Kanagaraj Manickam 646c08396e Fixes SoftwareConfigService to use Resource object
Fixes SoftwareConfigService to use Resource object
in place resource db api.

Implements blueprint versioned-objects

Change-Id: Idd9b1215275d899bbf8a7c1a603af9c35dda3008
2015-03-18 18:20:00 +05:30

262 lines
10 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from oslo_utils import timeutils
import requests
import six
from six.moves.urllib import parse as urlparse
from heat.common.i18n import _
from heat.common.i18n import _LI
from heat.engine import api
from heat.objects import resource as resource_object
from heat.objects import software_config as software_config_object
from heat.objects import software_deployment as software_deployment_object
from heat.openstack.common import service
from heat.rpc import api as rpc_api
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class SoftwareConfigService(service.Service):
def show_software_config(self, cnxt, config_id):
sc = software_config_object.SoftwareConfig.get_by_id(cnxt, config_id)
return api.format_software_config(sc)
def create_software_config(self, cnxt, group, name, config,
inputs, outputs, options):
sc = software_config_object.SoftwareConfig.create(cnxt, {
'group': group,
'name': name,
'config': {
'inputs': inputs,
'outputs': outputs,
'options': options,
'config': config
'tenant': cnxt.tenant_id})
return api.format_software_config(sc)
def delete_software_config(self, cnxt, config_id):
software_config_object.SoftwareConfig.delete(cnxt, config_id)
def list_software_deployments(self, cnxt, server_id):
all_sd = software_deployment_object.SoftwareDeployment.get_all(
cnxt, server_id)
result = [api.format_software_deployment(sd) for sd in all_sd]
return result
def metadata_software_deployments(self, cnxt, server_id):
if not server_id:
raise ValueError(_('server_id must be specified'))
all_sd = software_deployment_object.SoftwareDeployment.get_all(
cnxt, server_id)
# sort the configs by config name, to give the list of metadata a
# deterministic and controllable order.
all_sd_s = sorted(all_sd, key=lambda sd:
result = [api.format_software_config(sd.config) for sd in all_sd_s]
return result
def _push_metadata_software_deployments(self, cnxt, server_id):
rs = (resource_object.Resource.
get_by_physical_resource_id(cnxt, server_id))
if not rs:
deployments = self.metadata_software_deployments(cnxt, server_id)
md = rs.rsrc_metadata or {}
md['deployments'] = deployments
rs.update_and_save({'rsrc_metadata': md})
metadata_put_url = None
for rd in
if rd.key == 'metadata_put_url':
metadata_put_url = rd.value
if metadata_put_url:
json_md = jsonutils.dumps(md)
requests.put(metadata_put_url, json_md)
def _refresh_software_deployment(self, cnxt, sd, deploy_signal_id):
container, object_name = urlparse.urlparse(
swift_plugin = cnxt.clients.client_plugin('swift')
swift = swift_plugin.client()
headers = swift.head_object(container, object_name)
except Exception as ex:
# ignore not-found, in case swift is not consistent yet
if swift_plugin.is_not_found(ex):'Signal object not found: %(c)s %(o)s') % {
'c': container, 'o': object_name})
return sd
raise ex
lm = headers.get('last-modified')
last_modified = swift_plugin.parse_last_modified(lm)
prev_last_modified = sd.updated_at
if prev_last_modified:
# assume stored as utc, convert to offset-naive datetime
prev_last_modified = prev_last_modified.replace(tzinfo=None)
if prev_last_modified and (last_modified <= prev_last_modified):
return sd
(headers, obj) = swift.get_object(container, object_name)
except Exception as ex:
# ignore not-found, in case swift is not consistent yet
if swift_plugin.is_not_found(ex):
'Signal object not found: %(c)s %(o)s') % {
'c': container, 'o': object_name})
return sd
raise ex
if obj:
cnxt,, jsonutils.loads(obj),
return software_deployment_object.SoftwareDeployment.get_by_id(
def show_software_deployment(self, cnxt, deployment_id):
sd = software_deployment_object.SoftwareDeployment.get_by_id(
cnxt, deployment_id)
if sd.status == rpc_api.SOFTWARE_DEPLOYMENT_IN_PROGRESS:
c = sd.config.config
input_values = dict((i['name'], i['value']) for i in c['inputs'])
transport = input_values.get('deploy_signal_transport')
if transport == 'TEMP_URL_SIGNAL':
sd = self._refresh_software_deployment(
cnxt, sd, input_values.get('deploy_signal_id'))
return api.format_software_deployment(sd)
def create_software_deployment(self, cnxt, server_id, config_id,
input_values, action, status,
status_reason, stack_user_project_id):
sd = software_deployment_object.SoftwareDeployment.create(cnxt, {
'config_id': config_id,
'server_id': server_id,
'input_values': input_values,
'tenant': cnxt.tenant_id,
'stack_user_project_id': stack_user_project_id,
'action': action,
'status': status,
'status_reason': status_reason})
self._push_metadata_software_deployments(cnxt, server_id)
return api.format_software_deployment(sd)
def signal_software_deployment(self, cnxt, deployment_id, details,
if not deployment_id:
raise ValueError(_('deployment_id must be specified'))
sd = software_deployment_object.SoftwareDeployment.get_by_id(
cnxt, deployment_id)
status = sd.status
if not status == rpc_api.SOFTWARE_DEPLOYMENT_IN_PROGRESS:
# output values are only expected when in an IN_PROGRESS state
details = details or {}
ov = sd.output_values or {}
status = None
status_reasons = {}
status_code = details.get(output_status_code)
if status_code and str(status_code) != '0':
status_reasons[output_status_code] = _(
'Deployment exited with non-zero status code: %s'
) % details.get(output_status_code)
event_reason = 'deployment failed (%s)' % status_code
event_reason = 'deployment succeeded'
for output in sd.config.config['outputs'] or []:
out_key = output['name']
if out_key in details:
ov[out_key] = details[out_key]
if output.get('error_output', False):
status_reasons[out_key] = details[out_key]
event_reason = 'deployment failed'
for out_key in rpc_api.SOFTWARE_DEPLOYMENT_OUTPUTS:
ov[out_key] = details.get(out_key)
if status == rpc_api.SOFTWARE_DEPLOYMENT_FAILED:
# build a status reason out of all of the values of outputs
# flagged as error_output
status_reasons = [' : '.join((k, six.text_type(status_reasons[k])))
for k in status_reasons]
status_reason = ', '.join(status_reasons)
status_reason = _('Outputs received')
cnxt, deployment_id=deployment_id,
output_values=ov, status=status, status_reason=status_reason,
config_id=None, input_values=None, action=None,
# Return a string describing the outcome of handling the signal data
return event_reason
def update_software_deployment(self, cnxt, deployment_id, config_id,
input_values, output_values, action,
status, status_reason, updated_at):
update_data = {}
if config_id:
update_data['config_id'] = config_id
if input_values:
update_data['input_values'] = input_values
if output_values:
update_data['output_values'] = output_values
if action:
update_data['action'] = action
if status:
update_data['status'] = status
if status_reason:
update_data['status_reason'] = status_reason
if updated_at:
update_data['updated_at'] = timeutils.normalize_time(
update_data['updated_at'] = timeutils.utcnow()
sd = software_deployment_object.SoftwareDeployment.update_by_id(
cnxt, deployment_id, update_data)
# only push metadata if this update resulted in the config_id
# changing, since metadata is just a list of configs
if config_id:
self._push_metadata_software_deployments(cnxt, sd.server_id)
return api.format_software_deployment(sd)
def delete_software_deployment(self, cnxt, deployment_id):
cnxt, deployment_id)