Pavlo Shchelokovskyy 454a7b0ec1 Add resource_type-specific policies
Heat's `policy.json` now can contain policies of the following schema:

  "resource_types:<resource_type>": "rule"

This will allow cloud admins to control resource access utilizing
user roles, names, tenants and any other oslo.policy-supported rules.

Basic usage is to facilitate fail-early for stacks with resources
that a given user will not be able to actually create
due to role restrictions.

Default policy is 'allow to everyone' (who has passed previous policy
checks on REST API layer).

Resource types that the user will not be able to use due to
resources policy restrictions are hidden from `resource-type-list`.

Current operations that are prohibited if the user
does not pass policy check for a particular "forbidden" resource:
- show resource type for forbidden resource type
- show resource template for forbidden resource type
- create a stack containing a forbidden resource
- delete a stack containing a forbidden resource
- update a stack that already has a forbidden resource
- update a stack initroducing a new forbidden resource
- restore a stack snapshot to a stack that currently has forbidden
Not yet prohibited, need to be fixed:
- restore a stack snapshot that will create a forbidden resource

As first step (and for testing purposes) OS::Nova::Flavor is forbidden
to create for non-admin users. Simple functional test using this
resource is added.

Change-Id: I337306c4f1624552a2631e0ffbb43f0d3102813d
Implements blueprint conditional-resource-exposure
2015-08-25 15:37:26 +03:00

116 lines
4.4 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2011 OpenStack Foundation
# All Rights Reserved.
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# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
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# under the License.
# Based on glance/api/
"""Policy Engine For Heat"""
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_policy import policy
import six
from heat.common import exception
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
DEFAULT_RULES = policy.Rules.from_dict({'default': '!'})
DEFAULT_RESOURCE_RULES = policy.Rules.from_dict({'default': '@'})
class Enforcer(object):
"""Responsible for loading and enforcing rules."""
def __init__(self, scope='heat', exc=exception.Forbidden,
default_rule=DEFAULT_RULES['default'], policy_file=None):
self.scope = scope
self.exc = exc
self.default_rule = default_rule
self.enforcer = policy.Enforcer(
CONF, default_rule=default_rule, policy_file=policy_file)
def set_rules(self, rules, overwrite=True):
"""Create a new Rules object based on the provided dict of rules."""
rules_obj = policy.Rules(rules, self.default_rule)
self.enforcer.set_rules(rules_obj, overwrite)
def load_rules(self, force_reload=False):
"""Set the rules found in the json file on disk."""
def _check(self, context, rule, target, exc, *args, **kwargs):
"""Verifies that the action is valid on the target in this context.
:param context: Heat request context
:param rule: String representing the action to be checked
:param target: Dictionary representing the object of the action.
:raises: self.exc (defaults to heat.common.exception.Forbidden)
:returns: A non-False value if access is allowed.
do_raise = False if not exc else True
credentials = context.to_dict()
return self.enforcer.enforce(rule, target, credentials,
do_raise, exc=exc, *args, **kwargs)
def enforce(self, context, action, scope=None, target=None):
"""Verifies that the action is valid on the target in this context.
:param context: Heat request context
:param action: String representing the action to be checked
:param target: Dictionary representing the object of the action.
:raises: self.exc (defaults to heat.common.exception.Forbidden)
:returns: A non-False value if access is allowed.
_action = '%s:%s' % (scope or self.scope, action)
_target = target or {}
return self._check(context, _action, _target, self.exc, action=action)
def check_is_admin(self, context):
"""Whether or not roles contains 'admin' role according to policy.json
:param context: Heat request context
:returns: A non-False value if the user is admin according to policy
return self._check(context, 'context_is_admin', target={}, exc=None)
class ResourceEnforcer(Enforcer):
def __init__(self, default_rule=DEFAULT_RESOURCE_RULES['default'],
super(ResourceEnforcer, self).__init__(
default_rule=default_rule, **kwargs)
def enforce(self, context, res_type, scope=None, target=None):
# NOTE(pas-ha): try/except just to log the exception
result = super(ResourceEnforcer, self).enforce(
context, res_type,
scope=scope or 'resource_types',
except self.exc as ex:
if not result:
if self.exc:
raise self.exc(action=res_type)
return result
def enforce_stack(self, stack, scope=None, target=None):
for res in stack.resources.values():
self.enforce(stack.context, res.type(), scope=scope, target=target)