/** * (c) Copyright 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain * a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ (function() { 'use strict'; /** * @ngdoc overview * @ngname horizon.app.core.images * * @description * Provides all of the services and widgets required * to support and display images related content. */ angular .module('horizon.app.core.images', [ 'ngRoute', 'horizon.app.core.images.actions', 'horizon.app.core.images.details' ]) .constant('horizon.app.core.images.events', events()) .constant('horizon.app.core.images.non_bootable_image_types', ['aki', 'ari']) .constant('horizon.app.core.images.validationRules', validationRules()) .constant('horizon.app.core.images.imageFormats', imageFormats()) .constant('horizon.app.core.images.resourceType', 'OS::Glance::Image') .constant('horizon.app.core.images.statuses', { 'active': gettext('Active'), 'saving': gettext('Saving'), 'queued': gettext('Queued'), 'pending_delete': gettext('Pending Delete'), 'killed': gettext('Killed'), 'deleted': gettext('Deleted') }) .constant('horizon.app.core.images.transitional-statuses', [ "saving", "queued", "pending_delete" ]) .run(run) .config(config); run.$inject = [ 'horizon.framework.conf.resource-type-registry.service', 'horizon.app.core.images.basePath', 'horizon.app.core.images.service', 'horizon.app.core.images.statuses', 'horizon.app.core.images.resourceType', 'horizon.framework.util.filters.$memoize', 'horizon.app.core.openstack-service-api.keystone' ]; function run(registry, basePath, imagesService, statuses, imageResourceType, $memoize, keystone) { registry.getResourceType(imageResourceType) .setNames(gettext('Image'), gettext('Images')) .setSummaryTemplateUrl(basePath + 'details/drawer.html') .setItemInTransitionFunction(imagesService.isInTransition) .setProperties(imageProperties(imagesService, statuses)) .setListFunction(imagesService.getImagesPromise) .tableColumns .append({ id: 'owner', priority: 1, filters: [$memoize(keystone.getProjectName)], policies: [{rules: [['identity', 'identity:get_project']]}] }) .append({ id: 'name', priority: 1, sortDefault: true, urlFunction: imagesService.getDetailsPath }) .append({ id: 'type', priority: 1 }) .append({ id: 'status', priority: 1, itemInTransitionFunction: imagesService.isInTransition }) .append({ id: 'visibility', priority: 1 }) .append({ id: 'protected', priority: 1 }) .append({ id: 'disk_format', priority: 2 }) .append({ id: 'size', priority: 2 }); registry.getResourceType(imageResourceType).filterFacets .append({ label: gettext('Name'), name: 'name', isServer: true, singleton: true, persistent: true }) .append({ label: gettext('Status'), name: 'status', isServer: true, singleton: true, options: [ {label: gettext('Active'), key: 'active'}, {label: gettext('Saving'), key: 'saving'}, {label: gettext('Queued'), key: 'queued'}, {label: gettext('Pending Delete'), key: 'pending_delete'}, {label: gettext('Killed'), key: 'killed'}, {label: gettext('Deactivated'), key: 'deactivated'}, {label: gettext('Deleted'), key: 'deleted'} ] }) .append({ label: gettext('Visibility'), name: 'visibility', isServer: false, singleton: true, options: [ {label: gettext('Public'), key: 'public'}, {label: gettext('Private'), key: 'private'}, {label: gettext('Shared With Project'), key: 'shared'}, {label: gettext('Unknown'), key: 'unknown'} ] }) .append({ label: gettext('Protected'), name: 'protected', isServer: true, singleton: true, options: [ {label: gettext('Yes'), key: 'true'}, {label: gettext('No'), key: 'false'} ] }) .append({ label: gettext('Format'), name: 'disk_format', isServer: true, singleton: true, options: [ {label: gettext('AKI'), key: 'aki'}, {label: gettext('AMI'), key: 'ami'}, {label: gettext('ARI'), key: 'ari'}, {label: gettext('Docker'), key: 'docker'}, {label: gettext('ISO'), key: 'iso'}, {label: gettext('OVA'), key: 'ova'}, {label: gettext('PLOOP'), key: 'ploop'}, {label: gettext('QCOW2'), key: 'qcow2'}, {label: gettext('Raw'), key: 'raw'}, {label: gettext('VDI'), key: 'vdi'}, {label: gettext('VHD'), key: 'vhd'}, {label: gettext('VMDK'), key: 'vmdk'} ] }) .append({ label: gettext('Min. Size (bytes)'), name: 'size_min', isServer: true, singleton: true }) .append({ label: gettext('Max. Size (bytes)'), name: 'size_max', isServer: true, singleton: true }); } /** * @ngdoc constant * @name horizon.app.core.images.validationRules * @description constants for use in validation fields */ function validationRules() { return { integer: /^[0-9]+$/, fieldMaxLength: 255 }; } /** * @ngdoc constant * @name horizon.app.core.images.imageFormats * @description constants for list of image types in dropdowns */ function imageFormats() { return { iso: gettext('ISO - Optical Disk Image'), ova: gettext('OVA - Open Virtual Appliance'), ploop: gettext('PLOOP - Virtuozzo/Parallels Loopback Disk'), qcow2: gettext('QCOW2 - QEMU Emulator'), raw: gettext('Raw'), vdi: gettext('VDI - Virtual Disk Image'), vhd: gettext('VHD - Virtual Hard Disk'), vmdk: gettext('VMDK - Virtual Machine Disk'), aki: gettext('AKI - Amazon Kernel Image'), ami: gettext('AMI - Amazon Machine Image'), ari: gettext('ARI - Amazon Ramdisk Image'), docker: gettext('Docker') }; } /** * @name imageProperties * @description resource properties for image module */ function imageProperties(imagesService, statuses) { return { id: gettext('ID'), checksum: gettext('Checksum'), members: gettext('Members'), min_disk: gettext('Min. Disk'), min_ram: gettext('Min. RAM'), name: gettext('Name'), owner: gettext('Owner'), tags: gettext('Tags'), updated_at: gettext('Updated At'), virtual_size: gettext('Virtual Size'), visibility: gettext('Visibility'), description: gettext('Description'), architecture: gettext('Architecture'), kernel_id: gettext('Kernel ID'), ramdisk_id: gettext('Ramdisk ID'), created_at: gettext('Created At'), container_format: { label: gettext('Container Format'), filters: ['uppercase'] }, disk_format: { label: gettext('Disk Format'), filters: ['noValue', 'uppercase'] }, is_public: { label: gettext('Is Public'), filters: ['yesno'] }, type: { label: gettext('Type'), filters: [imagesService.imageType] }, 'protected': { label: gettext('Protected'), filters: ['yesno'] }, size: { label: gettext('Size'), filters: ['bytes'] }, status: { label: gettext('Status'), values: statuses } }; } /** * @ngdoc value * @name horizon.app.core.images.events * @description a list of events for images * @returns {Object} The event object */ function events() { return { VOLUME_CHANGED: 'horizon.app.core.images.VOLUME_CHANGED', IMAGE_CHANGED: 'horizon.app.core.images.IMAGE_CHANGED', IMAGE_METADATA_CHANGED: 'horizon.app.core.images.IMAGE_METADATA_CHANGED', IMAGE_UPLOAD_PROGRESS: 'horizon.app.core.images.IMAGE_UPLOAD_PROGRESS' }; } config.$inject = [ '$provide', '$windowProvider', '$routeProvider' ]; /** * @name config * @param {Object} $provide * @param {Object} $windowProvider * @param {Object} $routeProvider * @description Routes used by this module. * @returns {undefined} Returns nothing */ function config($provide, $windowProvider, $routeProvider) { var path = $windowProvider.$get().STATIC_URL + 'app/core/images/'; $provide.constant('horizon.app.core.images.basePath', path); $routeProvider.when('/project/images/:id', { redirectTo: goToAngularDetails }); $routeProvider.when('/admin/images/:id/detail', { redirectTo: goToAngularDetails }); $routeProvider.when('/project/images', { templateUrl: path + 'panel.html' }); $routeProvider.when('/admin/images', { templateUrl: path + 'admin-panel.html' }); function goToAngularDetails(params) { return 'project/ngdetails/OS::Glance::Image/' + params.id; } } })();