Michael Krotscheck 59ccb2f751 Moved CORS middleware configuration into oslo-config-generator
The default values needed for heat's implementation of cors
middleware have been moved from paste.ini into the configuration
hooks provided by oslo.config. Furthermore, these values have been
added to the default configuration parsing. This ensures
that if a value remains unset in heat.conf, it will be set
to use sane defaults, and that an operator modifying the
configuration file will be presented with a default set of
necessary sane headers.

Change-Id: Ie3791007b33788829417ce508a3c719ae626bbce
Closes-Bug: 1551836
2016-03-14 08:19:29 -07:00

106 lines
3.6 KiB

# heat-api pipeline
pipeline = cors request_id faultwrap http_proxy_to_wsgi versionnegotiation osprofiler authurl authtoken context apiv1app
# heat-api pipeline for standalone heat
# ie. uses alternative auth backend that authenticates users against keystone
# using username and password instead of validating token (which requires
# an admin/service token).
# To enable, in heat.conf:
# [paste_deploy]
# flavor = standalone
pipeline = cors request_id faultwrap http_proxy_to_wsgi versionnegotiation authurl authpassword context apiv1app
# heat-api pipeline for custom cloud backends
# i.e. in heat.conf:
# [paste_deploy]
# flavor = custombackend
pipeline = cors request_id faultwrap versionnegotiation context custombackendauth apiv1app
# heat-api-cfn pipeline
pipeline = cors cfnversionnegotiation osprofiler ec2authtoken authtoken context apicfnv1app
# heat-api-cfn pipeline for standalone heat
# relies exclusively on authenticating with ec2 signed requests
pipeline = cors cfnversionnegotiation ec2authtoken context apicfnv1app
# heat-api-cloudwatch pipeline
pipeline = cors versionnegotiation osprofiler ec2authtoken authtoken context apicwapp
# heat-api-cloudwatch pipeline for standalone heat
# relies exclusively on authenticating with ec2 signed requests
pipeline = cors versionnegotiation ec2authtoken context apicwapp
paste.app_factory = heat.common.wsgi:app_factory
heat.app_factory = heat.api.openstack.v1:API
paste.app_factory = heat.common.wsgi:app_factory
heat.app_factory = heat.api.cfn.v1:API
paste.app_factory = heat.common.wsgi:app_factory
heat.app_factory = heat.api.cloudwatch:API
paste.filter_factory = heat.common.wsgi:filter_factory
heat.filter_factory = heat.api.openstack:version_negotiation_filter
paste.filter_factory = oslo_middleware.cors:filter_factory
oslo_config_project = heat
paste.filter_factory = heat.common.wsgi:filter_factory
heat.filter_factory = heat.api.openstack:faultwrap_filter
paste.filter_factory = heat.common.wsgi:filter_factory
heat.filter_factory = heat.api.cfn:version_negotiation_filter
paste.filter_factory = heat.common.wsgi:filter_factory
heat.filter_factory = heat.api.cloudwatch:version_negotiation_filter
paste.filter_factory = heat.common.context:ContextMiddleware_filter_factory
paste.filter_factory =
paste.filter_factory = oslo_middleware:HTTPProxyToWSGI.factory
# Middleware to set auth_url header appropriately
paste.filter_factory = heat.common.auth_url:filter_factory
# Auth middleware that validates token against keystone
paste.filter_factory = keystonemiddleware.auth_token:filter_factory
# Auth middleware that validates username/password against keystone
paste.filter_factory = heat.common.auth_password:filter_factory
# Auth middleware that validates against custom backend
paste.filter_factory = heat.common.custom_backend_auth:filter_factory
# Middleware to set x-openstack-request-id in http response header
paste.filter_factory = oslo_middleware.request_id:RequestId.factory
paste.filter_factory = osprofiler.web:WsgiMiddleware.factory