Angus Salkeld caa1bd8602 Produce more meaningful exception messages in nested stacks
This produces a nested exception like:
 'ValueError: resources.nested.resources.my_server: it is broken, sorry'

This re-uses the path mechanism that StackValidationFailed exception

Change-Id: Id5204c15ee96784e04522ab3c5a8e66900f9a1d3
Closes-bug: 1459837
2015-06-24 08:52:08 +10:00

522 lines
16 KiB

# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the
# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Heat exception subclasses"""
import sys
from oslo_log import log as logging
import six
from six.moves.urllib import parse as urlparse
from six import reraise as raise_
from heat.common.i18n import _
from heat.common.i18n import _LE
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class RedirectException(Exception):
def __init__(self, url):
self.url = urlparse.urlparse(url)
class KeystoneError(Exception):
def __init__(self, code, message):
self.code = code
self.message = message
def __str__(self):
return "Code: %s, message: %s" % (self.code, self.message)
def wrap_exception(notifier=None, publisher_id=None, event_type=None,
"""This decorator wraps a method to catch any exceptions that may
get thrown. It logs the exception as well as optionally sending
it to the notification system.
# TODO(sandy): Find a way to import nova.notifier.api so we don't have
# to pass it in as a parameter. Otherwise we get a cyclic import of
# nova.notifier.api -> nova.utils -> nova.exception :(
# TODO(johannes): Also, it would be nice to use
# utils.save_and_reraise_exception() without an import loop
def inner(f):
def wrapped(*args, **kw):
return f(*args, **kw)
except Exception as e:
# Save exception since it can be clobbered during processing
# below before we can re-raise
exc_info = sys.exc_info()
if notifier:
payload = dict(args=args, exception=e)
# Use a temp vars so we don't shadow
# our outer definitions.
temp_level = level
if not temp_level:
temp_level = notifier.ERROR
temp_type = event_type
if not temp_type:
# If f has multiple decorators, they must use
# six.wraps to ensure the name is
# propagated.
temp_type = f.__name__
notifier.notify(publisher_id, temp_type, temp_level,
# re-raise original exception since it may have been clobbered
raise_(exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2])
return six.wraps(f)(wrapped)
return inner
class HeatException(Exception):
"""Base Heat Exception
To correctly use this class, inherit from it and define
a 'msg_fmt' property. That msg_fmt will get printf'd
with the keyword arguments provided to the constructor.
message = _("An unknown exception occurred.")
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.message = self.msg_fmt % kwargs
except KeyError:
exc_info = sys.exc_info()
# kwargs doesn't match a variable in the message
# log the issue and the kwargs
LOG.exception(_LE('Exception in string format operation'))
for name, value in six.iteritems(kwargs):
LOG.error("%s: %s" % (name, value)) # noqa
raise_(exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2])
def __str__(self):
return six.text_type(self.message).encode('UTF-8')
def __unicode__(self):
return six.text_type(self.message)
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
return self.__class__(**self.kwargs)
class MissingCredentialError(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("Missing required credential: %(required)s")
class BadAuthStrategy(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _('Incorrect auth strategy, expected "%(expected)s" but '
'received "%(received)s"')
class AuthBadRequest(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("Connect error/bad request to Auth service at URL %(url)s.")
class AuthUrlNotFound(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("Auth service at URL %(url)s not found.")
class AuthorizationFailure(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("Authorization failed.")
class NotAuthenticated(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("You are not authenticated.")
class Forbidden(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("You are not authorized to complete this action.")
# NOTE(bcwaldon): here for backwards-compatibility, need to deprecate.
class NotAuthorized(Forbidden):
msg_fmt = _("You are not authorized to complete this action.")
class Invalid(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("Data supplied was not valid: %(reason)s")
class AuthorizationRedirect(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("Redirecting to %(uri)s for authorization.")
class RequestUriTooLong(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("The URI was too long.")
class MaxRedirectsExceeded(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("Maximum redirects (%(redirects)s) was exceeded.")
class InvalidRedirect(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("Received invalid HTTP redirect.")
class RegionAmbiguity(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("Multiple 'image' service matches for region %(region)s. This "
"generally means that a region is required and you have not "
"supplied one.")
class UserParameterMissing(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("The Parameter (%(key)s) was not provided.")
class UnknownUserParameter(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("The Parameter (%(key)s) was not defined in template.")
class InvalidTemplateVersion(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("The template version is invalid: %(explanation)s")
class InvalidTemplateSection(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("The template section is invalid: %(section)s")
class InvalidTemplateParameter(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("The Parameter (%(key)s) has no attributes.")
class InvalidTemplateAttribute(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("The Referenced Attribute (%(resource)s %(key)s)"
" is incorrect.")
class InvalidTemplateReference(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _('The specified reference "%(resource)s" (in %(key)s)'
' is incorrect.')
class UserKeyPairMissing(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("The Key (%(key_name)s) could not be found.")
class FlavorMissing(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("The Flavor ID (%(flavor_id)s) could not be found.")
class EntityNotFound(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("The %(entity)s (%(name)s) could not be found.")
class NovaNetworkNotFound(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("The Nova network (%(network)s) could not be found.")
class PhysicalResourceNameAmbiguity(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _(
"Multiple physical resources were found with name (%(name)s).")
class InvalidTenant(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("Searching Tenant %(target)s "
"from Tenant %(actual)s forbidden.")
class StackNotFound(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("The Stack (%(stack_name)s) could not be found.")
class StackExists(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("The Stack (%(stack_name)s) already exists.")
class HeatExceptionWithPath(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("%(error)s%(path)s%(message)s")
def __init__(self, error=None, path=None, message=None):
self.error = error or ''
self.path = []
if path is not None:
if isinstance(path, list):
self.path = path
elif isinstance(path, six.string_types):
self.path = [path]
result_path = ''
for path_item in self.path:
if isinstance(path_item, int) or path_item.isdigit():
result_path += '[%s]' % path_item
elif len(result_path) > 0:
result_path += '.%s' % path_item
result_path = path_item
self.error_message = message or ''
super(HeatExceptionWithPath, self).__init__(
error=('%s: ' % self.error if self.error != '' else ''),
path=('%s: ' % result_path if len(result_path) > 0 else ''),
def error(self):
return self.error
def path(self):
return self.path
def error_message(self):
return self.error_message
class StackValidationFailed(HeatExceptionWithPath):
class InvalidSchemaError(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("%(message)s")
class ResourceNotFound(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("The Resource (%(resource_name)s) could not be found "
"in Stack %(stack_name)s.")
class SnapshotNotFound(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("The Snapshot (%(snapshot)s) for Stack (%(stack)s) "
"could not be found.")
class TemplateNotFound(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("%(message)s")
class ResourceTypeNotFound(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("The Resource Type (%(type_name)s) could not be found.")
class InvalidResourceType(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("%(message)s")
class InvalidBreakPointHook(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("%(message)s")
class ResourceNotAvailable(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("The Resource (%(resource_name)s) is not available.")
class PhysicalResourceNotFound(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("The Resource (%(resource_id)s) could not be found.")
class WatchRuleNotFound(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("The Watch Rule (%(watch_name)s) could not be found.")
class ResourceFailure(HeatExceptionWithPath):
def __init__(self, exception_or_error, resource, action=None):
self.resource = resource
self.action = action
if action is None and resource is not None:
self.action = resource.action
path = []
res_path = []
if resource is not None:
res_path = [resource.stack.t.get_section_name('resources'),]
if isinstance(exception_or_error, Exception):
if isinstance(exception_or_error, ResourceFailure):
self.exc = exception_or_error.exc
error = exception_or_error.error
message = exception_or_error.error_message
path = exception_or_error.path
self.exc = exception_or_error
error = six.text_type(type(self.exc).__name__)
message = six.text_type(self.exc)
path = res_path
self.exc = None
res_failed = 'Resource %s failed: ' % action.upper()
if res_failed in exception_or_error:
(error, message, new_path) = self._from_status_reason(
path = res_path + new_path
path = res_path
error = None
message = exception_or_error
super(ResourceFailure, self).__init__(error=error, path=path,
def _from_status_reason(self, status_reason):
"""Split the status_reason up into parts.
Given the following status_reason:
"Resource DELETE failed: Exception : resources.AResource: foo"
we are going to return:
("Exception", "resources.AResource", "foo")
parsed = [sp.strip() for sp in status_reason.split(':')]
if len(parsed) >= 4:
error = parsed[1]
message = ': '.join(parsed[3:])
path = parsed[2].split('.')
error = ''
message = status_reason
path = []
return (error, message, path)
class NotSupported(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("%(feature)s is not supported.")
class ResourceActionNotSupported(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("%(action)s is not supported for resource.")
class ResourcePropertyConflict(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _('Cannot define the following properties '
'at the same time: %(props)s.')
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if args:
kwargs.update({'props': ", ".join(args)})
super(ResourcePropertyConflict, self).__init__(**kwargs)
class ResourcePropertyDependency(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _('%(prop1)s cannot be specified without %(prop2)s.')
class ResourcePropertyValueDependency(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _('%(prop1)s property should only be specified '
'for %(prop2)s with value %(value)s.')
class PropertyUnspecifiedError(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _('At least one of the following properties '
'must be specified: %(props)s')
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if args:
kwargs.update({'props': ", ".join(args)})
super(PropertyUnspecifiedError, self).__init__(**kwargs)
class HTTPExceptionDisguise(Exception):
"""Disguises HTTP exceptions so they can be handled by the webob fault
application in the wsgi pipeline.
def __init__(self, exception):
self.exc = exception
self.tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
class EgressRuleNotAllowed(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("Egress rules are only allowed when "
"Neutron is used and the 'VpcId' property is set.")
class Error(HeatException):
msg_fmt = "%(message)s"
def __init__(self, msg):
super(Error, self).__init__(message=msg)
class NotFound(HeatException):
def __init__(self, msg_fmt=_('Not found')):
self.msg_fmt = msg_fmt
super(NotFound, self).__init__()
class InvalidContentType(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("Invalid content type %(content_type)s")
class RequestLimitExceeded(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _('Request limit exceeded: %(message)s')
class StackResourceLimitExceeded(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _('Maximum resources per stack exceeded.')
class ActionInProgress(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("Stack %(stack_name)s already has an action (%(action)s) "
"in progress.")
class StopActionFailed(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("Failed to stop stack (%(stack_name)s) on other engine "
class EventSendFailed(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("Failed to send message to stack (%(stack_name)s) "
"on other engine (%(engine_id)s)")
class ServiceNotFound(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("Service %(service_id)s not found")
class UnsupportedObjectError(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _('Unsupported object type %(objtype)s')
class OrphanedObjectError(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _('Cannot call %(method)s on orphaned %(objtype)s object')
class IncompatibleObjectVersion(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _('Version %(objver)s of %(objname)s is not supported')
class ObjectActionError(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _('Object action %(action)s failed because: %(reason)s')
class ReadOnlyFieldError(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _('Cannot modify readonly field %(field)s')
class ObjectFieldInvalid(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _('Field %(field)s of %(objname)s is not an instance of Field')
class KeystoneServiceNameConflict(HeatException):
msg_fmt = _("Keystone has more than one service with same name "
"%(service)s. Please use service id instead of name")