Angus Salkeld 33eb87b3e2 Add an option to disable cloud watch lite
This also adds a deprecation warning.
This also changes the default to use Ceilometer.

Release message:
Anyone deploying Heat should not be using OS::Heat::CWLiteAlarm, but
CWLiteAlarm should be explictly disabled in /etc/heat/heat.conf by
setting "enable_cloud_watch_lite=false". This will stop Heat from
running a period task check for alarms.

Change-Id: I2a10c14772bdafc001e211d7e94502ac1f6b32b1
Closes-bug: #1322128
2014-09-25 19:42:28 +10:00

451 lines
17 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import copy
import glob
import itertools
import os.path
import warnings
from oslo.config import cfg
import six
from heat.common import environment_format as env_fmt
from heat.common import exception
from heat.common.i18n import _
from heat.engine import support
from heat.openstack.common import log
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
class ResourceInfo(object):
"""Base mapping of resource type to implementation."""
def __new__(cls, registry, path, value, **kwargs):
'''Create a new ResourceInfo of the appropriate class.'''
if cls != ResourceInfo:
# Call is already for a subclass, so pass it through
return super(ResourceInfo, cls).__new__(cls)
name = path[-1]
if name.endswith(('.yaml', '.template')):
# a template url for the resource "Type"
return TemplateResourceInfo(registry, path, value)
elif not isinstance(value, basestring):
return ClassResourceInfo(registry, path, value)
elif value.endswith(('.yaml', '.template')):
# a registered template
return TemplateResourceInfo(registry, path, value)
elif name.endswith('*'):
return GlobResourceInfo(registry, path, value)
return MapResourceInfo(registry, path, value)
def __init__(self, registry, path, value):
self.registry = registry
self.path = path = path[-1]
self.value = value
self.user_resource = True
def __eq__(self, other):
if other is None:
return False
return (self.path == other.path and
self.value == other.value and
self.user_resource == other.user_resource)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __lt__(self, other):
if self.user_resource != other.user_resource:
# user resource must be sorted above system ones.
return self.user_resource > other.user_resource
if len(self.path) != len(other.path):
# more specific (longer) path must be sorted above system ones.
return len(self.path) > len(other.path)
return self.path < other.path
def __gt__(self, other):
return other.__lt__(self)
def get_resource_info(self, resource_type=None, resource_name=None):
return self
def matches(self, resource_type):
return False
def __str__(self):
return '[%s](User:%s) %s -> %s' % (self.description,
self.user_resource,, str(self.value))
class ClassResourceInfo(ResourceInfo):
"""Store the mapping of resource name to python class implementation."""
description = 'Plugin'
def get_class(self):
return self.value
class TemplateResourceInfo(ResourceInfo):
"""Store the info needed to start a TemplateResource.
description = 'Template'
def __init__(self, registry, path, value):
super(TemplateResourceInfo, self).__init__(registry, path, value)
if'.yaml', '.template')):
self.template_name =
self.template_name = value
self.value = self.template_name
def get_class(self):
from heat.engine.resources import template_resource
return template_resource.generate_class(str(,
class MapResourceInfo(ResourceInfo):
"""Store the mapping of one resource type to another.
like: OS::Networking::FloatingIp -> OS::Neutron::FloatingIp
description = 'Mapping'
def get_class(self):
return None
def get_resource_info(self, resource_type=None, resource_name=None):
return self.registry.get_resource_info(self.value, resource_name)
class GlobResourceInfo(MapResourceInfo):
"""Store the mapping (with wild cards) of one resource type to another.
like: OS::Networking::* -> OS::Neutron::*
description = 'Wildcard Mapping'
def get_resource_info(self, resource_type=None, resource_name=None):
orig_prefix =[:-1]
new_type = self.value[:-1] + resource_type[len(orig_prefix):]
return self.registry.get_resource_info(new_type, resource_name)
def matches(self, resource_type):
return resource_type.startswith([:-1])
class ResourceRegistry(object):
"""By looking at the environment, find the resource implementation."""
def __init__(self, global_registry):
self._registry = {'resources': {}}
self.global_registry = global_registry
def load(self, json_snippet):
self._load_registry([], json_snippet)
def register_class(self, resource_type, resource_class):
ri = ResourceInfo(self, [resource_type], resource_class)
self._register_info([resource_type], ri)
def _load_registry(self, path, registry):
for k, v in iter(registry.items()):
if v is None:
self._register_info(path + [k], None)
elif isinstance(v, dict):
self._load_registry(path + [k], v)
self._register_info(path + [k],
ResourceInfo(self, path + [k], v))
def _register_info(self, path, info):
"""place the new info in the correct location in the registry.
path: a list of keys ['resources', 'my_server', 'OS::Nova::Server']
descriptive_path = '/'.join(path)
name = path[-1]
# create the structure if needed
registry = self._registry
for key in path[:-1]:
if key not in registry:
registry[key] = {}
registry = registry[key]
if info is None:
if name.endswith('*'):
# delete all matching entries.
for res_name in registry.keys():
if isinstance(registry[res_name], ResourceInfo) and \
LOG.warn(_('Removing %(item)s from %(path)s') % {
'item': res_name,
'path': descriptive_path})
del registry[res_name]
# delete this entry.
LOG.warn(_('Removing %(item)s from %(path)s') % {
'item': name,
'path': descriptive_path})
registry.pop(name, None)
if name in registry and isinstance(registry[name], ResourceInfo):
if registry[name] == info:
details = {
'path': descriptive_path,
'was': str(registry[name].value),
'now': str(info.value)}
LOG.warn(_('Changing %(path)s from %(was)s to %(now)s') % details)
else:'Registering %(path)s -> %(value)s') % {
'path': descriptive_path,
'value': str(info.value)})
if isinstance(info, ClassResourceInfo):
if info.value.support_status.status != support.SUPPORTED:
info.user_resource = (self.global_registry is not None)
registry[name] = info
def iterable_by(self, resource_type, resource_name=None):
is_templ_type = resource_type.endswith(('.yaml', '.template'))
if self.global_registry is not None and is_templ_type:
# we only support dynamic resource types in user environments
# not the global environment.
# resource with a Type == a template
# we dynamically create an entry as it has not been registered.
if resource_type not in self._registry:
res = ResourceInfo(self, [resource_type], None)
self._register_info([resource_type], res)
yield self._registry[resource_type]
# handle a specific resource mapping.
if resource_name:
impl = self._registry['resources'].get(resource_name)
if impl and resource_type in impl:
yield impl[resource_type]
# handle: "OS::Nova::Server" -> "Rackspace::Cloud::Server"
impl = self._registry.get(resource_type)
if impl:
yield impl
# handle: "OS::*" -> "Dreamhost::*"
def is_a_glob(resource_type):
return resource_type.endswith('*')
globs = itertools.ifilter(is_a_glob, self._registry.keys())
for pattern in globs:
if self._registry[pattern].matches(resource_type):
yield self._registry[pattern]
def get_resource_info(self, resource_type, resource_name=None,
registry_type=None, accept_fn=None):
"""Find possible matches to the resource type and name.
chain the results from the global and user registry to find
a match.
# use cases
# 1) get the impl.
# - filter_by(res_type=X), sort_by(res_name=W, is_user=True)
# 2) in TemplateResource we need to get both the
# TemplateClass and the ResourceClass
# - filter_by(res_type=X, impl_type=TemplateResourceInfo),
# sort_by(res_name=W, is_user=True)
# - filter_by(res_type=X, impl_type=ClassResourceInfo),
# sort_by(res_name=W, is_user=True)
# 3) get_types() from the api
# - filter_by(is_user=False)
# 4) as_dict() to write to the db
# - filter_by(is_user=True)
if self.global_registry is not None:
giter = self.global_registry.iterable_by(resource_type,
giter = []
matches = itertools.chain(self.iterable_by(resource_type,
for info in sorted(matches):
match = info.get_resource_info(resource_type,
if ((registry_type is None or isinstance(match, registry_type)) and
(accept_fn is None or accept_fn(info))):
return match
def get_class(self, resource_type, resource_name=None, accept_fn=None):
if resource_type == "":
msg = _('Resource "%s" has no type') % resource_name
raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=msg)
elif resource_type is None:
msg = _('Non-empty resource type is required '
'for resource "%s"') % resource_name
raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=msg)
elif not isinstance(resource_type, basestring):
msg = _('Resource "%s" type is not a string') % resource_name
raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=msg)
info = self.get_resource_info(resource_type,
if info is None:
msg = _("Unknown resource Type : %s") % resource_type
raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=msg)
return info.get_class()
def as_dict(self):
"""Return user resources in a dict format."""
def _as_dict(level):
tmp = {}
for k, v in iter(level.items()):
if isinstance(v, dict):
tmp[k] = _as_dict(v)
elif v.user_resource:
tmp[k] = v.value
return tmp
return _as_dict(self._registry)
def get_types(self, support_status):
'''Return a list of valid resource types.'''
def is_resource(key):
return isinstance(self._registry[key], (ClassResourceInfo,
def status_matches(cls):
return (support_status is None or
cls.get_class().support_status.status ==
return [name for name, cls in six.iteritems(self._registry)
if is_resource(name) and status_matches(cls)]
class Environment(object):
def __init__(self, env=None, user_env=True):
"""Create an Environment from a dict of varying format.
1) old-school flat parameters
2) or newer {resource_registry: bla, parameters: foo}
:param env: the json environment
:param user_env: boolean, if false then we manage python resources too.
if env is None:
env = {}
if user_env:
from heat.engine import resources
global_registry = resources.global_env().registry
global_registry = None
self.registry = ResourceRegistry(global_registry)
self.registry.load(env.get(env_fmt.RESOURCE_REGISTRY, {}))
if env_fmt.PARAMETERS in env:
self.params = env[env_fmt.PARAMETERS]
self.params = dict((k, v) for (k, v) in six.iteritems(env)
if k != env_fmt.RESOURCE_REGISTRY)
self.constraints = {}
self.stack_lifecycle_plugins = []
def load(self, env_snippet):
self.registry.load(env_snippet.get(env_fmt.RESOURCE_REGISTRY, {}))
self.params.update(env_snippet.get(env_fmt.PARAMETERS, {}))
def patch_previous_parameters(self, previous_env, clear_parameters=[]):
"""This instance of Environment is the new environment where
we are reusing as default the previous parameter values.
previous_parameters = copy.deepcopy(previous_env.params)
# clear the parameters from the previous set as requested
for p in clear_parameters:
previous_parameters.pop(p, None)
# patch the new set of parameters
self.params = previous_parameters
def user_env_as_dict(self):
"""Get the environment as a dict, ready for storing in the db."""
return {env_fmt.RESOURCE_REGISTRY: self.registry.as_dict(),
env_fmt.PARAMETERS: self.params}
def register_class(self, resource_type, resource_class):
self.registry.register_class(resource_type, resource_class)
def register_constraint(self, constraint_name, constraint):
self.constraints[constraint_name] = constraint
def register_stack_lifecycle_plugin(self, stack_lifecycle_name,
def get_class(self, resource_type, resource_name=None):
return self.registry.get_class(resource_type, resource_name)
def get_types(self, support_status=None):
return self.registry.get_types(support_status)
def get_resource_info(self, resource_type, resource_name=None,
return self.registry.get_resource_info(resource_type, resource_name,
def get_constraint(self, name):
return self.constraints.get(name)
def get_stack_lifecycle_plugins(self):
return self.stack_lifecycle_plugins
def read_global_environment(env, env_dir=None):
if env_dir is None:
cfg.CONF.import_opt('environment_dir', 'heat.common.config')
env_dir = cfg.CONF.environment_dir
env_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(env_dir, '*'))
except OSError as osex:
LOG.error(_('Failed to read %s') % env_dir)
for file_path in env_files:
with open(file_path) as env_fd:'Loading %s') % file_path)
env_body = env_fmt.parse(
except ValueError as vex:
LOG.error(_('Failed to parse %(file_path)s') % {
'file_path': file_path})
except IOError as ioex:
LOG.error(_('Failed to read %(file_path)s') % {
'file_path': file_path})