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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
import hashlib
import itertools
import six
from heat.common import exception
from heat.common.i18n import _
from heat.engine import attributes
from heat.engine.cfn import functions as cfn_funcs
from heat.engine import function
class GetParam(function.Function):
A function for resolving parameter references.
Takes the form::
get_param: <param_name>
- <param_name>
- <path1>
- ...
def __init__(self, stack, fn_name, args):
super(GetParam, self).__init__(stack, fn_name, args)
self.parameters = self.stack.parameters
def result(self):
args = function.resolve(self.args)
if not args:
raise ValueError(_('Function "%s" must have arguments') %
if isinstance(args, six.string_types):
param_name = args
path_components = []
elif isinstance(args, collections.Sequence):
param_name = args[0]
path_components = args[1:]
raise TypeError(_('Argument to "%s" must be string or list') %
if not isinstance(param_name, six.string_types):
raise TypeError(_('Parameter name in "%s" must be string') %
parameter = self.parameters[param_name]
except KeyError:
raise exception.UserParameterMissing(key=param_name)
def get_path_component(collection, key):
if not isinstance(collection, (collections.Mapping,
raise TypeError(_('"%s" can\'t traverse path') % self.fn_name)
if not isinstance(key, (six.string_types, int)):
raise TypeError(_('Path components in "%s" '
'must be strings') % self.fn_name)
return collection[key]
return six.moves.reduce(get_path_component, path_components,
except (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError):
return ''
class GetAttThenSelect(cfn_funcs.GetAtt):
A function for resolving resource attributes.
Takes the form::
- <resource_name>
- <attribute_name>
- <path1>
- ...
def _parse_args(self):
if (not isinstance(self.args, collections.Sequence) or
isinstance(self.args, six.string_types)):
raise TypeError(_('Argument to "%s" must be a list') %
if len(self.args) < 2:
raise ValueError(_('Arguments to "%s" must be of the form '
'[resource_name, attribute, (path), ...]') %
self._path_components = self.args[2:]
return tuple(self.args[:2])
def result(self):
attribute = super(GetAttThenSelect, self).result()
if attribute is None:
return None
path_components = function.resolve(self._path_components)
return attributes.select_from_attribute(attribute, path_components)
class GetAtt(GetAttThenSelect):
A function for resolving resource attributes.
Takes the form::
- <resource_name>
- <attribute_name>
- <path1>
- ...
def result(self):
path_components = function.resolve(self._path_components)
attribute = function.resolve(self._attribute)
r = self._resource()
if (r.status in (r.IN_PROGRESS, r.COMPLETE) and
r.action in (r.CREATE, r.ADOPT, r.SUSPEND, r.RESUME,
return r.FnGetAtt(attribute, *path_components)
return None
class Replace(cfn_funcs.Replace):
A function for performing string substitutions.
Takes the form::
template: <key_1> <key_2>
<key_1>: <value_1>
<key_2>: <value_2>
And resolves to::
"<value_1> <value_2>"
This is implemented using Python's str.replace on each key. The order in
which replacements are performed is undefined.
def _parse_args(self):
if not isinstance(self.args, collections.Mapping):
raise TypeError(_('Arguments to "%s" must be a map') %
mapping = self.args['params']
string = self.args['template']
except (KeyError, TypeError):
example = ('''str_replace:
template: This is var1 template var2
var1: a
var2: string''')
raise KeyError(_('"str_replace" syntax should be %s') %
return mapping, string
class GetFile(function.Function):
A function for including a file inline.
Takes the form::
get_file: <file_key>
And resolves to the content stored in the files dictionary under the given
def __init__(self, stack, fn_name, args):
super(GetFile, self).__init__(stack, fn_name, args)
self.files = self.stack.t.files
def result(self):
args = function.resolve(self.args)
if not (isinstance(args, six.string_types)):
raise TypeError(_('Argument to "%s" must be a string') %
f = self.files.get(args)
if f is None:
fmt_data = {'fn_name': self.fn_name,
'file_key': args}
raise ValueError(_('No content found in the "files" section for '
'%(fn_name)s path: %(file_key)s') % fmt_data)
return f
class Join(cfn_funcs.Join):
A function for joining strings.
Takes the form::
{ "list_join" : [ "<delim>", [ "<string_1>", "<string_2>", ... ] ] }
And resolves to::
class JoinMultiple(cfn_funcs.Join):
A function for joining strings.
Takes the form::
{ "list_join" : [ "<delim>", [ "<string_1>", "<string_2>", ... ] ] }
And resolves to::
Optionally multiple lists may be specified, which will also be joined.
def __init__(self, stack, fn_name, args):
example = '"%s" : [ " ", [ "str1", "str2"] ...]' % fn_name
fmt_data = {'fn_name': fn_name,
'example': example}
if isinstance(args, (six.string_types, collections.Mapping)):
raise TypeError(_('Incorrect arguments to "%(fn_name)s" '
'should be: %(example)s') % fmt_data)
delim = args.pop(0)
joinlist = args.pop(0)
except IndexError:
raise ValueError(_('Incorrect arguments to "%(fn_name)s" '
'should be: %(example)s') % fmt_data)
# Optionally allow additional lists, which are appended
for l in args:
joinlist += l
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
raise TypeError(_('Incorrect arguments to "%(fn_name)s" '
'should be: %(example)s') % fmt_data)
super(JoinMultiple, self).__init__(stack, fn_name,
args=[delim, joinlist])
class ResourceFacade(cfn_funcs.ResourceFacade):
A function for obtaining data from the facade resource from within the
corresponding provider template.
Takes the form::
resource_facade: <attribute_type>
where the valid attribute types are "metadata", "deletion_policy" and
) = (
'metadata', 'deletion_policy', 'update_policy'
class Removed(function.Function):
This function existed in previous versions of HOT, but has been removed.
Check the HOT guide for an equivalent native function.
def validate(self):
exp = (_("The function %s is not supported in this version of HOT.") %
raise exception.InvalidTemplateVersion(explanation=exp)
def result(self):
return super(Removed, self).result()
class Repeat(function.Function):
A function for iterating over a list of items.
Takes the form::
<var>: <list>
The result is a new list of the same size as <list>, where each element
is a copy of <body> with any occurrences of <var> replaced with the
corresponding item of <list>.
def __init__(self, stack, fn_name, args):
super(Repeat, self).__init__(stack, fn_name, args)
self._for_each, self._template = self._parse_args()
def _parse_args(self):
if not isinstance(self.args, collections.Mapping):
raise TypeError(_('Arguments to "%s" must be a map') %
for_each = function.resolve(self.args['for_each'])
template = self.args['template']
except (KeyError, TypeError):
example = ('''repeat:
template: This is %var%
%var%: ['a', 'b', 'c']''')
raise KeyError(_('"repeat" syntax should be %s') %
if not isinstance(for_each, collections.Mapping):
raise TypeError(_('The "for_each" argument to "%s" must contain '
'a map') % self.fn_name)
for v in six.itervalues(for_each):
if not isinstance(v, list):
raise TypeError(_('The values of the "for_each" argument to '
'"%s" must be lists') % self.fn_name)
return for_each, template
def _do_replacement(self, keys, values, template):
if isinstance(template, six.string_types):
for (key, value) in zip(keys, values):
template = template.replace(key, value)
return template
elif isinstance(template, collections.Sequence):
return [self._do_replacement(keys, values, elem)
for elem in template]
elif isinstance(template, collections.Mapping):
return dict((self._do_replacement(keys, values, k),
self._do_replacement(keys, values, v))
for (k, v) in template.items())
def result(self):
keys = list(six.iterkeys(self._for_each))
lists = [self._for_each[key] for key in keys]
template = function.resolve(self._template)
return [self._do_replacement(keys, items, template)
for items in itertools.product(*lists)]
class Digest(function.Function):
A function for performing digest operations.
Takes the form::
- <algorithm>
- <value>
Valid algorithms are the ones provided by natively by hashlib (md5, sha1,
sha224, sha256, sha384, and sha512) or any one provided by OpenSSL.
def validate_usage(self, args):
if not (isinstance(args, list) and
all([isinstance(a, six.string_types) for a in args])):
msg = _('Argument to function "%s" must be a list of strings')
raise TypeError(msg % self.fn_name)
if len(args) != 2:
msg = _('Function "%s" usage: ["<algorithm>", "<value>"]')
raise ValueError(msg % self.fn_name)
if args[0].lower() not in hashlib.algorithms:
msg = _('Algorithm must be one of %s')
raise ValueError(msg % six.text_type(hashlib.algorithms))
def digest(self, algorithm, value):
_hash =
return _hash.hexdigest()
def result(self):
args = function.resolve(self.args)
return self.digest(*args)
class StrSplit(function.Function):
A function for splitting delimited strings into a list
and optionally extracting a specific list member by index.
Takes the form::
str_split: [delimiter, string, <index> ]
- delimiter
- string
- <index>
If <index> is specified, the specified list item will be returned
otherwise, the whole list is returned, similar to get_attr with
path based attributes accessing lists.
def __init__(self, stack, fn_name, args):
super(StrSplit, self).__init__(stack, fn_name, args)
example = '"%s" : [ ",", "apples,pears", <index>]' % fn_name
self.fmt_data = {'fn_name': fn_name,
'example': example}
self.fn_name = fn_name
if isinstance(args, (six.string_types, collections.Mapping)):
raise TypeError(_('Incorrect arguments to "%(fn_name)s" '
'should be: %(example)s') % self.fmt_data)
def result(self):
args = function.resolve(self.args)
delim = args.pop(0)
str_to_split = args.pop(0)
except (AttributeError, IndexError):
raise ValueError(_('Incorrect arguments to "%(fn_name)s" '
'should be: %(example)s') % self.fmt_data)
split_list = str_to_split.split(delim)
# Optionally allow an index to be specified
if args:
index = int(args.pop(0))
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(_('Incorrect index to "%(fn_name)s" '
'should be: %(example)s') % self.fmt_data)
res = split_list[index]
except IndexError:
raise ValueError(_('Incorrect index to "%(fn_name)s" '
'should be between 0 and '
% {'fn_name': self.fn_name,
'max_index': len(split_list) - 1})
res = split_list
return res