of the three
params = {'Action': 'ListMetrics',
'MetricName': 'ServiceFailure'}
dummy_req = self._dummy_GET_request(params)
# Stub out the RPC call to the engine with a pre-canned response
# We dummy three different metrics and namespaces to test
# filtering by parameter
engine_resp = [{u'timestamp': u'2012-08-30T15:09:02Z',
u'watch_name': u'HttpFailureAlarm',
u'namespace': u'system/linux',
u'metric_name': u'ServiceFailure',
u'data': {u'Units': u'Counter', u'Value': 1}},
{u'timestamp': u'2012-08-30T15:10:03Z',
u'watch_name': u'HttpFailureAlarm2',
u'namespace': u'system/linux2',
u'metric_name': u'ServiceFailure2',
u'data': {u'Units': u'Counter', u'Value': 1}},
{u'timestamp': u'2012-08-30T15:16:03Z',
u'watch_name': u'HttpFailureAlar3m',
u'namespace': u'system/linux3',
u'metric_name': u'ServiceFailure3',
u'data': {u'Units': u'Counter', u'Value': 1}}]
self.m.StubOutWithMock(rpc_client.EngineClient, 'call')
# Current engine implementation means we filter in the API
# and pass None/None for namespace/watch_name which returns
# all metric data which we post-process in the API
{'metric_namespace': None, 'metric_name': None})
expected = {'ListMetricsResponse':
[{'Namespace': u'system/linux',
[{'Name': 'AlarmName',
'Value': u'HttpFailureAlarm'},
{'Name': 'Timestamp',
'Value': u'2012-08-30T15:09:02Z'},
{'Name': u'Units',
'Value': u'Counter'},
{'Name': u'Value',
'Value': 1}],
'MetricName': u'ServiceFailure'}]}}}
# First pass no query paramters filtering, should get all three
self.assertEqual(expected, self.controller.list_metrics(dummy_req))
def test_list_metrics_filter_namespace(self):
# Add a Namespace filter and change the engine response so
# we should get two responses
params = {'Action': 'ListMetrics',
'Namespace': 'atestnamespace/foo'}
dummy_req = self._dummy_GET_request(params)
# Stub out the RPC call to the engine with a pre-canned response
# We dummy three different metrics and namespaces to test
# filtering by parameter
engine_resp = [{u'timestamp': u'2012-08-30T15:09:02Z',
u'watch_name': u'HttpFailureAlarm',
u'namespace': u'atestnamespace/foo',
u'metric_name': u'ServiceFailure',
u'data': {u'Units': u'Counter', u'Value': 1}},
{u'timestamp': u'2012-08-30T15:10:03Z',
u'watch_name': u'HttpFailureAlarm2',
u'namespace': u'atestnamespace/foo',
u'metric_name': u'ServiceFailure2',
u'data': {u'Units': u'Counter', u'Value': 1}},
{u'timestamp': u'2012-08-30T15:16:03Z',
u'watch_name': u'HttpFailureAlar3m',
u'namespace': u'system/linux3',
u'metric_name': u'ServiceFailure3',
u'data': {u'Units': u'Counter', u'Value': 1}}]
self.m.StubOutWithMock(rpc_client.EngineClient, 'call')
# Current engine implementation means we filter in the API
# and pass None/None for namespace/watch_name which returns
# all metric data which we post-process in the API
{'metric_namespace': None, 'metric_name': None})
expected = {'ListMetricsResponse':
[{'Namespace': u'atestnamespace/foo',
[{'Name': 'AlarmName',
'Value': u'HttpFailureAlarm'},
{'Name': 'Timestamp',
'Value': u'2012-08-30T15:09:02Z'},
{'Name': u'Units',
'Value': u'Counter'},
{'Name': u'Value',
'Value': 1}],
'MetricName': u'ServiceFailure'},
{'Namespace': u'atestnamespace/foo',
[{'Name': 'AlarmName',
'Value': u'HttpFailureAlarm2'},
{'Name': 'Timestamp',
'Value': u'2012-08-30T15:10:03Z'},
{'Name': u'Units',
'Value': u'Counter'},
{'Name': u'Value',
'Value': 1}],
'MetricName': u'ServiceFailure2'}]}}}
self.assertEqual(expected, self.controller.list_metrics(dummy_req))
def test_put_metric_alarm(self):
# Not yet implemented, should raise HeatAPINotImplementedError
params = {'Action': 'PutMetricAlarm'}
dummy_req = self._dummy_GET_request(params)
result = self.controller.put_metric_alarm(dummy_req)
self.assertIsInstance(result, exception.HeatAPINotImplementedError)
def test_put_metric_data(self):
params = {u'Namespace': u'system/linux',
u'MetricData.member.1.Unit': u'Count',
u'MetricData.member.1.Value': u'1',
u'MetricData.member.1.MetricName': u'ServiceFailure',
u'Action': u'PutMetricData'}
dummy_req = self._dummy_GET_request(params)
# Stub out the RPC call to verify the engine call parameters
engine_resp = {}
self.m.StubOutWithMock(rpc_client.EngineClient, 'call')
{'watch_name': u'HttpFailureAlarm',
'stats_data': {
'Namespace': u'system/linux',
'ServiceFailure': {
'Value': u'1', 'Unit': u'Count', 'Dimensions': []}}})
expected = {'PutMetricDataResponse': {'PutMetricDataResult':
{'ResponseMetadata': None}}}
self.assertEqual(expected, self.controller.put_metric_data(dummy_req))
def test_set_alarm_state(self):
state_map = {'OK': rpc_api.WATCH_STATE_OK,
for state in state_map.keys():
params = {u'StateValue': state,
u'StateReason': u'',
u'AlarmName': u'HttpFailureAlarm',
u'Action': u'SetAlarmState'}
dummy_req = self._dummy_GET_request(params)
# Stub out the RPC call to verify the engine call parameters
# The real engine response is the same as show_watch but with
# the state overridden, but since the API doesn't make use
# of the response at present we pass nothing back from the stub
engine_resp = {}
self.m.StubOutWithMock(rpc_client.EngineClient, 'call')
{'state': state_map[state],
'watch_name': u'HttpFailureAlarm'})
expected = {'SetAlarmStateResponse': {'SetAlarmStateResult': ''}}
def test_set_alarm_state_badstate(self):
params = {u'StateValue': "baaaaad",
u'StateReason': u'',
u'AlarmName': u'HttpFailureAlarm',
u'Action': u'SetAlarmState'}
dummy_req = self._dummy_GET_request(params)
# should raise HeatInvalidParameterValueError
result = self.controller.set_alarm_state(dummy_req)
self.assertIsInstance(result, exception.HeatInvalidParameterValueError)
def setUp(self):
super(WatchControllerTest, self).setUp()
self.path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
self.policy_path = self.path + "/policy/"
opts = [
cfg.StrOpt('config_dir', default=self.policy_path),
cfg.StrOpt('config_file', default='foo'),
cfg.StrOpt('project', default='heat'),
cfg.CONF.set_default('host', 'host')
self.topic = rpc_api.ENGINE_TOPIC
self.api_version = '1.0'
# Create WSGI controller instance
class DummyConfig(object):
bind_port = 8003
cfgopts = DummyConfig()
self.controller = watches.WatchController(options=cfgopts)
self.controller.policy.enforcer.policy_path = (self.policy_path +